Page 2. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Thursday, September 15th, 1910, “STAND-PATTERS’ ARE GOING DOWN AND OUT | GOVERNORS OF PENNSYLVANIA. Portraits of Each Accompanied by Brief Biographical Sketch—Will be Pub. 25 CANNONITES RETIRED—AL.- | DRICH MEN QUIT. MORE CONGRESSMEN IN PERIL Burrows Buried Under Progressive Votes in Michigan—Depew on Edge Public Could Not Be Fooled. Of the ninety-eight gressional districts far made ne twenty-five present mem whose record fonal campaign con the country to publican majority Three n campaign by their ow: and outris Republican which have for con thus ymin have hers the tions not renomin d ol the on Republican congress- mittee before the a Re in embers o it house FOOS of 18k ret CONEress f the reactionary committee itself were retired party Miller, of Idaho, were tepublican irn Kansas, defeated primaries the two Hamer ht Of quit within Hinshaw, of North Da wrtially pro- men who stand - pat en Prac- lefeated at the in the face within the VEre retire either Ir swept the ro Rhode rner California , fled Into did not only over. Republican Hale, Aldrich i the thir senatorial ovr . nd § and upanc f vd come rn ¢ ’ the Republicar tirement Or ge Public Could Not Be Fooled wu ha i 130 the 5 tempting paign al anent | nat element | well as oming oam of an indorse the reactionary refreshing, as n n the part in monumental Keystone Ticket Gaining. A gentleman from Mifflintown, to the North Pa, an American ayn “1 want VOUr paper ticket You if your paper the stnte of elect this ti There i= no writing to congratulate you in behalf of the Keystone are doing splendid work was in every family In ivania, we would without n doubt sentiment behalf of Tener or Grim Peoule are disgusted “The people up here call Tener the saloon man, and Grim not better. The people in the country district will be right The sentiment in right slong. Keep the good work your paper.” ir Penns ket in Don't Break Down, Bevere strains on the vital organs, | fike wiralne on machinery, break downs You eoan't over-tax stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels or nerves without serious danger to your self. If you are weak or run-down, or under strain of any kind, take Electric Bitters the matchless, tonie medicine Mrs. J. BE. Van de Sande, of Kirkland, Hl, writes; “That 1 did not break down while enduring a most severe strain, for three months, is due wholly to Blectrie Bitters.” Use them and enjoy health and strength. Satisfac- tion positively guaranteed. b0c. at Green's Pharmacy Co. caur | CONEress, | of Wash- | and | growing | In| lished in Order, One Each Week. WILLIAM ALEXIS STONE—1899-1903. William Alexis the civil war broke boys, he ran away mitted to enlist few months later Elghty-seventh Stone was born on 100 ind demar out he was from home His father he me a pri Pennsylvania voluntee second lleutenant He fron adjutant general of the admitted to the bar in burg in 1877 the western rict of nn vania trict to 1 f hard 1871 and fro: 1886 FACT, FUN AND FANCY Par Or Bright, Sparkling agraphs—Se- e and | i gina ted Changed Conditions. Moneybages-- Young A Freak of Nature An Ir ! Had Often Warned ont Him them res before What's what ‘ them was vou started stirring the use.” | Plenty of Time . A traveler riding through the West Virginia mountains came up with a | man who was leisurely driving a herd lof ples. “Where taking the | plgn? asked the “tt to pasture taineer “What traveler “To fatter 1 “But isn't ten them Are Yom stranger sald the n em.’ un for?™ Inquired the curious em the pretty grnes”? man replied work to fat U'p wher ! come from, we pen them up and feed them on corn It saves a lot of time | The mountaineer shifted his plug to the other side of his Jaw. “Ya-an 1 # pone he drawled, “but, hell what's time to a hawg? it glow on sO | Honest Janitor. | A Janitor of a Centre county schhool | threw up his job recently When ask led the trouble he sald; “I'm honest land 1 won't stand being slurred. If 1 | ind a pencil or handkerchief about the | school when I'm sweeping I hang or iput It up, Every little while the | teacher or someone that is too coward. ly to face me will give me a slur little while ago 1 seen wrote on the board, ‘Find the least common multi. pla’ Well, I looked from cellar to garret for that thing and I wouldn't know the thing If 1 would meet it on the street, greatest common divisor! Well, 1 says to myself, both of tonem things are lost now and I'll be accused of takin’ ‘em, so I'll quit” young rs Ke . Wi com? division oro. He w Ww A | Last night, In big writin’ | on the blackboard It is sald, Find the | counts When other per fn ind Tioga to fn enlist with vernal inl size Hr Was } 3 Inrge nt Hundred d ne fasion ind assistant rd He took it i ! f in ISTH of was Pitts orney for dis United it IRON after iN nt TO JAIL IN A BLANKET Woman Pris and F Refuses to Desperately Dress and Constable the hous: 4 stated most highly ywhiship and cing sie important near rela. township the t | nt ) red hy } ed hin | WwW township offices tive of the this count ell itizens to H¢ a lHgens in Gregg was Advice to Young Men, The follow from an address delivered Wy President McKinley to young An gets on so well in this world as he whose dally walk and conversation are clean and cons sistent, whose heart is pure, and whose Ife honorable. A religious spirit helps every it It is at once a8 com- fort and inspiration and makes him stronger and better In every relatior There 18s no substitute for It. It be assalled by ts enemies, as it has been, but they offer nothing in its place. It has stood the test of centuries, and has never falled to help and bless mankind The world has use for the young man who Is well grounded In principle, who has reverence for truth and religion and courageously follows thelr teach. ings. Employment awaits his com. ing and honor crowns his path. More than all, conscious of rectitude meets the cares of life with the duties which confront him he dis- charges with manly honesty.” ne is men NO n in n an winery of life may : Beezer's Meat Market HIGH AT, BELLEFONTE, PA, i We keep none bus the best quality of | HERP, PORK. MUTTON. SLICED HAM [AI kinds of Smoked Meat, Pork Sausage, ste | H YOU want a nies Juley Steak, go to i PHILIP BEEZER | BEMBLY | OF { Propo: INE an amends | the following amends | ty | of Pent he ! courage; | PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THR CONSTITUTION BUBMITTED TO THE CITIZENS OF THIS COMMON. WEALTH FOR THEIR APPROVAL OR REJECTION, BY THE GENERAL OF THE COMMONWEALTH PENNSYLVANIA, AND PUBLISH ED BY ORDER OF THE BECRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH, IN PUR BUANCE OF ARTICLE XVIII OF THE | CONBTITUTION Number CONCURRENT One RESOLUTION ent to section twen. of the stitution onwealth of Pennsylvania the Senate That tween A of article five Comn (ir ty-six Cor of the Resolved concur) nt ction of 10 Ww the and the same six of art le five sylvania be in Constitution heres the in by, propose cordance with | eighteenth article thereof That reads lating uniform jurisdiction the same class lated by law the process shall be unl bly othe section of Article V “Rectior All which inws re of anization, ourts of regu i effect of irts Ansem reating vested of the phans’ same Fel ns follows to co rts shall operation general and and the org of nad powers An h cot is herely r courts to wrolse the powers by this Const a Courts of ommon " and yr Courts,’ y ended hat ‘ shall read Section courts opera liction, ahall won and g ana ywers of g ! J p ime class and and or grade the f judgments of bh ¢ rt { be form but, glons of 1 Ass lish 1 BAe ty risdl Ww num be isting ize the Jurisdict courts sn not " Third the to ately election strict where he & yote at ' 1 Re n ths immed preceding th elections A true copy ‘of Resolution Na 2 ROBERT McAFPEER of nwealth crotary tha | Penn the gheny inte ved by the Senate o. f the vania In Oen- the following tine f Penn and H Commonwe eral amer yy Use 1 Asmem? iment nia be pro hisenth Philadel ners pow courts of hanges tion or ented In al "rr posed ris In the furisd) vested in the district oomm ihe as may be made My by aw in PF five distinct and ser and o-ordinate of Philadel tvely nm pleas, » shall be 0 ” r sald eo a shal evignated respect Mo ommon pleas nub number ~ rin of sau three Nudges on phi ar the a num number four a hor of her throes he nw he or ’ t mid may be by eased, from tim ne. at ke A shal manner hy = easive ANY where eourt be In wher the shal! rt as hered as its shall of oom the num the several courts shal te and apportion the business among them In such manner as shall ba provided by rules of court each court. to which any sult shall be thus assigned. shall have sxclusive Suris. Sletion thereof subject to change f venue as shall he provided by law In the nty of Alleghany Jurisdict) nd powers now the several numbered courts of common pleas shall be vested In one court of com. : and nt Agen separate ame threes 4 in . Bun resald ‘ phia all mn rim esignating said wir and fitter’) instituted In mon pleas without 4 ber of the the sald an mon pleas, composed of all the fudges in | sald courts shall sommission In dletion and powers proceedings at w and In sguity which shall have beer instituted In the several numbered courts, and shall be subject to such changes as may bd» made by aw and subject toa change of venue as pro vided by aw The president Sudge of sald court shall be selortad as provided by Inw T™: numer of fudess In maid oourt may hy aw time to time This amendment affect on © " ay oseding ts ado n A true eony of RONMERT Bearetar: of Buch Juris. tw shall take salution No % MeAPER the Commonwealth Numbrar Four A JOIN |MOLUTION Proposing an amend en! to section sight, article nine, of the Constitution of Penn aylvania Bection 1. Fe Nt resolved by the Benate | and Houses of Nepresentatives of the Com. | monwealth of Pennsylvania In Osteral | Assembly met, That the following is pro- as Aan amendment to the Constite of the Commonwealth of Peansylive nia, In accordance with the provisions of the sightsenth article thereof Amendment to Article Nina Section Ela Section L. Amend section slight, article sine, of the Constitution of Pennsyivania, which reads as follows « “Becthon & The debt of any county, AB- | | district and | the | vested In extend to all’ Increased from | of January sue | eity, borough. township, school district, or other municipality or incorporated dis. trict, except as herein provided, shall nev. er exceed seven pear centum upon the as. seswed value of the taxable property there. in. nor shall any inicipality or incur any Increans ite Indebtedness to exceeding two per 1m val uation of property of the clectors thereof election In such manner ded by law; but any city which now ex- ure al | ceeds meven of such assessed valuntion, may be rized by law to increases the same per centum, In ‘ands the ARKTreRnte ne time, upon such the Camp / valuation,” ] Nn Bection 8 borough er excapt Lo] W. H. MUSSER, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Notary Public and Pension Attorney, BELLEFONTE, PENNA. suct new m den “Imo or int ich as an cent upon penned the assent At & an shall be pro the debt of per centum wut thre sold to dy ( Retail ompa Confectioners ADULTERAM ptri [1 re Bt aby : Dealers by ur BO ax ” The townshig to re debt of any choot turing NOT FORM anteed to city, Mi othe oo p f are unieipality or herein trict, an Laws Camp Candy Company, MANUVACTL ut edness HD Tyrone, Pennsylvania. ELK. RHOADS 1» cent pr y 1. a [ K rassenger ator we ell miv the Dest ANTHK BITTIM IN ATIC ANTHI 1] MINOUIS SC.A TH pid Wood, Grain, Ha y, Straw and to Sand. } rE Pg eg» ss % = » r BUILDING MATERIAL LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. CO. ad The Bazaar, J. S. GILLIAM, Prop. BELLEFONTE LUMBER will Ladies’ Dress Goods secured from one of the best mille in county. the county i : offer this week great bargains directs for Pleas Orphans ( urt of Quarter sion of 13 A : Peacs and Terminer and Ger me ff 4 1 mn Sew eral Jail Deliver for Children MM tr v . ’ 1 : are Misses ar | r ‘ ‘ he La- ‘ a a rut at FOURTH Mi "TEMBER ies A tr : , | Centre County Banking Co Corner High and Spring Streets Receive Deposits Discount Notes John M. Shugert, Cashier INSURANCE = ons - TEMPLE COURT BELLEFONTE. PA THIS AGENCY reper argest fire insurs a8 in Lhe world pared to write ADY Lime Also Surety Bonds s the m pan are pre nes John F, Gray & Son SNuoeaasors Ww "nr Fire, Life and Accident Insurance Ww ant Hoover an CRIDER'S STONE BUILDING BELLEFONTE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD BLAIR COUNTY FAIR HOLIDAYSBURG, PA. September 27 to 30, 1910 this oooasion EXCURSION TICKETS will be sold ber ¥ 0 a returning until Ovtober 3, inclusive, from LEWISTOWN JUNCTION, JONNS. TOWN. and intermediate stations, and from sistions on the Division ({ porth of State Line). Tyrone Beliwood, Cresson Divisions, and Middle Division francheos Ww Holidaysburg. st REDUCED FARES ( Minimum Fare. 8 Oonis ) Vor JR WOOD General Trae Manager GRO. W. BOYD, TS General Passenger Agent,