Thursday, November 4th, 1909, THE CENTRE DEMOC RAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. Page 5. | BELLEFONTE AND VICINITY THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS —Don't forget the “County Fair," by the Elks. Miss Kitty Heylman, who has been quite ill at her home on Curtin street, is somewhat better, —('ol. H. 8 Taylor made a business | trip to Buffalo this week to secure | supplies for the school house and | court house. —Walter Lilly, of Lewisburg, spent | Sunday in Bellefonte as a guest of his brother-in-law, John I Olewine, Spring street. | —Mrs. Boyle left Bellefonte on Fri- day to see her son, Morris Boyle, who | has been in the hospital in Philadel phia for several weeks two Snow | Graham and | greatly inter- machine, callers the Misses seemed -— Pleasant Shoe ladies, Young, who ested in our linotype were ~The house on Curtin street recently | vacated by E. T. Roan is now iad be on the billboards | day from Bush's Addition to a house on | Lamb street. the new chemical room at the Pennsyl- vania Match factory. | phia, after spending on | mother, v {the Y. M.C. A | those pertaining to e | to operate an automobile successfully, { and time-keeper, The Elks "County Fair" will soon The date is Nov, 19th and 20th, —Collins Johnston moved on Thurs- ~The bricklayers are busy erecting —William 8S. Furst, Esq., of Philadel- a few days with his | Mrs Caroline W. Furst, left on | I'nesday morning for his home. — Five new branches will be taught in high school They are lectricity and how —Mary Totsock, formerly stenogra- | her in the law office ot [ Aw A. B.| filler, Esq., has secured a position with | I'homas A, Shoemaker as stenographer —On Monday Dr, Edwin Earle oc- | Sparks, President of Pennsylvania State cupied by Mr. Krape, manager of the | College, was in Jersey Shore and made lime kilns and stone quarries in Ar- | mor's Gap. —Mr .and Mrs | now comfortably home on Spring would not go back the world. -~Thig evening the ladies ciety of the Bellefonte church will hold a chicken and waffle supper in the lecture room of the church. The patronage « the public | is cordially solicited. | Charles McAvoy are | located in their new | street Mac says he | to “baching” tor | Ald so- Methodist | f " --Hallowe'en was celebfated In Belle- fonte on Saturday evening. The mer- ry-makers were out hay good time.but no malicious mis dalism was reported number of parties and the people en] a general way. -—Mr. and Mrs. F jssued invitations for their daughter, Miss der, to Charles Kirl beth, N. J place at the Cri Muesday Crider have | 1e arviage Mary Isabel Rat} ¢ fi ler street on 16th —Mr left on Mr Valer nN« Sat attend t ughters Progress cal t week church will ] held every ev - except Baturday evening Next week beginning with Monday evening, the pastor will be assisted by the Presiding Elder of Centre District, Rev. J. C Reeser, who will preach each evening | and ail are invited to attend and enjoy i these services, i —On Sunday morning Judge Hall came through Bellefonte in his auto- mobile, accompanied by several gen- tlemen from Haven. The judge was interrogated on that id t story that at n« that © Lock irkey wi Samuel Showers job Including the What's the to Philadelphia and show that « T. Clayton Scenle, w for thr use fee n when the a talking theless the bhest duce fact mn one a its artists pro the Wy This Is that nic in crowded Those who haven't losing lot of Brown gl appreciated almost every with night the Sce. sightseers there vet are Mr id Mrs wel been " y will COINe ney a Acaden Barre pendicit Jel lefonte His n hospital f parents th vhers or ] days have h him The He in A foot some body velling the dine by that ought iid loo rious the co t contre o and The nen k after ane In n ane sul n the Academy been doing schools if team i. good work Wns fe entire him off down to off. and eradicated f ured him ) ‘ he Conn Ww Le been pre On rvening fair sized sarman Monday n assembled In “Miss drama audience 8 ODeETrn yers of | in | house to pretty nee little fis Petticoats’ but the prominent sat In n conduct OuUngE men the rear of the such an outrageous | the audience was an- | time the curtain went close of the play ike little boys, nix years of age, they crunched peanuts, threw the shells on the floor and then their feet over them, making much noise that It was impossible to follow the play. What manager Garman should have done was to have arrested them and made them pay a heavy fine If these fellows can't ant like gentle. men they should not be permitted to enter the opera house with decent people, Their place Is with the cow boys on the frontier. This should not be tolerated by Mr. Garman and the quicker he puts a stop to It the better it will be for him In every way. Peo. ple will not go to a theatre where there !s constant disorder, four or Ve lellefonte, who house was of character that noyed from the up until the drew no | been hesitating should settle the principal address at the laying of the | | corner stone ot the $30,000 Y. M. C, A o building. — At the meeting of the Bellefonte Tent No, 100 Knights of the Maccabees, | they celebrated their third anniversary of | the organization of the local Tent, and | put a couple of candidates through the |- rd degree, From the Bellefonte Dally Boyd Spicher, the mall carrier, pronounced weakness for having been fortunate in cap- turing one-a-night during the we note | that has coon | past —The Yeager Swing factory is about in shape to start up again and it may be possible that they will be able to keep the thing in motion duri oped t It 15 be 1} s the case nat sit will give 7. W. Crider bri National used by S iz palling t is puftin i rear of ; . The basement Williams, by thet 11 the second a 'h bank H. 1] rye prea } y brick buil the t be th fy will be ladies’ w p floor occu AS KR nd third floors will addition to 4 ~The Bellefonte high school foot ball team played the State College high school at the latter place Saturday af ternoon, the game resulting in a victory for the State High by a score of 5-0. | The winning team made its scoreon a tonch down by working the forward pass, A return game will be played i Bellefonte on Saturday. ~Miss DeSales Walsh east High street, was abort her nd neck afternoon fixing fi accH me of fire tu hich e flat in the stone buildi who lives on badly burned Mi the eyed face nday She on was the the ITHNACeE when a sudden volu the fu mt cansed whi Diele . e lone ne Lann street he porct 0 porch was ht ice froze on it 1 1 lady stepped on it she slipper She sprainéd the cartilage of « ribs and badly bruised her side Shei mproving rapidly and is able to sit p The McN Hewitt who will soon begin their | ti in Half Moon and Ferguson town wi!l locate mill at Waddle Station and when in readiness will give employment to a large number of men This company has just closed a cont: with the Perusylvania Match Co to fur nish them with 4.000 000 feet of white pine within the gext three years The AMO of morey involved : $100,000 t Lumber Co ymber opera Ds ¢ their ships A! unt is abou Henry has KH dec ilone and thus he re to the Alken's reported several months ago present location of the town and he certainty uncertainty, o should that 14 vements hs dealer mt The ir in should for an he kil the on eres Ome one best why exchange a r wh ROOR/e impr nye gold been made to the present for in ro ' after change gives him which contempl more Mr [4 space Kline making " is all w n whet Atl Don't forget Petrikin Hall t ing There on the the entertainment in ymorrow (Friday) absolutel h siage they receptions compelled This time to hear should even better iid be door in vl and crowded from the Everywhere they with wonderful places the none ro the n to sho the meeting In to remain aopportun the Welsh miss It. There of season M CC A finest and the have gO are man} were second night of Nfe singers and none has been wonderful tickets for the which complete n ity is an n n snle Y of the presented Those Course is one mont ever people of Dellefonte te who the tion by going and purchasing one Capt. George Runkle, of the train ing ship Adams, arrived In Bellefonte on Saturday after an extended Europ ean trip. This was his first experience | mm the chief oMeer of the big boat. but he got through of troubl was royally oceanions without the least bit Wherever he landed’ he received and on several entertained his friends on | the ship. He Is recognized as one of the most efMeolent marine officers In Uncle Bam's service, and next month will start out on another cruise of the son. He expects to remain In this vi. | cinity about two weeks visiting his brother, Joseph Runkle, and his cous. inn W. RB fil. He will spend a | portion of thé time In the woods In search of game. He is a good fellow and his friends are always glad to see him, of his booth on High street, | the close of old 1909, wil | with the east —Our county, not to be behind, has already had two hunting accidents, —Mr, and Mrs. H, VY, Stitzer attended the funeral of Emanuel Yearick, which took place at Mifflinburg on Friday. --Mr, McEntire, an employe of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, at Watsontown, was a visitor in Bellefonte on Monday, ~Mr, and Mrs, William Shope, of Lock Haven,spent Sunday in Bellefonte as guests of Mr, Shope's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Reynolds Shope. —Charles Koontz, the blind merchant, | has put storm sash and glass in the front want anything, knock, and it shall be | opened, — Lawrence Hoover, son of Mr. and | Mrs. A. M. Hoover, has been seriously | ill at his home in Philadelphia, His | many friends in Bellefonte wish for his | speedy recovery, ~On Monday morning Russell Blair dropped a bottle of black ink on the new | hardwood floor in the jewelry store. Of course, you couldn't accuse him of trying to paint the place red. ~The summer outings have come and gone, the next on the program before f be Thanksgiv- ing, Teachers’ Institute, and, the great est of all, Christmas, —On Sunday morning Lewis Wetzel, of Toledo. Ohio, arrived in Bellefonte and became a guest of T, C. Gerberich on Thomas street, where his wife and children have been spending the last ten days. ~On Sunday a new schedule will go into effect on the Pennsylvania railroad. ‘he only change in Bellefonte will be bound train on Sunday Instead of its arriving here at 9 35 it will not reach here until g so, ~Qlie Meek, rn one of the long trusted employes of the Philadelphia mint, has been visiting his brother, P Gray Meek, in Bellefonte and ters in Buffalo Run. Helis always a wel- come visitor to his old home Ladies’ Aid Refor *‘Thanksgivi Wednesday ‘ member the d ry ( good th i ood IVing 4 ner. Brouse ver, Jack Ex ' ¢ tution, He is thoro with military tactics, fitted for the position and is bri ) forth the required results, Fifty men are now under his charge, thought this number pwill De materially in the pear future. ~0Oa Monday, December 20th the Cer- tre county teachers ] increased institute will be held On account of the repair wart house the in Garman’s opera house the cou sessions will David WY 5 noement nge enis uperintend pert te ot Arra it t yD e DeOnie IOV +) vel pe } J ; ble he wi the winter on pal trouble is e does any sto be bh heavy x t he w oped tha ] trength trength, ain his health and — Work on the new addition e court house is progressing as rapidly as possible but it is very likely that the masons will get cold fingers before they complete their part of job The court room is filled up with scaffolding support the plasterers who are on the new ceiling. The decorats also use it. An effort be made bave the court house in shape so that wurt can be held there in the latter part of December. It is very doubtful, he ever, that this can be accomplished to the 0 - rill Ww On Sunday Rev. Hogge, pastor of the Presbyterian cnurch at Fruit Hill Clearfield county, and Dr J Allison Platts of (he Bellefonte Presbyterian hurch, exchanged puipits Rev Hogge is a young man of Irish descent and pos sesses tha grit ar tha bound to make him one of the prominent and influential ministers of the bluestock ing faith His morning sermon was to men who were after the Almighty do lar to the extent of neglecting their souls which will be more valuable in eternity than earth's milhons. His brother wmstor of the Presbyterian church at Villiamsport ! t 3d tenacity a Recently Cha*les McClure, Mr. and Mrs. james H. McClure Bellefonte became a law partner of firm of Peck, Shields & business at 10 and 16 building Philadelphia the leading law firms of the Quaker City and the addition of Mr. McClure makes it even stronger and more relia ble. Tho latter laid the foundation of his success in the Bellefonte public schools and Academy. Later he gradu. ated from Princeton and the law depart ment of the Pennsylvania University He has been a close student and is de serving of the success he has attained, of of he doing Penn Square This is one of son “lark ~ Every effort is being made to get the new school house under roof before the extremely cold weather sets in, Col, Taylor is busy setting the boilers for the heatin heated. ed. On Sunday pedestrians would stop in front of the building and pass their | {opinion as to the location of the large columns in front of the entrance. The popular opinion was that they were built entirely too close to the building to show off to good effect, Robert , the architect, says the must pot be too hasty to criticise a thing before it is completed. When the columns are fin. they will appear different. | for delivery from If you | H but wt sg ! Rabbits from plant so that the building can be | and the work go on uninterrupt- | Stanley Valentine, son of Mr, and | Harry C. Valentine, has secured | good position with the Armstrong | Cork Co. of Pittsburg. ~The Ladies Aid society of the | Bellefonte U, B, church will hold a | chicken, corn soup, and oyster supper | in their room, adjoin ng the parsonage on Thursday evening, Nov, 11th, Fish Commissioner Meehan nounces that he 1s ready to receive ap plications for brook trout and other fish the state hatcheries | during the season of 1910. All applica- tions for trout must be in by January 1, order that there may be a certainty filling them, Mrs n 2 ’. an Frank P. Blair, the jeweler, has not | n up the idea of making the en- rance to his store from the corner with a large glass *window on Allegheny and High streets. This would be a big improvement, notonly to his place of business, but to the general appearance of the public square, Dr. Wilbur Twitmyer, son of W Twitmire, has been In charge of Dr ohn Hollenback's dental practice in ‘hillpsburg for several weeks hile he latter engaged in coaching the anklin and Marshall foot ball team the pretty girls of Philipsburg find it out Wilbur | have all the worl nts Ww 1 J | is wil uY- ug his of Miles- old relics — Harry Green, the Bellefonte dr gist, in looking over the effects of uncle, the late Miles Green, burg, came across many / that date back 200 years or more. Many | of the most valuable and important ones, however, were destroyed ‘at the | mn} ai time the Gree al years ago. ome was burned, sever On Tuesday morning a the flat, in Petriken Dr. H. W. Tate, considerable cor gas stove Hall, occupied fire and for a few n Was pass by took e ¢ nmotion Officer Daley Jasti en he heard the alarm and went he help of the ladies. He soon ext guished flames without causing scious damage . ites, {1 H je day recently Adam Hazel inter and John were works th ack road- of Willi 1 Woods. Dur belonging to Mr around the bu Axe, the WEDDINGS. Harvey—Johnston, Ww tor f MMs weddir nd Mrs. Harvey for Lock Haven and the went jo Altoona and Sundad On was tendered They will n as their E Was vale fs ' 5:16 a l¢ on the following returned evening train day on red parents eption resi. Lt State AR Klinefelter Hi Hettinger A ale IAN f Hettinger iage of Eg : omestead, and e Hetting Sel 4 McFad Nar 1Ous y man den—Zullinger Mel ider ne mable 4 ghter f edit Je Fadder married sda) Zu i or y¥ Tue a ‘ Jerry heir honey Kurtz—Garber rl Kurtz M ! G Kreid \ of Mint M an arbor ® parents Kurte, for ’ Aaronshure All Industries Now Working the now working are BOW it Match ( the A industries § Re n Bellefonte are nte furnaces The Pennsylvania gnized as one of ustries of the town. is the advisability of "ny Since the start ten years ago each been greater than Thirty million ifactured every twenty. Bellefonte and Nittany yromise of a long run of The lef operalion mpany. rex n lead ! « forced to consider ! ubling IS Capw ing of this vears | the he } matches are man The furnaces have ! business d L factory yusiness has reces ding nne four hours Keep Pure Air Always. With the cold weather here important to live than foul alr even chilly and time being now Ir in pure rather it may comfortable for Keep that sleeping the same as It won nights of summer with lots of alr and will be better, colds few. and doctor bills nothing though mu lens the room re open the warm extravagant your health er during le tabhit hunting began on Monday ist day of November to of December deer from 156th November to Ist day of De. It I= unlawful to kill more than ten rabbits in one day; It Is une Inwful to kill more than one deer In Any one season, and only a male deer 156th day day of cember In a cemetery in a stone, ¢ loving hush tion “Rest again” at Middlebury, Vt, ted by a widow to her bearing this inscrip- peace~until we meet Monday evening Mr. and Mrs, Chris topher Decker royally entertained a number of their friends at their cosy be | in caused Rob- | | SATURDAY | mated: Monday | by | take home on Linn street, WEALTHY WIDOWS. | Wives of American Millionaires wiol Have Inherited Vast Fortunes. Besides Mrs, Harriman, these Amer- fean women have survived thelr mil- Honalre husbands In but few cases have the widows received the estates, which have thus entire | been entle Mrs band's Cornelius Vanderbilt, Br Hus- | $125 left wife ust fund yielding $250,- estate 000.000 £2.000,000 and tr 000 a Ve Mrs tate, ns ar Marghall $200 weddir Field rece Husband's es- ed $3,000,000 presen in H of 000.000 a ¥ dower interest Mrs ),. H 0600 000 FP. Belmont Husband's eis 1 wr all | estate, §0 § Mrs band’s celved Mrs tate, 617, Mrs tate, wi 10 x Thomas B., Wanamaker $20,000,000 WwW third K 100 O00 Hus Ie estat dow one Marries $13 Hi Daniel y O00 O00 | contribute tate perso 000 a Mrs {the | | ways { has A Business Change. An important b change place in Bellefonte on Thursday Homer purcha SBpigelmyer ul and Exchange associnted an isiness took when 3. R. china arnes a hi confectionar sed from interest in the BY OF y For Car thie proprictior most ential Cong exinted btw the tr prover {| ful In all his duties { eral outeome | £47) give gentlemen Ness more in the past toward Lhat «1 We trust that er like a glrong Meeting of Council Bell or the b Monday night the passed an ordinance efonte f | a sewer on East Logan ghenys Ridge streets along (his thoroughfare wil SOMmMetning As soon as the bids upon the new state road fonte will be con street to the alley at the street wil of feot to Bishop street the paving This will be the beginning stantial ony 2¢ from ve nia ir prove menis io ! APMINISTRATORS' NOTICH ’j pend y Wilkesbarre on threatened to his home Mrs. Emma Bayletts eration Wednesday Sixieen patients present, MARRIAGE LICENSES. Vonada Sprin ATURDAY ard bor : holee bullding lot Howard and is & situnts more wi mproved aw be ¢ r : ay INth =» made know Aut WEDNESDAY. N son farm Im ward Confer wi Iv sheep. tweed other articles ATURDAY Y. Swover ATURDAY John A. Lucas same hour day of sale the George John aot Eagle, Ba | DF CeatLie 3 ons of } and Hayes Shank, Auvct The resid st Wolf's Store any Nov deceased nee of John Novy. &th-On the one mile norik Intersection. Boggs townshiy Wetzler will sell 2 horses, | head young cattle and full line ments. Salestipm S Emerick, Auet HURSDAY, NOV. 1 the Morgan Lucas farm. % mile porth of Runville, F. T. Walker willsnil horses 2 cows. 12 head of your cattle. 2 brood sows, jot of pigs. and Nt of farm implements Salest lp nm Emerick, Auvet RIDAY, NOVEMBER 12 will sell at his farm. two miles north ard. farm stock and implements as Ni 1 brown horse. 12 years od brown years old. | sack mare 13 years old, | old colt, | yearling colt. | sucker. | 5 head of young ostile, 1 two bhorw spring wagon. | bugey. | sleigh. 1 BArTOwS, 2 mowers, one as good! as pew, 2 grain drills, Penosyivania and Bockeye, | good corn scraper. | sel of buggy harness, | set of double work harness and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms will be made known ob day of sale. Sale st 1230 sharp, on the farm of Ward Confer. James Gault, Auet ATURDAY. NOV. 18Danie! Slotman will sell four good norses, buggies. single harness, jot of lap robes and blankets Sale a Mulfinger's hotel barn, st 1 o'e) Pleas ant Gap THURSDAY. Nov in premises of ’ K On a The undersigned df How ows Mare Year good cow wagor oughs and ote ork, at 18 One mile east on the Andy Kuhn propery Smith will sell | hors lomenta, Sale foy, Auet of Rock Charlies V foows. and farm 'm loci p m SH NOV. "80-14% miles of Port Matilda, A 8 Williams w horses, 2eows, 4 head of young entitle full line of farm implements. Sale st Samuel Emerick, anet WEDNESDAY, DBC ®h «On the Valentine farm near Pleasant Gap of live stock and farm Implements Mayes, Auct I soll 3 and » ip m J. D Sat Nov. 13: H. K. Mattern | On the Mud Lick farm, two miles west of Julian Centre county will sell: ® good young cows, one will be fresh soon, the others milking now, and will be fresh in Feb, and March. 7 pure bred Jersey bulls from five weeks to fifteen months old, all from first-class dairy cows, the kind brood to make money from, 8 good Angus bulls from four to fifteen months old Lv Broad back k for soe A old enough China i Eh i i for i { borough for sale On easy terms northeast | nr line J Frank ! | $30 and get Do betler article of Wm, ( deceased imi 4 granted Estate townshiy Letwers o having been persons indebted ed Lo make Immediate claims to present the rr or to 1 Lhose without d A hav CIny 10 GARNER Pa.. R4 LR ta VY A Any subscriber can ment in this not exceed 25 cent a word than 25 cents No . WORD ADV. nsere a w advertise nsu Goes on column one words first SsU Charges thers nent less issues 50 cents snswered from advert Hi cents 2 ISBUEH § advertisements Moe wi De th F( R SALF nguire of H FOR SAL Hler ¥ st w FOR SALE- 1 have two homes | and one for 8500: much better inducements for cash. LC. Bullock, Jr.. Overseer of Poor, 32! FARMER : wated WAN rr wr Dd s 1 TF ’ " and Ramblers ¢ a at Reberabs Co he so LOST Th COREL Was College It the finder = ng same 19 J Times office suit State ny and y rewarded hy return. the State College 242 Belletonte 4 at pin paper Bb CARPETS ~( experiment ng from a Vacuum he machine Mendis jeaned clean: experienos grades Ne por yard f own. mx by the We om against baul removed Inrges wagon mate Peter a rene TRris ths canir » . er ~ ever Bellefonte a FOR SALE~Saw Henry helght hammers § (bs 12 inches, obe moew EW Ta hammering Ox Disston tox 1a face S%x ir 5% inches, weight 65 pounds ; ¥ each © three straight odges, one 1% inches, one MM Inches Fultz. Zion. Pa. R is ® ¥ res good & hereby with CAUTION Notiet ven te sons not to meddle ery the premise h propery damaging sa thieves and wi tent of Lhe law SA) all per nal prop Walker, all person psidered as the full ex Wingate Pa ¢ ANY pers f Thomas me a on . —_ belongs 1 any 1 periy will be o~ be dealt with Joho H. Walker tion 1 Russ h Php Altman & Th r eng line stationary 8 bh p engine line 6 hh p portable engine gine and boiler skids gasoline 18h p engine. ( burg. Pa tract ne 1 on engine i | Lambert gaso- Lambert paso 5h p Frick en 1 (Odds siationary Gramley. Rebers M FOR SALEFarm located in Boges townshly on Marsh Creek road. known as the Abhrabam Thomas farm ; contains 108 seres of which aeres i8 under coltivation sand talantce is nd growth timber. This Is productive red shale soil : has good spring water, dwelling house and barns elephone conboctions. Price #80 per sare. Apply wo F. L. Shope, Milesburg. Ms 3] SEWING MACHINE REPAIR SHOP-G. § Clements has vacated his room st the Haag Hotel and = move into part of James Me. Clure s harness shop, in room formerly oceaph od by Singer Sewing Machine Co. on West Rishop street. So don't trade off your old sew. ing machines beeavse they 40 DOL operate satis. factorily, as by so doing you throw away B55 or in return Any old mw bine can be made 10 sew as good as when pew. 1 also take orders for luminous door plates. house numbers and gold gins signs. G8 Clements. Bellefonte, Pa Li] MARKET QUOTATIONS, RELLEPONTE- PRODUCE, EERE TE EEE EEE aR LA AEE shelled FARRER AER REAR RRR RE See eee