Circuhauon Over 5,200—Largest in Centre County. NEXT ATTRACTION CENTRE COUNTY FAIR Far VETERAN CLUB REUNION, On Saturday the eran Clut l it 14! Centre Count h : (tion, ne Bellefonte, gether a much larger cr 3 anticipated, At make not telling memories It will Surpass All Previous Efforts GRANGER PICNIC A SUCCESS| It is beirg Largely Attended The Exhibits Above the Aver age— Many Prominent Speakers Discuss [mn portant Subj. cts. an early 1 )wearance, 1 A they stories, were once and days I'he State College and filled the air with patriotic tial music Abo exec more reviving 10 o'clog in the » session of the K pre leaver, the order will farm, will stand ) Xpecling to me you wrchiog p 1 | his week the main attraction in Cen. | Steamer Co, tre county is the Patrons of Husbandry e nd exhibition held { be there And « the | but they soon fon that it exe Robert i Onis Dairy after: gation of Dem Hon, Henry Prof. L and ( Friday hibits w wh X Wihoie reg Vears | be sold heap For Presbyterians Preacher Found Dead An item of sped terians, and found in our Howar the last page ial interest to Presby ! Rev. Jacob Aurandt a 1 minister aged nited Hrethern was i ind s home others as well, will be ) st — i d correspondence on ADO years fo Heaver gt He had gone out to hunt a stray cow and the exertion of this issne It was dead inthe woods near h written by Col. Johan A. Woodward, of that place, who has been furnishing us for some time past with excellent week ly news letters from that section, which we find are greatly appreciated hy our readers Dams, Blair county the other 1 in the chase is » Ippose d to brought on heart failure A Ave Democratic Day This 7 hursday is Democratic Day at Grange Park, The speakers in the aud l itorium are Prof, L Lybarger, of struction Schaeffer, has designated Fri. | miminburg. and Judge badd of Phila day, October 23, as Autumn Arbor day, | delphia / and all connected with the schools are | something good may be expected urged to observe the day by the plant. | ing of trees and other suitable exercis. es, Labor Day State Superintendent of Public In Boys box calf school shoes $1.48 | Yeagers, At | HISTORICAL NOTES z our | RARE undertook to get walter Wo was Both are able speakers and | py bis fe travelers, The money | FR © OF BRUSHVALI Compiled fr Hon im Yarions Souree W. R. Bierly by REMARKABLE CASE OF HONESTY Family Starved Before they wonld Eat Smoked Meat Oth ers cident Be lon ring to Some Res ved nteresting In rate A OK i ¢ giris, Haile | SOON “a i Lallharine, The latter alter. weoat to Usion couoty and] ile Ww "at vr hr ne . v " q gLli wilh them ot ya fe redcs of former grand estate. OF these Ate | Ly £ there Wa Rt ious ne son at | Pet v ey I he laughter DOW - Af 3 nr ir Re A MM OVER THE COUNTY MH tweniv-one leel ! Christ tombed ADs in 1 All were exchanged work of instructed and encouraged by retary, Mr. |. A. Shartle of Reading, and the state president, the Rev. R. GG. Banogen, D. D..of Williams port I'wo on i ry Are et Average seven YOars the record on Michael . cheet 0 their societies I sons whose ALO WAS 82 So noteworthy is this that tate wed the 1 1% down months days O4 Years, go months Walker —79 years, 10 days Hannah Walker—76 f months, 17 days; Margaret, wife of Movyer--81 years, 27 Henry Meyer-—86 months, 26 days Jacob Meyer y months, 19 days, omb here set Erhard Years Anna Maria Erhard 2t A mont} % ny Daniel thoughts pervaded the conven Be strong in God, trust Him, do notworry Win souls to God extend. ng his Kingdom I'he officers for the ensuing year are J. A. Platt, President; H G. Ebbs Vice Pres; Rev. Rhoades, Treas.;: Cor pelin Dale, Rec, Sex Nannie Fisher, | some years ago, whose home was south | Lor, Sex The next meeting will be of town. on the Winter Mountain road — | held at Blanchard Rev, Eusebius Hershey. whose daughter still owns the old Mathias Strayer plot. Editor Drowned now occupied by a Mr, Stover, of Nittany Frederick L. Cox, recent editor of the | Rev, Hershey was an itinerant ewan | Altoona Mirror, and for several years a | gelist, always singing and praying for | resident of that city, was drowned in the | {souls. He traveled almost constantly, | Big Muddy river in Kentucky, while | | peddling religious tracts, When he en | crossing the stream in a wagon, : Is "n) years (b) Henry months, days VEeArs fh YOATS There was a unique character here : A DEMOCRATIC 1 hi 1 fo col | Petriken hall, Vol, 31. No 36 FACT, FUN AND FANCY Bright, Sparkling Paragraphs fed and Original, Selec VICTORY IN MAINE LABOR UNIONS FOR BRYAN (xaing in Ma Roosevelt ind Ye ne Pe for going aud Know Republican Slump in Maine ile iin Ate ers a ne vey a essiy for Governor : tors of this county The tort and prospective groom is the yoaagest . £ + ’ : t. of Per ¢ ile } rd Bent a y Birthday Party : va 1 nated by } R blicans : . ! such headway WAS elo Cl El The MISE WAS M sie. upon h was A ITAD Mr. Fike also carried me insurance on his household effect Yor i by Mrs wh tion 0 trv New k for Governer 4 OPPOs owned 1 i" ns . makes this {all On the Democratic leaders in New York have in the last few days dropped their factional feuds and united for National and State that almost insures New York Bryan NL other hand the Horse Sale of Da of broken years age, will arrive here on the 23¢ {and on Saturday, September 206th in the after. noon will be offered at public sale at the Haag House stables. The lot contains draft horses, mated teams and some T™ le N rl ' The quarterly meeting of the boat W drivers. All will be haltered and ages directors of the Farmers’ Mutal Fire given Ins. Co. was held in thew in on Monday last; a full board in attendance. Applications for insurance to amount to $238.556 were passed. Amount of premium notes, $29.« | nominee for president at this office, for 154.52. Cash $1005.70. There were 00 | {ree distribution. If you want one, call losses to adjust, or send for it. Can't well be sent by | mall us folding would destroy the por. Atltmit. Remember they are free for the | asking A CAT load young kota range horses, [1 un om 1108 will be tickels for Meeting of Insurance Board room Bryan's Portraits, We have a number of life sized por traits of Wm. J. Bryan the Democratic Misses extra high top shoes $1.48 Yeagers