Thursday, December 23, 1909. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page 7. Correspondents’ Department Continued - COLYER. On last Monady night the barn be- longing to Mr. James Lindsey was un roofed by the terriflic storm which passed over this section, Mr, Lindse) who resides at Pittsburg, was at onc notified by his son who spent the sum mer here, and he, with carpenter H CC, Gettig, are now busy at ting on a new roof work put Constable OC wzier Is busy sid ing his house; | assisted in 1} work by Mr. David Young. The wor gives quite a good a) to the home Roy and Clavton Martz, song of Wm Martz, are quite {ll with typhoid fever Miss Tillie Stover, an aged lady, wi Is making her home Fleisher's has been in a vers condition for pearance with sometime her friends sympathize with her Stuart, the second son R; Mrs. C. D. Frazier, hac tune of falling off ing his arm under the ¢ is getting ale This we children | ©« institute in Bellefor Miss Ida Klinefelt » pen of be coming soon GREGG TWP.—North BENORE 3 Ethel, spent a few her sister, Mrs Grove T OG Haut Sunday at his home Ben Johnson! here Mr. and Mrs. BB the funeral of tt) Mr. Tressler, of Rell The Christmas entertainment be held here on Friday evening will be singing, recitations and Christ mas treat for all little ones one, come all; Friday evening the at 7:30 School closed here for a two-weeks vacation All the children are mak ing good use of coasting and skating on the ten acre pond A Merry Christmas and A New Year to all siting frie there Come 24th Happ WOODWARD. E. M. Boone, formerly of this place but of late of Beotland, Bouth Dakota Is spending sometime with friends In this community The public schools are closed during this wetk due to Teacher's Institute The scholars are all enjoying a happy vaeation Bruse Stover returned State College last week vacation with his parents A company of bear hunters camped In Pine Creek Hollow, a few days last week, hut returned home empty hand ed, on Saturday Misses Morando and Mary Mowery of Wolfs Chapel, spent Sunday with Mrs. Mary Motz here Mra. 8 DD. Orndorf and daughter Edna are spending some time here at the home of Mra. Pheobe Wise Miss Flossie Runkle returned home from Wolfs Btore last week after spending the summer with her sister, Mra. Ceo. Smith, Chas, Winterand employed in West Virginia, is paying his friends in this community a short visit Rev, Haney, accompanied iv Rev. Harry Bheeder r»inde a trip through home from to spend his the Penns valley narrows on last Sat- urday. Christmas services in the Ey on Sunday night. vited to attend, Ellas Haines Is spending some time at Madisonburg. James Musser spent Saturday and part of Sundial the home of Bquire EE. H. Musser , SNOW SHOE, Bleighing is fine. Prof, H, E. Leathers and son Eldon Sundaved with his father; he will attend Institute other day Elwin or Bellefonte, but and went to church All are cordially in- from there Lebkicher somehow Williamsport ¢ very careful bazaar held by the Ladies Ald m't forget the cantata to Ix stmas night in the M | Everybody welconu Vacation is here and all the $ are enjoving the good coasting Robert Price anl James Pa on the P. R. R ] ¢ their parents here die, bx school firemes FILLMORE TYLERSVILLE \ Christmas entertalnmes 1 held In the 'nited Evangelical « Christmas evening all are Dean Whit, of here Mins Filsle day from a Haven The teachers of our tow? tending thelr Institute at this week Miss Mina Miller, who was Il for some time, is slowly improving Samuel! Carls Is on the sick list Nittany is visiting Miller returned last Fri fow-days' visit at Look ship are at Lock Haver A USEFUL RELIC. Rince the county commissioners | have concluded to equip the court | house with a new electric clock, that {will have an Muminated dial to ens {able fellows of the ‘wee sma’ hour | brigade to read the time of thelr goin’ | home, it will throw out of commission the faithful yet serviceable clock that { has struck the hours from the court | | house dome for half a century, How [Alapose If 117 Which of Centre coun {ty's pretty villages wants a town | elock? There's Unionville that has i Domina, It might be proud to have the outfit, Then there's Howard, Mill. heim, Centrehall, and the rest, whe {know a good and needful thing when they see It. Bhe's good on a strike yet i That when a young man In Belle. fonte resches the age of 18 years he begine to talk about “when he was a boy.” A hole In a farmer's fence like a hole in the seat of his trousers, need Many “Hopeless” Cases more harmless than swelling of the oevelids DROPSY TREATED FREE, FRANKLIN MILES, M. D, ILL. B, the Well-Known Heart and Dropsy Specialist, Will Bend a New $3.75 Treatment Free. Cured bh to 20 Doctors Falled At first no digense Is dropsy, a nally breathe, cough 1Himbs enth if offer i of consideration oer oppo | University of Pennsylvania meeting boys In the Y. gave some excellent advice. Evangelist. In the morning he {In the Presbyterian church, which was followed by a o'clock In Garman's opera house where Aftor Several wis apparently orchestra, an little hands, feet, there reath, smothering another in the y Mr Eby and in the Presbyteriar rtainly SOPP POPPI PRRPLIRRRR RRR ven PRPC RReR RD a DORE RD add A A LL EL LI IEE TTY) ! The next | Saturday for! when Mr. Eby | held on M. CA was plate | woek exercises at lege next {for what Sunday was a big day for the spoke at 3.90 men's meeting FARMERS TO MEET, Farmers and dairymen who contem- attending the Penna week will ver sacrifices they may in coming to the college, for not only i will the lectures be the best that can be secured in this country, but the wide range of subjects which have , | been chomen meet every phase of farm Col 1 life, and the farmer who attends repaid | them help being benefitted make thereby coming farmers’ Mints be amply cannot hundred L. Bpangler men assembled, Col presided and the music furnished by Christy Smith's large choir of boys and Russel Blaly In the evening men's mass meeting was held Methodist church solo by address omen latter ice was crowded VICER Were charge of Mrs Wilson during the « de a strong plea for the local \ to the last drop, f many good qu Will not smoke, 1 Costs no more th ficial ight known, who ening BEST BY ANY TEST and the best test Is its use. “Family Favorite” LAMP OIL Gives the nearest to natural of any arth. i Burns white, clear, steady and full flame ’ A ——————— “smell” or flicker, ordinary tank wagon oil and infinitely better, Most any dealer can IPN You. Waverly Qil Works Co., Miami Pitisburd, Pa. Also makers of Waverly Bpecial Auto Ul and Waverly Gusolines, $100 Reward, $100, ' tad ER A MIXED Candy! 3 Ibs for 25c. Gillen's GROCERY AOOP OVOP PRP TRIO LRG POIROIPUPORIO RRR IERRI ROR. The Perfection Oil Heater neither smokes nor diffuses odor, Automatic Smokeless r nrevents ’ a te R nt holds 4 quarts of oil—sufficient olid brass wick carriers—~damper top—cool handie— wifulle UY 3 Every Dealer Everywhere. If Not Oil Heat * ~ Without Smoke No matter how sensitive your olfactory nerves may be, or under what working conditions you en=, counter the PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) lightest odor of The new Devi Repeated tests during its incipiency and develope / | been pronounced perfect by the inventor, and sure effectiveness, : afier it hs MS 23 CT 1K Os int of its greatest effective g flame instant for cleaning beyond the pec the greatest heat-yieldis uf i$ secures 1 } ved inn an ik. emoved in an 4 ) give out a glowing haat ] iu indicator, hed in nickel or Japan in a variety of styles. At Yours, Write for Descriptive Circular to the Nearest Agency of the THE ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY (Incorporated) NINE T IPRs Nt attr ets PRNNNNNNNIINNNNNINNRNRNRS prompt attention. = j A» This is the trade- mark which is found on A= every bottle of the genuine Scott's Emulsion the standard Cod Liver Oil preparation of the world. Nothing equals it to build up the weak and wasted bodies of young and old. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS Send 10c., name of paper and this ad. for r beautiful vings Pank sand Child's Sketch Book Fach bank contains » Good Luck Penny SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St N.Y. SETRENRRNNTRRRNNNNRANNARNS - THE BAZAAR - XMAS GOODS For useful presents For Ladies, For Men, Children, Ladies’ Rubbers, we set the price 4be, only, good, Men's, 75 and 81.00 4 5 4 » 4 ’ 4 » 4 ’ ¢ » 4 » 4 ’ 4 » 4 » 4 » - SEBO BEBE BI BIBI BE BI BEI BI BE BIBI Be BEB BE BEBE BO BIBER BBD Doll Baby Shoes ALL SIZES AND COLORS 15c. A Pair ALL SIZES AND COLORS 15 cents A PAIR 15 cents Yeager’'s Shoe Store, Bellefonte, Pa. aes. fe fyas Oat csg tt. te. fe. fAe fete fT Aq tT. Ae. Ae. fe fe. fe. Ae. fe se, LE Sh LE Nh ah NA ah Rh LE J. S. GILLIAM, Prop. SAMBA BBBABPBREBIBIBIIEIBIIS hhh Has Foods Shot Folks who eat Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice are sorry for those who don't. So they tell of these foods to others, and the others tell others. That's how the use is spread. Please ask some housewife to tell you how her folks enjoy these foods. Or try them yourself. One pack- age of Puffed Wheat, at a cost of ten cents, will reveal a new delight. Puffed Wheat—10c¢ These are the foods invented by Prof. An- derson, and this is his curious process: The whole wheat or rice kernels are put into sealed guns. Then the guns are revolved for sixty minutes in a heat of §50 degrees. That fierce heat turns the moisture in the grain to steam, and the pressure becomes tre- mendous, Some Friend Told You of from Guns? You will know, for the first time, how good cereals can be made. You will see grains that are crisp and nut-like, puffed to eight times their natural size. You will see grains made four times as porous as bread—ready to melt in the mouth. You will see grains made digestible ~with every starch granule exploded. And you will see foods that chil dren like better than any foods you know, Puffed Rice—15¢ Then the guns are unsealed, and the steam explodés. Instantly every starch granule is blasted into a myriad particles. The kernels of grain are expanded eight times. Yet the coats are unbroken, the shapes are unaltered. We have simply the magnified grain, One package will tell you why people dee light in them. Order it now, ” Made only by The Quaker Oats Company