DEATH AND LOSS IN TYRONE'S STORM LOUDBURST ON FL WOMAN FRIDA 10D. AGED STATE fri fy a } ning at 1 to ridges have fr wil oof the pide of hia a haan aw apt running | ty wilidings. The materini used In the damaged to any great extent The work done at the new high school bullding during the past week, In the way of surfacing the lawns, has been damaged to great ex. tent. All of the loose ground has been | washed to the streets, remain niata the : ter in through some of the tan bark and works are not farmer, Hareville pecnliar melancholy bacco of the barn reason betause he crop was too large for his barn Ho he hanged himself In the hay TO BURY SOLD! In Hilinos Crops Too Large James HougMon, a aged 62 committed suleide for a very He was plunged Into feared Yours, Short Crop Profitable. ERS Lanoaster con ving his near | Men Away From all reports there been three cloudbursts, hills back of Vall, near Gardner sta tion; one at Warrior's Mark and the | big storm that visited Tyrone on Fri. | day evening. must have One om the A Dauphin county farmer who rals- od 1500 bushels of potatoes last year Ia not likely to have over 700 bushels this year. Hut whereas he only got | 80 cents a bushel last year he has al. ready been offered $1.25 a bushel for At Warrior's Mark the | the new crop, | amount, THE ROCK FORGE. An Interesting Sketch About a Place His. torical af the » ag - ¢ Unearthed Comet May Be Seen With Naked Eye. which the astron " wid are focussing thelr now is visible to the naked and Is Increasing In brightness The comet may be followed easily September 17 the comet will be at ita least distance from the earth, 45,000,000 Brooks’ comet, on of the w telencop ners oH eye Ow Htates, Remember take no other, CENTRE DEMOCRAT, B ELLEFONTE, PA. TAR AND FEATHER A GIRL. Rough Treatment Resorted Kansas Boys, Mar { it erinh IL a hen Nn Mn arriving io medy For sale all ents York, sole agents for the tater tate They Fail Nev er dealers rn Co. Foster- Mim Puffa) the name--Doan's Too, By |L! Price 0 United and An Old Tres i There Is an apple tree on 4 West. | moreland county farm that was plant. od In 1797, by the grandfather of the present owner, last year it bore | twenty «five bushels of fruit and this | year Mt ls expected to exceed thd | [PATENT YOUR IDEAS al ale and make |. TT Tee . | Md none JOSHUA R. W. POTTS LR Te Fr el Paige Punneny 0 Doaten ears | ————— LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS, {OTIC h. RIO, COALS Wood, Grain, Hay, Straw an Sand. AUTO SUPPLIES GRADE G HIGH ASOLINE ANDER OILS wnte Fire Proof Ga SEBRING r rage, Prog Penna ntrance from Spring or A Howard, Lamb Street B&B ust issued 1911-12 fall and winter catalog egheny for re Whether been ae customed to shop by mail os not, you can hardly afford to be without the valuable information this Catalog contains. Will send it to you on receipt of your nam: and address — postal card will do. BOGGS & BUHL, | NORTH SIDE, PITTSBURGH, PA. old ¢ Thursday, September 14th, POLITICAL AN NOUNCEMENTS, Bare author ized to announce that NOM offices ket In to the de pv elects for pleme efonte Bors efonte : Fa Beezer’'s Meat Market Banking Co., Ls Receive Deposits Discount Notes John M. Shugert, Cashier. THE BAZAAR, J.S. GILLIAM, Prop sck and Stripe Gingham 00 yds Calico at § and 6a Unbleached yeti from only 500 vds Che only 6%. 12 The best WT lirect Cotton the mill 4-4 rn je pt - ES. As WELL PERFORMED A. E. SCHAD, BELLEFONTE, PA. “. a THE BUILDING IF A MANSION. or the smalidet residence requires lum. ber of supdrior quality, as good, sub- stantial buildings cannot be erected out of Inferior materials. All fumber supplied _y the Bellefonte Lumber Co. can be relied upon to be Just as we represent it. We deal squarely and fairly with our patrons, and when you require woods of the very best quality, clearfi well-seasoned, kiln. Tree from shrinkag, oall on us a AEE ar BELLEFONTE LUMBER COMP, Bellefonte, Pa.