THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Thursday, October 26th, 1911. Correspondents’ Department Continued. ZION. Everybody is busy husking corn the yield is the continued wet is moulding and If the weather conditic able for the next week It all safely c¢ribbed, Lavina Sh has been mad much improy are hopeful Frank Grove, with erysipelas to wv is be able to he Fisher his can Vonada got for a bay him handle long, Betsey oy was home looks well but spent s urday evening at the der why? Some of quent visits thelr Sunday they don't come home There indus little Burg that no « ployment to quite a ployed during the winter months the project proves out as contem- plated the parties may be incor porated, in which event bonds will be issued and sold in amounts to suit the purchaser from one hundred dollars up A sample of the work under contem plation was exhibition recently the front yard one of villagers and out criticism skill of the exceeds the work « n sional. The name of will be the “Zion Fres Sign Painting , further information Adam, the ject, below The men tion at the late eral offices ar« and no doubt will bitter end. If the fair during the « before the primaries give a fair decision as to who is their chol eral offices afloat that to influend tions turned country good Owin howeve wenther ol Some Brow in the 8 1ffor 1 ed of her od be he who hi in t il glad soon Dr still uses Paul horse to brand white You the new gee iorning i8 8 new ome on fence was mucl by all who red witl saw fit, The artist an amateur far many a profes the corporat Graining an Limted.” nquire 11y van as Joel prime mo town who rece prima getting fight candida anvas ar Wallace M James Houser San 1 Zong day at the | Pleasant Gay The latest been A Peters trap The per Peru thing drinking w building and cement Mr. and Mrs. Abr Surday at the latter ue He ed ery CI BENORE REBERSBURG Fr ! Gra i hn RENT Ww the } Yih back © ich ) } ) } ‘ over ! Amnt : | ’ an extended visit hustiand whe 8 located at that piace Mre. Kats wh week In Coburn, has again returned to her home here Howard Miller and wife, who had thelr home at Pittsburg for several months, have returned to stay Rev, William Blerly oaller at Milford Garret's, on Friday Bdward Leech spent a few days In Philadelphia last week, Since Clark, our autolst, Madisonburg so often, he there's nothing like the last Rose summer, without any fear of Wolfen, Mra. Laura Overcash, Mrs, Anna Dixon and Mra, Florence Crawford, of Falrview, llinols, are at present vise ting their sick mother, Mrs, N. A. Whitman, who we are glad to say I» improving. making het im visit anyl Nlecs o spent the past here goon to Was A pleasant | thinks | of | | STATE COLLEGE. | Saturday's game of foot | tween Villa Nova and State | attended and another victory for State | The score was 18-0, Thus far State | has not been scored upon this season, iT Saturday out team to Phil adelphia where a hard Is ex pected with Penn, at dents will accompany a victory Bure Come Philip 1 Foster and Tuesda { Harrisburg Washington D (B to Postmaste convention Philadelphia on Friday game ball be- | was well | iis Koes battle least the 00 stu team and in to ) vife left and then to ittend the then to the Penn on or and ton € 8 onte, Gray State ton The iking ull the ction tte The and then over potate for disp State Nelson owmaster Of STORMSTOWN. YARNELL A * iris, of ¥ in-{ arnell Lr wera] + Pox social rday of the 1 t one he Sat fi) LLER AND MEEHAN SY Over the dition t) authorit of wrtment "wr hatchery hew I'nion city } Mra, A. G3. Bu ! intendent at the hatchery, Gay son of Nathan A total of eight family wins Doct employ ed the summer Hershey ery, A COuUs of the super hatchery, Wayne Huller and Ross Duller RR. Duller This makes members of the Buller drawing pay from the state ! relat “ ir fhe : neg n ot wife Strange Sickness Killing Pheasants, ! Reports are being brought in to the | affect that pheasants are dying off like {flles In many sections of the state { from an epidemic In nature of chick. en cholera, The birds, apparently healthy and plump, sicken and die within a few hours. Game men are doing all In thelr power to prevent the further spread of the disease, but old timers ] fare of the opinion that the birds will | be all cleaned out before it oan be eliminated, PETER KUFSKIE GETS } {i third { SECOND DEGREE | VERDICT OF JURY WAS QUICKLY FORMED, SAVED BY HIS EXPERT COUNSEL Trial But Hour A Record-Breaking Murder for Clinton Days—Jury Half, County-—Lasted Two Out an and enern not h trial on winpi the maj “WEY TTA A hs and those for the-deforer nd ern f the 1 " L i150 Withesses rity of Plea of Self Defense wn and Concluding the Case FP. Cummings began his f in behalf of the defendant wk, and contended that the jury 1 be stifled In bringing a verdict of voluntary manslaughter His pleas occupled an hour and a half in its delivery, when RL. B. MeCormick, addressed the jury on behalf of the commonwealth for an hour and ten minutes, in which he yrged a verdict of first degree murder, Judge Hall concluded his masterful and impartial charge to the jury, lasting one hour, at 6:16 o'clock. The Jury Immediately retired and after an hour and a hall's plea . ) vou { deliberation flled Into the court room and rendered a verdiot the second degree, the penalty for which is Imprisonment for five to 20 years, In the first ballot the jury stood five for first degrees, six for sec ond degree, and one for manslaughter, On the second ballot only two voted of murder In first ballot extreme and he went other 11 on the fourth ond degree murder for a degree but the the the BO verdict, held and on out for with for one over ballot ‘Beezer's Meat Marke al | Handkerchiefs, | to §! ae HIGH ST. BELLEFONTE, Pa, We keep none but the best quality of BEEF, PORK MUTTON All kinds of Smoked If YOU want a Centre Count vr Hig | Banking or 1) Receive Deposits Discount Nq John M. Bhugert, Cashie THE BAZAAR, J. S. GILLIAM, Prop. Neck Ties, Ruffs, Jabots, Corsets, , Skirts, Gloves Beautiful Dress Sweaters “ Walsts, New Suits, new cut, new styles, $6.98 to $15.98 The best Blankets KS, $1.26 yet, from grand one 60, 65 $1.50 to and a iN. n shoes for yo for the school girl for the youth and for men, style quality and price to suit all Underwear in great variety, from 10¢ 60 each, irself, GILLIAM’S DEF'T STORE EK. RHOADS Al ms yvard KR. BR ells o1 ANTHRACITH \ Cra ! qualitie BITUMINO Nr i" ) - i "| Wood, Grain, Hay, Straw ar Sand. Superior Screenings for lime burning. Builders’ and plas- terers’ Sand CALL a} Commerical No CELEFHONE . ’ { Central No, 13m: rin wr or | ls pg LA if id v — * bs — Rh tic Pains ickl lieved Sloan's Liniment is good for pain of any sort. It penetrates, without rubbing, through the muscular tissue right to the bone—relievesthe congestionand gives permanent aswell as temporary relief. Here's Proof. Lay of Lafayette, Ala,, writes I tried and t remedies not help me, 1 obt t which di A.W I had rheumatism for five years, Ai pr eer quiere “ doctors several they did sined a bottle of Sloan's Linimen O much good that 1 would not do without it ime s 0 IL. Rice of Easton, Pa,, have used Sloan's Lir find it first-class for rheu natic pains,” r. GG. Joxes of Baldwins, 1.1 “I have found Sloan's Lin- iment par excell cap cau ed i my duties in is an excellent remedy for sprains, bruises, sore throat, asthma. No rubbing necessary—you can apply with a brush. At all dealers. Price, 25c., 50c. & $1.00. Sloan's Book on Horses, Cattle Sheep and Poultry sent free. Address Dr. EARL S. SLOAN, BOSTON, MASS. om ( > bo 5 > > be > DOOOOOOO0O00 wo A ¥ xX A ¥, XJ LCC CCX DOCKASH 0X 200X CX ~ | DON'T WANT TO A. E. SCHAD, BELLEFONTE, PA. BELLEFONTE LUMBER COMP Bellafonta. Py PR000000000000000000000000¢ Heed The Call § OF Weakened Kidneys Take Nyal's Kidney Pills for prompt relief and effect a real cure. We guarantes them to give entire satisfaction, PRICE 80, KRUMRINE'S PHARMACY XX OOOO oe 9.9.0 x x X xX XOX ON OO XXX Xx EE CC AXIO OOO . OOOO OOOOOOOL XX Le oi XXX | | OOOO O00 I0R0000000 REESE THE BEST HEATERS MADE-—YOU WILL FIND THEM AT Olewine's Hardward Store. Pap . . AA po TTT TTT TTToN ooo JX XN OC CC AAXANEK AAAAAAS Le, RS LEX x 88008 OX CX AR XXX EX OOOO CX ) -, WAX XX Inner Tubes orMichelinand all other Envelopes The majority of motor- ists throughout the world are satished users of Michelin Inner Tubes. They are the best judges. Ask them. IN STOCK BY George A. Deezer, BELLEFONTE, - - - PENN'A.