Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, April 25, 1912, Image 1

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    » The Centre Democrat.
ulation Over 5500—Largest in Centre County.
BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, AppriL 25th, 1912. Vol. 25. ‘Ne
w—— oo —— -
CANDIDATES FOR vere wews. [Fp GANGES IN,  ewrvenso smaccuan |i) LARGE STOCK EACH oa
THE PRESIDENCY "= Wirarss hoservations** * | THE OFFICIAL COUNT! "wreck Bara reain *™ "1 FARMS INCORPORATED it, Fico "sell wn” “a
¢ pas weed there have tempt Ww Ome on
conflicting reports re 6 wreck Pennsylvania rallroad pus Mond Im ng age ) 46 years,
MAKING A STRENUOUS CANVASS carding the prog ¢« made in the lo RESULT OF THE PRIMARY ELEC. " her train Ni 102. which left Sun AN IMPORTANT ENTERPRISE IN hoe ix y j ing chil
cating © ’ ew penitentiar Ther¢ b i 02 Monday morning, near . \/ A ren Ir OTR Six f Orvis
FOR NOMINATION. ws | n a delay Pr "eo eedings | TION IN COUNTY. Excelsior, six miles east of Shamokin BALD EAGLE VALLEY. on; Mi i ty Fleming.
{ { ronson that man f the | hy the Bunbur) Daily tem. . . : : z , : Lon \ \ Stouck : Haven;
TEDDY IS AFTER TAFT'S SCALP | het mat ‘ie site “desired in the | jo THE TOTAL VOTE STANDS: n.iiiss tno, men, vid, hiaceds HIGH GRADE HOGS AND CATTLE Ef" Xi i hk Vi 20 Eioa
v mi fore " x - or nany iv ed a number f heavy rocks near 1 I a Fler weton th afternoon
Continues to Scoop in Delegates— PATS DAS ost all « ge Miilheim Shows a Large Vote for the i In order to er iil the train and if | Properties Located in Howard and Mars ) ow
Wilson the Favorite Among 'Domo- ; HAL ol of ny had Socialist Ticket—Vote on Prohibis ; H ‘ ‘ bi : \ od Liberty Township—Will Handle 1 { ad Mrs lam Barlett,
crats, with Clark Second-—Result Hin that vel i red SR AY a a tion Ticket—Many Scattering Votes few momer ‘ passen Only the Best Stock—Promoted by ville, ed on Tuesday morn-
iow ’ ‘ ail 4 i [ mie tr
v tt ‘ 0 p 0 j K in was due | askin, of Leathers Brothers . ! } months
Uncertain. y the oper: ' 6 old Iron Omitted. htt d vseale te + Son Bhi 1d ( The caus her death
These HAR. the papel ol the result ol this i Yhout "iin { oth
with politics, and a person : vote cast ue §« t he was ttacked from th
much of it each day that he hare ng the state would nt to. go | Min lection In Centre nt¥ k a re pony oad I
KEws  aRvHTY a st ata rod bei 2 “ . va iuabhi 1 d ori 13 s TH count wa omplets MC red NCORS y His
uation, The different papwrs a tior 1 t} les | | h A An me in, regained con
terested in sending out padde me. oa . eo 4 + a IOP Tin the train arrived
ports for the purpose of hooming P xt ‘ re mining operate i } ir ir } a
l Hants vho were In
political fortunes of son indida eg In ples Foran vob Joh i DEMOCRATIC. ' n ti hi inderbrush along
or faction, and ) bli wecomes |! BO] in ig ho Vere | Congress: at prepa
confused, pposed } OO ! Ww fa rvas \ Cale ol ) {ral he od
In Presidential circles tl i . or this H yu : . Assembly: ; i | We npelled ed
great mix up all around mong tl oh refused AA he options un! Ci \ Fed 834 § My i the proach of th train
republicans there is the worst scuff he owner wild e the Y ‘ » in 5 , . ‘
as Teddy 8 stirring up thing in nceleqd. I'hi ‘ re erabl I a1 61
great shape for ’ i ; red I
istration. From
try to the other
out the shortcomings i { t} : ! 4
people seem to believe \ ( the | pur e price y } 'y : nd a
reason that they , me | ! ‘ n here : oh
way that Teddy talks edd
also been scooping in the
his switch keys
Delegate National Convention:
Joh Flare 121
Wi \ Hagerty 64
Delegate National Convention:
J nd
heen ‘ ‘ ‘ ed " A att
we would =» mt W " tl he ste ft w | " red n the 3 ” i ! tw
toad wit} Spe ar ad . -_re . th y hi Fran) ¥ Slocum Oo ' eg the host manitat ’
Re v i a : J Ne pice i he ri BI shipped i . " Vere n : 1 $ 1
second. Both these men are tn other Sats ic ! Delegate Bemis Convantiont p . Conler i Hurley,  “Veryihing or Cled ti ¢ ptt Satin } € H er, 1orm
’ Sy i ? Te stin th u
what is termed Progre he amount of lumber used tn hed Gan N or out ; a . kp
of the Democrnes On the other : Hy he w ERO bo Ey Fin or Hurley, | Most up -to-dale manner Wis home in South Williamsport on
[ ' ¢ b ’ ll . : ‘ ! ' ' 3 fF + y . p '
. hat © Cairivg
yf Pennsylvar
ganization Make C
Delegate State Convention
Chairman County Com
! 2 Q oT y
Treasurer County Com;
' ' y '
: ! ’ Read Palms to Rob Village
"i | Secretary County Com - b ‘ ' " '0 4
t LA ’ ’ pam
Fax frre T)
fn t Freedom ne na, on 1 ‘ ou :
ng Representative Assembly 4 4 ‘ » RO | marrie ’ . ; ¢ nis i ; wa the
’ White | ) . y " basa y " ) ‘ 4 } ‘ the LRe be ! “ Whig I . ! larkle,
May Forego an Operation ‘ax a ti : " it Shue | hat " nr rol | } the ree there were A n Boal : January
» at
OF SHB Rhy Fo oring | RN at) ve Hawort boing . ye h t hae ‘1 " ’ . { departing | ‘ 8 OUR
a ol Psi aber trouble. that ge And | Delegate National Convention: ' wo AS ¢ tov #1 ' \ A h In 1868 ahe
‘ + nt t Flee d By he " 3 I. 1. Thompson . y . i with James
seve Ves ‘ f A billiard Fin connex Te ry vhs it ' { t wl ] tober 7. 1906
Haver ) o~ ! elieve It} ine men's \ we h ! f 3 tm. losing 0 @ Dynamite Demonstrations I - i . hi)
' hat } } } "> nus YF oaver Te, I +A | ‘ ng chi
was ther ¢ shou '* | equipped fo of Ke er-H Hardw 4 ‘
taken | timore ! Ran and the gr wre being beaut SOCIALIST, Cor le Ce en ve | par e ar for thre
falists n § lay week | be the installation of large foun- | Congress : med \1a AB, 'e_ Of. dyman
he rt y : RECO i and the anting ) ! TY of J Final ch 3 n | wl 4 ’ | \ : wor " te ' i here | { vive two
panied by Mrs, Uszzle and his brother |... flowers Assembly: J ed the nads vert: m } a8 diiching, tree planting, su ters and three Mrs
sterda wi wWers inf a | Frank Rittenhouse cw ! : ph b 4 iy ini POLS er Re ’ v n Tau of Rot ; Mrs,
hae ntered rominen | . red lows Fridays April 26th t 1 n ' : . \ .
ad a. Ate Poison Root and Died Delegate State Convention: tha C Ww P r TAR: al Ae B10, ih man, of Lemont, John Markle,
after a diagnosis his Walter Pe a 15-vear-old Altoona Howard Simler ) i he elders | Gn LHe . an oh ved we all ee umberiand Co.; Sam-
of the opinion that an date three bites of what he thowuttht F Hoffer { mtr lellefonte on Wed south ellefonte Saturday, April near Harrisbt . and
not & NECORSHTY It oth Will oarrots. atowing In a fold Chairman County Com. ) reseed In comic opera Com 27th it 9:30 a m wm the American sepl kle. of Detroit. Mich. Mrs
ed th is complete re a Ba. BR : “A TT 5 tH me o art be ‘ Ame Stone Mo. farm count by . vos, Ca. &
hat h mplets near that city on Tuesday and died) Edward Wilson 62 and they may be a portion of | 1 wil Wellin Finny ed bY | Bryan had been a resident of Belle
n lean than n hour's time A com *Milesbure 1} Millhelm 17: Philips ‘ RAM band who passed through Ammon Gramiey wes " Bellefonte fonte nearls all her life nd a con
ped / v Ag y fa 4 4 3 fA ir TT s have 4 and o Tuesday ADT om t \ - ] rs -
panion, Fred Sharer, aged 12 years, burg 1st WwW. § ind W 6: rd Ww ir county. Thus far weg hav he ard | AX n a « / ¢ oo a , a . h sistent member of the Lutheran
Marriage Licenses onl tasted of the root. and was made State College 1 Rogen, W 1: Lit misdemeanors committed in our m on ‘ « ¥ uret Gas church "uneral servi os Wore held
Y 4 Potter w ! ty Bellefonte at the Cartin Cross Roads
Clyde Confe Howard iolent! a that f " : § } } ) : * "
’ ! . olen ie) that for 2 time hin " ¢ at or nls Noms on Nuesdas after.
A ’ "ort i . : Pd Fo further Informatio quire
Mildred Wo For Matilda | 1ire was despa I « vthough he has ! by ! [a 2 Ww of 1 _ For Sev td formation Inquire of noon at 2 Clon i d by Rev,
Iv Ww. i donring Mills 4 sbout ful red A third | Bno H " Spring, W. 1; Taylor The “C. Q. D.” Call the Potter-Hoy Hardware compan Fred W. Bart Re Hall. her
¥ y Spr : : W : ' ‘ . J ira ~~ # A ~ . , , . Hafonte ’ 8 | f )
Margaret R Spring Mills | he who wa the others refused ot ha he 17 votes In Millheim n the congressional Investigatior Belle ! former pastor nterm . nade
Harvey C. De Potters Mills y taste of tl Hgcovery.” The do ' that the socialist sentiment of the Titanic disaster In New York in the Union
Bessie MK ris Potters . Mills 2 are at a loss to explain the ommunity ia stronger Wa0 | the testimony of Marconi, the wire Voted Against Increased Debt DURST: leath of tt axed
: ! ; i ! ! inty On Saturday the ters of ! Pr ! Lie Age
son which row 80 nent else in the coun : « gp Drs . 4
Calvin A Conte Coburn Nad : ni . . vll¢ boro held voila) i hy Ke rhe . he Tred last
a . p and could ro quick] £ the call of “C. Q D He y eld a = a Tu Sunday night at 10:30 at his home In
Sarah M. Vonada Cobury 4 i 4 va ee ' . onal | to Ae fe whether or not the bonded
} effort will Ix y obtain ' The Right Sort of Neighbors. " i that | Q i= an International : Oe ¢ Centre Hall, marks the passing away
Greens ‘ Altoona
Hazel A James
&. Harr A ith, all
th will be speedy
# inventor, In of special Interest re
John H. Hostermai Haines twp. | 510 of the roc r a chemical Ten of the nelghbors of Jaco! nal which meant that all stations had i" i #8 of H " Hi nicipality another of Penns ey's highest
: ‘) _ . “ : ' " } 3 - y ould be Incres ( order that ¢ wr y "
Hazel Stoneba) Haines twp. lglg Wenker, the | conse sending except the one 8D ‘ CAR in order MN | steomed and widely’ known retired
“ing that call The “D" was added ditional | school building could be farmers Mr Durst for many VOArs
Susan L. Woods Half Moon twp Winters-—Basset, al receiving treatment for a broken leg te indi wy Snnger The vo oy hh “ a oath Show anat oy owned and resided upon the farm ly
George Gulipk Rush twp Announcement has been made of | sustained last January, have taken | “'“T. now has been rupersede y he \ ™ ted ; “ : Hy br ing about three miles east of Centre
ore Bartto Rush ton {the wedding o Mins Emily lassett | unto themselves the duty of the good Universal call of “8. O. 8 Mr Mar 4 jo 1 g y iad SEainat a cau $he Hall, now owned by Henry E. Homan.
and Mr. Hugh Winters, a naval of samaritan, by keeping Mr Wenkers coni dd not mive the interpretation | hohe o wer ha. “ endl, and State Col Since his retirement from active die
| ficer, which took place yesterday at farm work agoing. They took poe- Of that, but It is supposed to mean | lege boro will have to get along as tien Mr. Durst and his wife have
Bave nis Firat |the home of the bride at Ten Mills, [session of his flelds on Wednesdty | “4Ve our ship.” bent ina" With the present school | ived in Centre Hall Failing health
altimore, Md. Mr. and Mrs, James | and with ten teams soon had the soll . —— .: - . | had developed into hardening of the
i. Hughes and Bugene Bassett, a stu- | turned over a large area. It [a the Planting Trees. . arteries, and about the first of March
dent at the Bellefonte Academy, were | Intention of Mr, Wenker's neighbors Fifteen men under John Liggett and : Twenty-one Dogs Killed. he took to his bed. and: which he
time regulations insist upon saving |in attendance mt the nuptial event. |to carry along his seeding with their | Alexander 1. Shoemaker, forest war. vd, A vat ey Afternoon the po- | wey pever able to leave. For six
the men first, the children next and | The bride is a granddaughter of the (own and In the same good tme | dena, left Beech Creek this week for | lice hd the} the Hs of twenty “One | weeks prior to his death, he was
the women last, on the theory that |Rev. James P, Hughes and is fav. | Neighbors of this kind are worth thir | the state lands in the vicinity of the dogs In the horous 3 of Tyrone. The practically unable to take nourish.
the men are more useful to the state | orably known in Bellefonte. She | weight In gold, head waters of Big run where they | burgess he po Wedn his decree On |,...( except a little liquid. Deceased
than women, “for what would women | possesses a rich contralto volee, and Will be occupied for the next two Fuasday ai a oy meniAY the police | way the son of George and Catherine
do without ‘thelr husbands 7 on numerous occasions when on a vis- | 300 Lives Lost in Mississippi Flood: Weeks planting 72,000 little white pine began wor n xtinguishing the ani Meyers Durst, and was born January
a —— it to Bellefonte she has delighted | The death toll in the overflowed ‘Toes ry ums ins " four days I%)3 1532 His age, therefore, at time of
Freak Calf Born. church congregations by her sweet | Mississippi delta section will pesth A ————————— y y going some, nks the Herald death was So Years, N months and 18
walf was born one day re- | ¥InEing. 300, according to reports today from aturday will be the last day for _— 8 Fifty-three years was
conti) Of the farm of P, B. Rangler, Scaa—————————— rescuing parties, Most of the deud | Candidates at the recent primaries to Widew Lait Homeless. united In marriage with Miss Sabina
a Union county farmer, It has three Rouben Wert, after a two years’ [Are negroes, The loss to stock fs | fle thelr expense account with the The hte 3 a. Trick, a widow, | Shellenberger, who survives her
eyes, three nostrils and two mouths, | residence In Green county, Wiscon- |about $500,000, the flood swept over | Prothonotary, All eandidates who ex- who liv n oneer Mills, above | husband together with one son a
one of them located under a poorly [sin, a few weeks ago returned to an area of 50,000,000 acres, and $00 | pended over $50 must make a detall- Waitantawn, was destroyed by fire | daughter, namely: W. Howard Durst
developed ear. The animal has two | Gregg township, where he will re- [towns have been inundated. Many of 4 § siatement of the amount and for oh Sunday fotalug: All of the fur.
well developed tongues, side in the future, these will be abandoned. what purpose. niture was burned. (Continued on Page 4 3rd Col)
linton county farmer
Rufus Cupp Half Moon twp who Ix still In the Lock Haven hospit
if the Titanic had been a Chinese
ship, manned by Chinese sailors, the
passengers saved would all have been |
males. The Chinese In their mari