Fhuraday, October . Both, 1911, THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, A OVER THE COUNTY, - | Mr, and Mrs, svilvania Tyrone, | Mrs | been n to Tired Moth. | W Evening Tide. Ww Furnace, 8H, Ward, of Penn spent Sunday CORTRIGHT sii SHINGL he Homie Circle in Alfaretta Goss guest of her Kepler, in the Glades Kathryn Langton, of Snow | was admitted to the l.ock Haven | pital la mt operative golden | tient true we | Mrs woman who | gered that “knowl- | fall down unfortunate on Friday, the rule i painfully , of Altoona, has daughter, Mrs, J Pleasant Evening Reveries Dedicated : ers as They Join the Home Circle at Shoe pa week as an and appear to chances, Ocia with a Erasps improve these slonally it is Oung man or the iden have too little svm- | edge is power,” but these other If the yung | ly, are the exceptions, not would remember that the) may be + . old, and the old remember that they There is have been young, the world would be | gtory that | happler for the first tim weeompanied hi ¢ { a public dinner The walter Hard hands, ! B, 1 wnked | ‘What will vou take to burned face: wre nora Take | drink.” Hesitatin 0 “Excelsior” for t ou “TH take are patient, In reached surely write under it that othe good |g net | thi word "Eur y home-fires bright if the winter of life Keep the would have and pleasant. you warm Elmira Kemmerer, about 75, had the saveral steps fracturing her raln caused of Loganton misfortune to at her home her arm and fac meet . . + firmly Youth pathy and age with the Lamp Oil that Saves Eyes Nothing is more important in the home than clear, steady light. Never Leak—Mever Need Repaire— Fico ai Storm- Insure this by getting the oil that Jo ; sroof—Handsome—Inexpensive—Suitable for all kinds of burns clear and clean without a 3s . . ‘ " flicker down to the last drop. Penne uildings. For further detailed informatiop apply to sylvania crude oil refined to per Loocul Deniers or Cortright Metal Root Ing Pa. fection. of Austin Flood, WwW H M oe ts . H. Musser Costs no more than the tank- wagon kind-—-saves money-—saves GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS Notary Public and work-—saves eyes, Pension Attorney Your dealer has Family Favorite BELLEFONTE, PENNA, vor iy Gasolines back to hi Oil inbarrelsdirect from our refineries, RC a MEE re | on der EL Waverly Oil Works Qo. or particulars Independent Refiners simple IN OTHER COUNTIES, 42 246 Frith Ave b each bruising night's seeding to farmers had ceding and atting Sunday the | the vheat ing lad, who | Many ood for thous ht In told of a vo started only favora will hel oon Philadelphia, Co. Survivors Did you ever earth Gems may what ts a dian cannot smile bloss can PITT3BYURG, PA. Also r wie roriy Speci al A ra of Wa nd 'W 1% How siebureh, Pa DE ER Pure Groceries and Food Products. f Summer the mi acier his books; a well dant zines part of ) kes p him « a man influences How ‘ young peopl preciate able priv rounded as are and most tow tunities necesss of a literary taste AS the Hege Fruits ave ther lance nu Wal 4 . hrigl ountry dre Apples we have them. Finest Hames and boneless breakfast Bacon ush House Block, Sechler & Company, Dellefonte. EL A A al EE a da FEE St TS ment r pursuit anid when she « ght p with | Panama canal | the thief she gave him a sound thrash. | piace after a ey I'nited States gx gruction of the Maofhdny for that Fact, Fun AND WANCY. ok eer Bright, Sparkling Paragraphs— Selected and Original. teins hy nd 1) Hy ! the i the vert COE of “1 don't think mu Remarked the n “1 know he clain But "twas 1 whe Theyre of —] is coming } And the bills in already How It Is Done~~Nrs do you account for wWOoma than a must be faster They Were Dead pe A lived opposite a re in our « ing her who that big building “Why that aaiag the orphans little boye and Mrs ftv had wked and ’ Orphan are 1 A Building Problem ~At ' one night an Irish: 0 sald “1 propos schoolhouse, and the place where propose that we house standing } up, and that we u the ste old schoolhouse to bulld the new ne nes of the new one an editor ed a let Long Enough.—It AWAY west ter from an Indignant subscriber say - ing: “1 don't want my paper any longer.” To which the editor replied “That t& all right. I wouldn't make it any longer If did | that case I would have press. The present ler me, and | glad It A Profitable Sale. —A adjoining town recent] scription for a man, ar the price, replied that cents. The man laid cents and started out gist yelled after him ti the price, but the druggist t go on; I made anyhow.™ Wan “out who recely am up A pre when asked WAS thirt down vhen the ar irty cents the nar went thres« irned ring two cents the One on Ma~"EN" Jo storekeeper went to Orleans to buy goods They reached home before he did the were delivered at hi his wife happened to look at the largest; she uttered a loud cry and oslled for a hammer. A neighbor, hearing the soreams, asked what was the matter. The wife, pale and faint, pointed to an inscription on the box which read “Bill inside.” Had Plenty of Time~A West Vir. ginia countryman was seen by a trav- eler driving a bunch of hogs when this conversation ensued: “Where are you taking the pigs? “Out to pastur ‘om.” "What for? "To fat- ten 'em.” “But it's pretty slow work to fatten hogs on grass; where [ come from we pen them up and feed them on corn; It saves a lot of time” “Yas, I ‘spose so; but, Hell, what's time to a hawg?™ Here's Louisiana nes » avaw When store Dastars-ts 2 au n hive to boxes | i Good Advice.~FP Mary's Gift.—A r was thank Killy w ae on th Taking Precautions.—A family nto a dilapidated man sat nt inside wed and out the wet bras! rbhy sald ap to ®ee you ning A PAR gind place noat It's AY CROTe rhood fo yoars.' "1 me about aves why I'm because the last oouple here had twine twice, | d lime's a good disinfectant got ten shildren al in this old and the ain't was the white ~~) been an to ros reason oe, we've read A Long Hog~—~Cy Brown, an farmer lad of Southern Ohio, answer ed the call to arms in 1863 a great boy for country ham not He realize when he signed his aid up home, ham and applejack, Upon his arrival at camp he was served with the regulation sow belly and bard tack. Hin kick against such fare was long, loud and vigorous, nevertheless he became reconciled to army life and for two years bard)’ a murmur em- anated from his emazistod frame, Af. ter Sherman's army reached Atlanta, Cy nccosted the oaptain an the ham subject, “Cap, don't we aver git ony ham? "No, Cy, we never have ham in the army. What do you mean by such a question as that Cy?” “Wall, Cap, I'll tell yor what I mean. We had sow belly at Cinolnnater, sow bel. ly at Frankfort, sow belly at Chatia- nooger, sow belly at Nashville and we're still gittin' sow belly here at Atlanter, and say, Oap, that must be a hl of er long hog if we never come to'a ham” { about tl honest | daughters I Or Cy was | name | {on the roster that he voluntarily gave He OY ! ! nele A PLEASANT SURPRISE PARTY Meld at the Mome of Elias His 54th Birthday the Ereat know that memory half centur Ellas Ce bear witness October 15th ith birthda and neigh! him a little su birthday tw ar Mills Confer on (Ine of life Is to ent pean HR #Vver in reaches the which Mr Milla can Wednesdays Confer's his friends m giving form of a party 1 one-half and nev the »¢ Spring his he heen and Jolly a gathering All ent fun that such think indulged the greatest pleasures of the fine supper ] Those present were Mr. and W. WW. Jamison, Mrs Rebecen Mr. and Mra A. CC. Bheesley and Perry, Mr. and Mra. A. DD Smith, M: and Mra. EE Confer and son Willie Mr. and Mrs, J. CA Heckman and | Carrie, Bertie, Renna and Mr. and Mrs. William Mus daughter Alma, and son | Mr. and Mrs M C. Vo daughter Marion, Mr. and Mra. CC. A. Rishel and daughters Mil dred and Beatrice, Mra. Sarah Breon and daughter Sadie, Mra. J. E Ripka, Mr, and Mra. John Elshenhuth, Mr, and Mra. UU, G. Auman, Henry Immel, Mr. and Mra I. P. Smith, Doaley Decker, Clawrence Ebert and sister Gertrude, A. C, Confer and sons Arch, Clyde, and Austie and daughter Edith, Miss Mary Lingle Mra. Mary McCool and sisters Carrie and Bertha Weaver, Paul Wagner, Harry Shook and sister, Edna Bhook, Clayton Volf, Charles Miller, John Lingle and brother Jim and sister Nettie, Miss Mazzie Vonada, Mra. 14a Ripka, Miss Rosie Gentzell, Miss Ruth Confer and brother Wil. bur, Edw. Ebert, Miss Anna Shunk, Mins Minnie Ebert, Miss Ella Confer, Mr. and Mra W., B. Musser, and daughters Lodie and Alles, Miss Ella Auman, Miss Della Confer, Chas. Nevill, and Jim Guisewite, ITI ene of was the vening wWhAe reTrVve Sr John, ser and Lawrence, nada and roken “Farmer” TORR Death of ne Wwaye many has sho+ anno for le-souled rMmnoes . VERA SCOTT'S EMULSION IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD because it is made of the purest and best in- ol lw) because it contains more healing, strengthening and up- building material than any other Emulsion, and because it is a perfect product of a scientific- ally perfect process. Doctors the world over e coft’s Emulsion as the Standard prepa. ration of Cod Liver Oil. ALL DRUGOISTS 1a / a Be Av iwiwiwiview ee 11 IL XT) MakesNewShoes AsPliantAsQld Ones i nth A lL LC RE BI IY TH WIP PIC WNP ANT WE gn SHOE HE Flexible Wonder Worker Process” slashes on the underside of the innersole a series of overlapping joints, not unkke the scales of a fish, both in appearance and flexibility, This process makes the ordinary Welted sole as flexible and elastic as that of a Turn sole, the most flexible sole used on a shoe. A. C. MINGLE, | BELLEFON RENN'A. - | A ATES NER EEE EEA AD, EO vi ERAT I JER 2S J BE Aa JZ Ni BY vi - LT .T¥ Lu ¥ we We Do Printing of all Descriptions, Centre Democrat, Bellcfonte, Pa. Bonds of ever | deseription HARRY FENLO INSURANCE Sucosssor 10 Frederick K. Poster and William Barasid: TEMPLE COURT BELLFFONTE, -