Page 8. pi dl THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Thursday, August 11th, 1910. Correspondents’ Department Continued. HOWARD. To make the most “stuff,” be it cloth, iron acter—this is success, of your or char- fn Our Churches Next Christian Chapel Rey (Presbyterian) of Academia, Juniata county, will preach in the eld Lick Run church at Js sonville, at half past ten In the morning the | Christian Chapel in half | past the Reformed—Pastor KE, F preach at Mt Bethel at and at Salona at half past annual Harvest Home service cur at Mt. Bethel Methodist Episcopal Taylor will preach in past ten o'clock, at past two, and at seven (The apologies to at Howard Sabbath, James Hyde | and in Howard at evening seven in Faust ten o'clock, | seven, The | will oc- | Pastor R. 8S Howard at half Kennedy at half | Curtin at half past | correspondent offers | the Methodist brethren | and Beech Creek for the] blunder in announcing services last] Sabbath evening, and regrets that | some were inconvenienced and disap- pointed thereby.) United Evangelical Rhoades will half past ten at half past | | | ] Pastor preach at o'clock, geven WwW. WwW Fairview at| and in Howard | An Auto Agency Has been acquired by zel, and the machine he the "30-Regal He has for demonstration and it is a Saturday mor Matthew R his passenge ico, Juniata Harry T. Wet. represents is | on hand | hummer. | started with and family as | home at Mex- | going by way of | Bellefonte Hall, the Seven mc ewlistown, turned on Tues by and Williar knowledge Mf mex wiles s enabling | him to intimate knowl » Auto, and with his si fa ities he is rap- idly be I r ar xpert ir iking the repair wl t! VErage CAr se« to t stantly demanding His ablil- ity do th work Is appreciated by it tourists of avail them this adds agent and one untains and ree the ms makes Loss by Fire. J t t i mt ' ory bod portable Was strong enough much, thoug! there as soon they could 2 total one ot very much There loss will sawed lumber n and no insura to from hundred wollars—a rie ) f the young Wetzel brot his triously working to close ot w job, which the their father had left or Reuben Lucas in Williamsport Miss Corel ©f her relati Miss Julia | Monday Kathryn Marie Packer, of week end wm Florence Lock Haver of Miss Woodwa Mr. and Mrs MeMurtrie of Howard hotel entertained special = voek their sister Mre. William Largant, of Tyrone, and their brother, H. . McMurtrie, of Philade iphia, and his wife Prof orge Robb and Altoona, and ‘ornwell amd HI of Northumberland, are spending portions of thelr with Hqulre Samuel FF. Kline the parents and grandparents of trpetahy r Dr. and Mrs. WW. J Kurtz Baturday for Chicago, by way falo and the lake route, where the Dr will be In attendance at the grand cone clave of Knights Templar of the Uni Te if] the as their jenn innt (he famil of Insane ( fam vacation and wife started ted Staten, of which he Is a member of | growing prominence Mr. F. D. Halstead, manager of the Queen's Run Brick works, Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Evans and Mrs. Kath. arine Wilson Packer, all of Lock Hav. en, drove In Mr, Howard and made a call upon friends Sunday afternoon. Comrades General John I Curtin, Captain 8. H. Willams, Corporal W, H. Musser, and former county coms issloner Abram VV. Miller, exercised pv of the privileges and performed one of the Important duties of com. radship when they came to town on Thursday and drove to Romola to cheer and brighten the sick room of Comrade John A. Daley. Without doubt they left him In better spirits than they found him. fiv's { Trenton JR | with | returned to thelr home on Tuesday's | panied by | station | od Lewisburg | 801 Harry's | | | RKO too far) was | amount | visitor of Buf. | | dren, | home of her brother, Halstead's auto to! of Wil Mr Peter Dr. Louis kensbhurg, ure Robb's parents, Robb and wife Mr, and Mrs. Gilliland, of Moshan non, the latter a normal schoolmate of Miss Muffiv's, Miss Muf last Sunda Robb and family, vacating with the venerable Anna were RUCKLE over Mrs after a friend, Mrs Mr, and Sidney Brouse of visiting Wetzel week of their Mary No, bd Balser Weber's friends are because his malady has not treatment so rapidly as wad but they are and hopefully troubled | yielded to expected watching working Ira Rorabaugh, a former Libert township and now a trusted en the P. R. RR, stopped off his old time friend, Thom boy, on with 28 Bowes gineman to chat Kunkle, with the visit here, and accom mother, Mrs her Williamsport Saturday Mrs, Austin born duriug the her returned to NO, 2 on Latz, of Zion, and Nannie Bath. | Curtin, appeared at the M. E parsonage here last Wednesday even ing and were made man and wife by Rev, R. 8. Taylor, who has been Miss Bathurst's pastor Miss Alice (Cooke, ons known and most mer days, now of spending her summer her three brothers, Robert, lumberman agent W, L babe Jacob Robb, home, on Hay urst, of our best girls of for Indianapolis, Is vacation with former sherify Clarence C. and Cooke citizen of the township, C V. Gruver, now of Willlamsport, spent gome among friends here, and this week his youngest son, well known here as a chubby, bright-faced little but now a decidedly well develop specimen of young manhood, Is a his friend, CO Robb hospitable home John B Mountal AR in the party ns the thelr popular Former days boy, guest of The L.eathers at ene of an Of omposed ngenial woods Fr > he sonior Were and the proprieties \ re : | i 1 t! present to ywrder { falr play | lawyer wns wel repaid by genial With t for Rex delightful A Dhreezs sk Light He p CAm« JACKSONVILLE CENTRE I'he ' f Ja Sunday } eonneact args and The Intended ' "e " Hank npleted OF an charter in ding opera will ire veral h inst granted start on the stra visited ai ight Burgiare this piace one 1 not make a PBoal's got his than a dollar In change Things are In oo of preparation for the ange plone Ir Alkens of the Sellinagrove Universit | ! Lutheran pulpht Inst Sahbat) 11] an Interesting discourse mes In did Khannon week but big haul At they pants with 0] irae annual xr HOLTS HOLLOW Hipple and Ray Bellefonte Sundasyed at the Jospeh Fetzer's Burdine Butler, Fortney and ard, visited at the Fetzer's, of this place Edith Fetzer spent Neuben Quick, of home of chil How. of Joseph wife and two Daniel, of home Monday at the Chas. Fetzer, of Mileaburg David Poorman, of Mill Hall, I» visiting among friends and relatives of this place, Mra, Grace Lucas, of Altoona, has returned to her home after spending a week with her parents of this place, Lizzie Kelley was seen passing | through our town on Saturday. Suicide at Clearfield, Lewis Irwin, of Clearfield, deapond- | ent from sickness, recently ended his | Hife by shooting himself through the head with a revolver, vor. BB. A | Watt in few | Mr _-_ UNIONVILLE. Howard Peters has a connection with his tnrbher agerie in shop Miss Mary E. eral weeks w hospital for recently much In Fddie bright little adelphin, are the formers snake barber Giriest, who ag atthe treatment, improved Russell daughter, Louisa, of Visiting at the purents Mi tussell Mra, Clvde lever Philadelphia; Mrs children, of St. David, Mrs. Holland and Bois, had a most the home of Mrs Andrew J. Griest, bookkeeper at Lauderbach-Barber wholes taking In the sights eof for sey. Philipsburg returned home wife and thetr Phil home of and Mrs und Mary children, of MelLear and Mr daughter of Du able reunion at Bing recently and ana entos the store, is beautiful fle our town Miss Mary U plished daughter of of Bellefonte, “dropped” in for a Visit to friends on last Saturday Miss Eva Davis who is a ful clerk in the & Shand, at anhsence ol nderwood the accom Isaac Underwood, short faith department store or Lancaster, after an nearly a year, home AKO to visit her parents Ira FF. Davis, at Julian Exchange” will be afternoon in the ples, came days and Mrs The "Ladies every Friday of the Union House bread, jellies, et« will be kept Is for the Society and A’ very delight! o'clock was given at the home of the writer in honor f Miss El Hrugger, proprietress of Hotel, Atlantic City Mr Llewellyn James arlisle, on Tues day evening at which event permis slon was given the writer to anno thelr engagement in the colums The Democrat } plates laid Among thos ent Mrs. Mary Philadelphia, and Mis f Bellef open pario cakes, obtained and This Ald where can be open till 8 benefit of the deserves patronage o'clock Ladies dinner zabeth the St. James wind her affances of Ines Centre Vere were, Mcl.ear, s Mollie inte i Jame wl treats throu ingery took greater pleasure The first man was James Mr. Ho shar t when 1 COBURN Wed of ir boys yoars ago, Is ves and friends Campbell, of Bhamokin lays with her daughter Kaler William Kerstetter Ruth, of Pleasant Gap here during last week who three visit relat A. J a few Jonse and daughter were visitors LIVONIA, MW. Adams and Raymond Adams also RG. Bnook, are Ill at present but improving George Woodside and ville, are spending George Bltover's Miss Jessie Adams returned from a five-weeks' stay at Pittsburg, and had an enjoyable time T. N., Btover purchased a fine new driving horse last week, having sold his other one the previous week Are wife. of P their tis Yacation at Coming Back. It appears that the American eitl- pons who some time ago deserted thelr own country for the farm lands of the Dominion of Canada are returning by the thousand. Tired of the extreme | north, many of them now mean to try the south, Grim Reaper Makes Many Visits When Bheriff Samuel Boyer, of Lew. Istown, lost a daughter recently It marked the tenth visitation of the grim reaper to the family connection inside of eighteen months, i + Hovy | | was | benefit of the M. E. chur THE SPELL WAS BROKEN. An Interesting Experience in Having His Fortune Told. The Houtzdale Citizen makes following thrilling allusion to Philipsburg's leading citizens “Assuring him that whi wins seventh daughter of a seventh ter, born with a viel and thereh) ed with the power to read and the future for a reasonable silver, which was to first an Indian gypsy queen persusd Frank GG. Brumbaugh, of Philips burg, that she could cast a spell him that would his heart's dearest desire, whether It were to he next sheriff of Centre the Socialist ticket, or for a 20 percent salary to take effect as = as he willed Frank finally her to delve his 1 dark skinned prophets proceeded to take his hand, look into his eyes and explore the mystic depths of the un- known, when all of a sudden, Frank having been quite averpowered bh) the spell, felt a hand slip quietly into the pocket where he kept the balance of his money, he quickly drew her hand away and broke the charm by in forming the that he believed he had enough fortune for one day and would rest content with the present letting the future take care of itself In the hereafter.” one the daugh Kir chang: sum in cross her mdm ed over secure county on rise in yon allowed and the into ure not BOOr Oss, Saw Mills Destroyed Fire was discovered on Saturday A: 1s! 6th in the mill of Frederick i thler, Baw located on the farm of A, L Paul, formerly the John E, Gummo furm, in Beech Creek township, near Beecl creek The n had recently been moved to this location to cut a tract of timber The fire burning tor when discovered had been n i about an hour mnt destroyed NOost totally f «11, who end Great Accomplishment ' tier f the Pent clined to { the great world had the a yt head. Buc! iw th $a these da Family Reunion. The Crusts and their fou annual re ter's Park, Saturday August 27th, which the public is cordially invited The Epworth League will sell ments during the hold a | val Ir wil hold inion at Hun Clarks rth refresh and wi also evening for the h of Fillmore day the SPECIAL JOD SALE Special Sale for 10 days only of all odds and ends in our store--are displayed on our counters--all marked in plain figures--The Cheapest Sale you have ever witnessed. Sale lasts for 10 days only--Begins to- morrow--Cholicest bargains always go first. xd Lawns reg re eK 3 Lot of white 1at sold up to sox remnants of u & yara are hem Job price per yard Dress Gingnam Colored ( A Var 12 LOTS AND EVERYONE A CORKER. Come To Katz's Job Sale: Begins To-day Ratz & Co, BELLEFONTE, PA. ABOUT FORTY SUITS one and in some instances two of a kinds odd lots we call them, as a dry goods man would call a short length of goods remnants. They are here for your choosing, at odd lots or rem- nant prices. About every size to start with, Light and Dark Colors. All of thorougly Good Style; priced at a fraction of their worth. OUR LOSS--YOUR GAIN ERS but we want them out of the way. not last long at prices. Come early-—they’'ll ese new SIM, THE CLOTHIER.