Thursday, September 1st, 1910, THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. BELLEFONTE AND VICINITY THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS Miss lam the hospital, ing friends York City Mrs fonte, her sickness her stomach Mr. and Mrs. A. Katz Sunday ever g from a head mt acation Dominick i828 not reco cation ted by A will b urday will be Morris Ham, of visiting chy € Tucker, i Akron, Ohio AM have Charles delphia and Mrs Mrs. I. Ruests Mrs. EN Mr gseph Kir delphia fonte toda and Mrs Fver Centre cm important umn, of women may John Bellef perintendent the Altoona of $1.500 a Mrs. Hoy, wife Hov, wt had Mrs. Samuel on Wed: after few frier ds Rey RBellefo wife nte, has agalr of M public vear heer D esdav after John C New Ha Harr Tans Buffaln the St rit dellef the tow on stilts ing thelr stork 1 The hen ht valking are hold that the fat boy Shope cut a then gh each a Now grandfathers Re and Jacob Jury are ready melon is big nolds hire Miss Christina and Anna Rianche. ard and Miss Youngman. of Lock Ha ven, were in Bellefonte on Monday night attending a dance. The Misses Blanchard took with them their little nlecen. daughters of Dr. George Green, who had been visiting thelr grandpar ents. Mr. and Mrs Dorsey Green, on Buffale Run Mr and Mr Mr. and Mra. Frank B Titusville, Pa drove from Titus to Bellefonte In a Plerce Arrow Mr. Fall is an extensive real and ofl man and Mr VonTackey Republican candidate for legislature in Crawford county this fall. While here they were the guests of W. Har- rison Walker, at the Bush House They rove to the Penn Cave Btate College and other places of interest Johnston Hall YonTackey and of He Car estate is the wed. Zimmerman, commissioner Harry BE Zimmerman of Valley Falls, Kansas, sent east a paper giving an account of James N Pike's farm. located In Thomas coun ty, Kansas. This year he had over 100.000 hushels of No 3 head wheat The net profits from the ranch this year will exceed $35,000 Mr. Fike says he Is going to make the place bring him In an annual Income of $100000. The soll I» of 8 black loam and easily plowed and worked Mr Fike says he will bring the large farm up to his mark or quit the game, brother of county he goods for | FWung IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS Nolan Mr Miss Candy Daniel and Mr James at of ron Luther mek and heat Wer and Nolan Hughes to he works family have from Balt employed with the ana Bellefonte is J, 8. Gillam left on Sunday for Philadelphia and New York City where vill purchase his winter stock of the Bazaar All per cription during will find their next who remitted to us on th of Au for the mo Inbels week credited amount hort time ago WW. H. Walker Hotel Way Bellel Mrs. Willian of the ted sister 1 nt in Ont JPY table street. It John and Ch wrt) Akron arrived at residence omprised of HiIMLish of N Paul Motz, of Mrs. Wetzel main with business to they given Wetzel COR on east Lint wan ries nd and re umberiand Ohio Mr tried to get them to them for a few days but engagements took them back Northumberiand Friday Had remained they would have been an execlient time as at the home is the place 10 have n ar other Indiviad uals do some funny stunts and this time we have ane to record on Dor worth of the Republican Owing to his handling so much money, after the regular banking hours he has been sccustomed to lock It In his big safe over hight Ax the safe was there In the oMee for many years with possibly the same combination, he concluded that It would prudent to change the combination so that he alone would have the numbers by which to re. lease the heavy steel doors that held his treasure. Then to he doubly pru dent he put the combination on a sheet of paper and stored It In the safe and locked It securely Imagine his chagrin when he attempted to open the strong box the next day and the new numbers were a blank to him entirely forgotten and the copy of them on the Inside. For over a week he nursed his think box but the mys terious numbers falled to come. Hav ing In the safe a number of valuable papers and other documents he became desperate and summoned James Bel bert to the sanctum who gt to work with his kit of tools and Inside of a half day's work the big door was en and there was a happy editor nly a newspaperman would do such a trick. on Editors as well he Page 5. visiting his Fellows’ Monday in Bellefonte Detroit Cronemiller, of in the law office Odd on pic= 8B Ohio Miller this week on (sen tzel and fam have thelr so the Park Katz, left Cleveland Remember old home nic at Hunter's William Tuesday for Miss Ida stenographer Chambers, K Mrs. R. B from the week by M iss been a Curtin street, tucket, Mass F. D. Ray, It now a guest of his Ray, at the Brockerhofl will remain here for about Dr. and Mr Th arrived from their Thursda The pulpit on Sunday Mrs, Levi Schmidt, of We and turned fron trip Scotia, 1s of KE \ N ! y portant R ment « Ji of is omething Tavior Is accident she met with last tramping on a needle Kmily Valentine, who of Miss Emily Natt left on Monday for Nan recovering ort VMonda) pp SOs had thine guest on been a inted Sn > bor Clty, Ww HA B He week Wilcox ation New York brother House Onde IS OMmiae ) Hnmer VIL coupled an or Satu on former his usual Miss Mattie glon DD. C.. have I) nd Spring ns port where everanl Wed Maitland Nagle and W hi the home BASE BALL NOTES. Black Rockefeller peaker Wash) Ark ker 1 Madison How nke I ‘ the much are ou Wor night you ge nteresting and nothing there to rather everything pictures often A tear The than they month ago been greatly admired Mn crowds that go there Thomas A Ed ison, the inventor, has about perfected a machine that will make the moving picture talk. Just as soon ar this kind of a pleture Is placed on the maftket mas to the lusion that Hrown will he after It hot foot 1], ’ ore f MO juinitive ott Bond delegate grinned Well’ down Arkansas they tax ents every 31000 I pay a dollars less than $2000 a year better A little arithmetic shows tax represents a capital nearly $4.000.000, consisting, RBeott Bond sald, of his own farm, 1% farms rented to other negroes, cotton gins, Iv general stores, and live stock “What do you raise? asked a man delegate “On my piace” raise mules, corn boys and girl” attractive « offend a to he um few said the to then g in and and are muct please on bring a smile pictures were a that this and have appraised at the large wo you Mr come Con “1 and WAR cotton the reply tobacco On Wednesday week Mrs. A. J tried to give her on his birthday anniversary She In vited twelve of hin most intimate friends to come and join with him. and while Mrs. Cook was preparing for the festive occasion her husband be. gan “smelling a ral” and then the oat was left out of the bag. It was reall A shame to deprive Mrs. Cook the pleasure of giving her husband a sur prise, hecnuse a8 woman always prides herself on keeping a secret. However the oconsion proved a most delightfn which both Mr. and Mra Cook always remember. Mr. Cook has one of Bellefonte's formost busi ness men and for years had charge of Berwin & White's large coal interests but for the last few years has haen living retired. It Is hoped that both Mr “and Mrs. Cook may live to enjoy many more such events, but hereafter | - Mra. Cook will have to make prepar That it Is not worth your 4 ations for them away from home, talk religion to the man In knowing that her husband is sort of whose mind is set on a detective | Almighty dollar, evening of last (Cook. of Bellefonte husband a Wall Street Gets The Loot. New York dispateh to the Chicago Record Herald Thefts from twa New York banks, made known within the last week, have compelled the at tention of the American Hankers' As sociation to this class of crime. In the Inst five years more than $28,000, 000 has been embezzled from banks and trust companies In the United Hiates Ina majority of cases the money stolen from banks Is lost In stock garabling In Wall Btreet. Thus went the 1000000 that John HH. Lowery sald he took from the Utiea City Na- tional bank. It was sald recently by the president of a surety company that many that never reach the ears of He furprise one will heen the pub A A ————— fle to onte thefts are committed In banks | nothing but the | RECENT DEATHS, and Mrs. G eral services wers } d the rema te tel nte Of 1 interment being direct rtner Sha her brought fLernoor late nes Were iesda made In from the cemeter MILER Miss BS the dest and Miles place ar day morning Khe James and Rachel her In 4 8 o'vhock Thurs. was & daughter of Valentnine Mille» Miles and was born at Milesbhurg forge on April Ind, 1832, hence war 7% years months and 23 days old. He» mother was & sister of Issac Miller and Mra. William A. Thomas deceased She died when the subject of this no. thee wan Quite Young and she was taken by who cared for and daughter She never cared for her adopted father and mother while they lived and their death she and her adopted broth. er together in the old Joseph Miles home. stead, which belonged to her She was A sufferer with rheumatism rinee childhodd but her indomitable will kept her alive and able to until a short time ago. Bhe was a faithful daughter, a loving sister and an unselfish, christian woman funeral was held on Saturday. COLLINS: «Mrs. Catherine Collins, wife of Rev. J. Frank Collins. pastor of the Forge Free Methodist church, died on Baturday moming about 2 o'clock, at her home In Bush Addition from heart trouble. Bhe had been Ih for the past year and on several oc. casions had severe attacks of heart fallure On Saturday morning she was sitting on a chalr rnd after ad. | ministering to the comfort of his wife, | Rev. Collins threw himself on the bed [to take a little rest. He had only been [there a short time when he heard a Shit a he Tost and on up fou w collapsed was dying. In a short time life re. died between at me raised her as a married but was : her aunt, Mrs. Joseph Green, after! the late J. Miles Green, kept house | | Kime inquire of of about 38 piston at the tham her Hil Hoy ind ing ken nd¥ Turn the “Star Out e } t I ipatters” pg ietComt Ar hatch. pure Rebeors Ave W Bricklayers a ( Wages bour WANTED-& horn OP “1s es HM 4 ANTE] Hea Sum FOF SALI» ’ re les Kinsbhury ndensary Apply w Min Frank Bailey te neler, Pooring, g. sréd al} Birds Building CWest prices Fath fetes for pew bu promptly furnished, Call or Peilvhbore. or write J BB Masses. Mer. Watsontown Door & Sash (« Lemont etlit re MONFY WANTED Caz of #2000 as frst mOTLEsse estate ip Crutre county Ample seeurity in position Jobo M fonts. Pa WANTED A responsible representative for reliable Fire Insurance Companies One thoroughly scousinted with the insuring publie, who will inspire the cob fidence of his clients by toteeting their best interests Some familiar ty with insurabee prisciples preferred. Thess goebie to gualify need Dot apply, Address A RD. 2 Walnul St, Philadelphia. Pa piace several oars ob ‘mproved read 81 E per cent, Interest. Consult us 81 oboe If you are to Invest scur money. Inauire of Gravy & Sob. Tnsurance agents. Belles Lt FOR SALE Valustie real Estate In Union ville Bere tract of land consisting of 18 ares upder culivation. Therson erected a brick dwelling house. bank barn. orchard of choice froft. This alll make a desirable home or & profitable Investment, alse 4 interest in fouring mill st Unionville boro. For price snd Buck, Fleming, Pa or stherine Puck. Lock Hoven. Pa me | WANTED Cosmopolitan Magarine requires be around | The | mission pare , , HC Campbell. Osman 17% Broadway, New York © MARKET QUOTATIONS. ARE EE EE EE EE EE EE TET EEE RRR EE Tr] 2332 P 22 RE EE EE ETT ET rT