Page 2. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. FACT, FUN AND FANCY. Bright, Sparkling Paragraphs—8e- lected and Original, WHY NOT TAKE THE REINS? Ir fifty men did all the work And gave the price to five; And let those five make all the Wou'd say the fifty men were Uufit to be alive, And If you heard complaining cries From fifty brawny men, Blaming the five for graft and greed, Injustice, cruelty indeed What would you call them then? Not by their own superior force Do five on fifty live; But by election and assent And privilege of government Powers that the fifty give gf fifty men are really fools And five have all the brains The five must rule as now we find But if the fifty have the mind Why don't they take the reins? Charlotte Perkins rules fools, Not all the fans that can be crowd- @d into the baseball grounds can keep | the flies out It doesn’t by any means follow that the pugilist who is freckled wants his opponent to knock the spots off him Perhaps the reason girl throws a fellow is because Be isn't in the Mary You a soclety overboard swim had gee a little lamb; she couldn't buy A very blg chunk, just because Meat is so very high Out of Her Class. Young Husband-—-Did you those biscuits, my dear? His Wife-—Yes, darlir Her Husband--Well would not ma ny His Wife Her H you are too | No Such Luck. truly eloquer make 1k I'd rather more, you sweetheart lov « ? angle ght for such heavy mine, work had been on the looked at 1 80 im the id could Overlooked A Deadlock Settled nn wl wh gov) opinlor : What's your I ain't gol *1 threshed Tom Jones “Ad said 0 entice him did you arrive at? "Well, ecvenchually,” answered RIL *Tom he arrived at the hospital and 1 arrived at the perlice station” Give Him Hell, One of the stories which Justice Birewer was fond of telling was used by him to show the high regard for ‘the law in Kansas. He used to tell of A justice of the pence, who owned a farm in that state which bordered on Missourl, One day the justice was gitting on a fence bullt directly on the state line, superintending some work which his son and a farm hand were doing. The son and his companion engaged in a dispute which ended in a fist fight. The Justice of the peace watched the encounter for a few min. Bin with turned before to sa re 1 the matter out the other into the artfully fray, “ hoping and what utes and then shouted In a loud volee: | “Gentlemen In the name of the law of the state of Kansas and by virtue of my authority I command you to de. sist” Just then the rall broke and the jus. tice of the peace landed in Missouri Rising quickly he shouted: “Give him Sell, son, 1 bave lost my jurisdiction” GOVERNORS OF Portraits of Each Accompanied by Brief Biographical S8ketch—Will be Pub- lished in Order, One Each PENNSYLVANIA. | Wesk. | OF PENNSYLVANIA, AND | ED BY James a Palatinate settler He w practice of law at Bel " When sloned first lieutenant he moted at his bravery adler Jy In 188] States Repul the Re He w and LE efont Second irfous it Col rhor A ELKS' STATE ASSOC ATION Central Firemen ention of the Central Pen _ vans \ intesr Firemen's asso tior held at ™ nm Ww The ia Osceola Mills. closed ing ra Fhe nner of the 1911) officers elected for Harry Tantlinger, of NH dent W. CC. Langsford secretary, and Frank Grebs burg, treasurer The hub and hub race was a tie he tween DuBois and Houtzdale, and In agreement, the purses were divided Portage was awarded first prize for the best uniformed company: Philips. {burg the largest and best appearing company. Rescue hode, of Curwens. ville, won the first prize for the bes drilled company. The prize for the best band was awarded to DuBois iran ever T nr vention 1911 in presi Houtzdale of Philips Are n of Religious Meetings. A series of meetings will be held In Hunter's Park beginning Babbath ev. ening. August 25th, and continuing over the following Babbath. Meoting each evening at 7:45, On Bunday, September 4th, there jwill be an all day meeting, the first | nervice to begin at 10 a m.; bring {your basket along and stay all day I Rev. A. J. HiIl, of Bradford, Pa, and { Rev. G. J. Kelley, of Unionville, are | expected to help In the meeting. Take your coat and lantern along, you may need them, Rev. J. F. Collins, idmitted to the elvll war hr times r iliant con Herstowt the hat n 1850 oke out he Penn brigade 10,000 Notaries Art tex in enacted All mall de NEToRs very y the for Uni on thelr Are to each partmen 0H \ ) } ted pet routes. for wh twent ore Mints residing they for receive five voucher What She Would De. A modern dude with narrow strip od clothes, saddle colored shoes =a loud necktie, hair parted over his nose and smoking a clgarette, addressed his best girl thus, “If you were me and I was you, what would you de?™ She hesitantly sald with a smile, "1 would take off that hideous tle, put that cigarette In the stove, part my hair on one side, then pray to God for hrains Don't Break Down, Nevere strains on the vital Hike strains on machinery, breakdowns You can't over-iax stomach, lver, kidneys, bowels or nerves without serious danger to your. self, If you are weak or run-down, or under strain of any kind, take Electric Bitters the matehless, tonle medicine Mra. J. EB. Van de Bande, of Kirkland, HL, writes; "That 1 did not break down while enduring a most severe strain, | for three months, Is due wholly to Electric Bitters” Use them and en. | joy health and strength. Satisfaction positively guaranteed. 50¢. at Green's Organs, Chine Pharmacy Co | ty-six PROPOBED AMENDMENTS TO THR THE CITIZENS OF THIS COMMON. WEALTH FOR THEIR APPROVAL OR REJECTION, BY THE GENERAL AB- BEMBLY OF THE COMMONWEALTH PUBLISH ORDER OF THE BECRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH, IN PUR. BUANCE OF ARTICLE XVIII OF THE CONSTITUTION Number One A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to section tween. ty-smix of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Resolved (If the Benate concur) of art'cle five of the by, proposed, In accordance with eighteenth article thereof That section 2 of Article V reads as follows: “Section 2. All laws re. lating to courts shall nernl and of uniform operation srganization, jurisdiction, and courts of the same class or grad 80 Tar As regu- lated by law, and the force and effect of the process 1d Judgments of puch courts, shall be uniform; and the General Assem bly is hereby prohibited from creating other courts to exer the powers vested by this Constitution the judges of the Courts of Common Pleas Orphans’ Courts,” be amended the same shall read as follows Section 3. Al shall be general and f un 1 Opera- tion, and the orgar on, jurisdiction, and powers of all courts of the same class or grade, ‘ar regulated by law, and the force and of the cess and judgments of ich courts uni- form but, ) ithe nding sions of In ition Assembly I! have ( lish new BAMS MAY ty and risdict the which be Re and the powers of nll Me in and 80 that laws relating to courts form feat *0O . effect pr shail be RRY ; 4 Any provi. the eral to estab an the Gen wou ime to Ny number sting « ize th the Ww ® assigned theren Surisdiction the pleas shall be mon pleas eaomminsion In sald diction and powers proceadings at shall have heen numbered courts several numbered vested ir romposed of ris of common rt of room sll the Judges n Buch urls shall extend to all and In squity which instituted In the several and shall be sublect to such changes as may be made bw law and subject to change of venue as pro vided by law The president judge of sald court shall be selected an provided by aw. The number of Judges In sald court may be hy law Increased from | time to time This amendment shall take | effect on the first day of January sue cendling ta adoption A trues copy of Nesolution Ne 2 RONERT MeAFER Becretary of the Commonwealth aE carte nw Number Pour A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to section sight, article nine, of the Constitution of Penn sylvania Bection |. Fe it resolved by the Senate and Houses of Representatives of the Com. monwealth of Pennsylvania in Joihersl | Assembly met, That the folowing is pro. as Aan amendment to the Constite ton of the Commonwealth of Peansylva. nin, In accordance with the provisions of the eslghteenth article thereof Amendment to Article Nine Section Fight Section 1 Amend section eight, articles nine, of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, which reads » [oll we of any county, “Section & The debt i of article five of the Constitution | That | the following amendment to section tween. | Constitution | | of Pennsylvania be, and the same is here- | 1 | efty, borough. township, school district, or CONSTITUTION BUBMITTED TO | other municipality or incorporated dis. trict, except as herein provided, shall nev- er exceed seven per centum upon the as. sensed value of the taxable property thers. In, nor shall any such municipality or district Ineur any new debt Ite Indebtedness to an amount two per centum upon such uation of property the electors thereof at a public election in such manner as shall be provided by law; but any city, the debt of which now ex ceeds seven per centum of such valuation, may be authorized by law to Increase the same three per centum. In the aggregate, at any one time, upon such valuation,” so as to read as follows: — Bection 8. The debt of any county, eity, borough, township, school district er municipality or except as herein provided, shall never ex. ceed per im upon the assessed value of the taxable property therein, nor shall any such municipality in cur any new debt, or its Indebt edness to an amount exceeding two per centum upon such assessed valustior of property, without of the selec tors thereof a public election in such shall be provided by law; but debt of which r exceeds an per oor m of such uation, may be thorized by 1 or or Incorporated district, never ont or district Neres ne the assent at " an the 'W ansenned val in the AW Lo creme the pame three or ent ir ANY one time ep y BEETregate vai at ex fer ir Phil develops ation herelr ty of and purposes whan nr o inr Eynten impr wh ’ v Ly He r Danie } ir » Increass | exconding | aspensod val | without the assent of | | asnenned oth | Thursday, September 1st, 1910. — who cannot be found, requiring all interested to appear in the Orphans’ Court of Centre County | on the Fourth Monday of September, A. D., 1910 | snd answer sald petition and show cause if soy they have why the sald recognizance should not be satisfied of record and the land covered by the same discharged and release) from the len thereof WITNESS my hand and seal this 16th day of August, A. D. 1910 EARLE C. TUTEN tegister and C, 0, C 16, 1910 Sherifis OfMoe | Bellefonte, Pa., Aug | W.E HURLEY | Shiri The Bazaar, J. S. GILLIAM, Prop. FOR THIS WEEK WE WILL OFFER: Men's 00« Otis Bros' Plain 19¢ Men's Ge, Gauze Underwear Rods at 2%c; Balbriggan, whe ve have left at Outlr worth §0c¢; plated worth at bosoms $1.26 worth and Men's Sox, Ladies’ Linen Co 15¢ to 2 all Ladies , BO this week at 23¢ Ars worth from belts, at 1 worth § Gilliam’s Dept Store Banking Ce PureCandy A andy Dealers mp Candy C Manufae- NK nfect) } Pa. are NOT DULTERATI IN ANY FORM EUAr- teed } mpiy =» h al Pure Food AWE Camp Ca MAN poid Reta : Are ndy Company, rrone, Pennsylvan Ty P vania. EK. RHOADS — COALS Wood, Grain, Hay, Straw an Sand. rams SSS BUILDING MATERIAL BELLEFONTE LUMBER CO, . { i » J INSU Ka ssor vo Frederick K TEMPLE COURT “. HARRY FENLON, =u fevery RANC Foster and W sm Nurnside BELLEFONTE, PA John F, Gray & Sycoensors wo Grant Hoover CRIDER'S STONE BUILDING, Fire, Life and Accident Insurance BELLEFONTE THIS AGENCY represents the n largest fire insurance compan bos in the world. We are pre pared to write large lines any Lime Also Surety Bonds 37th Asses! ENCAMPMENT Encampment Opens Sept. roth The largest and Twenty-eight acres are On; tor A marge dd every production of Geo. Ginerieh GL. Goeodbart. Com. ¥ *, EXHIBITION OF THE PATRONS OF HUSBANDRY OF CENTRAL PENNA. GRANGE PARK, CENTRE HALL, PA. September 10 to 16, Inclusive