RAT, BELLEFONTE, Thursday, July 1, 1909, THE CENTRE DEMOC THE NEW FISH CODE, hall be lawful to operate o " Marriage “Ad'' Pans Out Wife Gets $100 a Day. re « the he afore Ax 3 y : i ! f 1 ! 16 result of at , tin | i rd G . FRANCIS SPEER'S Prom a copy of the new fishicode w add it Tay on) ong from: Ave La 21s the resus o! J nt in Jloware Breezy “That” Column t a i a i Tuar if 1 now Of course LAWN MOWERS OIL STOVES, PORCH SWINGS SCREEN DOORS, WINDOW SCREENS, all success, stone of all ndustrious oes not know how work for him, he Tra Jellefonte he vh can say to his friends, this is my wife. He has covered up his tracks pretty well, | against him, f +H 1 ¥ but the cat ts out of the bag, and bi Simon R reward of his challenges Potter-Hoy Hardw'e. Co. ny nd t tal is | BELLEFONTE oung men do no ake this into Ee a a an El La a a consideration as they should. And $9922 P PEP EP EPP P4444 young men do not realize the impor tance of YT ng something 2 of friends can now congratulate ine him mo ng 4 1 Ia a A hf SE every a they make. It is not P900099999909080000000 RY Two Wavs of Doing it what he saves, $s country wages and - Let Him Stay a Mar Centre Countians Picr llefonte Trust Co, Bellefonte, Pa. Bellefonte Lumber Co CREE 8080800000000000 SERRA ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAY FP Aan bbl 00008000000008000 8805s Overstays Welcom We invite every man and woman with anv sort of an Oxford want, to bring it here at once. We've a splendid line of Oxfords, in all styles $2.50 -—the sort that show their su- perior merit, at a glance. $3.00 $3.50 “So have other Shoe stores’ $4 00 vou'll say. True, but their Oxfords are different, or ours | Come to see the best u to are (o P Leathers, the best Shoemak- $5.00 ing and the best style features, that were ever worked into Oxfords by expert makers. You'll find your ideal Oxfords awaiting you here-~Cousins, Regals, Queens. Fire at Penna Furnace \ ero Tuan Bellefon earnes nt Immense Sign to Illuminate Lake throughou world and then look | his household todas 2 sahala ha l trout » ty twent » Sunbury Daily says that Mans round aArouna ty on the ladies s es to the ; f | ar 1 his on ha tos $1 +34 } ¥ rdered v } i sign o ling Green park I Lhe the nativ which will Prices no higher, however. bear the words park from the anol } Pr thie ‘ . ) it he shingle ro , i Cariast : h } OU ie thirty pieces of silver, and afterwards Wins With The News tried to wash his hands fro the treac! The Philadelphia Record ne : N erous, mean and dirty work, ’ man | tering upon the Yort eth vear of its fe i day o cet y y Not Cute Enough who refuses t tand ’ ' 't 1 who 1 0 stand iaintanceship with the w wid. seems to 0 Ay ol ! i ear | rally. pe ople dislike feeling that ' The sign will y 1 Pennsylvania ou i against the vile persecu : leg have won its great prestige by a stubborn | suing, both date clue It } g not cute enough in business “ew en fi 34 N : : ] ¥ 9 : i» erates and falsifiers ith an | refusal to be dragged away from the sim. be lawful for a » LO Nie Wl | But i wn who is ran down can ex the hearets f the Bel N the Deasts of ie hel plest principle of wirnalism Stran . 224 operate PF : h out 8 de ‘ ) De be at his best Sexine Pills make instinct, are mindful it may seem in these days of vari color this section ) | i Jur and women brighter and stonger Tuar the man in Bellefonte who goes emanations from the printing pres to the t th d vember next they n vou feel better in every way to a friend and, in confidence, gets his | the Record has never been able to di ensuing, Ie dates elusive. for the | Price $1 a box; six boxes $5, with full sentiments on a certain subject and then | abuse itself of the notion that the main capture of carp, suckers, mulets, cat. | guarantee, Address or call on C. M goes and betrays them is a dirty-son-of- [duty of a newspaper is to print fish, and eels onl provided that sald | Parrish, druggist, Bellefonte, where a-sea-cook., and then something more, | ews outlines be sunk to the bottom, and they seil all the pricipal remedies and He doesn’t deserve {air and honest treat. From its famous first page, which is be so weighted that the hooks shall do pot substitute. ment from the peoris in the community | patterned after by newspapers through: | rest upon the bottom, and that cut where he resides, Such a man would | out the land, to the last line of its last | or dead bait only shall be used; pro Hecla Park Dances. i take a graft whenever it was offered him; | page, the Record is always chock full of | vided further, that no one ‘person On Friday afternoon and evening of | thus he is to be carefully watched. We | news just simply news, shall use or attach to sald outlines, | this week the usual concert and dance | have them in Bellefonte, and some of | ———— in the aggregate, more than one hun- | Will be on at Hecla Park. Trains leave them want to be leaders, A Benedict | Celery and Cabbage, at Bellefonte | dred snoods, with not more than one Bellefonte at 2.20 and 6.55 p. m. Fare Arnold has always been despised where | curb market, on Saturdays and Tues | hook attached to each; and provided, | for the round trip, adults 25 cents, chil Mingle’s Shoe Store. ever he is found, | day, by Mrs. Johnson, of Howard. 7 x3 | that during the season or period when | dren 15 cents, a6-tf | - EPZENEENENENER ENR NENRERREEES ®