Thursday, August 26, 1009, Correspondents’ Department THE NEWS IN NITTANY. Josiah Zeigler and family, Pleasant Gap, were the gue rael Yearick and family one day cently. Edna Gunsaullus is visiting in Howard for a couple of Mrs. S. Peck has friends in Brushvalley Mr. Dev Park, we 1 Wee Ks been Willlan streets Most ville « vil Bellmonts« and Miss visited the Tar cently Sund will be at 9 Reecer, Servi body invit 9:30 While his house ick fell tance pretty 30 men would furnish some v old lady. for which she woul thankful. been very iH for : at this writs Rev Bolr WINGATE Sunday Floren pent SN hore Miss Netti Harry lershurg or, Mra inda The fes | held last Saturda was one of the mos 1p-t fate that has happened here for s Gray Murray, m treasurer inlph Summer, walters: rus Sterey dish night WMalrs time anager aniel Boob Melaughlin, Thos Claud Summer, Cy washers: John Smit} Aaron long, stand clerk although the night was cool they sold out everybody went home haps The proceeds go for benefit of the pastor Grace Boob entertained a party young folks at her home Thursday evening; delicious. Those present were: John Slicker, Thomas Bummers, Toner Fisher, Raymond Fisher, Cyrus Stere, Torrence Marshall, Grant and Clyde Brower, Charles Way, Guyer Alexan- dor, Mabel Frieze, Clara and Emma Marshall, Virgie Lucas, Bessie Mitch ell, Elizabeth Fisher, Sue McLaughlin, Mary Fisher, Viola Bummers, All enjoyed themselves very much, CONDENSED FORM FROM and | of | the refreshments served were | ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTY NN AARONSBURG. Mr, Courtner, of Salona, visited uncle, Geo. BE. Stover's, last week A Robert Harter, of South Dako wins the welcome guest of at the home 4 his Clari Keene Bower Sn BOALSBURG LYER-o, ito CoO Miller spent with his friends Hovd and Andrew | Jordan PF. BB Jordan and at Potters Mills Mrs. George Bhook and sons, of | Spring Mills, spent over Sunday at the home of J. H. Harner Clare Relber and Marion spent over Sunday at the home Milton Kline, at Manor Hill, Jonas Boal, wife and nephew, Wm, Faust, of Potters Mills, also Mr. Kreamer, of Indiana county, and lady friend, Miss Lizzie Faust, spent Friday at the home of P. 8. Boal's. wife spent Sunday Mioan of | fure | Mrs | week iat Mackeyville {laid at Jennie | Warren | Friday | THE CENTRE JACKSONVILLE, Harvest Home ormed church, ember, at 10:30 In Penjamin Vonada mother last we ars and fnll fall first iged Bb vie d by a A daughter wn horn Clem Harter, last week Mrs. Shas. Heltman is spending this at her husband's parents’ home, M.S 1k letz Is having a concrete wi his residence Catharine Martin is circulating amo here of 18] of Hary ns reiatives entertain Were homie AL MY FOR THE PUBLIC GOOD. i: Wh of thos pportant WADDLE TYLERSVILLE. sburg Reforn Alex Logan brother s trip to PINE GLENN. Harrier left for she expects Lo go Lo house Mm 1! A He keeping Clyde veyor Run Saturday Elizabeth Irwens- where Hoover, working, who was up at Bur returned home on Yarnell visited her home Sunday at Karthaus Preston Mulhollan left for Cure wenaville where he expects to work, Blackberries are plenty In Pine Glenn; coming In by wagon loads. Katie Mulhollan left for Moshan- non last Baturday where she expects to spend a few weeks, Harry Meeker and wife visited their on respective homes last week. DEMOC RAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, JULIAN. vi YARNELL BRANCH Midway between Broad St Siat Reading Termina WINDSOR HOTEL W.T. Brusaxken, Mgr and mm on Filbert St European, $1.00 per day and up Amer he can. $1.50 per day and uy nly moderate priced hotel of rep utation and consequences in PHILADELPHIA —— Page 7. sss es — CENTRE LINE—~Halfmoon Twp. MILEEBURG. nd famil of Clear- rents Contre 1Ane 1 of pri fi and wife also ure the in nig giting in Philadel - funeral the lelphia, n E. VACHE is at bur. Cen - wited ———— Facts for Weak Women Nine-tenths of all the sickness of women is case of the organs distinctly feminine, Such si every day by Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription It Makes Weak Women Strong, Sick Women Well. same time a generzl restora~ jue to some derangemen kness can be cured It acts directly on the organs affected and is at the tonic for the whole system. [It cures female complaint right in the privacy It makes unnecessary the disagreeable questioning, examinations and by and so abhorrent (0 tive of home, local treatment every modest woman, We shall not particularize here as to the symptoms of those peculiar affections incident to but those full to their »y and means of positive cure are referred to the People's Com. Sense Medical 1008 pages, newly revised and up-to-date Edition, sent free on receipt of 21 one- cent stamps to cover cost of mailing enly; or, in cloth binding for 31 ste so universally insisted upon doctors, women, wanting information as mptoms A iviser mon os Di R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSIONS NIAGARA FALL Sept. 8, 22, Oct. 6, 1909. $7.10 from Bellefonte PICTURESQUE SUSQUEMANNA VA R OUND-TRIP RATE LEY ROUTE FN - : x wv YOU ARE GOING TO BUY Stockers an? Feeding Cattle THIS SEASON You want to buy where + mones JOHN J. LAWLER 163 EXCHANGE BUILDING UNION STOCK YARDS, CHICAGO e least Sound, safe, conservative, strict honesty and a square deal guaranteed. ESTABLISHED OVER 25 YEARS REFERENCES: Live Stock Exchange National Bank, Chicage Any Mercantile Agency Thousands of our satisfied customers We handle more stockers and feeders than any firm in the world, A big selection at all times. Sales, 40 to 50 loads daily. Come to Chicago and we will sell direct to you, or order at once by mail or telegram and we will ship just what you want direct to you at lowest mar ket prices. Write at once for our plan of filling orders. We can save you money. Write us for quotations of prices before you buy. (= BIG BARGAINS IN Ladies’ Oxfords Oxfords worth from $2.00 to $2.50, will close out at Sale starts Friday, Aug. 20 YEAGER'S SHOE STORE $1.48 A PAIR Best bargains of the season