Page 6. {RE ——————— THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Thursday, June 9th, 1910, NN Correspondents’ Department | HE NEWS IN PORT MATILDA. Monday evening the Golden Eagle gave another members and wi and best Over one hundred persons were and partook of the good thing erved by J. H. i was quite On last of the to the girls present which were The event aful so cial gathering nd all nioved selves After t in A the inner n were giver town, were Rey Rev. H Brethre: of thi enjoy mes and gn concern on tin SUCCES RIC WwW band If ve to place oS el EE “ ot el uit Port Matilda No. 2 Memord Day was oarved in Pot Matild the arly mong wi orated ith Old on the AR G rr ftir o'cle n the Mo int thers Ing BCOTres ir Rev i I well a the gallant address ter ti Aan up fo at J Aagalr continued tery at Port town the Matilda fed It t showing rades E. cl triot portra tori After diamo broke 1 Mrs fron \ piaces pleasar Arthur friends while ent ! for MM Mr. and Mrs. Jan Hy, of Tyrone sited] at of the latter's father, Harry in Port Matilda, this week Port Matilda continues to improve William Crain Is erecting a fine dwell ing on Church street and Edgar Wil. lame is also erecting a model dwelling house on Allegheny street We are pleased to nots ing outlook of both the spring grain and grasses. The fruit however. in some of the low land sec. tions of this part of the country was nipped by frost, but the fruit trees located on high land escaped, and an abundant crop Is expected Mrs. Lidle Nearhoof, of visiting her parents here, Adams, In Bhady Dell J. M. Williams and family returned from an extended trip In North Caro. lina where he went for the benefit of his health. We are pleased to note that the trip was highly beneficial to him, Miss Edith Reese Is visiting friends in Tyrone and Medera Clearfield county, Fite major Billy Meyers, of Vall, headed the FP. O. KH of A. drum corps of Hannah Furnace on Day. ex Reese and fam the homes Woodring, the promis« winter and Tyrone, In and Mm A house owned by Peter Kelley, In| { vicinity during the past week Patton township, was burned to the ground with the entire contents on the | evening of May 30th. According to re. | there was no fire in the house | when the occupants left about an hour | to the burning, which was about 7 o'clock; the origin of the fire is therefore a mystery, Mrs. Maud a pleasant and interesting lady, with her two of Winchester, Tenn, visited Knights | She feed | field Decoration | CONDENSED FORM FROM ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTY AAA AAS, ~ at the home of Mr wag formerly county, to tended her visit her home In the and Mrs, O° of Grampian which place before returning sunny south Rees Clear. mh BOALSBU RG. here rda 1 Adam Aumar f 1 ited d re Miss friends = here re Annie Haney time with her parents i ho account of Hiness Miss Maggie Harry visited at for several days recently Miss Eva Wallzer In at present ser lously ill with neuralgia of the heart W. E Balr Ip adding another Im provement to his home by bullding a wile nding some me or home FILLMORE. Preaching next Sabbath church at 10:30 A M Children’s service on ening. 11th, at 7:30 Mrs. Lomison Is visiting at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. James Huey's, her parents Mr. Barner and wife, of Willlams port, are visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs, James Waddle's, We are al. ways glad to see Carrie's smiling face Harry Rimmwey and Harold Young attended the festival last Saturday evening at Waddle's for breakers up there, SPRING CREEK. Rev, David Davis and family, Williamsport, visited friends In in M E Baturday ev of | Dr. Wm. Fry was called to D Wagner's to care for a colt that has tetanus, Rev, Baver and wife, of Pleasant Gap, spent last Saturday and Bunday at the home of J. D, Wirts, James Kustenbauder and family were entertained at the Kustenbauder home at Warriorsmark during the last week; they report a pleasant time, eX - to PINE GLEN, I presume some of our town think the seribe Is dead but to life again Rhoda Askey Mrs Steele, of lellefonte Mr, and Mrs, Wilson Smeal, son, spent Sunday with the parents here Some of our voung tended the festival at reported a fine time No wonder Han Fyve and Meeker wear broad smiles the has been around There wer: #iah church o folks | has come in visiting her sister of Mun» people here at Karthaus: all Harm stor) no se n Sat MILESBURG 1 2 SKUNK HOLLOW Pann Twp. 3 ‘ & | preparing § 10 i} 4 y mwa mmer no his dramatic Gold” as soon 1 The time | school conventi has beer are invited gathering Prof. D Etters will ers’ examination, June » Preparat are being Children’s Sunday, M E chu everybody vited The game rm Tune 219 attend and 30 this religious met to O hold teach made for 12th, In the cordially In one ay base ball played by the younger team on Memorial Day | seemed to stir the older boys some for they have decided to organize a | team to play a few games. Boys, come | of to the field and show your interest in | Boys, look out | i this | and irritable, | nef poisons show In pimples, blotches, Y. | skin the national game A Woman's Great Idea. Is how 0 make herself attractive | Put, without health, it is hard for her | to be lovely In face, form or temper, | | A weak, sickly woman will be nervous | Constipation and kid. eruptions and a wretched com- plexion. But Electric Bitters always os A godsend to women who want Pealth, beauty and friends, They regulate stomach, liver and kidneys, Tix Ja blood; give strong nerves, be ure y oth smooth, vel. Ei (Sompiaxion, rood them. 60 cents at Green's Co. Bellefonte, former's | PINE GROVE MILLS. { ferson hospital lan operation Messrs, Claude Alkens Ard, of Selinsgrove, spent { thelr many friends at this Mra, Clyde Collinge and | Pittsburg visiting at Ww. C | Mins on Sati pia) i Mrs performed for cancer and Wilson Sunday with place children, the home of nre of Collins Maud Decker returned radu if ter soevernl mi Bellefonte Annie Miller left Pa. where mths Thursday expects to COLYER rt {f visit ver Nunday Cummings and son, fave wit) her par Mrs Arthur aul spent A ew ! The Bazaar, J. S GILLIAM. Prop Will offer this week a full line new goods. nak x42 and na. Laces, Embrold India Linens, Irish Linens, Strip awns. Check Lawns Printed Persian Lawns Rarettes, Combs hinges. Dutch lara, emb, only Handkerchiefs Crash be ¢ 8 New Parasols, F erien ed | Lawns New New Rud Linen C The best 7 for 25 The te Black ( Halr Pins Collars, Jabotls 10 yet shown, we Burson Hose, seamless, black, Hose, © eo: lisle “otton sh : Sox. 3 ’ pair for Vesta, 10 and extra fine rib, 19,4 alien’ Gauze Children’s Hose finist 25¢ 10x4 Liner Pil Sheets Re acmiad Candles 10 tin ml ce on BATURDAY, and to a wstomer. This is ust a treat for you so come on first train the rush SHOES. On) f rf words going fast to} ere wh w a pair on Children's ' Iadies’ and and avold they ant te Hhoes nd Men's all Are RY lent re and all styles Look over seach department and you will ‘find bargains. EYES EXAMINED FREE! All Work Guaranteed. PROF. ANGEL, EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Wednesday and Thursday, June 15 and 16. AT BROCKERMOFF HOUSE. To My Patrons and the Public: | Having become established In Belle. | fonte and all over the county, an a sue | connful Eye Specialist, and through the | large increase In my business, 1 have | | concluded it will be to the best In. {terest of myself and {make a reduction of 25 per cent my charges. This will enable those who have felt they could not af. ford to pay former prices to secure proper treatment for their eyes at the lowest possible , All parents are advised who have children that go to school who are not bright in Tar ing or thelr studies, should have their os examined and see If they need You will thereby save lots of trouble and make good scholars of home | ents, Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Mover and Frank Bowersox has gone to the Jef- | family, al Philadelphia to have | James Bpangler { farm house which thur Slutterbeck hin Ar being is remodeling in occupied by The work is - done hy Mr. Zettle and his hands. The house makes quite a fine appearance, Alvin Whiteman and wife, of near State College, spent a day visiting at the home of Arthur Slutterbeck ENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Bulletin. TOUR TO YELLOWSTONE PARK AND THE CANADIAN ROCKIES TRY HE SMALL DEPosITOR IT WITH US The First National Bank, Bellefonte, Pa CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $226,000 the public to | in| Necessary devices which, with other typewriters are attached (at an extraprice)or else ¢ built as parts of ‘special’ ma- chines with only one use at a more exorbitant price), are inbuilt every NEW MODEL That is one secret of the success of this Typewriter. ALWAYS in sight Some Inbuilt Features: Card Writing, Decimal Tabulating, Condensed Billing, Color Work and Stenciling. in L. C. SMITH & BROS. TYPEWRITER All these kinds of work- and others—done by one simple typewriter, our regular correspond. ence machine, without any extra cost in attachments. BALL BEARINGS ~ throughout typehar, carriage, segment — all important frictional points made anti-frictional. The inbuilt devices save you the price of LL Gardner Ball Rearing Type bar Joint, attachments (costly things, these attachments); the ball bearings save work and wear, And this complete machine costs no more than others which must have expensive attachments to make them complete. Tobuy a without investigating the L. C. SMITH & BROS, would be like buying silver without looking for the * Sterling ” mark. Send for the Free Mustroted Book, L. C. SMITH & BROS. TYPEWRITER COMPANY 1333 Walnut Street. Philadelphia, Penna. WILLIAMSPORT, PA, BRANCH - 126 FOURTH &T.,