Circu FOUR-YEAR OLD LAD LOST IN MOUNTAIN lation Over 5,600—Largest in Centre county. [CONCLUSION OF { THE OCTOBER GOURT HE STRAYED SEVERAL MILES VERDICTS IN THE LAST TWO FROM HIS HOME, Slept by a Charcoal Hearth—8on of John Packer, of Howard Township ~Lad Suffered Little From the Ex- posure—Searching Parties Sent Out The five miles 1 ly arou over the year-old lost for Allegheny Mr Packer the Allegheny farmer. Sunday to the to in pasture along his to the saw little Mr. Packer. Some er returned naturally inqul Mr. Packer knew whereabouts, had not leaving the and that the child followed mountains, and was am learned of the child foll failure to return At once a the sponse communit rth He d | di gOnN mountains ™ he tarts woods sheen keg aintain way her aione ROOT was not aware him to the wzed n he its house, h was thers SOAr premises, but to the many ents. Then realizing that the one was alone at night, with mate result, traced his course As chilly, and only in a alls, was feet, the stantly ing some d ni } of the child whic! in a ravine, | down and winds thr were | tion After a tinued no response the child had gheer exhust his neighbors tian Endeav ress at the far distant sent thers child the exercises were 35 started mountains Hne Unt long old, middle-aged an« t : and down mountainsides, through women nT" Sen mops, callirew all thne—but there wns the search was abar all The next party was womens body tion calls PDAT- F little out in the forest and deat} the ultl Mr. Packer hastily re- steps i Me the possibly wer night Httle as to in : 55 ing, went Pp ra- + he two n er sal vious The blue Ir and we exhaust Robt. 1a antly carrie and distracted onstration mother pre to her bosor say, but after en to restoring ministering f partook EX ed none the deal The County Race the nters " fe One f the | tery n w expected t tries These rind ‘entre ' $ ’ owned shis of n« prett the no for heat mistal half Arst two | time third have beer the second n tween Si time was 2 11 m rees This Ir race Meeting of Medical Society The month! meeting of Count Boclety w= ad at morning exceptionally off very Pale of prepared after who was of the Pittsburg At 13 the the Centre in mirt The al the gr Jur room house n Wednesday attendance was and everything comnfully In read @ Awto-intoxicatior RG. H. Harper, to the meeting Bociety, held at an Interesting report the physicians went to where a clinle was held o ’ Bi Ntats paper which Aele Med made o'clock hospital passed P. BH College well on Dr Bate fend fn Htate Moving On te Vietory All over Pennsylvania there is growing sentiment In favor of W, H Berry and the whole Keystone ticket At Tyrone on Friday evening there was a lively Interest shown at a meet. ing which was attended by voters n | Bona i flohert of | every party, and an organization was | perfected with Rev, C chairman and Thos M tary. W. Karns an» Logan secre | Fannie . 1 J. Grover Committees were appointed to | 4 i arrange for the big mass meeting at | the auditorium on the evening of October 17, to be addressed by Herry and Gibboney, Old Blair going to show its colors. | county is | Clarence A. Yearick, « « CASES ON TRIAL. Some Settled and Others Continued-- County, as Usual, Costs in Many Instances—A Trivial Grist --Reported by 8. D. Gettig, Esq Pays the ent gone } gO } clined this note the did ang place and the first named but that the s¢ of her arried out Louder was ir tiff had offered ferent ersons er nan defendant idence defendant plaintiff would which until paid have ent tis arrangen juer subse that the ned wher : : K i . 1) (‘ontinus John Caldwell, returned by consta- | ble of West Ward f Bellefonte 1 : " ’ ‘ ’ th hh otraval “mt Tr of the sentence f Comin Archie Attery to It the charge aned Anup and pay = IF Peter Harpster Inhoof chnree he Harry rdon Margery Hironk ch utrix traynl C Ethel mtinued prosecutrix Ella traval Continued tor Robert to animale ounty to pay Prose Thompson, charge be Oliger Prose elty the « Arges proased conte Nolle the J. 8B. Pees charge the co ind trix Bue Weller prossed conte prose slander Noll and to pas Culver inty the Ernest Hertha Continued prosecutrix charge betrayal Finley walving the and sentence ment of cons fL.uoas after fury pay James plead gulity finding of the grand is suspeded upon BELLEFONTE, PA, THURS a nett DAY, OCTOBER 13, 1910. — ——— thie on A meeting of Bellefonte newpaper p Monday for Republican, Cen Watchman, 1 Stat unanimo effects held the | porter iy of iellefonte oem Mi OTL gotte, Itheim Journal and on it Was organization in the future (‘entre County nF Fol ANd arrar I purp it we for form Ww nt the Post # “Whereas ' ) “Whereas, “Whereas, papers and that a copy tion of this ! . of Tor its pr ana } “Resolved, Now, if you want the Centre and unpa you are over one year due, it d subscription account at on Newspapers Publishers Organize. the gements m wshingtion Contre the Centre Ki joined ublishers of in which Democrat, Hustler Times county was enoon, tre publishers Hall Re yatone Ga After motion that a tion, which Publishers’ As permanent foward ¢ College usly ad 1 agreed by mutual proted NOeWEpa per thin lowing aificers ade for future med ing this nsx oclation rigidly enforcl trict obser f | faawe Vaanot and Regulatic i ohh “general $ be furnished to each t ful rither news re . ' Democrat without interruption i% your duty to attend te your Ce DEAD IN FIELD The Venerable John Nash Succombs to Apoplexy the enerable passing John Nas) ile Huntingdor yan | Opened a Safe who conducts two H tt store about burg, on Th summoned Treasurer J E. Harder, an locksmith, of Lock Hav to safe which the combination work Mr Harder Milesbhurg from where he tak en in a buggy to the st of Mr. Uh Fle At once commencs operations and In from O to 40 n ter he had the door oper After for sme time with the ov he that the i lers had gummed and refused to drop into place proper! This was catsed hy some person them with in. ferior oll, which In a short time In Came gummed With Hheral use of gasoline and by pounding with a ham. mer the tumblers were eventually got general Miles City expert open a lock went n Wl, n miles from iraday en, on refused to to Was re ir working mbination imi i ascertained become ling | tenn Into the proper shape and the door Marriage Licenses Ardery, M. Rider, DD. Weaver, M. Confer, Thomas, M. Miller, Samuel ww Henry Clearfield Clearfield Howard Howard Pltealrn Bellefonte | Winkleblech, Rebersbhurg | E. Bressler, « « Rebersburg Cleveland Bolt, Bellefonte | Bertha 1. Ekert, « Bpring Mills Geo. Barrmagiough, « « Bnow Bhoe Etta Tombs, « « « Osceola Mills Howard Howard Mary Harry Mary J. Henderson, - . { ¢leaning was then opened After thoroughly and olling the parts of the combination Mr. Harder went to Belle. fonte, where he took In the sights of the Centre county falr Mospital Notes, Mrs. Mary Garbrick, of Bellefonte, operation Miss Maude Musser, of Bellefonte, of Pelle | | operation Miss Mayme MeKilap, fonte, operation for appendicitis Mra, Isabelle Grenoble, of College, appendicitis, Boventeen patients in the hospital Htate | ’ {er - Reynolds. Houck FLOP.OVER IN CONGRESS. Popular Revolt Mas Already Forced 78 Members to Retire of mince Republ 1 ¢ MeKine ' 11 In 1% } re ¥ of popular rn it members able disaster the ARKnK of M has been IRainet rae f nee retiring wl I erm ne the ! nve ted with pport Speaker ( ht, while an regents mis New Jerse oe primaries of non LNn« ng the one, ( Rep haries has been thre have the N Fowler feated hr have retir Repul te Al Burrows are the most the old guard Republi been forced out de ana whom become An ominees Yor h, Hale minent ns two Het and of who have A Republican Predicts Defeat Before leaving home for the Mi Clemens Banitariom to undergo treat ment for a rheumation! affection more than month ago, Bamuel 8 Woods the Penrose boss of MIfMin county, Is to have predicted the defeat of organization In Mifflin county and conceded the honors to Willlam H Berry and the Keystone patty It was following the address of Derry and Brumm in the court house on Friday night that the leaders further down the line began to decipher the handwriting on the wall The most representative people of each district In the bounty called on the speakers and shook hands follow. ing the address and long after speakers had retired for the people who had attended the meeting stood about the streets discussing the salient points This was a striking contrast to the reception of the Ten. reception two said the weeks ago when scarcely twenty-five | persons other than political appointees called on the speakers, the | night | AN AUTOMOBILIST IS FINED $100 | FOR RECKLESS DRIVING AT THE COUNTY FAIR. AIDED IN ELUDING ARREST Secreted in a Hotel and Then Carried Out of Town Another Auto-- Was Drunk and Smashed His Car Deserves Punishment mn nt tearing wheel band Rhoads wilhir bank E. Church a Dedication New A M he ne ethodist Kj r al F. wide Ww He H. Butler presiding Elder trict PA A Askew the pastor ministers M _ He n tn onaa nETeg : per dier The } participate and the cordia help prtrugei« ndebtedness of and to final lesperate date hoe Allen Maitland 111 Allen Maitland, youngest son of BH Maitiand, formerly of Bellefonte now coritioal i his home wil Hamsport A bout YOar wi appeared on his large tos ™ fused to heal and It" was th ad visable 1 amputate the This however, falled to stop the aggressive ness of the disease and his finally amputated which also bring him relief The disease also broke out In his mouth, making it Im possible to take anything but lquid food He I» a young man and his hosts of friends In Bellefonte will sorry to hear of his sad affliction cancer, which may prove fatal For A number of years he was a demon. strato for the Keeler Co, of WH Hamaport, who are dealers In automo bilen. He Is a brother of Isane Malt. land, who was married to Miss Min nie Garman, of Bellefonte, He is mar. ried and has a wife and two children Ww in al at ARO a which ught n r+« Love leg was falled to Towanda For Berry. The Bradford county committee at its Inst meeting adopted strong resolutions condemning Allentown convention for the Keystone ticket. N. 1. Walk. er, of Athens, was elected chairman after he had made It plain that hs was for Berry and the whole Keystone | thoket. Democratic | the | and declaring | ¢ femocral —— BRANDED A “SHAME AND A DISGRACE” VERY SERIOUS CHARGES MADE AGAINST CANDIDATE TENER. ASKED TO RESIGN FROM TICKET Or the Philadelphia Will Make Every Voter North American an Exposure Should Note Stake To-day the Re- sult Reputations at te for show “that he is wholly unfit for that trust and that no self-respecting cit. izen can vote for him for any office.” I he rt e oor es with © FwWeep- “would not be an honest governor, and that his candidacy is a PUBLIC. SHAME AND A DISGRACE." tuts nt 4 To % ment ien- 0 re ur it paper next few uld te Care- ier 8h MARRIAGES Johnson -Showalter and Edna whael ace but married Vednesday home in pa wr Thomas - Miller A Double Wedding in : ada : rt g 8 i 1hie ling ~t wed. Iellefonte athol church The Austrians, WK two Rev. Dr After the driven to were iriven near the Hellefonte the wedding Jjubliee lasted all through Wednesday morn that forty or AMY used In celebrating had a big time was perfor 1 the Johr contracting sarties the ceremon “ were and wh } he Was performs Katoh of Johnst the parties rs wr long wlege were Mallory taken, to stud} wi ere pict fed the res after wl Were olin” where wi Furnace Oommen the afters Wi un ing it . ken of beer the event. thus et] ti said Were they be | with | Horses Lost by Death, There seems 10 be a disctbe AMONE horses which veterinarians name pare alysis. Horses in different parts have died of the disease soon after an at tack. Mr. B J Breon, of State Col lege, route 2 a few weeks ago lost | three horses within two weeks from this disease. Mr. Breon says the ani. [mals he lost were paralyzed In the | hind legs, and died very soon after the Iattack. He had six horses and now has only three left. He estimates his loss at no less than $400, The disease ia sald to have made its appearance among horses along Marsh Creek, where one farmer also lost | three horses, and other farmers had horses die from paralysis of the hind. | quarters which prevents the animals rising upon their feel