Thursday, September 1st, 1910, THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page 3. FRANCIS SPEER'S Breezy “Chat” Column That it is said that angels don't gos- sip. Pray, tell us where will some women in Bellefonte go when they die? That John 8. Dale, of College town- ship, wants to know what will kill po- tato bugs. Get them to .smoke cigar- ettes, That one of the Bellefonte is when the wolves, the sheep and rend you, That a things In | to expose | turn round worst my will You Bellefonte has man doesn’t young lady in refused to marry a voung cause he looks cheap and match the furniture That to the fellow in is looking for a safe Hicklen says what the vault in the First National Bank? That Ed Gheret, the Bellefonte tractor, says that even if a carpenter in town would go on the stage the chances he couldn't bulld his own part That a road if he the streets in ed" quick That last it is sald you in Bellefonte | might have helped ing to town seve That "Jim" liveryman bee Bellefonte who retreat, Chaney fs the matter with con- are R. B. Tavior will to make in new Jerusalem don't get those hrick down Bellefor wretty “darn not be given the on on mare £o that automobi Bay That t} gentlemar dow {ust next head That Linr save it i= a blackboard of your own tain occasions tiger That should months nic, grang county Ine That at a there er asked ply ti if his mot That Bellefor cone the not be after census consi the " fair vhody ans is That who sell mar childrer public of the fine in Pennsyl That Williar Patton. car listy E this Yapous LI with the ladies buttor and k the ‘ asing Aa wah 1st Ar, ought t vd Miller's and gotten some and befdre he dAnight There heling a wre ck, a nd What right, any man out at that with strangs res 3 t rr near AWAY married night two of the people In Belle wondering what right a mar ried man In Bellefonte has to married woman out in a secluded place at Hecla Park and remain there for an indefinite time They ma have been doing nothing but pulling together but that was enough to suspicion The parties could have been convicted upon cir cumstantial evidence They say the husband of this wife is as crooked as A cheese box, so probably the wife thinks she will even things up That the church In Bellefonte can not fulfill its mission In this com munity that has sitting In its front pews, or Amen corner, communicants who are enjoying wealth that has been acquired through misrepresentation and betrayal of friends. This Is the kind of men who act as a millstone to the prosperity of religion. They may give liberally of their means to the support of the church but they do not do It conscientiously, It is done because of its respectabllity, and the effect It might have In covering up thelr shortcomings such as avarice and hypoericy, Better close the doors of the sanctuary to these persons than to take their money for its mainten- ance. This Is speaking plainly but It is a fact pOMme KTRrns crente dou no ed churches tre county a large and fine crop of corn helm, moved to State | Mr OVER THE COUNTY. Cen- by With no early frost setting In farmers will be cheered Min- | where Simon P. King and family, of College, King is engaged in the Inn, Rev. Whatman, of Ohlo, has accept- the eall to the pastorate of the on the Rebersburg Lutheran charge scription | you Same berland sold to S at $3015 myer, of ofMoe street on Main street i ! take al | ! Mills, Duck, of Robert ast If on sub August for the You sent us any money during the month of find proper credit the label next week Daniel B in Penn G. Rote and The price will on The tim- been Geary tract of township has Frank Wingard sale pald was public Miss Ethel and er St Louls, McClelland, week Weduesdan naster J Millhein noved the old the root GG. Hettinger, of Spring aunt Miss Flo R were guests of Mrs at Linden Hall On Spigel post from Its Penr to of we and bit pen chickens Mark hruts the he the other of James aged 3 wie Animal ) Lime the nose abl Ire Pae the Ire re T™he epidemi the Lewis request of the unt of nN oung Philips? take the head of Harris} hi dogs were ) health oMoe recent) } there All town ma Tie wile towy awners " untageed does red killed rabies scare in Barn Twice Burned. Daniel Collins, a dalryman residing across the river from Willlamsport, is the victim of a secret snemy months ago his barn was burned several cows and horses perished the fire Eviden of were present A week ago he received an envelope through the malls inside of which was the message, “1 will fix 1." printed with a lead pence! In Ro- man characters At midnight Wed nesday night his new barn was found to be on fire in several places, and the flames spread #0 mpidly that the horses and cows In it could not be res. cued, The fire was undoubtedly of In. eediary origin. Collinge has no idea who his enemy Is and in on Some women are never so happy, it seems, an when they have had news to tell somebody, =| A BACHELOR'S VIEWS THEY ARE ESPECIALLY USEFUL | JOKES THAT CONTAIN A MORAL To the letter will answer all of your fully you printing and especially and bachelors where stead of are old | store bum a | will Seven | | street incendiariam | | got ON OLD MAIDS, IN MINING CAMPS Pointed Reply to Seven Old Maids | in the Bald Eagle Valley, Near How- ard-—-No Names Mentioned. | heavy {and | she will begin to ed and has to suffer becauss and | BOE I will gladly reply to your | a 22, 1910 or Middle- signed them- Colo, Aug Old Maids" Ladies, as they uray, "Seven Aged selves Yes, dears to the best of my ability, and | questions cheer Centre Democrat, as the editor and the press will stand for it dears, this State Colorado, this county, Is fearfully wonderfully infested with old | (Here gentle reader, give themselves away, In- middle-aged ladies, thes probably and gE about through the requested, if Yes of they being maids 40 | v ho have rosy SUMIMers 20 or bach- old State to Are hold about ¢ dow at YT A sack f the RUrve stairs and look hran piring middle " The mer ed gots tied around nek a general and not ng i= coo he and a drug forth to] neighbor. You | for then to oat where IPO mad, puts on a dress and sallies breakfast from a see her face In all groups of po- | Htleal parasites Khe will gad about | generally from 2 o'clock untill anytime next morning. Bhe will chase own | until she sees Mrs. Brown and | her dress. Then she will iy home and | on a dress that will outshine Mrs Brown's. But before she gets to see complexion How's This? We offer One Husdesdt mae oF Catarrh thet Cptarrh Cure F 1. CHENEY & 00. Toleda, O We, the andersignad. have known FF. J. Cheney for ithe ast 15 yours, and believe Rim perfectly hose erable 0 All Business transactions and Anancially Able to arty out any obligations made by his firm Wareinag, Kivsan & Manvin Whalessie Druga Toledo, O Malls Ontarrh Cure = taken internally. acting the biood and muses surfaces of the free. 5 sents pov Daliars Reward for an manot be cured by | Mrs | with a home and get a dress on that will beat Mra until she In completely she canned lunch and at home meal, for then she is a suffragist | virtually A Former Centre Countian Writes a | “Nd { he has accomplished the ruin of her home, | store complexion, look will call a to her, telling how she and other en how gambling take ties what She Emaoke when seen | dist tor constipation. Mrs she meets Then Brown nice she dress will fly Smith's. She will keep that up tired out. Then box crackers, some or sardines, a cold again Her husband children, If she has any, are not home, for they don’t know what a Is. There no one to cook a She drink After will get a salmon and go it of in drives her children husband from to her home she puts on some more drug that makes her face corrugated iron roof, after a hallstorm. When she gets old can't attract attention any more tell how she is abus- she is old when she will try for office and dictate to others how home ought to be governed She meeting, get a few to listen WOIm = man; and all stopped and liber- dictate to men drink, eat and wear to swear, drink, her presence, the greatest pretends to ive! Must ever get In a Thirt th Hike wrinkled are sufferers at the she nll dancing hands of wants saloons and all all kinds of from they don't enjoyment MAN—-eVen shall want him or use tobacco tobacco is one ctants known naive bie necting’ Early Fall Predicted E-Z Seal Jar Whole a fact which gives it great advant- age over irk. sman-mouth jars. Stop cutting up la fruits for canning. Go to your dealer and ask for Atias E-Z Seal Jars, After that ou can fill your shelves with jar holding full-sized fruits—natural ¢ as well as good tasting. Atlas E-Z Seal Jars are very strong; smooth at top and sure sealers. HAZEL-ATLAS GLASS CO. Wheeling, W. Va. | Smith | Gun License Proposed. Lively times are predicted in the | next legislature over a proposed bill to provide that hunters must secure gun Heense an required In the state of New Jersey The bill is understood t ohave been outlined by the Btate Game Com at the recent meeting In and steps being taken associations ting sent) Measure It m= bill would raise a 10 or the Btate Its work game missioners Harrisburg to have local take up the ment In behalf the pointed out that the sum large enough Game Commission to increase as well an provide Preseryes It is fare shooting ork of cre: of fable additional expected that consid- erable opposition to the measure will come from cities, while the farmers will object strenuously Population Estimated at 91,000,000, The total population of the United Btates and Its island possessions may reach 100,000,000 according to unof- ficial estimates made b Director E Dana Durand Durand expects the | total population of the United States proper to be in the neighborhood of $1,000,000, Substituting His Uncles Charles Koch, of Altoona camping on the Juniat Went lost his roll of cash to smoth-talking stranger o the train between Philadelphl und antler City, Saturday Aug, 20th Koch lefg camp Frida evening to escort Home fem ! resort, and on the train a suave stranger n- troduced him from uncle ims Ines of who if 71 in IONS looking. Wl Ad ine friends to the seaside pelf an nt mmole Koch ud an he hi anda had he td polit high were di sued, but he intil he reach- ipper, and then he hunt p another “une he left a $605 watch Baltimore that cit childhood hig appearance The weather cost yhom TE 1] tion the of living did not miss his ed for It to pay was required to cle with whom money for » An Indian Grave. digging a for a new ho workmen ran grave about five ground It contained deer, the head of a ber of artic of pottery In week, ment dian cellar in Sunb ry Henry last ("le old In- inder thes antlers of = and a num- 186 r an bear “on What is a “tonic”? A medici or tone of the whole system healthy action. alcohol. Ask your own doctc medicine doctors cannot endorse. Not a Drop of Alcohol ne that increases the strength . What is an “alterative”? A medicine that alters or changes unhealthy action to Name the best “tonic Avyer’'s Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsaparilla entirely free from and alterative”? Never take a /.( / Il. Mass yw all about it. Without daily action of the bowels poisonous impureblood, biliousness, headache Ask your doctor about Ayer Ayer Co. Lowel products must be absorbed. Then you have Pills for constipation. OVER WOOD SHINGLES / ” 7 £3 oa LAA ut fuss or bother right ov nstantly from a fire ¥ og as the bu ng itael! ar For further detailed information Local Contractors or Roofers or Philadelp alc her A FIREPROOF ROOF that , DEVET Dees TeDRINS prices, etc. apply to ORTRIGHT METAL ROOFING CO, hia, Pa. ALL $4 Oxfords REDUCED TO $2. 48 Yeagers’' Shoe Store We Handle Every thing in Cr RR oO C B R= L BH = of Absolutely Pure One Is ¥ Come tous. We have what NOTHING is more annoying hem We are Or We don't | article,” ete, Craaing the table Consicera ble thovght snd care often «xercired In this di reetion, and to not find what yon want at your Grocer's is very provoking fon are yon want, and everything 1s abeolutely pure—an ex tra inducement for you to here for your gro. come Ceres, ‘Beezer’s Meat Market HIGH ST. BELLEFONTE, FA, ———— a —— Wo keep none but the Best quality of BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, SLICED HAM Al Made of Stoked Sausage, ete ny want a nloe Juley . ow PHILIP BEEZKR