THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, SEPTEMBER 17, 1908, er ——— FRANCIS | Breezy Bellefonte than eat a Tuar some women in would rather find out secrets chicken dinner Tuar W. W. Sholl, carpenter, says that thing to have round Tuar some girls in so afraid of breaking things don't even crack a smile Tuar with the Academy and State College in full blast, Bellefonte boys will have to now call on the country girls, Tuar there is a young lady in fonte who had bet with her boss or her ear. the Bellefonte a square is a good Bellefonte that are they Bel lle keying bee in ter stop mon ight get a That Rot fonte painter always using “Hang it all. TuAr the down and « George Te n i iC I'iiat name would be ud THAT a pretty, plump in Belle- | fonte is an op} portunity should be} embraced by all; that means if you tl sixteen oun ake a pound ju pair of se i 4 ales and weigh 1 Tuar if the “Roast” ¢ girl that eS mM it is make! of his 1 MAD : we will weg was overheard boasting that t hated a cgytain editor in Bellefonte and thus she | never recognized him on the street. | Anything might be expected from a brainless idiot of a young girl who has lost her balance by doing nothing but think about the boys. We bet $10 that while this young lady's mother is wash. ing the dishes she is gadding the street after some worthless brat who isn't worth his salt the other evening a say for the sake of con she { "J Tuar Curtin Armstrong the Bellefonte yrinter, has a sweet and pretty girl in ock Haven whom he loves with all his heart, mind and soul. He is experienc. ing great trouble, about receiving his mail from the band of this fair damsel. If he has it delivered at the office where he works he is afraid somebody will get onto his love secrets, and if he has them delivered at home he is uneasy lest they discover what nice bouquets they are throwing at each other; thus Curtin is now between the d—1 and the deep wea, About the only solution tothe question | Augus il 25 | the fire is would be for the young typo to tie up, SPEER'S “That” Column Real Estate Transfers Wm. Douty, et ux to H. M, Walker, May 2, 1908. in Miles township, 540 a. 86 p.. consideration, $6,000, Levi Hamer et ux to January 7. $a Reuben Frantz, 1905, in Worth Twp., 8 a. 0, Reuben Frantz Hamer, calp, et ux to Levi 1883, in Worth Twp., $40. W. C, Heinle to Su November 9, uty, $1 etal, Centre anna Hertz 1908, six tracts In cou Charles Grimes cy. May 14 to Mary E. Hassen- 1908, 1a 22p in Mile “ » 4 ue over a score of springs th at never flow W low, and could be utilized here if needes Reall ly, Bellefonte is fortunate in } ] ndispe nsab le walter it water an re She Turned H t Re A Man : : 1 walked away Large Barn Burned The large barn and contents on the farm of G, Wood Miller about a mile and a half from Marengo, occupied by George Burns, was totally destroyed by fire on Friday afternoon. The origin of unknown, John Cronemiller and men were threshing at Burns' but the fire started in the other end of the barn from where the engine was stand. ing. The flames made such headway that it was impossible for Mrr Crone- | miller to remove the large threshing | machine from the barn, that it was to tally ‘destroyed. Mr. Miller had some insurance on the building but it is said Mr. Burns will lose almost everything. A New Enterprire. A committees of the trustees of the Bible Conference of the United Evan. | golical church, has purchased thirty | acres of land on the hill west of West | Milton, a beautiful site, commanding a view of Milton and the Susquebaboa River, upon which it is pr to erect cottages and an auditorium for a )ermanent meeting place of the Bible ference and to camp meetings aos other church functions, | su hool, Mrs this state, IP. oper an Mr Cale Co.. Cleveland per harles ( Ke spend some time with he and Henry Potter, | Potter, Dale & Mrs, | was a caller, South ( parents, M Centre Bel pre paring Mis and : and Mrs ong, of Spring are Nef OVER THE COUNTY, | who has been two it 1s seriously ill for the 8 Imppgoving, that she Just W. McCormick I having arolina home, D. J. Meyers’ Delinda Potter, a grad Hall high school, has en Academy, ith a for a re , nee Meyer, arrived from her on a visit to her at Centrehall, months or more, now thought fully may J | Tecover trying of the i ¢ © Stat road iit, & red th ) low the old pike view of | for t les rr to a point between Course Hall, Mr Mills Normal to get a t uate ame to st art Le elonte gular college of waghter Centre irchased some nthrock, of gentieman near | I} sideration is said to have Mis rv. d of attending + Lock Haven Brooks nden Kent, of Brookly Hall, and will Miss Delinda brothers J. T. | Joshua Potter, of Centre Hall, is one of M. Rhoda » Centre county ladies who will take rantage of the special facilities afford who have lumber | ¢d by the Belle fonte Academy, and will Harris, have ttend the pre term, | . } ’ » i up through the Margaret N. in Centre het n, 1 18 Potter, daughter of and sister, jennet, ations Glenn laid | @ en of ralroa« », of Boal and are NINE REASONS GIVEN a | Homan is employed by he | ! over Eighth ~The notorious fact, admitted Senhtor Aldrich, Republess leader He a brothe n the Senate, that Amer bookbinder s and pub Wie in the capacity of Sook by ishers ere ‘ f Kee ent 1 : f COOL 0000000000000Q00000 Consumption is less deadly than it used to be. Certain relief and usually complete recovery will result from the following treatment : Hope, rest, fresh air, and — Scott's Emulsion. ALL DRUGCGISTS; AND $1.00. DLBDEHIGENOO0O000000 500. Something New For Mcchanics ! SAVES TIME SAVES LABOR SAVES MONEY A new preparation that instantly dissolves drease, Dire and Grime Made for Machinists, Engineers, Anteptitid Painters, Plumb Workers, ste, who netd n hand cleaner ' 1 AHEAD oF sort wl ! INSTANTLY Born ONLY AY Olewine's Hardware, Bellefonte. | Mrs. Lucinda Weaver, of Centre Hall, | and | factory are the most for large any meant small or amoun money for desired obiect Many man has had of his start in life savings sat accumulating of the foundation with a small Ina few years he had enough to buy a home, then he quit paying rent I'hen his deposit could be made us I la ger, as the 1 for rent bank deposit Checking Accounts free 0 Trusts BELLEF ONTE TRUST £0, & HIGH 51 i Ader de ddd dedp REE a a dodo dodo dp ded dodo dp dod STORE NEWS. de ode ole ode do ode 3 Prunes Mackerel Sd ddd ddd dddddd dds a ge Sugar Syrup Maraschino Cherries owe me 9 Sechler & Company’s BELLEFONTE titdtitititiitiitittiee: #43424 334 5 FPF FFPES eases ssasas sts sn Ata a 8 AAA Stile AAO EEE aD aaa A EE Aaa aaa ad EE a A 12003000000000 800000000000 00 222 20000 R EIN CE Es a a a a +4 f It's Pictures You Want WE HAVE "EM : E . EERE BUSH ARCADE, BEl Se BBBTBBVBRBTBRBTRTRRBRRER-SSES A. E. Schad Gas Fitting, Furnace, Steam and Hot Water Heating, Slating, Tin Roofing, Spouting, All kinds of Tioware made to order. SANITARY PLUMBING Estimates Cheerfully Furnished. Eagle Block, Bellefonte, Pa. ET a i i Jno. F. Gray & Sox HARRY FENLON Noeressors Lo nay & HOOVER. Successor ederiek K. Posterp to} hag Burnside : Insurance : HO Lint. AIOE np TORNADO un sein INSURANCE, and Surety Bonds. BONDS of every description. Onl! on or address us at Taxrie Coun, Criders’ Stone Bld., Bellefonte | 375% ==*=>"=> nay = ! Jos Ih the wor write IArgs fines &4 Haare « PA.