Page 4. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Thursday, June 9th, 1910, The Centre Aemocrat, FRED KURTZ, SR., Editor CHAS. R. KURTZ, Kditor and Proprietor, W. FRANCIS SPEER, Associate Rditor SWORN CIRCULATION OVER 5,500 "TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : SurscerrrTioN, $1.50 Per YEAR Persons whe send or bring the money to the office and pay in advance, $1 per year CENTRE DEMOCRAT clubs with N., Y. thrice-a-week World for Plittsnurg Stockman for The date your subscription expires is plainly pr'nted on the label hearing your name A eredits are given hy a change of label the fire issue of each month. Watch that, after you rem't We send no receipts 1 by special req est Watch date on vour Suhseribers changing postoMes not notifying us, are lable for san Suhseoriptions will he continued wise Yireeted We employ no collector. You are axpected to send or hring the money to this nee Ss 1akel address, and unless anther. EDITORIAL Taft fourths of ation (u junkets his heing the out time 1h on gince nlawf pense) ficial © a Rranteq for ment new othe r 000 op roy CHOICE EXTRACTS We — t was - “Our Personal Column.” Lewis me: Fe . : McKear friends That crowd it for Congr non tior Ret themasel exper of Il Gover hund street m some bod pocket state governments ernment has but one revenue to meet by taxing things by the people c*vasel cost of in b> nd with evtravagance Lest we Repu! Represent stand bw re port RE Bp sional all the have made er 1's A has mens comn the lumber the ton 1” the latter and the and the which Aldrich people vision cont corporate | upward re fits n disap poin tributir That Direct Gugrenhs - 1 pointment of the prose uting att States marshal government In exper eater Hence forget 7 f itives « terests islon Ir ny Crean: th Morgar the Arges ate cau federal the rney and the i'nited who will represent the its sults over the (‘un ningham coal land claims (which Bal linger was so friendly to) have been made before the senate commitiee on Judiciary. A responsible party, Judge James Wickersham, delegate to Cone gress from Alaska, made the charge Ap A Special Meeting. A public meeting by the Women's Civie club, | disappointed | in AWARDING OF PRIZES. On lence auditorium Peters, D delivered Thursday assembled to nud school or large High evening in the hear Rev, Madison D., of Brooklyn, N. Y the commencement to the graduating class went there with the purpose of hear ing something fine and they were not He gave the In gentlemen some good advice he put particular stress ng graduates selecting a ch en vocation for which they are adapt ed, and then sticking to it Thi Is a day of specialties, and the man sticks to one thing ind works | LIL Is sure To the ladies idviged them te thems 8 fo ife's du ter whetl hey ntend or the pared anxiet practical women who an address Everybody VOung and which VO dies upon the 08 who rd to win out not men a Hf rilllant in won orator CORE and preciated by lence that there to 1 Following the address Henry CO J of Bellefonte onferred the diplomas the prizes as follows Reynolds gene prize, $10—Raymond R J. C. Meye | : J. Harri Harr Keller gathered ley, Esq bod inno Fred prescident Arc, 4 need school and Ww FOR A SANE FOURTH Marriage Licenses Foreigners Revere Stars and Stripes One f the 1 $ press ore Trust That the could undermine Remedy Neglected. farmers of Pennsylvania the Beef Trust If they would devote more attention to stock raising, was declared 1} Professor Franklin Menges before the public meeting of the York and Adama Coun ty Pomona at Ix He pointed to the existence of more than farms within a radius of six of York that are Acre tracts jens than 5000 steers and to 5060 hos could easily The same Is true In Cen- (Girange ver 20) miles 160 where no from 4000 raised county Le re Yearick-Hoy Reunion, forget that the Yearick-Hoy reunion will held at Hecla Park on Wednesday, June 22 This outing is not only Intended for the relatives of the old and distinguished families, but for everybody who de [pires to take a day off In the woods and enjoy themselves An Interesting | program Is being prepared which will be sulted to both old and young Don't family of Bellefonte, will be held | in the court house tomorrow, Friday | evening, at which the question of pro- | viding a suitable demonstration and | celebration for the people of this com. munity on the Fourth of July will be thoroughly discussed. It Is proposed that a public subscription be made to provide a fireworks display for the ev. ening of the Fourth. Other features for the day's proper enjoyment will be proposed. Champ Clark's Predictions. Laourl, the Democratic leader of the { house, sald a few days ago: “1 would | rather be speaker of the house for two years than United States Senator for three terms. who | | field Representative Champ Clark, of Mis- BENEFIT BASE BALL GAME. If vou desire amusement BO tomorrow, the some real to Hughes’ Friday base hall “Fats” and the “"Leans It will be a all who attend with them so to keep hospital ine whdetie af*cvuvcn, and game hots en He | witness the fonts nnd of el je side sy na 4 want th themselves ambulance ground, and Dr. Ti be there also to Fas to those who for there will glituntions 1 hie and the simile something of buttermilk f Kes that in La sport t} Leans egrapt wire. mak rn versant They Went Mome on Train h « ore wt Mr here and tear Eave wae stat he 14 on wi Junior Base Ball League ning Val ga team aturd y ye Wan Cal team wou Phillip Deeger's the Fe them out po on tH noe fly Keller's team The following the 1» iM n AK LINe Won. Lost. PC 4 : 667 Lon LOO 200 is Nominated, given by the commis Hloomsburg Tuesday correct, William T for Btate Bena« Sones, of Wil Creasy figures office at afternoon are Creasy Is nominated tor over Charles W lamsport A complete unofMelal canvass of both Lycoming and Bullivan was made Tuesday of this week, and Sones has a combined majority of 1481, or 10 less than Creasey's majority in the other countion The two unreported dis tricts of Columbia county are conced. od to Creasy hy at leakt 40 votes, thus making Creasy's estimated fend 50 If the siOonern The residents along the back road from Milesburg to Curtin have a pro. ject under consideration of bullding an Independent rural telephone line to I am confident that connect the residences between those communities. The promotors will hold the next house will be Demooratio and ' g festival In the band hall at Curtin I am sure that I have a good show for the speakership.” on Saturday, June 18 to help defray the expenses incurred in its erection, | the with, | WEDDINGS, Woodring-Davidson, P. Woodring, of Port 3 Miss Adeline Davidson, sf ! lonville, were united In mary nye Rev, M. C, Piper, at his resid: Huntingdon, Pa. June The bride Is the daughter of H Davidson, of Union township, excellent voung Indy and fied to Nill her new station ir the g min world Mill Mr. A da, and near Wom Ix nn fing industrious Heberling-Henninger., ther day Musser Er Henninger Monts ardt Dale- Thompson. of Mr. Hi } m Warner Bolton -Donachy Alleghe rete on SL LT w and vines iy wil resp Wheeling and where home attractive yi husband a § J veral years ago the Hefonte where he the Aacademy ten by cupid’'s Ame and art whi ther hon fellow + al at whi! BR " .] ite Aan Ung the SOMETHING THIS WEEK Our Price S142 Ll. $1.00 Iw 1x Flour F ne Ia Ve 16 Ibs, sugar Coffee syrup Loose Bakers Choclate Salt Sack 0 (ireen or Black Tea 28¢ Vanilla per bottle, . 8-1¢ Banner Lye 3 for 25¢ per can 1x Rice 7¢ 1 Canned Corn Ww FT Corn Starch 7¢ 100 Prices subject to change FARMERS Bring produce We Pay 22¢ dos. for Eggs the 1h, for side-meat 16¢ 1b, for lard Potatoes 3s¢ x us your LLEN’ \ N util n Ly 1930 Fome ph an and { day RAIN SPOILS BIG PARADE, Sunday in BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY. Was an Bellefonte On Thursday anniversar held Love Ann Peace f Indy wan hale and of the Inte in Curtin Is now counts There rela~ tives and thor- oughly EB ad tl F Hilton W, ment exceptionally ax It rained inces santly from early dawn until into the night The inclement weather spolled a big Bunday school rally in Bellefonte, something that perhaps never wi in the county this Arrangements had made the ass of schools in tow diamond parads Was to formed, he T. Harp chorus of which have Bellefonte wet there was a ft the birthday of Mrs day the is still widow as born but Clinton hore that nme © in With mn #1 years of hearty b John Mi and the and w ire VY G0) Pp Pencos 8 ip, Cer Been along Lowy PT inty, Hine for been residing the in embling this were ends eight {1 pres § at very with 8 to nin Missionary Meeting Horne rit PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Bulletin. JUNE ON THE GREAT LAKES. ¢ Lr reat ! the rder States June is one of the most charming months take the trip ine between the Tionesta and Oct Cleveland, Detroit, Mackinac Island ton and Hancock, and Duluth The 1910 season nesta ad The A: Y R ™ ¥ ti Dene a . + CLASTER’'S STORE Reduction Shoe Sale Having many broken lines of Shoes left from Klines store, just a few pair of a style. We make the following reductions for a few davs only: $4.00 Men's Just Right Shoes $3.19 4.00 Ladies Dolly Maddison “ 3.19 3.50. * o " "r-2.98 3.00 Ladies Shoes 2.25 2.50) ’ 1.98 2.00 1.69 3.00 Men's Shoes 2.29 2.50. " 1.98 Clasters Underselling Store, Bellefonte, Pa. ‘“ “" Criders Exchange, Allegheny St.,