Page 6. -le AVAAWMAAL WN Correspondents’ Department Bright, Newsy Letters From the Various Sections of the County. AVVMMLLAAAMMMLIAMMAMVA AVE AWA FVEAVIAVIAVVVAMVA MIAMI RV, | AAW YARNELL. Elmer Pownell, an employee of the P. R. R, of Galeton, is spending a few weeks with his mother, Mrs, Nettle Pownell, Mrs, Jerome Confer, past few months has Howard, has returned here Chester Mills, who Confer for returned on sometime, Malcolm Poorman, Sunday with his parents, Mrs. Fleming Poorman Calvin Pownell, of New his son Claude of Ste Ohio, are visiting relatives former is a Gospel Worker latter a captain of the Army. They held a service on Sunday nounced meetings for lev. Miller prea hed sermon at this place ing Mrs. Kerin, few days ity. Arthur Yarnell, since school has Anna Shank entertained C. girls and a few friends Saturday evening. All report joyable time Malcolm Poorman, Altoona, a visitor in town over Sunday. Lawrence Croft, Ellis and mantha Pownell and Anna spent Sunday at Arista ush Grove The farmers tween showers The Ladies Ald will hold supper Mrs. Ira Confer's Saturday evening, April cream and 1 The proceeds church. All On Wednes gave a birthd ter Fy | day. Those Hannah Yarnell Gladys a nice Taura celebr for the with her home who been to her Weller, has been the past Monday of Pine emploved by Ed four summers to remain for (irove of Altoona, Mr, spent and York, and bensville here, The and the Salygtion interesting and an- the week his fa Sunday very evening rewell morn- and Christina are in O'Neil, Arthur of Mosgshannon, with friends snending a this vicin no place like closed the says, there is N. A it her home an en of was Sa Shank l.ucas’ nt are busy plowing very 1 a the hom Speer. « day m and took Mr. and ornin the = community. Monday afternoon, ning pastor of the ficiated, interment etery. of this entire pervices on James Dun- church, of- Curtin cem- mpathy Funeral Rev, M in | A the ROMOLA. (Held over from Inst week.) Mrs. Harry Council, of Beech Creek, | is visiting at the home of her parents, | Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Yeager. Calvin Yeager, George McKissle and Milford Oyler, who have been on the mick list, are all much Improved at this writing. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Fye departed on Monday morning for Philipsburg to attend the funeral of thelr son-in-law, Harry Hallabaugh. Wilson Miller, Walter Mann and Wardle Yeager departed on Monday morning for N. Y. where they expect to ind employment for the summer. The entertainment held In Knoll's school house last Wednesday evening roved to be a decided success. The use was filled to its utmost capaci- ty and all who were present report having enjoyed the evening very much, Much praise is due Miss Tessa Confer, the teacher, also the pupils of the school, HANNAM, Miss Lena Wiser and cousin, Miss Ethel Richards, of Osceola Mills, have Héturned home fairer Spending fa cone 0 ays wit e former's parents, r. and Mrs. W. J. Wiser. Wm. Wills spent Sunday afternoon at the home of J. C. Mark's. Miss Jennle Williams t Sunday with her friend, Miss Lillie Jones, Anna and Bessie Marks spent Sun- afternoon with thelr friend, Lena JULIAN. | not | Ho! Readers! mavhe I thead, but I saw a white on March the 17 anyone it one better? , Our farmer god preparatory gummer crops The Italians’ consisting of 156 the sidetrack here working on this end McDonnald's division, just below town, It is anticipated and obliging station agent, Bullock, will nothing but his front porch when the warms up sufliciently Did why? Because Martin Harbridge ted bran new banisters around it last week, which adds greatly to Its appearance Mrs. Wm. Richard accor her son Bevd, spent in Mill Hall Our merchant, E ». Beals, h his to Irvin G Gray, operating the same Morgan Richards, Han but now of Jersey up from that busy little our town a visit last week Herbert Finch arrived In town week with his mudslinging tools and finished plastering Mrs kitchen, bullt last fall The wheat fields, which served fre the riter's window, lo Ff If all the wheat the farmers should uraged Julian's ris present learn operator with ny R am butterfly KO the | their down out turning putting nr to rolling car men palace stationed on The 'men are of Patrick ends Is Mi which that our popular 0% git on weather Ge do Vou npanied 18 BO gtore who | formerly of Ju Shore, drove city and pald last Swope's may be ol mm ne FILLMORE 1 va have come hack th to spend another sum mer Ve on 1 rain on Monda) farmers back wit} re that will 1 the their plowing Charles Lytel purchased a new gy, It Is "a We had a help the old There will Sunday at 9 iat 10:30 A. m {of this place bug beaut.” new scribe one along be Sunday school next 30 a. m., and preaching at the M. E. church Everybody come, COLYER. Among the sick are | Jordan and the Infant Robert Glasgow; hope | soon recover | last week Mr. jeorge daughter of they may {and Walter from Reedsville, and Mrs, Edward Horner and children from near Peru, and Mrs. Wm. Searson and sons from Houseville, pald their parent a brief visit Misses Myra Rockey and Elizabeth Bitner were shopping at Bellefonte last Friday. Mrs. Earnest Treaster spent a few days visiting with friends at Coburn. Mr. and Mrs, Schaffer, of near Cen- tre Hall, spent Sunday at the home of their son Roy, of this place, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boal and children, of near Peru, spent Sunday at the home of Mra Boal's parefits, Mr. and Mra, P. 8. Boal STORMSTOWN, Misses Edith ;and Hazel Lytle and Frank Ebbs spent Sunday at D. R. Thomas at Loveville, There was a surprise party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D, C. Harpster in honor of their daughter's nine. teenth birthday; those present were Luther and Arthur Rider and William Gates, of Gatesburg; Gilbert and Earl Waite, Nora Gummo, May Zeek, Maud Huey, Mary Hartsock, Paul Hartsock, of Buffalo; Boyd Johnson, of Bleepy Hollow, THE CENTRE DEMOCRA ————————— are | fields | » to | Mra. Rush Dippery and sons Charles AMALIA | @ rervvmuevnean@ NITTANY. ar Dorman eft st Mill Hall ployment Roy Baker lL.ock Haven this winter this summer If VvOuy handles goods, Hiram fam algo spent The Mond He re (8 °T where has farm fresh had MED his children | Burding wrden made Mr. and Mi Jersey Shore A. MeDowel frier certalr EAGLE. AARONSBURG } Robt Bu Warren spent the ing at Wolfs Store WINGATE. of Bnow Shoe our street Wednesday even) EfMe Hosborn, of Unionville, Thursday with her mother, Mra. J Halnes, Mrs, I. 8. Way, on Young and son, of Bellefonte, spent Sunday evening with her par ents, Mr. and Mra. Edd. Long Mrs. Rosle Bumbarger entertained {some of the prominent young people {of this place on Sunday evening | Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Long are ree Joleing over the arrival of a beguti. (ful baby boy: the mother Is getting {along fine | TYLERSVILLE, | Miss Falry Greninger, who had been working at Cedar Springs a few | weeks, returned home last Saturday, Mrs. Edward Frank and children, of Rebersburg, visited her parents, Harvey Zellers, a few days last week, Mr. and Mrs, Wallis Ilgen, of Penns Valley, are visiting the former's father and brothers, Miss Tessle Carls and daughter of H. Caria, Is on the sick list Miss Miriam Miller who Is working at State College returned home for a few days, A. Sate or Omo Ory or Torso, Lucas County, FRANK J. Cupwey makes of frm of FJ, |. Oth that be Ww senior Cuesey & Co aforesaid, mid frm will y ONE WUNDRED DOLLARS ior rach ana of CATAREN hat eabnot be eured Svat) HALLS CATARRN CURR bY he un. ot y AD, AW. GLEASON. Forany Posie Ally and murfaoem Bi by all Drvgeinia, 150, 0. Toledo, 0 Hall's Family Pils tor sonstip: dos, { phia, | thur Ii | Fisher ine , dong ne Oity of Toledo, County and “late Tv, BELLEFONTE, PA, Thursday, April 25th, 1912 ZION. part of Fisher, ont last of Initon cold a Nevin red week, Philadel at In Pretty Father WHS A Fisher pleasant home gathe her, of Nt and Mp College wore | ring and Mr of State Dr Fisher's on Bunda the first time for Dr, had the pleas yl ut home and vod ned and en dren OCCARION Was very L 11 The Doctor |} been confi the for several months present ondition | not el wing 8 man , hope for } Harshbarger place but } house BOALSBURG Nesbit—Bitner, Bitner, of Mill Hall of Springfield ASHAMED OF HER FACE | “1 wan ashamed of my face” writes Miss Pickard of North Carolina. “It | was all full of iim les and sears, but after using D. D. D, Prescription for Perera 1 can say that now there in no sign of that ma and that was Bree yOArs ago. Y This is but one of thousands of oases tn which D. D. D. has simply washed away the skin trouble, ay fh [oleanses the skin of the germs of KFo- gemma, Proriasia and other serious skin diseases; stops the Itoh instantly, and when used with D, D, D, soap the cures seem to be permanent, Nothing like Dn, DD. for the complexion. ‘vein bottle 26 cents, enou to prove the merit of this wonderful rem “We ean also give you a full size pottle for 1.00 on our absolute guar ntee that If thi very first bottle falls fo give you relief it will cost you EN'S PHARMACY CO. one BELLEFONTE, PA, and I , [| ‘ " . WeLcome Worns 70 WOMEN Women who suffer with disorders peculiar to their sex should write to Dr, Picrce and receive free the advice of a physician of over 40 years’ experience —a skilled and successful specialist in the diseases of women. Every letter of this sort has the most careful consideration and is regarded confidential, Many sensitively modest women write fully to Dr. Pierce what they would shriak fi telling to their local physician. The local physician is pretty sure to say that he cannot do anything without ‘an examination.” Dr. Pierce holds that these distasteful examinations are generally need. less, and that no woman, except in rare cases, should submit to them. sacredly as om Dr. Pierce's treatment will cure you right in the privacy of your own home. llis ** Favorite Prescription’ has cured hundreds of thousands, some of them the worst of cases. It is the only medicine of its kind that is the product of a regularly graduated physician, The only one good enough that its makers dare to print its every ingredient on its outside wrapper. There's no secrecy. It will bear examina~ tion. No alcohol and no habit-forming drugs are found in it. Some unscrupe- ulous medicine dealers may offer you a substitute, Don't take it. Don’t trifle with your health. Write to World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R. V. Pierce, President, Buffalo, N. Y.,—take the advice received and be well. WEST BRUSHVALLEY. | | Bingn 1] ' ched “Paying by Check” It adds to the credit of anv mau to be able to write his check in settlement of an account, payment of a debt or for the purchase of anything, no matter how small, and insures a receipt and record of the transaction that may save trouble later on. The First National Bank, BELLEFONTE, PA, FITZ-EZY [HE LADIES SHOES - THAT - CURES CORNS SOLD ONLY AT Yeager’s Shoe Store, HIGH STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA. but interest, when you give it an opportunity by depositing your surplus in a reliable place like the Trust Co. Therefore increase that surplus by limiting your pleasures to inexpensive ones. Better live the simple life than die in debt, may draw your attention, your money draws The Bellefonte Trust Comp'y, Bellefonte, Pa.