Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 26, 1911, Image 5

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Thursday, January 26th, 1911,
Page 5
~ ~ a a a a a es ~~ ~ WwW. D. Crosshy, Esq. ransncted] RECENT DEATHS, | Ex-Congressman Dresser Dead.
legal business in Bellefonte Tuesday. | i ge A Hon. Bolomon Robert Dresser died
anter It nuel Noll WALIZER George Walizer died at (at 8:2 Frida morning at his home
BELLEFON | E AND Baggage ma ih Ts robe on { his home In Tylersville Sunday even | In Bradford Mr, Dresser had been (lH
an winess visitor to |
wal a business h8itor {ing of the infirmities of age, he hay during a period of four vears, his dis
Saturday last, [ Ink rench hi Tint cnr Funeral | ability resulting largely fron aver
| James COC. Derr and Han BOYer | gervices will be conducted this vork and although everything possi
THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS both of this place made a business trip | (Thursday) forenoon at 10 o'clock in | ble i done to restore health, all
through Nittany Valley one day last | the Reformed church at Tylersville, fort Were unavailing The end
week, | arn suddenly ind painlensl
: BOWER Mre., Sara) LOW it wif«
. y . ‘ The “Brinkly Girl" is a musical | Jacob Bower. died i her ily p Ho a8 a prominent oll operator and
~Next Thursday will be ground Sheriff W, E. Hurley spent Sun-| replete with up-to-date songs | ob FCC ob sow ! - % p of erved two terms In congress
T : " ayy Hy 1g, Januar . 0
hog day | day with friends in Tyrone, and a host of pretty girls Garman’s » complication of diseases reed 65 )
Look over our Rule Register for all Nliton oe i He ar en! | gpera house, Tuesday evening. | vears Decensed is survived b p 4 Ad
the leading farm sales, {aay as hah N Ww i’ SAL, Edward Hill, of Lamb street, €x-« | husband and three children. Mrs Ww
i y Wp ‘ {p]* ‘ id ’ am . | ! | enn a or Vv.
Lew MecQuistion has been quite | —See the “Brinkly Girl” and a full | seetg to move in the near future tO} liam H. Romig, of Mill Hall, Frank y
¢ T™ \ ¢ ‘ Any subseril P ins y {ee
{Il during the past week with an at- | chorus at the opera house Tuesday | the house now occupied by Ben land Charles, of Rote Mr Bower n Ady (0 this 60 fan pos La raw Mivertae
. i ] | 14] J Hi ) |! |
tack of gripp | evening Brown gnd family on the same street | maiden name was Waite, and only one'| no exceed 25 words; . cl AT RES 10 Others, One
Hon. W. CC. Lingle, of Philipsburg, Willlam Royer, of Tyron can Mack Green, a bell hoy at the | of the original family rvive her | cent a word, first issue, no advertisement less
ig looking after his business interests { down from that city on Saturday and | prockerhoff House, | now suisting | sister, Mrs, Harriet Wallzer, \ ell | than 25 cents two Issues 40 cents three Issues
in Bellefonte this week | spent Sunday with his family in Mill's barber shop, where he hopes | known lady of Macks i11¢ 50 en Ne advertisements will be apswered
| " . Pa yoy sorial |. from this ofMoce
H. E. Cowher, of Philipsburg, Is | Miss Lulu Smith returned home | to become a full-fledged tons FAYLOR George EB.  'Tavios Ovi LL
in Bellefonte with the view of buy from Philadelphia and is now 8 KU St | nriist {of Philipsburg's well known and hig} FOR RENT Farm of 200 acres, in Benner twy
ing up horses for W. H. Gray, the ol Mrs. Edw. Harper, at Curtin Mi Hannah Schroyer, of Miles- | ly esteemed townsmen, died on the Inquire MeClures Harness Shop. Bellefonte
horse dealer | The family of Rev. Platts expect | burg, who for BOTTI time past has | 14th irrounded b his loved ones. |
Paul D. Fortney, Bsq., had anot} {to move to Wilkenshurg the latter | heen a pupil in W. R. Gainfort's short. | His deat} as the result of opk FOR SALE—Hand-made two seated cutter and
H . ey, ase naa anoin . ti slot Pn “ » r 3 shury ’
er week In the house suffering from part ol February or beginning of | hand class, has accepted the position | first staining troke ir Octobet sleigh, cheap B. Meyer. Milesburg Pa.
\ wok ous gf
rheumatism. but hag been about the {| March, of stenographer in J. Kenned Joh 109 i weed } he fered a
wh / y | . } tell | tor | office relapse r Mra ally rew enki OR SA 3 Wiel v ar 1
| yw davs | At a recent meeting of the Belle- | J 1a I | | 5 b FOR IL¥ frown Wicker baby go cart with
pas joy oh rial nert | fonte Electric company Wi im Bot Mr Joseph 1 Hunks of this until the end ime at the hour indi he good ndition. Inquire Sourbeck
Louie Hill, Bellefonte's expert | fonte Electric ¢ : ented. The devon en Store 2 1f
larionet pla nt t Ren on torf was elected a director to take the 0% hile on it to her parent { ore
clarionet player, went to { ] : : \ J a Tro | ovine : . :
3 1ce of the ¢ ohn le ne, de 1 WHS ddenly tak reel ‘ H ngdor
Monday where he played ir n or HR ( t late: John I. OI L 1€= 1 homes t Maha ! tH sudden! # 1 {ee n: Jut 4 1% ra} ee } FOR SALE A good horse, 8 y( 14, 1100 Ibs
chestra for a banquet | Cf ed | er eri lv i111 with appetidicd is i ‘ ! : y 3 j i) § si 9 mot 1 Toner A. Hugg, Miles
all t M e it voln { " nper | an perntion was found necessary ong “sf ! re. Pa wi
George Jodon. a fort + ¥ efont lak + point tal ipper | 4 :
nn airy Ba rit ] ith the 1 of the United Bret) [oy 161} Since then her ni 11 (1 \ ow \
policeman, is aaid to be 1 i i 3 ’ : , “ . iad » Cretan Be : ! A ren I'o t ’ -— , g frest
at his home in Altoor fferi Fe it ell 'm adjoining the chur § re ! I | Irvin Fet r Holes Jerse r Gus ’
p 3 tl Thursd evening Chicken and | I ' | rorise } 4) ! | | “1 nt ¢ 1 { av M '
om Clat i rheun tisn ’ ‘ r A vi ¥
y : \ , vale be on the men Lhd it pir | Y | ‘ re Wd y 1
John White, who 1 on Beave n feel assured of something fine | Some t count here he empl t I or name | FOR SALE~W w Sash with glass, eight
street, expects to move n t . " . | } § 2% fa lay moar 3) ' sel, oan be ‘ for hot bed or erwise
1 t 11 11 note hat | + i the Weprsshoema { pi ‘ ‘ .
near Jacksonville in tl spr y \ : re | M 1d Jol te thi that " Siwy ‘ : | Samuel Fravel, Bellefonte, R. 3
Shire beer elected a khol | | I ‘ ‘ y
try tilling the soil for f ’ . | , » transferred t . 3 "
"wy Mui ‘hat jr R he First National Bar this | eX Ped ' Ni ‘ Lr antt ' i | WANTED To buy beet and calf } highest
The Altoona Fribune is dh ! in } I ed the Inte Martin | not mw i ' : rhops ' J t J nited market prices pa Ca Be } ne ¥
George Switzer, of Bellefonte, has re i le. deceased Mr. Shu one of | I Ee toy te We n ring t Hare Frviy ' heir | 1. Houtz Boalsburg, Pa i nr
enlisted in Troop M, 11th cavalry, a Yafesmt t sratminent re | . i | 1 x rn ' ‘ r of ‘ p nd |
od in “i merly served | Bel fad pron nes i hs, 1m rk \ I FOR SALE ~A good saw mill at only
command in which he forn } {and ent the confidence of the env octiand nventh 4 gent ha 1g ' oy tle ; ol w | \ WH
a three-year enlistment tire ommunity Br . ” held the 1 ' Aa wh » af righten and fofan wi Rk Na Ba 40 ala Ee
One of the latest automobiles in | At y vd 1 r hold } ‘ represent ' 1 Eagle 5 ving
i R { regationa n Ling el I ,
town is a model G. Franklin that Mr. | = h hi rar, rm \ ouch = " | H hol Y \ ntinue |! I ‘ her |} band, | FOR SALE~Two palr turke
Sebring del 3d” Dr. Dale on Wed. 1.3 Bh JOURS ‘oEroHoel yi Bh r a week or | Ii ht Annie Harriet, and her |  #0d Bronze breeds; also one §
EN Yee th | day, January 15th Messrs. C. T. Ger- |! dia hor mother. M Le 'F | Grove, R. F, D. 4. Spring Mills. Pa
nesday. It has all the latest Improve- 1, 0. 2nd A. Lukenbach were re-ele |: el I Ww B ptmwemesmemesm—————————————————————————
ments and is one of the finest cars ir | te Iders and Harry Keller, Esq. and Fiver i ing for the aj WOODRING Samuel Wood FOR REN Severs GfMces in Exchange B a
town. | tis \ FIIGT WEP ele od Ae rod A . Yeyut 1 . The . ' DE. sean ented, 1 f Appl
TE ' \ net \ | Curtis X. Wagn vere N ted Det~ 1 pol : he ! , : pain onde r Know iti- 110 F. W. Crider, Bellet x4
T'he annual football banque Was | cons The holy communion will be i.r ¢ ¢ announced st al d | zor ‘ } } n that pla
tendered by Mr. Hughes, headn I | cetebrated next Sunda {1 H . Harter hie reser ir n Thur ternoon of t week, | POR SALE plano in good cor
of the Academy, to his sturdy cham- | Fe Ww ( went ui Rn | bent ar 2H WY I re the t ifter a ne { ral vears from | ditior P Call or address
plons on Friday e\ Shing nn ne the | ville on Frid ernoon last where | principal asg FADIA Fhe img res on Is | thi I patior My, | Elmer E. St Fa X
Brockerhoff House. It was a most d | he pied the United Brethren pul- [abroad that Mr. W b rir engineer devoted 10 | wANTED—-Youne oir hing good home 1
oh 1 fai | . aap ’ WANTEI] | we girl wishing » 1 home 1
lightful affair. | pit in the evening for Re Dean. who | is ‘ ent § 1s born at Mt A With Tun a ee or Ry BN
Rev. Hewitt attending the meet- | conducting special services at thelr Mr Rn Sch r ~ ! | W ed | ers helper. Call at Sourbeck's store suf
ing of the archdeaconry at Willlams- | n1504 Re Dean has een in poor ex eb an a guest at t} Afkens | Port M y , -
port this week Monday night bar healt) of we. and with hat reler = " Ale . eet @ M1 y neer d nal WAN ns D , rent t ah } ast smal [ pe Ly
ew i at . " ; . + . near Belle te, I exoesd { Olesen scres
quet was held at the Park Ho it | standing Re Wir very. kind Ke nd ght Emn nie | H. H. Bradley, Bellefonte. Pa. BR. F. D. 1
which five hundred hurchmen were nted A st hin | tals 4) } f ! Ki TT
in attendance Rev. Hewitt is on the ter Earl ( ter \ 1 ! ening ens ! ' " WANTED-—Horse 0 work Ki ‘
rogram for an addre t or f the | “hy Fes Ae matte Puta ‘ ; Y ‘ > ne WAZOD, ROA Ker at ot horse
DEREra f « i a y e 1 Le " Fe welg x . D. } Ack Box
sessions, Cha y prog " n Lint ' Avie Pa
Mrs, meron Burnside 1 Dé at rove Hirt oy Xp v } | \ . ¥ ; i §
home to all her (riendas t her re resid ‘ wfter Apr Fhe pur “of l 4 FOR SALF er ’ : . g rem
dence on North Alleghen street, 'Sat- | «) price was $ 4 Toh Wat ' w t : : § § ! n
urday evening, Febr I ith. I p that par \ Tuer . | Ko “Dew b
to 10:30 o'clock It her expecta e « P ut t " nt |
tion t
here 18 sh
ed trip
At th
“White Ru
re-elects eX ng 2 SW ¢ .
who 1d tea Pl !
John M. Shugert AS ted t AR
his place. During the past year ihe
. vcompany has has y L. orders
that has kept the ! :
time In fae the ' ' ¥
stemdior 11
and Dr, Se ert, 4 ‘ vr. B '
in the
plete ‘ er n iy “ "
ment anticipa
i 1 YET | “
wag made of Bellefonte !
by a firm with th BH g
new director it . i
peared evera th LL
people were looking ! Ewes
the publishe Was } }
after some 4 4 nx i !
same, and he formed that wir
tO sOm« el the cha N
partment of h plant the printing was
delayed It now is his expectation |
have the d sued for de ‘
some ¢e Ir ruar It has been a
omg time ' ve have ha a dire
tory of H« fon and this one will be
appreciate our people at this
i) Mrs Flliza \ :
nar place, reached the 65t}
Ant ‘ f he birth and t make
the happ Qe for he gooq
| her sons came home
hely rate t-Will Ammerman
Mt. Carmel and A. BH Ammerman i
Blut Colles he together with
Wn 8. Btover, a friend from State
College, and those at home, her son
Johr and rothet Augustus Wolfe
male p a pleasant little home gath
fring A daughter wih ef at Phill
paburs TT nable to be present on
account of Hiness Mrs AIMeras
received a imber ! ‘ presents
and if x d wishes ! for anything
# he ¢ blessed with nat "
such happy snniversari
The Civie Club of 1k fonte has
shown some avctivity i ate in ths
Hine of educating our people 1 the
ea of making Bellefonte treete and
surroundings more beautiful hat is,
to remove the eyesores that prove so
conspicuous In certain parts of the
town and to Inspire in the residents a
disposition to improve their proper
ties and the surroundings. In other
towns the same effort is being made
and i» having its effect As A mug
gestion to the society we wonld urge
them to have J Horace McFarlane,
of Harrisburg, pay our town a visit
and favor us with one of his Interest
ing lectures along this line. He In
considered an authority in such waks
and has appeared In some of our ad-
Joining towns in the sume capacity re-
cently, He da 8&8 man who devotes
and we think his services could easily
be secured for such a talk, If we would
only show gnough Interest to hold a
public meeting and extend him the in
vitation to address it. It is worth the
society's effort to consult with Mr,
much of his time to this kind of work |
gt vith
| ! h It
' np
’ tH
. tiny cme
Ir Moen
' excellent
an Iw me |
Ver afternoon
te ladies
fortable place of
eo the
m ’
singing tnd vldresaes
in freq 2!
shown by the
w hich
the x fy
and no
1 good
Wi not try
Hall nr
place for Sunday meetings
doubt the local Y. M, CC, A. could ar
range with Manager Brown of the
Beenie, for pletures which could be ap
propriately shown on the Habbath
Mr. George T. Bush departed on
Tuesday noon for Willlamsport to al
tend the eleventh anniversary session
of the Beottish Rite bodies of the
Masons. He is the assistant secre
tary of those bodies, They have a
membership of close on to 2000 and
they expect a class of about 136 this
session, to take all the degrees up to
[the 32nd. The session will last three
days, and a ball will be held Wed.
nesday evening In conjunction with a
musical and the banguet will be on
[Friday evening. There are several
{ Centre County masons who are going
down to take the higher degrees and
many of the members from this
county will also attend the session.
n att We
: :
Old Soldier Tortured
rs | Tere wg
' ' eat natipation
and : ! Mi Ie A TOs A K. S i!
fn r PAT Frise » t Ir
King's ew | " fixe me
» i A LL | : ’
ther ’ . : . ’
tr ’ Phat
Art} } WM . re 1
ft LR
f ‘ Garbrick . ma «
ness trip to Philipshurs
the M. |} hurct hold ok
en and afMe Upper n Mataurdas
evening Inr ' Nt) { rtin
Mrs John Dormar Inughter-nr
nw f Snvdertowy #ited friends In
Lock Haver ' Willlamsport last
wie K
Ore : eur f M1» : Hie Re den
wing on fh " ® TT Mrs
srah Palmers Doping thelr early
re 7) .
If y¢ re having ’ I» spring It
will have the readers of
the Centre Democrat know about it
Bee our sale register
Our neighbor, Rey HH H. Bradley
has bought the HH. 1. Long property, In
our town and expects to move In his
home In the near future
If you want to know where (0 se
cure farm supplies turn to our Hale
Register, on page 4 of this Issue. Al
the leading =ales are in that list
The Keystone Legislative Associa
tion compgped of the Republicans and
Democrats dlected to the Assembly
the ald of Keystone voles, was forme
od on Tuesday afternoon in the Sens
ate anti-room. Representative Abs
bott of Philadelphia is chairman of
the committees In charge of the or.
ganization. The object Is to heh an
eye on legislation, Commendable,
by |
ie the 1 nt
: ‘ " ’
. ’ y d A
fred § f } ' Mr \
Fray ) A Miller
tm ’ " M
i } W i'n :
‘ be } " . ve
} : § ndu
: : | “w ant r f the
A . hare) Inter
NEV) ) Farle alle ®
prominer : ’ warmed) AWAY n
Mond : ir hie leat) |
t ‘ al ent loathers Neff
at hor lHistance from Cur
th He en health |
nO At ' ident In at
tempt the rallroad
tracks iia ned was struck
b 4 “ ght tra and had a
nt i ' stant deat)
| njur ed broke his
Once ut r tution and mince
then Iw anil ! mpaired health
His at Hines ered a period of
About ten dave 1 Was due 10 gener
al debiint \ eff a farmer by
occupation and ved most of his life
in that sect He vas more fami
larly kn r ‘ al ) tionesr over
this and atoning nies, and In his
time : hay : maonre farm
sales thar A! or man In this
count H had talwart bulld and
An} f ¢ : keen eve and
quick tL A f humor that made
hin & strong and «ff tive man on the
blow k nd for 4 # ant weeks In all
kinds I welts n the Bpring son
ivy vas found at this trying occupa
tio nA parts Within county Mr
Neff lon g 10 sur ‘ him a widow
and the following children Dr. Geo
M. Enders, Pa ohn CC, Akron, O0.: J
Linn, Port Collinge, « Mra. Clara
rides Jerse Rhore Miss Allee
Brett, Perr Kan Howard RB. at
home Mrs Cora Fulton, McKeys
Rocks: Chester | Howard, Ben). ¥.
Biate College ind Sarah E. Phila.
Adelphia A Ie hrother and sister
W. Thomas and Elisabeth, of near that
place. The Interment took place at
Curtin, on Wednesday morning, Rey
Taylor, his pastor of the Methodist
church officiating. Mr. Neff was a
man of sterling aualities, respected hy
IA large olrcle of iriends. In that com-
munit, he was a prominent and useful!
citizen. His age was 74 yours,
| months and 12 days
All the lead!
public sales are ad.
vertised in the
‘entre Democrat,
Barred }§
$7 00: Pen Reds. 8 \ Reds
$400 Tr Bufl Orpingtons, M1 Per fn
: wome > Alwars a few wd Ms
Spar Fees for hatehing a special Keym '
P ry Yards Bellefonte. Pa
POR SALS ster 1 se ar ght t
fe. doing & siness of $16 pr. L
ated . ase, best pa § sar t
. mner is ving west Price $2400 cant
Ca write Wm. F. Murh. 27 West 4h m
Ww MuSpOrt »
FOR SALE~4 eral store In the village !
Fiedler with acetylene § nt ar steam hoe
Buyer oan bave Possess io Wt noe (aiww
reasons for selling For 1? particulars In
puire of G, W. Wolf, Fiedler Ps gy
OTe ADG ander ¢ tivation waler righ wt
the d good w¢ and bare As of fine fruit
would make a fine summer hone. 5 minutes
walk from Ars Ww . heat re of
Chestie Hofoan, Box 61 Zion. Pa xf
MONEY WANTED Can place severs ans
of PMO as frst morgage ob Improved res
esinte Lebire oOuDLly, S18 por cont, interest
Ample security Consult us sd onee if you are
iD position 10 Invest your money Inguire of
John M. Gray & Son. Insurabes agents. Belle
fonte. Pa tee
MEN WANTED se 185. for firemen Six
monthly and brake 0 on raliroads Ir
Bellefonte vic LY JRA perience unnecessary
strike Positions guaranterd competent met
Promot ios Rrilroad Employing Headguar
OTS orer #0 men sett to positions monthly
State age; send stamy Railroad Association
Dept 407-17 Monroe Street, Mrookisn, N.Y
AGENTS WANTED To sell an Antiseptie
preparation which prevents blood roisoning
and stops Colds and Tubercniosin FuRraniitend
utder the Mare Food and Drags Act). Liberal
Mescount. Sample free Reterenees desired
Only one agent In each disariet. Mar sian
ousiness as a de line. Apply with out delay
0 Malgnen Chemioa!l Company. MN. I3h St
Philadelphia xh
| shiuste in Benoer Township
Desirable property st provste sale
on wpol Niv
any Mountain Sstory frame dwelling house
summer kitehen and all necessary outvulidings
Harn and shed, good young orchard. good wel
| SL house, b sores of cleared land, 5 acres of Lim
[her land. Will be sold on easy terms. Susan B
| Hoover. Axe Mann, Pa. W. G. Runkle. Balle
fonte, I's
Kaun ‘ pore ?
Butter 2?
The following prices are paid
Y. Wagner for grain:
Wheat, red da
BRIM: #00 0kis 40 00h 1 5 ntnds o vo apes
CRED ¢oosuse | OCR |
8283 0
The only baking
made from Roya
Absolutely Pure
Oream of Tartar
ESTRAY Can 1 ' f the ‘
signed, about Sq r Sah. 19 red i
about 1 your } ho" tehed and
has & Spot ob rig X 1 wer notified
LO prove proper 4 ane w De
disposed according w 1 vide osu as
es. Wm. Mayes. Befch Creek xt
Estate of Samus 5. Mey ate of Boges
township, a¢ i
Lewters of adn strat
estile having beer
by the Register
Pennsylvania. a
estate are heret
ADA All persons
ale are requests
2 rs
wing a
1. : 3
ation «¢ x We " .
XO : ¢ bere vor
nd zy of PN " ‘ f
We are aut? ‘ t t
¢ follow £ X } tes for ™
atior for ‘ CRP 0"
med n the : rat Ket 1
nire nt oct 1 th
In of the el
nt be held Sa ’ Tune r
Db. J ERY. Hust 4
JOHN R EMON. Fer ‘ T'wi
MN | . 34
District Attorney
PAUL FORTNEY. Bellet ¢e. Pa
AVID RR. FORMAN, Bellefonte, Pa
! HOFFER. Philipsburg, Pa
fonte, Pa
Overseer of Poor, Bellefonte Bore
ILLIAM RB RIDFR, Bellefonte, Pa
TO Epiron Cexrras DEMOCRAT | hereby as
ance myself! as 8 candidate for County Con
SA ONET sub ect 10 the decision f the Rept
Hoan yolers al the primaries 10 be held June
bred, 19 Haney BF. Zien ax. formerly Bes
ney Twy
TO Error Cerys sDEMOCRAT 1 hereby ap
the primaries 10 be held June 2rd 1911
ance myself as a candidate for Recorder subd
1 10 the decision of the Demoeratic voters st
MOoKmviay, Rogen Tw;
Desires a
for Centre Co.
Liberal Contract for Right Maan
Philadelphia, Pa. Contract Dept.