Pack 8 THE CENTRE DEMOORAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. SEPTEMBER 17, 1908, 2pe020000nseenensrenennees HOWARD, | this ancient custom and its observance “ until he was handed one of the little - metals as a memento, but consultation | * Outing Flannel Ww, . ‘ wanda were she will remain with her sis with older and better informed Preshy Mr. Joe Wade and wife were pleasant | °° 4 y in new and beautiful de 3 | SNOW SHOE TWP, | seen here Ladies 14 button gun medal shoes The wonderful and distructive drouth WINDY HILL. Gertrude McCloskey departed for To. | %1.00 At Yeagers y continues unbroken, while ‘indica. tions’ and “appearances’ of rains have : ra . ter for some time IN terians than himself, among these caller s at the home of George Casher, Howard’ MeCloskev anh tan . come and gone frequently, Corn is}. [ame A Soave od > | jon Sunday oward McCloskey and lady friend . 0. ame a. waver ant Beever; nd Aud aude Stan ¢ 1 sham y the { yotatoes have d 3 V L ris iL ) Maude Stant. are spendin a few shrivelling on the stalk. | A ministers, has fully confirmed the| Wiliam Casher, one of Snow fv utterly stopped growing, pastures are voOuUne mn ; : hy Dat Towanda: boy's get ready for their A] Y but t | | I i i I's, apple account given by the donor The ex young men, attended the party ai Sim- | turn » : 1 1 nu owned and scorchivad qeseris, appies a fail . 3 ih 2a ’ retur: are prematar Iv falling. from the PP traordinary width of the aisles in the old od Syalker on | riday nignt Bernice and An amie of Clas 4 Are emature ng b ! “| Lick Run hurcl built | } n the sick lis rs. 1ohn t Sih 1 hl arpish, ol t an y y Mt wh nl ’ : 2 " . Mrs. H G Hurd h beer ntert Re} rd ) . 4 Ng 4 ~ # ’ : i i i Brown and Ble wehed Cotto ing her brother | K durnhart and Un whee rod Lan pt Rg yo ot ra ts op Bundav. i * "MH Ladies Black Hose Heavy The Racket, FE.PIRVIN SESS T HET IIIT ISS TT TS 404640 0604540804404 0000088 2050s bLb0K0080000000bbb0000080e | $P99990000900000000000008002081900700000900000000009000920009¢ = 3 oh ly x oi ) : i :; of : 3 5 fe THE BAZAAR |} Gillen, the Grocer, SNOW SHOE TWP nile) ng of the formation, wil this question ’ Ky ie N g y : : I Pelat BES Dn,” 0. not baving | down with bis old enemy. rieum iso cand | been visiting among her relatives “RUBEROID,” UNIONVILLE Bellefonte Lumber Co. re Was parr ret CTOssInES . | out of con 01 As a result L.ocas SNOW SHOE Clothes wm. Count! Appearance, Style, Fit, Grace, what all clothes sellers promise but don’t deliver; what all clothing buyers want but don’t always get. The Sim Clothes will give you all this "and more. Our Clothes are tailored to set out these fea tures—made by America’s best clothing producers—there are no clothing to equal them. Few tail- LINDEN HALL ors can approach them. And vet they are no high- CLARENCE Monday, Sept ’ ©! AS teacher ie cont Heatot : man : r f the Breaant " vey i AREY Da moved ' Fact ! Yarnell and is ar ) young j now completed : . » . > Mis ty » PL y ore 4) re De oxi ordinary clothes sold in most stores. Ask ’ torn ture he tean be seen dist at .. ire | . the wearer of the Sim Clothes. Ready for Fall and Winter—Suits, Raincoats, Overcoats—the biggest line et on to ho TS without any nn has K _ ) Kee token . : y H : r : rouble ery remarkable piece! nae ten th hehant 4 Boh CON ng in the house vacated by Mr. McClos of work : i i ows that Mr mtn ie Catherman i sand a skilled | Coll thin bits of lead, var 8 " A new operator came to the home of mechar ig Ig " Chas Watson, on Sunday. last: have " au what in ge, 1! : r nix " Farmer nth \ y are still wait ng on rain before they will do any of : : ’ 1s sling : : heir fa oh ng FR” and Mrs, Aley comes into possession : John Slacker, of Milesburg, passed | of them through her close relation to the through town on Monday, in an auto, | church and its eldership for many years Hanute to the granger pico at Centre! It seems that it was A custom among all Presbyterians in the old days, but one Frank Hall and wife, also Mrs. Hess, | pion is entirely unknown to the pres of Huntingdon, are speading some time | os for the elders to keep watch and here with friends ward over the flock, note the daily walk and conversation of each, and at TYLERSVILLE { the "preparatory service, ' held then and : ; Those visiting Benj. Weaver's and | now upon the Friday and Saturday pre. We pay for Egys wy 97¢ doz. their sick sister, Miss Maud Weaver, | ceeding gach communion Sabbath, to] i over Sunday are as follows: A. C. Eckel | hand to each one whose conduct during We pay for Butter. ........27c lb wife and child, of Renovo; Elmer Wea- | the interim had been in keeping with the | “wid ver, of Renovo, Earl Heatrick, and | requirements of the discipline and rules | We pay for ass't’d Potatoes. §1 bu, family, and Reuben Wetzel's of Mackey: | of the church, one of these bits of metal | ville; Charles Weaver and family and [as a “token” of their approval and We sell Granulated Sugar $8 a hundred Frank Weaver and family, of Tylers certificate of the members’ qualific ations | ville, to participate in the sacramental ser. Mr. Fraokinberger, and wife, of Car: | vice. At the close of the service we State College roll, are visiting friends and relatives | ‘‘tokens” were returned to the elders, | here, who kept them in a small linen bag, io | a] A number of our people attended the | be again used, in their discretion, at the Supply Company pleaic at Mill Hall on labor day and re- | following communion, The writer con. port of having a fine time, fesses that he was in entire ignorance of STATE COLLEGE i BERBER ENEE EERE EERE EEEEEEDN SERRE EEREREEER » vou seen the smile on paps tace vet hatf inch long and one quarter of an inch pay wide, and stamped with the letters L ever shown under one roof in Central Pa. This store is open evenings until 8 P.M. Saturday until 11, This store will be closed Saturday, Sept. 26th, until 6 P. M. SIM, THE CLOTHIER, CORRECT DRESS FOR MEN AND BOYS " ® ® " " _- —- — " = - - Nu - ® " " - - - n - - ™ o.( = = . _ " = - - —- =m - n - " J _- or priced than the - _- - - _ = -’ = -l = -. = =" = = =m = = = = = Ve = —- = Ni " =