Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 01, 1910, Image 8

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    Page 10, CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Thursday, September 1st, 1910,
nr p—————————
Pretty little Miriam Virginia Wy- UNIONVILLE. ZION VALLEY VIEW. 80th Birthday
{ land found her fourth birthday ery tev. Dr. Eveland, president lek Joel Shaffer wu | v Sunday rida August 261 \ und ’ ¢ oN
Correspondents’ appy one because her mother, Mra, | inson Seminary, will preach in the M. | aut at Wim Weaver's hear Jackson. | Mrs. John Keiey s
vited a number « 1 H church on next Sunda ville in y In honor
Department tle friends to spend (Lhe After: oon | a or Do ) ot mi the oppo Several of our base ball f ney . 3 birthda
I ] 11 five 0 Cin Ww ) } i ti grea jriii i 0 LebBrsburo " £2 Fave ar. aaste pi surg all
v her daughter, Mrs, Ra) Miss Ruth Parsons w } wih fear “. . R Ry yuna in the ing, and
Continued nes, gay them all a delightful Bellefonte High school ing 0 io n i 4, hb nla
Fnch Tittle visiting | coming tterm hard to win but Hecla
d brought some pleasing gift, as And Rownr Billy P SON ! . :
HOWARD. a memento of the occasion, The Vi Griest are orely aMicted w J. G. Royer, our efficient p, m
\y ’ 1 » ’ X } “ 1 n { ure WHY Sati ils
They's something kind o' hearty-like Iv little gathering included Mary ath chicken fever a man: re vagon on Sa Ir
about the atmosphere i and Edelln Her # togett Three prety Young ! ! { cracked several of his Fibs wi ) i
When the heat of summer's over and ¥ nar 8 Larry Biri formerl i pels tim to remain indoors for the p TT rile PST ¢ 10 pI ’ be ,, ‘
the coolin’ fall is hare ) ott nd ziheth 110 but now « / Or aving sent ) ‘ y mit that The Famous Boston
~-James Whitcomb Riley. | {0 4 «, Julian Long, Miriam Lu- | tim the ves vi I frievds ir Eb L8h, formerly one of our
ind Edith Pletcher, | this place. The oldest is named Miss | lage boys, | several years has | town, spent Sunday very p »t Twin Brothers Doctors
core of 6 to
In Our Churches Next Sabbath. Virginia Weber, Lorena, Adaline a : ) d
Christian Chapel—Re WwW. H Git hen Willlams Elizabeth Wolf Th tay ' nn hie y and : ur ville y M jus dni lodger after a a ’
terson will preach at half past seve ; \
Reformed Rey : ; "Hus will Under direction the street
preach at Jacksonville at ten \ ;
Noneymoor \ .
) ‘ Noted Physicians and Surgeons—Ex-
granamother, } " \ é #
) ! MN oner Jame net ) A Arge at | HrY \ it and ge ve fn x aT ‘ or Lun ening pert Diagnosticians and Specialists.
when <hi ervice vil ive reference Ie VAS wxeellent impro dienes d A ’ {
‘ on
to the Harvest Home.’ He will also i Grove Maple street
preach al Ove ele ony ther 'R pilogovmd 112 . Ate generally used on such special occa 1 " wer 4 . Ad PH r : el wh " 0 THE DOCTORS WHO CURE WHERE
two, and in Howard at half past se ah : oy obtins of pos ) K gravel "He iid win, son o Low Irw kt el : « t i m up and the : boys we ut Mrs. James Eokle thd a ¥ OTHERS FAIL
Methodist Episcopal—Rev. R. 8. [has also taken a justifiable pride in ry’ { Home rejoicing, all wishing them a bappy | several days near Stat leg Tr r Us
"Taylor will preach in Howard at half | cutting the weeds in some hortions of | ‘ home s uncle and prosperous journey through life James v. 3 " » . AT THE BUSH HOUSE, BELLE-
Past ten, at Hunter's Run at half past | the streets and alleys which do not | the special guest of hi loyd, | About twenty of our young people hied | heen suffering with catarrhs evi FONTE, PA
two and at Beech Creek at half past |come under his official supervision, | 1¢ft for his home on Monda la | themselves away to Logans Gap, at Robert Lani Fl
seven but which had been neglected by those | 18 a rather prepossessing kid id | Mullen’'s spring, on last Friday evening | among friends | Tell Your Sick Friends.
United Evangelical—Rev Ww W. | whose duty it was. With special ref- | when he wasn't riding with the Doctor | for their annual corn roast. It goe Mrs. Heckma CONSULTATION AND ADVICE
Rhoades will preach In Howard at half | erer to the vicinity of the cemetery, | In his "Ought-to-mow- ill he put | without saying that all enjoyed them- | two girls spent onda ol F EE
past ten, and at Jacksonville at halt Surprised completely and almost |’ much of hi me watching the | gelves Miller -FR -
past seven
| y young girl with whieh our | Trucke ile 2 " oi C. CC, Garbricl d wife Sunday )
startled Into speechlessness, Willian the Whahintm) 0! : H. LI. Truckenmil o, oul expert gar Cn rick as SBundayed TO ALL WHO CALL NOW.
. as y RIERA fie . . has od y Pee srt BOT i tunville
The Schenck Johnson accepted the intrusion of for ’ dener, has bought about thirty ac
o ‘ ho i Reunion. teen » ty or mor J hi friends into his | Streets of land trom Harry Harter of Spring Lawrence Lanner Hiner! f this | All Chronic, Obscure Diseases Detec-
} 1N( d anc ourte I VOATrs roy y O ore « 35 i A 1]! a . alle f sons O1 +, & . "
ir SN yon’s nt » rw te | After the delightful sensatlo Township: the land lies at the forks ia 1 ‘ ted, Located and Described Without
the first member of the now 1 umerous | home last Friday, when he was made oY {ding th i ov Oip: the lana hes at the 15 : i
- A : i $ : Ra \ . perience 11 riaing on 1 merry LO tha : Ain Fresm-Siat inf cxmtm ig lf 0 Asking Questions Lookin at the
Schenck family arrived in this neigh- | to understand that they id come to : t* th win . A the roads leading from Bellefonte to! . H g
i " salah ‘ yon \ v Hix | FOUnd at . iilams pl . lank and Zion a wood location vey rad preached a ver Togue, Feeling the Pulse or Even
borhood, and for all that time the celebrate his sixty-third birthday. Hi Sa turd Mi Radi Bmer! Bank and Zion It is a good location ble surme: : H A 8 . rol
| i rans ¥ 4 Sadie AX ‘ " ” i le me 1103 F Si i ning a § h -
family has been prominent (in con- | 800d wife had entered into the cor Annie FE. Stere and Mrs. John Biddle | for trucking, and Truckey expects t Grandmother okt RVING Sesn 8 lange Velore.
tributing to whatever of fame has |#piracy and put all her energy and ve concluded to buy one for the put up new buildings and hav rer He her) is
eome to the community. «Within re | ability into making the affair a cor provided the oF pro , » | ready or occupancy by April firs r her speed
gent years an association of all the plete success place to “set ip” on, In t OW { On Saturday noon ] A. Hoy tool
branches of the family has been or Addition: delegates The stork fie he ring { 16 vite and went jellefonte twas her FOUNTAIN.
ganized, and or in every two years rove lis C. E. convention are n town on last Friday looking f« a place ) sixth birthday ; Hoy tarried { dward Wat .
a general reunion occurs in Schenck's | 8 . . Thompson, of the Evar 1
n th grounds north of | gelles ur ar W. I. Harvey
the creek, and about ile and a half |, ET ‘renis lete he fron | 'r 1 rr ne lef ] ‘ who wanted to go home ¢
east of the town ! Tuesds . : rel vy { \ 4
to igh na pounced doy and {in town unt late in the afters
ETOVE 0 . x " o
grove, on entered the home « nd nuch to the dissa
tha meeting 8 Year 4 in : + ; 3 01 n J rN ; veet | » | F Rhte 4 : } : elt hores before nigh
propitious We t 5 brough It ; : : . ; ad nike o ol! W Ra
crowd estimated at from five t [Leer lew : ; oo | 3 y 1 ’ " m
nine hund
Ler, it }
all tl
the j
dent 1
then ) gra $1) nd i PT Meer
them well fenry Pletche a the . das . / : ‘ ‘ Send Us the News.
first of that name ) yme to these n th A \ ; \ hs : \ ' 1 like to hear more
Sche . ym
bine of Schencks i Pletchers which
cantinues t this da ntermarriages
be LW os A L “Wo me i ne J ot of
which « ttached themselve ) inn N ollte alsa rnanil 14 Ba her friend Rald will hold ¢ cr comrade
fications the “Schenck Reunion” em Dr. . irtz and William az \ foot rattlesnal ! ven if the same day © ne ag Mr. Walton b
braces a latively rer freinds . ! ed ' dhs a ; i a Sa pon ee dd # CO J ment was a resident
lativel r frei: wad / ly ; ty ' ' He will viait the soanes
dave before his retu
wwnship Just
Ack Haven
ears practi
worst ipped
id building | ble
ph Pletchey Robert
School Suits
THIS WEEK we open up New Boy's Clothes
Sturdy Materials that must please and the wear
is the first essential to the Suits in our selecting.
Next comes the very best making and lining
obtainable-Every seam we have doubly sewn with
silk and then taped to insure no ripping.
From start to finish these Boys’ Clothes of ours
_ Mra. W prime are built to stand the strains and hardships they
POTIERS WALLA | traveled in South America. w are subjected to. If you have never tried them do
Sander har And | Harter w | - so now and a revelation in boys’ clothes wearing
| nk on » Hindsiphia, Atinntic is in store for you. The new weaves in Brown,
LR ip hag ibn Jun. Carson in on the Siok | d Men. A Meyer and son Jol Gray and Blue are handsome. We are ready.
Pletcher, D. W
Re yl we Latura Burd o SPECIAL-Two Lots boys’ straight pants suits-
" th He Kohler | OF Jock Haven, spent | 0 ages 4 to 16, former prices of one lot $2.50 to $4,
Rnd tach Gur ine i Ta Tala hon: | place, 1 Wir, Dr AREAS Lapwing the a ol I ee now $1.19
drives You extremely wonk 17 and fami eorge Landis wife ! andl thet eastern resorts. and
helpless While the Improvement is son. Willian OW ! amily, W Hosterman and daughter Rachel, spon Th h | $ 50 $ 50 $2
very slow It is full of hope and en MoCormick 14 if corge MeCor last week at the home of J. W. Waite C ot fr ot 4. to 6. now oJ 9,
couragement mick and wife, Frank MoCo Mrs. ' the popular butter maker and poultrs Gr B : f Sch | W 8
Oscar W Lucas is sufficiently Im Kessler and daughter, of Richmond, mar . ol Smethport, Pa . eat dargains or 00 caring.
proved to have returned to his work Va. Saline Landis, Archie Mover and The last festival of the season will
ast week sister, John Bittner, J. O. Btoner, Clay he at the Paradise church
Mra. John Heverly's condition gives | ton McKinney and family The day | here. on Baturday
no encouragement to her family, most | was spent pleasantly the %
of whom are gathered about her Mrs. Wm Bower entertained Mie | sngaged to furnish musie for the hig
Squire A. A. Pletcher is down with Dr. Alexander, George Landis wife day. Thursday. at the Lewisburg falr
rtheumayUsm this week while Mra. and son, Mra. Kessler and daughter, of N. HH. Corman who, for a few months
Pletcher seems to gain strength slowly | Richmond, Va, and Mrs. Clayton Me was employed by the Goodrich Rub
Kinney, on Wednesday ber Co. at Akron, UO. came home on
Corn roasting and potato baking Milton Stifler of Freeport mn Monday to spend a short vacation and
constituted the entertainment which | visited his sister Mra. Wm Brown, ast will then £0 to one of the southern
contributed most largely to the enjoy | week giantess to be Aan Instructor In an acad.
ment of last Wednesday afternoon, " omy
spent In Butler's woods, by the social | Olin A. Jamison who ocouples the A. J. Harter and wife, of Altoona,
club. This organization is composed Jacob Kerstetter farm, near Coburn, and P. RB Kerstetter, wife and daugh-
of the matron of the town, purely for recently purchased the John Spigel« ter, of North Dend, are visitors at this
social enjoyment, and they manage to myer farm, northwest of MiMinburg place
bave a good deal of it {and will move there next spring. The i
Mra. Howard Tipton spent the week farm contains 73 acres and is very Why 414 old "Windy Tom" leave |
end with her friend, Mrs, McKinney, | productive Snyder county?
Among Our Sick
r Weber
west of
evening Music hy
shurn band This band is also