Page 6. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Thursday, September 14th, 1011, om Correspondents’ Bright, Newsy Letters From the Various Sections of the County. HMI AAMAS AMS VAMP MAALALAMAAA SL WINGATE, Lala Coon \lteona, spen day at Wen Yeoris { ff Stormstown, | Dé ing fm brother and is I Good John Re spent a grand pare M1 J able visit at Phil Monda Zola her (ion i lucl STATE COLLEGE. change The plck LIVONIA Mins Adams Is time ar ng friends at this Edward Gingerich was Friday to Pertha Catherman, mont and they have now several wedding Jassie Adams left on Monday ing for Bugar Valley where teach the Bpracktown school ing term Ruth Stover also previous week to teach the Point school near Stormstown Marshall Hall, of Willian sport, Is Visiting at William Conser's Mra. Nathan Hough spent a days In Lock Haven Mrs. Howard Krape spent a st J. H Delong's Jane place married of wee ky' trip mi nh the com jeft the Htony rn iH {ew week H. B. Stover departed for Hunting | don where he has been re-elected to | his last year's school with a raise In salary, J. G4. Adams and family Bundayed at Geo, Btover's. Our school opened last Monday and all soem to be pleased with our new teacher, Harry Zeigler. NITTANY, companied by aly Howard, their tutor OPP Diehl, rmal few days on Sat is winter LEMONT, mpson and veeks' visit Among friends in the westers part of the state Grebe, of Philipsburg and Speer, of Bellefonte. ta ed tha gh 1) paris ] i week O up thelr intereats politically The John Th Ing a tw wile are tak IE a King heaviest ‘rain of the Friday night and Saturday forenoon Albon Baney and Ira Nearhoof, of Hannah, came down to attend the Sol diery’ reunion and Orangery’ plenle Mary visiting among friends In Tyrone this week The schools of College opened on Monday with a falr attend season fell | ance, John Lytle returned to his western home last week. A —— Some people hurry through: some people worry through; wise people do neither, cpartment Etters, of Oak Hall station, is | township | ER aaa ae J ROCK FORGE rain it tinith BRUSHMVALLEY r mone ing Mrs here number of yo different people Burglars have tran to also tried to gain en HiTerent he but disturbed In the act Heavy rms have ples and many people clder Hickory nuts are a On ines werd 18 shaken are busy the ap making nue promis walnuts and heat ing rep FILLMORE. The heavy rain that our vicinity on last Baturday morn ing did except to put the farmers their plowing and seeding Some of our farmers are done cutting | corn while others have not commenced Bdw. Daudis will have his merry - | go-round In operation every | night at Hunters Park until Falr week passed over no damage back with Bay, Harry R., we wouid like to know | ] {what you wanted with that go-oart you was trying to get at the Odd Fel- | lows plonie, T. M. Huey I» going to Improve his home by putting a concrete porch in front of the house, Saturday | | Unionville, JULIAN, tenides, an ned veter: in town on Fri left O1 where department irth time Wm. wis Mrs. Sallis the 4th, the primary for ti to Swope day for Benore, teach in » pine R TYLERSVILLE ring ot! gil] Mr. a childrer relative The A corn and re; Mm J« Hint Mrs. Frani been = ’ seem San shove (‘ars teach ho Prare or On * Toren, | Lean td i PRA J (news shom oath rines ees | her Sores sl. and that = ONE HUNDRED ae of CaTAnRE Shalt owe Hats's Cavanan Cog Sah thal he BB ake iF aah andl every be eured by the uw of FRANK LOCHENEY {hie S18 day of Dessmber, A, D., 188 i ' A.W, GLEABON { ana J Novany Pursue Hall's Catarrh Cue Bb taken lersally and al [rectly upon the hiood and mucous surfaces of te [Epwiem. Bend for testimohinie, free ! F J CHENEY & 00, Teinde, O iM By all Derventa, The — Hall's Family . tis tor sonstipetion. The Fountain Head of Life Is The Stomach’ A man who has a weak and impaired perly digest his food wili tomach and who doe his blood has be hi wie body Oye 49] ) not soon hod that that come riv and ry ang ind impoverished, and Liciently nourished, Dir. nakes PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY the stomach strong, promotes the flow of tive Juices, restores the lost appetite, makes imilation perfect, invigorates the liver and purifies and enriches the blood, It is the great blood- maker, flesh -builder and restorative nerve tonic. It makes strong In body, active in mind and in dige an: men coal ludgement., Discovery’ is a pure, glveeri eal roots, utely free from alechol ar 1 ou bit-forming A iH its cret of edients are printed on it many cures made World's is COSATry of “A he Bell Ladies’ Shoe That Cures Corns. ONLY AT YEAGER'S SHOE STORE. WE WANT TO REMIND YOU that a bank is a simple, plain ne- cessity to every business man. Very early he sees how conveiient it isto be able to pay his bills by check instead of by cash, and to borrow money when his business demands it. No other friend is as valuable a help to him in good or bad weather. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, BELLEFONTE, PA Mworn to before me and sibmeried in my prosenos, | John F, Gray & Sons pared to write large lines sb any time Also ‘jurety Bonds Successors wo Grant Hoover Life and Accident Insurance ORIDEN @ iTONE BUILDING BELLEFONTE