Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 15, 1910, Image 5

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    Thursday, September 15th, 1910. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, Page 5.
— TE
Anas ATA are | Speclal—1 quart glass jars a doz- | Special Sales—06 colored post cards RECENT DEATHS. i FAITH MAKES HER WELL.
en, 60c. Glass tops, 200. per dozen | views, Oc, J. Finklestines tacket
BELLEFON 'E AND VICINI ['Y 1. Finklestines Racket Store | Btore BLAIR: As OF a atroks of |. 2 meant ead. talth oA
On Wednesday night of last week This evening the ladies of the  Bpople stained about two months | ix ) nea verett Huntingdon
Mrs. CC. M. Parish gave a card party Bellefonte I'nited Brethren church | 2KY, Mi Mary J. Blair, widow of the . ! ' of the Huntingdon
Hezekiah Hair formerly
in honor of her sister, Mrs. Howard will give a chicken and waffle supper late ‘ FOS ) ailros nonths
THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS Gearhart in the room between the church and Bite oho diad rica) it the hon ny : ; le] Hhafe a eroted
Mrs. T. A. Shoemaker and children {the parsonage. It will cost 26 cents | 33 IA BECRCLS GREER t0 J on for can the Roaring Spring
ni Al ) A p 14 ) ‘
und will be served from Bb until ® VE n Ion na. | vas bor i ul ul ’ p eration
p'elock Every bod 1 invited to | KWick A (yetoher 2, was ' : ‘ patient
and ria hole wn vas Mary
Hutcohisoy : ‘ } ! ved by
following WwW. A. Blair, sician ded Her nA! vould
iii id ~~ ~s arrived home on Sunday evening from
" y their trip to Europe, much benefitted
The amount of rainfall this month, David Kelley has recovered from |p. the sen \ gi ne and ald a good cause
2 Ths ost " ie TL hes ny " R ,
from 1st. to Tuesday last, is 3% inches. | his recent iliness After spending the summer at the Mi Jarcle Kimport who had
J. CC. Bovee, of Clearfield, Deputy Edward Richard left on Monday NAR " a Rha on | been Keeping house for her brother > i
. | ; residence of Mr Nora Sheldon, Princetos { ¢ Homer 4
Factory Inspector, was AMong the afternoon for Philadelphia Linn street, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fenlon prothonotar Arthur Kimport, left on Altoos 4 , Mr ! f and, at
mn { ‘ y y ’ ’ p . vitoona nn 4
pleasant callers on Tuesday FEddie Hill has moved his family | are again at the Bush House 'hursdas fOr Fort Madison, lowa Port both of 4 ¢ ;
called there L the erious Hiness of : ; J ns ! dd | gradually
her sinter { | " ‘8 It . wis taken to Philips ree NOT § y . fined Lo
one of the neatest autos seen on our | now located on Lamb street Sunday morning to accept a position | 4 hy i Cu TLame |
| $ ny m 3 3 y ‘ oped ood : 1 4 FA A : Mrs A i eT BH
streets and it has quality as well | Carroll Hall, of Philadelphia, was | at Akron, Ohio, secured for him by his |} » be hoy 8 tt good and encouraging RE Mi manda Walker, ny
; F a, slat J n, EWS Ima ard fro 0 arrig township, died ind 1 4
—Mrs. 8. A. Donachy, of Bellefonte, | a visitor in Bellefonte Monday as the uncle, who resides in that city | ' % ; rom her v oe : ) ! ‘Y 3 5 night alleged cure rms 2 y vi he could
i ’ ’ 2 Ale \ ot . . 11 OR s 1 y py > temember that th dicat y rh 0 Cin a " ome o er oro y $
is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Clar- | guest of his cousin, Willlam P, Humes If vou desire a good broom see n H e dedicatory ex ther. Jacob Maver, ontire Hall not 1
nee RB wr r . . ercises connected with the completio om h '
on 0 " qs { . , p T Poh I n . h ur . we p
ce Bolton, at Wheeling. W. Va Mrs. Charles K. Rath, of Elizabeth | James Derr Jr, who manufactures | .¢ sho new public school building takes | Sh¢ ha i beer nh for i i nr more Fhe far \ : hed.
th stomach
Mrs. William Keller, of Centre N._ J. is visiting in Bellefonte at the | them here In Bellefonte, These are place morrow ftery nd « ! i } trouble A i they wa ing
| i {0 0 { , Alte 1007 An Ve n ¥
Hall, after visiting Mrs. Joseph Atlee. | home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. | exci lent brooms besides you will be How ™ A xt Cur ur nd y ; when ay tl win ed by a
at Tyrone returned to her home on |W, Crider helping a worthy young man along and well YOraL'y Xnoy ' Shafer : r Soa
be toa in) ! A } ! ! d and
1 de.
~Dr. Kilpatrick's new Hudson car is | from Sunbury to Bellefonte. He Is Frank Rowe left Bellefonte on
Freeed for
nourishment i } fi Ore
ve thre
ene eXOercines vill 1 Pp 1810
Thursday everybody lg urged to be in ate
: | Mrs, J. A. Alkens left Jellefonte Mr, and Mr Daniel Heckman en- | tendance as there will be some prom }
Mrs. Cameron Burnside left Belle- | on Monday afternoon for Philadelphia | tertained thirty-five guests at « ards at | nent men present to speak on educa- | #pent most of her Ii She belong clares
Ohto. where she will spend a month {gnd New York to lay in her winter | their home on Saturday evening, in| tional toph to the Reform veh and durin rey tried Indu ; return
fonte on Monday afternoon for Canton, | stock of goods honor or Misses Della Heckman and We had a pleasant call from . poy ey Ra nger Prof Christ has « on Aen rhs to thi
With fiends He's a winner. We mean John Q | Minnie Cole It proved a, delightful | oonmigsioner Calvin Weaver, of Co ‘ o Bl a brother. | upping drink athe mys if ant ve
~Dr. James B. Stine, formerly pas- | Miles, Jr. of Martha, who is now the | * vent burt n Wednesda who came into he funera 1 ace or Nednesdny | aured. and I must % b }
tor of the Bellefonte Methodist church, | proud father of girl twins He's the Mrs. W. 3. Morrison now owns the | town from tl wentern: section: of thi at Boalsburg J at acnugl go. ; ek
but now of Tyrone, spent Tuesday | champion of that end of Bald Eagle Franklin runabout which In J J slate "ni ‘ months past he MAGWIRE Mrs Rosanna Mag- her to put her shoes « sh re.
night among his {riends here | valley Kilpatrick operated several years It | ha 4 mnt ted with civil er ire one of Centre county's oldest res} fused and sald
Finklestine, the proprietor of the | Benedict Beezer, of Bellefonte, is |’ KOO le car and gave him ex- | gineer rus along Neg) \ : nts passed away Monday. Sept. 5, | am.” She
new racket store, has an attractive | now a clerk in M, Fauble & Son's y Th on his hunting and fish- er, a sho | A abovy ittsburg, | « wme in Half Moon Valley, the | bers of the
advertisement in this issu He | clothing establishment He 18 a good y ey ] Where ! atiroa eng i I | fu | { strokes of paral- | and, scoopi
tainly announces some bargains | boy and is the making of an excellent velsor lob arriy | I Mr. Wo L on a ' y his family ul ff a ng the past vear or bands, da
' N that
4 5 t {
Miss Barbara Levy, clerk In | salesman infirmities in- | And =i
Katz's store, left on Friday afte oon | Mrs. Will n Larimer l¢ mn Mot Oompa RL : "Hy ! *V 4 : ! M LL | 4 ing rounded out ou
for Philadelphia and Can da v_ afternoor "Ww J Rag hers n acks , Ww he 18 : nih wl ok pos] rs he d ed has for many b
where she is spending a V ah nent CHB 4 Ved { ) : ‘ h h Lhe | ¢ AL
vacation with friends f.ee Lari
The Ladies’ Ald Soclet f the Lu- | very pleasant tim ho M rughte
theran church will hold a s« ’ h i Tull “orth Mur ef ! aut WEDDINGS
home o Mr. a Mrs. W ) ! Rheldot \ i 3 tier » ¢ the er |
Lamb street ! ‘Thurs evening. | (3 CMH y ad i 'e fe HE three wes | Quist } Spangler-DeMaas
All are t { ! f
were on
of the
round f«
sorry t
and tr
2 to 4
ald, Ju
of the lu
It is only intended for }
will be : the magic step On @ ‘ :
" f TI r otzel daughter o
—— rR tent. young Jad " lildred Feta ‘a ihter
3 : ’ } ret v 2A YY ELE remnia " . y s : " y
those ‘ ; thei ‘ dre jot : mt ' ‘ t host NT . jw . yOsHg 3 i el g ". . rom. Bellefonte 10
their inst " no 1 res 4 ns “1 (rad ng ‘ the ap . . " rary y . noid . ‘ ‘ f = i a y Lior rile tify N J. Mock
“ sd MM:
A Veteran From OF
About Fountains
uret 111 y
janitor 0 ve , \ ’ 4 A Good Report
14 ne ¢ ‘ i ’ A : ¢ ih
cleaning : \'¢ ) , _ ja i ¢ ' ni ni snd ’ ere 1 - t interes
i 5 ) ’ wt hy minta 3 : ‘ ‘
roo By mye v ou } } b '" : ) ) } ' ! Hh In Bellefonte ' : Ample eurit Core #81 ones if you are
‘ ning glor it y
der and 111 A ) 8 yt! \ { ' ite ths ‘ ’ i ad conferees s |B MODINE K ' in position to Invest your mobey. Inquire of
re of
from the inside / ¢ “ A oO he ! | : p hin i nraddock Fa this | * chocolate droj Jobe M, Gray & Sot peuratee agents, Helis
: , forte. Pa fu
down bout hal i FP Out ‘ thr gh the entre ! " > ming ol hint he has ACCOM
man Friday Symonds was holding on (down ies the com ers won ’ which was » market. | Plished a good work in the past year MARKET QUOTATIONS. WANTED. Young Men and Boy Telegraphers
it being the only way by hi v Risa Ce WAN torn off Waxle y ave named i= Indicated bw the following brief —— Fennayivanis fa toed Ah oh
could keep hin place on the adder gs wearing a bright countenance and 4 report he will submit which indicates nte | bys course in Lhe Penne choo! © ele
Finally “Billy” forgot his friend on owner of the barn is familiarly known There i= nothing mean about 4G. 0 pt At progress Baptized 40, married Bulle} Spguen: of | Sighs. Stu 1d eifht i TT to 15 hr
the outside and hoisted the lower sash | shaking hands with himself that the | Fink, treasurer of Centry county, He 16, funerals 20, accessions to church us RC Cis, 2M entrance fee, 81. tuition, 82 per month. Bonrd
which caught Levi's fingers, causing barn was not burned to the ground. has one of the finest ofMioes In the 46, installed electric light In parson. “1 may be bad for $1.98 week and up Addre
him to almost drop from the ladder to | It an't always the good that are cared | Court House, and to make I more | age bath room outfit. cement stops, | SE i x | Emerick, Manager Bedford, Pa >
the ground, a distance of about twenty | for In this world. but *Waxie” isn't comfortable he purchased a leather: new hoard walks about parsonage, | Bellsfonte—Grain. . at
feet. Levi has a special voeabulary | such a bad fellow after all. and we | top couch and when tired of his dally | liquidated parsonage debt Sunday ev. The following prices are paid by C FOR BALE Vale les! Judie 18 Unies
for these occasions and It was entirely | are glad that he was saved the trouble | routine of business, he throws himself [ening by burning mortgage of $780, |X. Wagner, for grain: acres under colivation. Thereon ersoted a
exhausted in about three minutes and | of drawing the Insurance and pullding | down and takes a rest. He purchased | paid during year entire indebledness ALE EEE LEE brick dwelling house. bank barn, orchard of
then he began to inject new phrase | another barn. He can mow congratus [the sofa himself! and when his time (of #81204. Rev. J. 8B Fulton, of choles fruit. This will makes desirable home
logy which almost made a fellows hair | late himself that he got off so lucky, | expires he will take It home. He bad | Johnstown, conference superintendent, : LEAN INEERONE oA rt pA rt nino interes:
stand on end. It is good that “Billy” and that lightning never strikes the | better look out or the commissioners | was present and preached Sunday LE EE - at PD. Buck MM
left loose. same place twice may claim It as a permanent fixture. morning and evening. EERE ERLE Katherine Buck. Lock Hoven, Pa, :