Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, October 05, 1911, Image 1

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    Circulation Ove F A0—Largost in Centre County. BELLEFONTE, PA. “THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6th, wi.
ZF -
° N- Official Vote Cast at the Primary Election Held in Centre County, September 30th, 1911
Sheriff Proth y Treasurer Register Rec Commissioners D.A. Coroner Auditor Sheriff Proth'y | Treasurer Regis. Recorder Commissioner District Att'y. Cor Auditor
Bellefonte N
Bellefonte 8
Bellefonte W
Centre Hall
Benner S
Boggs N.
Bog a
C olle ge.
Curtin N.
Curtin S
Gregg N
Gregg BE
Gregg W
Haines E
Harris W
Miles E
12 10. 34 i 1 4 ’ . “ . ¢ 4
ER a a BI Rea aa ag -- tl ln NN I AS BIG PL mn —
Block, Sechler & ©
ro PPP
4 ’ t he ! ' 2 v tor
Old Board of Republican Commission : Regis er
ers Renominated-—Rothrock Defeat ‘ B. zuaie) ne thet } to Holit For Coroner Recorder
ed—A Large Vote Polled-—The Nom. nv : a} : ’ y ; ] in ; 1 ' ' ! tev ! Ww H Ww
inees on Both Tickets.
’ Ts »
For Surveyor H. Wetzel : Distr ct Attorney
} rv | 1) | BJ
¥ ’ Tr Iw PV
County Auditors
For Audi tor—$§ J Hoy County Surveyor
: v Als | » ’ : ’ N :
: Commissioner—Wm, \ For Auditor Jeremiah Brungart.
Sheriff Arthur B. Lee her nl en x } ' ' or f M
arn and re
thar ) L
ards cams co y For Prothonotary--D
where t +1
tion then : ' ’ i Ph 8 " ke OV BY - ’ ! tn ' the " » 4 a . . v
ditional certificates y make uy me 1 fitted fo WO! . K+ | 1 vf | partie y rob the thy tat : Nice 18 ces 1 \ 1 p \ wr Tonten ted
boards managed to get . ! ‘ y 4 aemad to ~ " \ i Ave 0 ry a 4 i “Why
their work by midnight . trust wort! Iq 3 perfect h . ids ont hg at whet! yy y t{rne ) i ! ! et the ta-
the early morning ours Agree 1 ind relia 8 tat
u er oo come in from over th in mors ’ : . Jt
Suen mm h me bl » a th ction | terests ’ oA ‘ . + of in! wy ab itarby . j : Bore Nominations. ub 4 : , A ac i vote stood
boards had not finished | morning tical prosps i ndividus Ww | Th Pp he Iw de It : Mew v ot 9 Pre mM Howing i& the result of a e FYayor.
and they adjourned for breakfast and #8 mply | of vy well met,” and ' \ ¢ " t In fo nn " ’ he — \R p imaries in Bellefonte, showing wi H Wor : - “ Reg Te
then went to work again in one dis is known turn ' ther 1 ] matter m Ie obtain two party tickets | ach Ww - n Ina 1 or : . own
trict the board jg sald to have ad For Treasurer—John ™. Miller to ) mat ] y 1) e sorel , n an orderly manner Democrats BOROUGH Repudivoas tioket The vote ind cates that thats
journed until Monday vhich Is con Bots and’ Feb gM ' bass) oy “| ’ ‘ ’ y 7 i one rexdrded Diehl's ‘An Gherrity of Pr Harry Badd —— ver two hundred tae: 1a in
trary to the provisions of the law as a typieal farmer. and has follows : the comn ° ' office « Centre ! start In a serious light, and for Ro A Motrisin rats at the primaries than Republi
they are required to make the count | rarming all his life In Walker town count) t reason Hitle attention seems to Mingle Chas F. Cook | cans
with a continuous session For this ship Mr. Miller is a man of good «d Grov and Noll, this wmkes a good ave been given him. When It dawr Henry Lowery
reason there was considerable ne er: | yeation, his re putation is beyond re combination—farmey and business (ed on the public that Prof Rothrock & H he . { atoling GRmour i Another man who is dissatisfied ov-
tainty over the county ticket on Sun proach, he has the ability to fill the ' Man both have been successful In ihad been defeated It was the surprise W Miles Walker Aud-Ay Mars Hicklen er the primaries is Jacob Knisely, oan
day, as only half of the districts had | a acceptably and would apprecigte | managing thelr own business affairs of the primaries, and since then the Aud 3v Edward 1. Gates | didate for the Sheriff nomination on
reported by noon. During the day re- |, glection at this time Rememih both have minds of thelr own and can | political enleulators ar trying to figure NORTH WARD the Republioan ticket. « He claims that
porta continued to come, and it WAS 1 Johnny Miller this time say “No! both have the backbone to | out how it happened, and who was In Judge SB Miiler | the Republican headquarters opposed
pretty well settled that from the gen- do IL. too, when necessary--both Noll | the deal that handed Prof. Rothrock Willard Barnhart Inspector Geo. Williams | him If he car produce the evidence,
eral trend nearly all of the nomina- For Register—J, Frank Smith, and Grove could run the business of | the big lemon | Oliver Witmer Louncil ohn §. Walker | "one would fault him for doing #n,
tions were Busy to forecast on both Mr. Smith was born and reared in | that office without being Influenced by | Some insist that Diehl had consid } Math oCtable a Fthonrah | He was entitled to an open fight and a
sides. The Republican nomination for | pennavalley, and will be remembered the political roosters from “Head-|erable financial assistance and that a IW ls {fair and square deal
Prothonotary was the only one In!hy some as a successful band Instruct. | quarters” who hover about the Court { Chalrman Quigley was exceedingly a SOUTH WARD —
doubt, and that was not definitely set. | oo In his early life. At present he has | House, as was #0 conspicuous in the (close to Diehl In the wind up. We Hay L Yeh ude Jos, Symmpnds | Charley Dorworth Is not gullty of
tied until Tuesday when it was found | 4 mercantile establishment at Centre | past three years when over $100,000 | cannot explain the pusszle, and as we M, Brockerhoft k 41 J. M. Brockerhof! | shedding any bull tears over the de
that Harry Deihl had defeated Prof. | gall, He has taught school, has more | was awarded largely to city contrac [doubt that the voters will want him | Jas Fleming C ble a. Fleming | feat of Decker and Miller for County
Rothrock by a narrow margin of about | than ogdinary clerical ability, does not | tors and thelr workmen; and 30-year | to keep the records of our court's pro- | I. Constable. fas. Mathews | (vor nner. Charley is in with the
forty. It is not thought that the of- | buy his merchandise and necessaries of | loans of $100,000 were sent outside of | ceedings, ote, In Centre County, as he | WREST WARD organization. and the organization
ficial count of the returns will ma- | life from Sea Roebuck & Co. but | Centre county without ever offering [is not qualified to acceptably fl that | A. Lukenbach Judge Geo. Waite | never claimed any responsibility for
terfally alter this result, | patronizges his home Institutions. and our people an opportunity to get a office, we leave our Republican friends | Harold Kirk nepector Willis Wyland these men being candidates. The othe
The returns were sent tc the county | would make an obliging and aceepta- | good Investment-there would be none | to explain more fully just how It hap. | 31. Cherry one OR Lr er fellow did it, that i» why Decker and
commissioners, office and the vote will | | ble Register, | of that with Grove and Noll, Le H. Constable Jas. Mat} Miller got left.