THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BE LLEFONTE, PA., SEPTEMBER 17, 1908, WOODWARD. RUNNVILLE. vagon load of stones, (brave girls.) | wedded couple of | Seeding is about over and the people| Mrs, Anna Witherite and Jaughter Irvin Thomas has been going to | Mes) at the home of the brid: | are beginning to cut and husk their corn | Eva, transacted business in Bellefonte | Scotia quite frequently. What are the | Mrs. Jonas Stine family. | which 18 no very good crop this year. | during the past week. | Aviactons; Dick? od Ethel Shivery Is visi | D.A Snyder, who is working for C.| The festival held at this place Satur. John S, Meyers and wife, the newly | Curwensville { J. Stover, spent Sunday with his parents | day night, was very largely attended at Highvalley. $41.50 was the amount taken in, The farmers are busy mowing and| Nellie Rathmell, a very pleasant and | Lbrashing their clover EL ed Ww hich is a Bogor! plished young lady, of Jlutiem “ * > vy pretty good crop, as W. E. Hosterman , 18 visiting her many juiends h and The Philadelphia Record Actively Supports Bryan Page 7 Correspondents’ Department CONDENSED FORM FROM ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTY ~ NITTANY, Philipsburg, spent 's aunt ting friends in THE NEWS IN a REBERSBURG. The Veterinary Oophorect: Mr. and Mrs, Tom Pechtol, of Jackson- took umbrage at | the ‘‘leg: authort rille. were seen in ot " p . " ire . . y ty" of fees against Clarence William Knecht steers, missed the point There wi no were guests Lx-Sherifi against the | I I'he criticism got 25 bushels from an eighteen acre ( ine Kesling, of | ) acas, of Wingate, have fou Sunday Parvin, ohatier ir town on and wife, of ad and chailenge action lican BOGGS TWP Record” r.¥m , 300 "0 YOU ARE GOING TO BUY Stockers an? Feeding Cattle THIS SEASON JOHN J. LAWLER 163 EXCHANGE BUILDING UNION STOCK YARDS, CHICAGO It was a Tobias, of ago, t Royer death, to his widow, | y y ; Se ‘ lives in Rebersburg. “Billy,” as we are Ooite a wile E-Aha Svomke iil Wm. | wont to call him, 1s “of the salt : : ’ yb, v from here took in the " los vor. earth, nor has he ost his sa 0 . {on Labor Day, and say We are still in want of rain, everything Association chur ch is nearing i ’ 's prem they is withering and Ir . I. D. We Celia Brungard left ot eanescay |. he roof of the Presbyt wn chur ympietion, and the rej ing of the [he saw IK ' picn : : : for Lock Haven Norms: tar t » up her } te o GS fh oJ ig ‘ i PRS t pad sol } 1 84 ar nlv make i Satur ’ ‘ wi no Merry-g 34] toll Tg nail stu lies for th ve ’ A. he! Ar hod : - " {1fferent g ", ’ r town . nd OF rratn and ¢ 1 on t at “ ' - BLE : . y - ket prices Write Wie you money. ! pleasing cust of W. A.|Drother Howard and family. of Curwer Clayton | nd fa ¢ Miflin- 5 in fa f the Red: Sound, safe, conservative, strict honesty and resent calendats to. Geory [he ls here opened on Tuesday | 1 |™ Kio mer last week Iv eveniny i Milsshuns : a square deal guaranteed. lecease 1 afte x Rhoda W . ; irs. H. A. Kessinger . kX f er ESTABLISHED OVER 25 YEARS REFERENCES: Hx ange N yusivess trip to Millheim, on last ] ) y Div ) . » nesday. business in Si ple of ti de oh i salIsue The remodeling of the Evangelical Last week cnic at Unifung it was the best | nave Dad at that piace customers We handle more stockers and feeders than any firm in the world, Sales. 40 to so A big mer lection at all times - gd at} aver, wh loads daily | we will sell direct ar- can save BOGGS Twp TELLER 0404004000000 adit iti tt titi tt tii bits HARA ha 4 ANA SAS Ss a a as a aaa asa a a an aan] Ad SA SASS SS & 8 84 + FOR MEN : Regals, PENN Twp Banisters, Douglas FOR WOMEN : Cousins, Queen Quality, Carlisle BOALSBURG pM i i Mo ARE EE Ae A A As aaaaad FEE PPPBBPPPPPP PPP PPL P ES dédsdiiiitiiiiis MILESBURG » : 1) fan Our School Shoes are the best. Aes sssasssas sas a SL + Rl A a a a ARE EE AR UR AE i aN An ER A RES SASS MINGLE’S SHOE STORE, BELLEFONTE, PA, Saturday | as accepted a p ant I MADISONBURG On as instructor in the mechanical de : : partment f Lhe ranion ( orrespon thr kh here : dence School ROMOLA Mos 24 kan chre of Kids Pimpanr yoIEAS oh Ig corn and making | 5 a 111 Fe. | N ters, « started on N y ’ . , of TTTTTYTYTTTTTYYYY mrad Kreager, with his two } Romola, his first visit in ten years, were guests of Solomon Shay laug 4 dtd ddbbidbbls ++ wood] only a fraction more than Mann's school Harvey Young had the mi break his hand last week R. H. Poorman has m Haven 5 slvester | imfte r en her arm; also Clyde Bowes bre arm last week from a fall The weather 1s as warm time this summer and it is The boys at Orvis had Saturday off, on occount of having no water in the reservoir to run the plant If it dont soon rain the yard will be shut dewn until they find a new way to get water Charles Weaver has prepared to build a new porch around his house Fruit is plenty around here but pota toes are pretty scarce Ke his HOW AS ARDY just as dry Boys we give a big bag of marbles with each pair of shoes. At Yeagers «Boys leather boots, new goods AARONSBURG Pr. } i visited davs ‘ast week Marian Stover and Ardvena Harman have gone to spend some time with friends at State ( Warren Winklebleck Sundayed his parents at Rebersburg Dora Guisewite spent a few days her friend toona Mrs. Rebecca Charles, who spends the greater part of her time at Hublersburg, has come to spend a few weeks in her home here Among Krangers Slover and Mrs the week with Hall © of Anglewood nly Bell and » } f Thos, Hulls a few at Lhe Me allege eg with with hest who is employed at Al those who are tenting st from here, are Ralph Foster Bowers Mwenie, Mra. Murry at Centre Yeagers, Mary Burd has gone to spend bd he grammar school opened on Mon: one hall or Ww F. B. | merchants verett one of our inde auction had n of much of his merchandise last week Quite a number of our people attended Grrungers pilenic {Lewisburg fair which will be in full blast this week and next Rev H.( home set Sunday orated Elmer Phillips was spending Sunday with friends in this place Caroline Shaffer, of Salona, is spend ing a week or ten days with Mrs, Wm. Slegal Geo, Shook, of Penn Hall, and friend, Miss Carrie Haugh, spent Sun with friends in our town hin held his harvest Lutheran church last dec Bixler vice in the The church was finely her sister day, with Wm. Limbert as teacher At] «Mens heavy and light leather boots | At Yeagers bliging Indy | his brother-in-law and family Mrs. Ed. Baird is visting in chard with relatives A two horse wagon load of beer was seen coming to the burg and unloaded Be careful; many eyes are looking at you Geo Blan Williams and Miss Louisa Thom as, of Lemont, are guests of William B Thomas and family BUFFALO RUN, stony Point academy Monday, with 35 pupils, and ther Gray as teacher opened on last Miss Es H. Thomas is going to leave our town | and move to a larger town Emma Stofflet, of Philade Iphia, visit [ed her cousin Lillian Stine, a few days {last week. On last Sunday morning she and Emma P. Lillian took a stroll around the mountains, when they came in con. tact with two large copperhead snakes The girls succeeded in killing the rep tiles, even if they did have to throw a Look Over this List. See what you need, and come to us for the best at lowest prices LAWN MOWERS GRASS KNIVES GARDEN HOSE HOSE REELS GARDEN TOOLS WINDOW SCREENS SCREEN DOORS OIL STOVES ICE CREAM FREEZERS THE POTTER-HOY HDWE.,, CO.