Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 25, 1912, Image 8

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    Thursday, April 25th, 1912,
| en
d !
Bhoe to keep house for a fam- | On Friday, Baturday and next Tues-
'r 5 akers, about
health, from the boat mak 0 16
Mrs. John 8. Holter, of Johnson-
arg, formerly, Miss Bertha Bennl
son with her Ittle daughter Marion
are guests of Mrs, 8, H, Bennison
i |
Ay | roan and her physician, Dr, McEn- UNIONVILLE. ROMOLA. | Bnow
. { . .
tire, in the hope of het restoration to Harold Fisher received a fing wat | Migs Emma Kreager has gone to |ily
The oturned on the 5 o'clock trad
Fhey returned o oi Lin, the arrival of a big girl baby the falled to file their election ex
Lock Haven to work Our \ {day the Potter-Hov Hardware com-
(Continued) {| James R. Lehman, representing the | paving first had thelr little moe
u school closed lust Friday. April | . t
in length, “all painted red” ang gpg Mr. and Mrs, George Heverly have | the 12th pany will give public demonstrations
b noe . . b pense pccounts y (OW § 5 ‘
department of internal affairs at | shipped home by freight | Alonza Brickley, of Juniata, spent a May now take their
i 4 op \ 1 i ) Thurs pe _" p arse} o ay with his parents. J. R Aric cals as members of the Billtown leg-
Harrisburg, was in town on yur Prof. J. 8. Fox will teach an Sunday wi lis parents, J. R. Brick.
day last week he and Howard peters returned from a visit among rela- | ( he use of dynamite to facilitate
took a ride on it on old Bald Bugle | (yes and friends in, Altoona. The five
day. looking after department busi weeks term of school thi
{ Howard where they cast } Williamsport councilmen | certain w h See their an-
0 i y ¢ IT) » “ : > n :
Hensyl Young wenrs a broad smile whose seats were contested because nouncement 1 another part of thi
islature The judge passed upon ths
mer } matter and sald It would be all right
a vil rive special attention a + Ww anvhod w fl .
“The new-born May Ness, and will give Dé on to § , when anyhod writes a let to file the accounts now and date ‘em ay
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Pletcher's two | those preparing to teach, i ww of Importance you want to sign | back
As cradeled yet in April's lap she | daughters, Myrtle and Alma, are | number of students will attend from | your name, unless you are ashamed
lay. quite musically inclined, and area distance { the name. Ha, ha
We Pay 17c for
Born in yon blaze of radient sky, atl a rag ~ y xd of al I. EB. Griest, or more familiar Miss Myrtle Young spent Sunda ‘ \
greatly rejoicing over the gift ‘ ' y, Is ng pent Sunday | I'he horrible disaster tha wfel the
Sweet May! thy radient form unfold, | © =" plano from their parents | “Bud” Griest, and chaperone uter | with Miss Lizzie Poorman i [on Brent mloainahin hE oa one a Country Cured Ham
to Dec. 1 1911 the time r¢
quired by law
Unclose thy blue, voluptuous eye,
And wave thy shadowy locks of |
cared | spending the entire winter in
. f
Burton French, who formerly - vias jew. ; -
for John M. Robb's livery business, | ire expected home In a few rhe Sunday
tha \ 48 163 ud forwarded . LOY
and was a most competent man, has the meantime bu . inday and noy
minenss lcehery bh « { ¢
Newrtr Jeelorg ank of Bee our line of premiums we
sewioundiand hie 1031 t
A 1 in I Of the give with cash purchases
ized world Iver x 14 hundred
hospital, | BY of curiosities he carved { I come, and
in | orange wood-—which Is a ] ke an intere
fine grained white wood—during his Mrs, Rose Ann
in Our Churches Next Sabbath. | Just left the Lock Hay en {in
. ‘hs ' > Ww jr. | cony escent from pleurisy, and is
Christian  Chapel— Pastor : Mr
ound a watery grave, and the We pay for Potatoes.... $1.25
miles to We pay for Butter.... 31e
i wr to ’ : ays
If past | town visiting toh “gpare” moments, with his rusty pock Monday caller at her f } . ‘ Pa bn ho +3 . x ry
Miss Lulu J Holter, who was at { They consist of me rks Heverly, Bay : : . an
Patterson will preach at ha
Priices subject to change.
| kni
! brought home from the Normal school kat
it | oWIS
knives, table and tea ! fohn Packer, of Or
to recuperate after a serious attack | a tuary, ete, el The nr Pa the John Robb farm of
typhoid fever, returned to Ne | vibition in his store where
work last Friday, hoping to be able |, "co free, gratis, for nothis
| to graduate with the class,
Howard Gillen, the Grocer.
Methodist Episcopal-—Pastor James
BE. Dunning will preach ut Beech
Creek at half past ten, at. Hunter's
Run at half past two and in Howard
at half past seven | The Ladies’ Ald Society of thi I hope your readers will par
United Evangelical—Pastor M J Evangelical church will dispense | if 1 sav a few words about
Snyder will preach at Jacksonville at rht a
half past ten and in Howard at half | _ 0 ce cream and cakes and lunch | hy do express my sincere th
past seven
i next Saturday evening at the store | 411 who remembered me so ki
Reformed-—Pastor | I. Faust wil | room vacated by I. H. Thompson sending me such heautiful
preach in Howard at half past ten, at H. Yoda: ~ ¢ the cad on. dagt  Suturds
Marsh Creek at half past two, and at yer, 0 hoa as wid mot pom
Jacksonville at half past seven 4
Christian Scientist—Service at the
home of 8. J. Wolf at half past ten i18pices of
spent a day or two here
Mra. Willmenla Packs
and see them,
smiles. good cheer and “god but it {8 my desire to thank a
apprentice school of the P wis
ompany conducted under L
the Pennsyvivania State
18 the guest of his sister,
A Narrow Escape. A
IL.ast Monday fternoon little ten » F. Faust
year-old Harold Mayes went over to Mrs. Zelma E. Jordon having
his father's farm to bring home the | siimed the detall management of
hospita), EERE ERR
family cow. On the way home, with grocery store, freshened up the room
heen. at which ere mail Still Continues—Better Values yet in Carpets, Mattings and Linoleums.
a boy's inexperience and assurance, |and renewed the stock old customers | KEE rhe + Tioutzaon To All Who Contemplate Buying Carpets Now or Afterwhile
Johnstown urs i We Can and Will Save You Money.
he tied the short rope halter with ew glad to see
which he was leading her, around his |; 8 many r
body, bringing him quite close to the
cow. All went well until he reached
town when for some unknown reason
the cow jumped ind jerked Harold
off his f , frightening her all the
ore, an wi Harold dangling about ui :
— t ad in the adr, and | oe . t ho died ir . } “amd ; $2250 TAPESTRY BRUSSELS RUGS 75¢ TAPESTRY BRUSSELS CAR-
dragging through the 1, she started | 1,4, jo Ki {ahora City, Of : SIZE 9X12 FEET, At $14.75 PET YARD AT $49
to ru ly good fortune she turned y " BR thes 3 haan colar al . : - - Woven in one solid piece. Large . y df
into the nar v o leading to Dr iy oy n 4 Wf 3, = f X ot > 1 v Ive} py ' xz ’ selection of choice patterns and col-
Kurtz's table whers she was stop- i . - { ‘ oy : o - ore “ ” ; i a The oles § arn an gel.
ped. Mr Villian . nn Lt his r so ‘ I i" made in this country,
Guaranteed pure worsted face
excellent variety of patterns
home ros the treat, saw the : i Pp il N
trouble and hastened to the aid of the pot oh : i ‘ aed y p: y :
ka Fam. amd n 1 p the shot , ] f va IY hat OTHER GOOD RUG VALUES |
3 rt y r SLOT { ed Hem ' ! $25.00 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, Size | : ALU IN CARPETS.
12 feet at $1550. $28.50 .Seamless
Velvet Rugs, size 9x12 feet at $16.7¢ 3H carpets at 95¢
$32.50 Whittals Bo Brussels
size 9x12 feet at $22.50.
I x
Tapestry Brussels Carpets at
ingrain Carpets at 49
$10.00 Japanese Mattings at v |
Each roll contains 40 { gi | Oc EXTRA HEAVY LINOLEUM,
good designs Ff \ RC 4
$7.85 Extra Fine Japanese
~40 yards to roll—Carpet
and worth up to $11.00 a rc
Another Bachelor Gone er nference of the 4 ' ' : J $8.95 for 116 Warp China
f J LR , : : ! the pastorate of Re me 4 { 0 yards to roll—Extra heavy
worth $12.50 4
Allegheny St. Katz & Co., Bellefonte.
OU'LL see a lot of these fine suits
on well-dressed men this Spring;
clothes that have a distinction of style
TT about them that
BIO CE isnt found with
most clothes
you see.
Tk Sim Store
have them designed that
way; smart style; they
give a man an air of qual-
ity which none but best
clothes can give. You
Sand! Sand!
Willian Rurnside
nine and ship a high grade
ling sand, plastering
sand from J
Ming it i « spent Satur
day with friends y Blanchard
Brother } and Joseph Gardner
were Bellefonte ‘ 8 on Friday
Ji i am standing
Mr. ar lam Smith were a year the station for a little time
eastward passengers No 0, Sat las Satur vhile ittended to
urday uginess elpey re The improved
Mrs. Rumberger Renovo, spent the opportu \ start for home
Sunday with her friend, Mrs. John | Without Jacol supervision, and fall.
i. Holter. ing to measure fistance correctly 8
they turned from Black Street inte
Mrs. John B. Holter spent Monday ’ i . \ nto
Walnut the wheels of the wagon
with her cousin, Mrs. Custard, at
. caught the rner post of the Lucas
Hiate College.
A store awning and post and big sign
Tower operator Bulkley and daugh- | attached to it scattered themselves
ter, Miss R! ea m ide a business trip | over the ground. fortunately without
to Altoona Frida further dai ;
want these clothes, and
we know it; that's one
reason we sell them; the
other reason is, they're
the kind of clothes you
M. I. Gardner. of Bellefonte, was
Khe Sunday guest of his sister, Mra pupils has been arranged for by Miss
annie G. Leathers
. May ( Johnson, who was the suc-
Mrs. Jacob Kundtz, of Columbu# | ceuaful teacher of the third grade
Ohlo, Is visiting with her father, | quring the past regular term. Miss |
Capt. H. C. Holter {Johnson will open her school Monday,
Mrs. John Holmes and Mra. 8. H. | May 6, continue it for six weeks, and
Bennison were eastward passengers will receive ail pupils from the pri- |
on No. 50 Saturday mary to the eighth grade. By that
ought to want; the kind
Mrs. A. C. Leathers entertained | f'me the little people will have had a that are t for you to
on Sunday her cousin, Miss Julia | ®00d rest from school work and can MODEL C.
Curtin. of Bellefonte begin and go through with a six wear.
Kiine and Wolf put a new galvan- week's course, while the weather 1s | HOME MADE GAS
The largest showing of
ised iron roof on their store building |7®' ¢0mfortable, with great benefit FOR LIGHTING AND COOKING
) ;
good Clothes in Central
Penna awaits you here.
A summer school for our younger
Monday and Tuesday i -——
Mrs. John Wentzel enjoyed a visit | A COBURN,
from her sister, Mrs. David Gunsal- | Prof. A J. Harter, of Altoona, Is vis-
lus, of Beech Creek last week iting his brother, J. B. Harter,
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Lucas and lit-
tle daughter were guests over Sun-
day of thelr brother, C, C. Lucas and
B. F. Vonada, of Marion, left
Sunday morning for Chicago, to at-
tend the funeral of his brother-in-
law, John Lutz
Mrs. McKinney and Mrs. A. C.
Smith attended the funeral of their
relative, Miss Cunningham, in Belle
fonte, Saturday.
Miss Ella Kane, of Pittsburg, came
in for a week-end visit with her sis-
ter, Miss Annle, who has been suf-
fering with rheumatism,
Aged Mrs. Bouse, who has been an
invalid for many months, was remov-
ed to the Lock Haven hospital Sat-
urday by her daughter, Mrs. BEB. C,
arthur and past nravent, two INE PILOT GAS PLANT
bright young boys of Dewart, are
having a happy time with their un-
cles, nunts and cousins,
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Smith, of Centre
HILL, spent a short time at the home
of W. H. Ertle on Sunday.
Frank Dingess left on Tuesday for
Akron, O., to seek employment.
The omission of the letter t made
one of our items sound egotistic in-
stead of communistic, as Intended.
Farmers who want to learn some-
thing regarding the use of dynamiie
should attend the demonstrations on
Friday, Saturday and Tuesday by the
Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. Bee thelr
announcement elsewhere in this is-
Supplies & city convenience to Coun:
try Homes—Cheaper than Kerosene.
Installed in cellar or outbuildings.
Clean and Cheap for cooking—A Geel!
Kitchen in Summer.
No Matches Needed,
Pilot Gas Plants Installad Complete,
Ready for Use and Guaranteed,
Wilfrid I Miller,
Got Estimate, |
opyright Hart Schaffner & Marx
Sim The Clothier