Page 8, THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Thursday. November 23rd, 1011, Correspondents’ Department Continued HOWARD. “As you meet with others in trav- eling upon the highway of life al. ways turn to the right.” In Our Churches Next Sabbath. World-wide Temperance Service, Our have agreed upon Union services this special of initly At half in the United M. J. Sny the service, several the follow for the ol pastors ing order of servance of Cason for o past ten in 1¢ mornin Evangelical churcel Rey der i AVE 4 | Ol and Rev sermon evening WwW. H Ir comn will } R. 8, Taylor At half wast seven in in the Christian Chapel, Rev Patterson will have charge the service, and Rev. E. F. Faust will preach th goermon Ret me stor FE. | preach a minis r the munio ksanville, at ten o'clock, and at Marsh Creek at hall past two Methodist Episc Pastor R. S Taylor will preach at Hunter's Run at half och Creek at half ervice at the latter lad will be ir bservance of the id erance day." ar ranged the +1 3 ‘hrist 3 11 Meootling Mrs of Faust will Holy Com- past wo, and at B« will Thomas Pastor M. J Howard at half ow at half past Bevery the atter hurch revival service a ntinued uring week thie John B. Ratto. A merrier man, Within the limit of becoming mirth, I never spent an hour's talk withal —Shakespesre. wnksgiving Day 18 evenings in ightful enter given in ti John BB. Ratto hes have won fastidious There work real artist Nn&As) Tim Th from from A Good ° The Ti Hilda A wir is wide O mith in the ] At on LINK until the Hine f all ’ Fameoens the tired ming cood party, all of 2 | tHpon the r and their The Misses Pleteh Hel Fhomaa, Mar Ww Pearl r, Bva Neff Butler. The der, (George ' ter, Fred Tay her, Homer Yearick, Russell and Paul Wag Walter Strunk, Lioyd Daughen beugh and Blair Pletehes Whe is Rebecoa Krikorian? Ehe Is the daughter of pastor Kriko rian, of Alntah, Turkey an aged prot estant Armenian missionary, and is herself a missionary, educated at home in England and In Ameciea, Bhe has eredentinle from and a personal ace gquaintance with, Miss Francia E. Wil. lard, Mra. Mary HH. Hunt, Lady Henry Somerset, and other eminent names whose fame an christian workers are world-wide, Miss Krikorian will de- liver a free lecture in the Interests of Christian, Evangelistic and Temper ance work Ih Turkey in the evening of Tuesday of next week, Ngv. 28th, In r, AgEner, it mn H alr 1 eathers yer vill preach the | the | rail is seeking fi- work and collection will and the the { road | nancial should While guest Christian The good ald for the good have a very liberal here Miss Krikorian in the of Mr, William HH, Chapel, above woman Ire i home Mrs Long Thanksgiving Service Next Thursday Morning. | A Union will be held service of Thanksgiving in the Reformed church it half past ten with all. the resident pastors taking part. Rev, M. J. 8ny | der will preach the sermon, This pub He formal service of Thanksgiving in the "usual places of worship,” as pro- felaimed by the Chief Executives of both the Nation and the State, should be much more largely attended it often Is and since this is a gorvice of all denominations the should be filled M unio ROE The First Deer of the Season to m1 rive In town was brought in Saturday noon by Robert and Albert Confer, Ro Innd But and Samuel Wallzer It | was a fine three-pronger fellow welghing one hundred and twent) | pounds. The whole party was stand {ing together on The Rock Run, where he ame in sight, and the Confer brothers fired at the same time, the two balls taking the shoul der. within a ch otl el oar I» in prog charge Wf | &Joned ing ita persons od (Christ ' baptized and added to the urch roll f mami ship Their n follow Mra becca Confer Mra MHechda) Confer Genleve Hara, Anna Las In the morning of Nov, 18, Frank Casselberry and Mrs Bernice Yarnell Tressler, both of How ard township, repaired to the parson age of the United Evangelical church and In the presence of a few chosen friends, were married by pastor Rev M. J. Bnyder., They left at 12.40 on No. § for Btate College, spending a brief honeymoon with the groom's brother, Edward Casselberry, who In an employee of the College. “he How. ard letter extonds Ita congratulations, The splendid pronged buck was Saturday evening by a party of Roe mola hunters, who had divided the carcass among themselves and thelr friends earlier in the day Charles McMurtrie, of the Howard House sent the head to Philadelphia to be mount. el. The boys sald the big fellow weighed nearly four hundred pounds The sudcessful party was composed of Irvin Young, Claude Lucas, Asher | Walker and Toner Mann, all of Ro- Ww reday wStor | Inst re nine r He Fred Charlies th {0 LINeN Confer Mra tcher R Hilda Wallzer Thursday last Annie onter le and iaud ¢ wh " head of a big fours brought to town than! : and the Hill Announcems mola Conl here on ast celved York J. Norris Bo Margaret VIS pronot church of both Miss, Sarah Kroomsm of re entire in ti 1 Ln here idence | ter represents and hi ch happiness (In Sunda Mrs been [ed quid Leathers Hon, Will here Jul 17 rs March, child, Will born to het Ont Atoor ve them ind hus! her After and | Ol Bogle, Mr Philadelphia community She vm, who lives ©ore y found thelr game on WOMEN RAISE CAIN. nt {The English Suffragettes Ignominious Defeat Ie iffragettes fared the police Tue 18 4 to Met With in London. badly at cards have been re the marriage In New 4 | Wednesday afternoon of LEA the night thelr aendolins day 3 | reatencd force oor prime minister's { he | suffrage ven to mriiament who governmem to both reach the Thwarted ards Pittsburg and Lowrie Montgomery in Mr. Bogle | mi friends ind the How in wisl trance thie hie oe mn gett indow Police HW resorted uff ra all ing for possil smashing 1864 ddition to this son CAvVes Lo mourn Ins Candy LV] ‘ 1 4 { | Makers. h } : mi oner Foust ote &] \ a 4 Wy - A |! { Lil } ad Wogd AR Wp ws an 3 ly Birthday Surprise Party Perry G. Rachau, i Women's $25 Suits, $15 ¢ atch the ¢ Als Misses’ $27.50 Long Coats, $16.98 } nd "SL 1 ‘ ‘ } ors na : ria Women's $25 Reversable Coats, $15 POTATOES WANTED We pay for Eggs We pay for Butter We pay for Potatoes Gillen, the Grocer, Both Phones, Pa Bellefonte, ZY is something you ought to be thankful for. most bountiful provision for your clothes OU'RE going to give thanks this month for a lot of good things you enjoy and possess. You probably don't realize all of them; it pays to think it over a little. The Sim Store Where you find the needs. A bountiful feast of good things we've spread here for you; Suits and Overcoats ; Fur Hats; fine Neckwear: Shirts, Hoslery, Underwear, Sweal- ers, Gloves Best qualities, best values, and best service, at prices that are really moderate. It's really something to be thankful for. Suits $10 and up. Overcoats $10 and up Clothes for the little fellow, too. im the Clothier This store is the home of Hart Shaffner & Marx clothes