Thursday, April 25th, 1912, THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT. BELLEFONTE, PA. Pleasant Evening Reveries ers as They Join the Home The Home Circle Dedicated to Tired Moth. Circle at Evening Tide. niin ora LJ LJ » Are vou an an? Honesty and good bring good returns, » » manners always * man has made a by advertising. - NM > Many the aid fa of fortune lost-—-Somewhere deck of cards, a good between reputation + 3 a There business is ever a world for » * and horizon » field In the ambitious new the » Opportunity rise on the possibilities never of the pessimist * hot who three stand cannot “girl's thelr There are many work sixteen hours a or four healthy, around and watch help her because housework is work,” and they cannot lower standard of American manhood A little reform would work for in more ways than one in all such « » » . isekeepers day, while active boys her They good vesterday beating follow spite be- f of othe citizens desired to followed in ived, simply AS a matter for a master who him, while man has been known friend in trou- obligations It As we went we saw one his dog The his master, of the kicks cause he loved him fact a dog will die starves and beats divine man himself to sneak away from a ble, disavowing all was a philosopher none too who said that the more he men the more he thought of The dog Is always genuine, frank, and honest and faithful. shows more honesty in Wag his tail than men in a Hfetime. Speechless, he express more love than a man never expresses It falsel: ble professi true, Ww fall, till death our our log rece always He one of do can can, a A His hum some whole nil ns are itself 2» City Attractions. The illustration of the drawn t beacon lig type than mon Uuns« belief mingle she a City exist tles int white, in wait over, a raved pearing hooks with souls; employer the pains to behind thelr in | to other and the rat and infested with vermin than companionship of more to the soul than hydrant health; counsellors who viewless webs and plot ruin as spider works destruction to the stupid fly All these, and a great many more pitfalls le in the way of the country girl as she turns her light | step from the cowslip and the green | turf to take her place in the ranks | of those who walk the path of dally toll houses hideous roach; effect the more the | fatal | water spin | the | » . Girls, listen to will never regret vour advantages LJ mothers; matter what can learni your it No are apove better, is no hook wshion that away from the can varn you that No m yOu wre in want thelr and good you | what hers rest ng will | were, you ssured or kn VOury are no that it wledge of feot tlle that tender, loy well others ired Vou many from, Keep pit! she In a fashion vou witter | may the ing to heed speak, 1 i ida ao wou how may their hearts and that they Oo be Inn shionalile & # True Courtesy. courtesy is “the b Hi 11 it is onopok in this favora rend among 1 cent enuty hat no clas Kind of beau while ble elr tedly 1m ler KO ‘per- than erthe do ire common gher rat! tld ney indrance to the poor nners, Her politeness ¥ ‘ } sho rood nn RB i Of rus COrners FACT, FUN Bright, Sparkling Paragraphs AND FANCY. Selected and Original. wasen't many 1An’t If love outside Son unless Abou girl from ciat mar Ar { forty-nine ably learns up The Ire in | el She Or men a Against thert I 14 1 rhyt al ! ieneral Jad 8.000 men, w= arched them hill, the marched them down If old mother ould appear In New York so this day, she would run of being kicked gut by the for being overdreas. ed us of ths kson with again ety AR chance “400 ‘Wanted No Animal Food. ~Doctor Now that are convalescing you may have ttle animal food. Pa- tient--No, Ol dhrank all right, be hanged chew you al sor but I'll yer straw, » if Ol can His Preference in Trousers~——A the boy had been mother to accompany her to the store and, while there, she told him he might choose a pair of pants, promptly plck the sign: * » Fun With the Goat—0Old Gent Where are you going with that goat, fittle boy? Little Boy—Down to the fake. Come along If you wanter see some fun. This here goat has jest et a bushel © dried apples, an’ I'm going down to let Jim drink. Would Still Ty There’ “Where,” asked the female suffrage orator, “would man be to-day were It not for woman?’ She paused a moment and looked around the hall. “I repeat” she sald, “Where would man be to- Gay, were It not for woman?” “He'd be In the Garden of Eden eating strawberries,” answered a volce from the gallery. It. He “Can't be beat” » * Advice Just as shoes, doctor,” sald the cobbler, after a brief, examination, “ain't worth mending.” “Then, of course” sald the doctor, turning away, “I don't | said ] ple yer grool! | the judge. fon | reply. permitted by his | that | asked the J. P. ed out a pair that bore | WAS Valuable. "These | done to want anything them I chars \ 50 cents, Just the Low, Almed ked up feet and two-bushel WwW < Martin, sec- Historical about an early- the peace, who “this J. P." Mr. Martin, “would marry a cou- one day as justice of the peace divorcee them the next as notary public, One time as the story ran, A man surrendered himself to this J. P. "An' phwat's the matter?” asked “I killed a man out here the prairies in a fight,” was the “I want to give myself up.” | “You did kill him, sor?" asked the J P. "Yes, sir” was the reply. “Who | saw you?" asked the J. P. “Nobody.” “An' you're shure nobody saw you? | "Of course I'm sure,” | the reply. “Then you're dis- charged,” sald the J. P., bringing his | fist down on the table. “You're dis- charged. You can't ‘criminate your self. Fifty dollars, please!” RHEUMATISM Dr. Whitehall's RHEUMATIC REMEDY | Not Guilty. ~Geo retary of the society, tells day Kansas will be Kansas story of here ale a justice nameless and Write for a Free trial Bex . Whitehall M eo yr. Ay hy Wednesday | his | Ary. I sere { went | now | College, | started | management, | tion | Mr. | after 1} {| perl | averloo {| them } ' automoblling 1 of | Centre OVER THE COUNTY. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS, Hall, on ko | ers ‘iron Cre in Michael to Calva Twp.; Stover Haines Eby to Calvin D. in Haines Twp.; $20, Hpsburg Klectrie Light, Gas, & Heating Co, to Warren Par { of land in Philipsburg; $1 ulivan et bar to W. D premises in Snow Shoe; J. O. Deininger, of Centre of last week second birthday Haines, eighty anniy Ha ines, Mills, ia Farmers Phi recently aster Bu Hagen, of to Lancaster student at lu Bruce and ness a LN net shannon, summer Kk The that Weaver, of Mi wehing a term ol Clarence last w have all closed In James ted school at winter schools vicinity, The postoflice at running smoothly under Mr. C H Miss to Penn land in Steam Co, Company tract of again new 1, is the Watson Emma Shive Clarence Heat to Penn land In & Power tract of 0 whurg Electric Heating Co. to of land In Light Warren Par Philipsburg postmaster, and as clerk, Jd. W, Monday N.Y. tract of Spring Bi week went where he has secured tester in the Troy Stump took na work at State Mrs. fas returned Stump, of last Fas ter et al to ; nnd In State in ore ; : J Reed et 4 premises 100 Wm. McBath College; $300 to Jacob W Pine ns COUurse ory in Kathryn Raymond and Mary thelr the Mrs (Creek ey do 1. J nD $228.02 et ux in I Dreese, lot rhters, to spending parents, Mr. and Spring Confer to Robert iW acres loges Twp over at ~ i ! i Hi] helrs here are i ast 1 rty-1 i= 3 WN qth lot tomobiles to in South Ledger, LPR ki too to N BH 433 acres In Oners 1910 Cemetery April Hell lefonts I. house hler et to Annle March 27 19012, otter Twp.; $1400 iwcher et ux to James 1812, 150 Acres in Renovo and WwW and to house R lot Renove to Co Centre Marc) ure Nearhe of Hall; Centre $3.50 Recipe Free, For Weak Kidneys Relieves Urinary and Kidney Troubles, Backache, Straining, Swelling, Etc. Pain In the Bladder, Back, be nice within | & BAY Bow dribbling, Kidneys and a week or forever « straining, or toc it ihye H the Linden Hall Carnival for Lock ™aven ¥ frequent passage eg Ccrampw seep esRDORR bles that want sist ts r these tro if you prescription, but be gad to send free Just drop me Dr. A E. Robinson ling. Detroit, Mich., and return mall In a pain ou will see when you get it, this & contains only pure, harm ess rem but It has great healing and palin JeTing power will quickly show its power once see it, a0 [| think you had better see hat it Is without delay. 1 wiil send yo copy free—you cas use It and cure irself at home y straight tot the blood, limbers up les and joints and stops he sore Mrs, Juria Tuomas of Jackson, Cal, writes: “I have used your Lini- ment for rheumatism with much suc- Coss, Martin J, Toss, 169 16th Ave, Paterson, N, J., writes: — I was a cripple with rheumatism for two years and I could not move at all on to be carried from place to place. 1 tried remedies and could Fel ¥hape ter, until I tried Sloan's Linimest, One bottle fixed me up in and now I always have a bottle in the house for my wife and childre kills any kind of in. Good for Neurzlgia Tosthache, Lumbago Chest Pains, Sold by all dealess Price 25¢., 80ec. etvage 00, Sloan"s book on Horses, Cattle Hogs and Poultry seat free. Address DR. EARL S, SLOAN = Boston, Mass, ——— Gas, | Grove | in | Harry 8. | - CORTRI GH METAL SH NGLES, Storm-proc v] too, because they interlock and overlap in such a way that the finest driving sow Of 180 ch nnot sft under them Best roof for country buildings, because the y're sale from all the elements, They'll last as long as the building, and never need repairs. eee For Sale By CORTRIGHT METAL ROOFING CO, 50 N. 23rd Ct, 7 Philadelphia, Pa. Sn iT Fred | to hous nee ho §2 ind he th will ( Vas born wp.; $i ” tract of 100 der, erguson | old On united Thos, Bwy May en lot In Bi Wim Runkle ickenmiller, April 17 in Bpring Twp.; $4 ers to Rhee i RECENT DEATHS. McNE Mrs, Jo} Margaret me of her daug Michigan Ave, gestion Fu id at the 1} e Kth, at AL n Decker hter, Chics neral EIGHTO Beightol, | departed count Ve¢ thi on me or ten o'cl Kk formerly { the ser Elmer county, McNea Leni t - LR irs i1 Hams has np ifferer for nduct ing ontined (Centre ory BET EY Busy Bee Store A CHANCE TO SAVE MONEY. Clean Sweep Sale now going on at J. Finkle- stine’s Store. OVER CAREFULLY. NEW LIST OF GOODS—READ THEM 25¢ Boys’ 20¢ Ties ! | $1.25 nN or Grub giazecd Sand Windsor 25¢ Brass ods 10e¢ 15¢ Turkish or Muck Bc Turkish Wash Cloths Cushion tops Curtain and 12 and Towe : 15¢ Pillow or 10¢ Neckties A Beautiful Jardiner or Nice Dish given free with ih’ $1 purchase. J. Finklestine’s Store. mmm ———) WD» DD ODD Agency for Franklin, Pierce-Arrow, Pope Hartford, Hudson, Mitchell, Oakland and Overland Bargains in Good 2nd- Hand Cars John Sebring, Jr., BELLEFONTE Sechler & Company Groceries and Food Products. COFFEE The Coffees Market just now. is a pretty hard proposition, but we are doing all that it is possible to do under present condi- tions to give our trade good values. We are still selling a good sound coffee and of excellent Raver AT 26c PER POUND This is a genuine bargain And at 28¢ per pound and 30c per pound we are giving very high value for the price named. On our entire line of coffess you will always get better value here than elsewhere for the price charged. Give us a fair trial and you will find the proof the goods. Sechler BUSH HOUSE BLOCK, & Company SELLEFONTE, PA