Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, May 28, 1908, Image 6

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| showed a profit in April. Our Business | JACKIES IN SAN FRANCISCO. | Remember, the younger the child the | Centre County Banking Co., | RAILROAD SCHEDULE.
. -
e Us Pros erit | was not profitable for three months be- greater danger from burns and sealds. | Corner High and Spring Streets ENTRAL RAILROAD OF PENNA. —~Con-
fore April. We came together informally | ¢pe Great Reception Accorded the Gal- 3 C “densed time table effective June fr 1907,
and compared notes. The situation in Bt. | ze y re .
Louls was better than we had thought lant Men Under Admiral Evans. | LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS | Receive Derosirs Discount NOTES | kgan nows EXsl UP
p We asked representatives of different It was a proud day for the Jackies of | TR TRY I rm Not Noi Nod
That Is the Slogan of Two lines of trade to meet with us anfl en- | A qiiiea Evans’ fleet when thes march. A MINISTRATOR'S NOTICE “i i No.1 \No.b No.1 grarions. |No.6No4NOZ
larged the investigation Much eviden®e : bg oun M. S GES ashier. : | 1 i
Movements Organized to of restored confidence and returning pros- | #4’ through the streets of the rebuilt ‘ota We Sy 4 : pmity Ar Cr pom iam
Promote Good Lines-*‘Sun- perity was offered. We felt that this | Ban Francisco and received the ova. | Borough, deceased 1517 % a Nigh 2 5 377
" community ought to be fully informed Alers of ade ratio i ve estat 1 217 8 Zion 192 7 92
shine and Square Deal. ~~ that the encouragement should be exe - fn | ) 7 Hela Park ) 15 4 41 $46
tended be d4 Bt. Louis 4 : ald estate Are re i p carve ; Z 47 Junk les 3 13 s 9
) Fhe ¢ 'e gation of th dado mens, and Lhose having Vin NRW As ea f1 ne Everywhere :. : $ 3 2 Hublersburg 19 9 %
! - ’ y | 3 dertown ‘A LR
AITH cure in one way or an-| perity as ation foll Nittany a0 9 0
other is becoming a good al ) Huston fu 2
Lamar La
of a fad in these days, and it is a
Clintondale 15
10¢ outical It i - ; a . 3 i moaersle pr » hon ¢ : { 3
latfonm Th wi Han Hre a square . i f : MINS 5 ATVI & NOVELS hn 4 1K $4
proposed to apply this sort of | Seki and & sake Ted] To every mi AES | A PHILADELPHIA dle 4] i, Bit
remedy to the ills which bave caused Soon after y organization the % " v ‘ Vou i an Ke Ww i Ki Cedar ¥prings| 1%
gd —
a EB Ba
LB) |
¥ 4
the country to suffer more or less gen association a committee resenting | y poo, ba iat Ad LETS ¢ tir ry . ch io & 4 &
5 40
01 EE 88
eral business and Industrial stagna- | visited Washington and obtained from a hm XTi i he Sait ange rele M ket a NPB
tion. A kind of good times society has | President Roosevelt emphatic approval ad ta Re YI EDL. Bd tha a e - Beezer’ § Meat ar et . 4 : lv. lp.m.ip.m B18.
been organized to promote a spirit of | of its purposes. Visits were also paid ent the HIGH ST. BELLEFONTE New York Oe nirala Hiden River RE. rR)
hopefulness and confidence where pes- | to other cities. The prosperity con- : — - 12 1 b 40 KET “wor yO ergy BL
simism and discouragement have been | gress which Is to be held in New York | We keep none but the best quality of { ) 1] # Ly { ma “olArIm 6%
prevalent. In furtherance of the de: | will begin on Aug. 14, and there will | ‘ im AW § IDENT'S APPLICA’ BEEF, PORK. MUTTON. SLICED HAM. (Pht adi Frida Reading BR. & )
slgns of this unique organization a | he addresses by noted speakérs and ’ : Fd i : All Kings of Bmoked Meat Pork Kausage, ete. | 10 10. 9 6) NEW YORK.
prosperity congress will be held In| various features which it is thought i a ; EL aa] | MEYER, Of Edgewood Park Pao pL (CONTA EI nan » Sf wm. aan. Ar (ViaPhila) Ly pm
New York about the middle of August. | will help to promote a spirit of good Ey "Bg ITE 1 Orvix Ag PHILIP BEEZER,
The promoters of the idea wish to! cheer. At the head of this movement . yy fr yi Pg” Ai i” $02 She Canile Count) dar, will on or be. : ——— FLLONTEC ENTRAL RAILKOAD
> o take effect Jan. 6,1]
make the 300,000 commercial travelers | (¢ Herman A. Metz, comptroller of Tw i : To J tins with and ms a cation to th AL
oe | ia Mormaie A Meta, voy ih ¥ BB) | Boar of Law Bruen inens to ve cas FOR SALE .
of the country the advance agents of | New York city and formerly a com- ; at I 1 f said Boag Jaw Ka "i ve of Tule WESTWAR] BASTWARD
prosperity, and the support of the varl- | mercial traveler ; ’ a Pas dls r ade n to the Bar ¢ Suprem 2 § "ra ny
ous organizations of traveling men has Already the poets have heard of th Vor din pf TD Ad PH, 4 naylvani x22 . STATIONS
1 listed in the sment. They op | a POP, ’ Flom Wo, Orchard. and 22 acres ) Lv Ar
en enlisted In the movement ey | sunshine movement One of them, i A Exe UTRIX' NOT 0110 15 2 Bellefonte
believe that with 300,000 men preach- | whose lines are printed in the Si Louls : - : . ol AM nd 4 the Fishing ROS Dt 1020 2 Caoleville.
3 fi ' ’ . re taut - 5 0 ’ ily BIO ZZ 12] eens orris..
Ing the doctrine of good times and sun- | Republic, sings ? tary on the estate of George HB. Wistar jane of | Antee to the purchaser full uitle to this prov | § 43110 27, 2 17)" Whitmer
shine in every city and town and ham- 1 th" yoan next dos : 5 Howard bare ate Gf oy oot Fistar, late of | erty {. A. MOOR : Fime Centre
Jet of the country the revival of busi. } we're goin' t' th’ dog i ‘ the undersigned, Al persons knowing the 310 34. 3 aniers
Seives 101 nadebied wu
ness will be hastened and the wheels iuessin’ & glum pep! 0 make {mmediate payment, and those having T T Trade Marks : $1 Lil,
q stry 11 860 s turning i an lke rollin )' JACKIES FROM THE CONNECTICUT AN alms sgninst the estate will ples faz 1 2 3 Waddle
of industry will soon be turning as raj th' fos in / ff CU? AND THE them duals henticated 10 the undersis ; PA EN S, Labels. 120 57 2 Krumrine
’ Fl R COLORAD 5 1] N IR 54
idly as ever. The movement is entirely OLOBADO'S MEN WITH THEIR MASCOT, ] ] State College
wt t The Z weer BLruble
nonpolitical, and that it ns no ' | l Sem 3 kiddos Fore 1a ig ¥ j Wh oe
intent hostile to the administration o ret in th’ glad sunshin Amerl Pine Grove
President Roosevelt may be inferr b' fortuna ¢ wR to the metrog
from the fact that it has received } They had
hearty Indorsement. It may nan with money enthusiastic
Similar in purpose is the National aay on wv FE hau BBY ries ourse of
929 Chestnut 8t,, Philadelphia,
Prosperity association, recently organ- amity o dizn from Ham he
ized at St. Louis. Indorsement of the Thit this gra K ntry’ in’ but nowheit
latform adopted by the association et in th' glad sunshine thing of the kind whi ite equale : vake wo a sie pay cot. aod thos has :
has come from many commercial and r= thelr reception
civic bodies in nearly all the large cit- : . Gate Partic
jes of the country. The objects of the : . h do ee Ory on H } aroused whe
National Prosperity association are: est rs’ Evans’ flagship
To keep the dinner pail full, : inswered the auth ‘ {
To keep the pay car going.
To keep the factory busy,
To keep the workmen employed.
To keep the present wages going up.
The mottoes of the assoc y
miyasa w
A Reserved Chair
His grandmother
day tl
that the
Traffic clut
the movemen SNCTeS i other ! ware of we change. the old ge 3 : ver : . . j . af
business men the advisabilit man burrledly put bis bead up to | 20d peopl em takiug {ater the swage ame. but wa Makes pure
hardware concern, wh virman of | ton um! i p fron v wit al In
the executivy mftites Of the newly | dow, followed h Notary Puolic and Pension Pini
formed i on. Kay tion Scat. you gra ™ wretch sald Come back here | } a " r a . 4 a 3 ; i $ vy $ t .
1» dieg’ Home Journ for your grandmother.’ W. Haumisox W
ladies Homg Jourpa HA ores | BELLEFONTE. PA.
mh fra = | oh " * a. . ! , 2 ' . \ na H : : + | \ : hap wo
hal ) Applies : r thi a hy BI OH I , Lar ali .nsurance A we!
row Wher
Agreeable to the provision
1 tracts of :
am’ rar
James. (Yare
irris, A. D.. Kiar
Thomas SD «
rT he tar
MoR inne:
MoO ale t we
Rohrer Chiat
Swanry. Wo
Yeager. Simon. M Gardnes : Hair. Christ
Y eager, Simon 2 Hair, Day
John P. Harris $ 5 I aS i Hopkins, Jo )
IThomas Vaile 1 153 Hambdright 1s Lioyd 418 Fahn, Richard. H C Bennett & (
v8 Peave z r & Sexy
Hamilton. Thos Mrs A J Ste MAY
3 w tam Harris. John P E J Pruner
JK.&J W Reifsny J 0 158 Hamilton. HoghJulius H Seyme
Hamilton. Thos F P Hiair
. » . a tis. He
Butler MargaretMiller & Sexton > 1 pd Pe A A Autis. Fr k
Cottinger GarretCharles Hewett 8 3 dit hr ‘ 75 ¢ 0 Boyd. Thon rab J. Ris
Carscadden D... Wm. C. Heinle ' oy 9 Wen cu bg Aan Bro Rwy Ts i far Irvin. Robert Mrs AJ Steinmaz
Lor William .. A. P. Morrison - . r " . . Liter. BA. M Est
Lawts David 9 v7 . | - ’ : - . 14 - (»0OTEY H Benukhart i 1. 2 13 Irvin Robert £4 M Leiter Bat
Lane, Sarah L g ‘LRDowr fn eit ae whhg way ; : Irvin, Robert. W A Chriss =
Lucas. J. M r Irvin. James T. WC Helnle 8 . ’ Copenhaver, J
Packer Jerry Chatmar 7, : . } Ji n. Owen Christ Sharer : Cowher, James
Packer 4 LucasA. B. Lu 8 : A « oper. Wi y 3 2 ordon, Ben Julius H Seymour Fox James
Unknow . S108 fr Julius BOGE . ids ' phd Ain di ) ng. Robert A I’ Morrisor p Hoover. Joht
Miles, | JAnr 5 ey. | — . Tohs . a 1 ‘ Jo H C Bennett &
4 Lowden, John Harts & Gra
Lattimore. Geo
Lattimope. W G
awrence. Cas
Julius H. Seymour
GH Benkhart
: PeterKeen Alex. & Jami'n
Ais, George. Charles E. Aller
Lake. Richard Linden Hall Lum. (x 1owden R ol
: ® In Volf, 1. Levy, Rachel... J.K.&J. W.Reifsny r M7 ee :
Davidson da , . - hn soe . ! . A Miles, Thomas. Harry Keller It La hrop, Wm. AW
Ewing. Johr F.mms nd { : "nknowt C. Heir 5 Shaffer, Michael Edw. Zimmerman Libby. Joh
Fox. Samuel M_A. I. Moi 9s 13 now? , ° Shaffer, Michael Linden Hall Lam. Co (OBE. A B
Gray. William . Unknow? ; o homas.. W. C_Hetnle Li McPherson Wm Harris & Gra
Harris. Henr Ww vn Thoma . ' n ” : q Harry Keller 0 We MeConnell. Mat . A b it
Hall, Henry A.V y y 31 iy : Th 'n W. C, Heinle Y - ' MeCommom. JnoRosanna OC Rogers n J tisburg Safe &
Hall, Charles. . Frank C. Grahan ! 3 f / 0 McEntire, HughA P Morrison : Dept Co
Hall. Naney.../A. P. Morrison { at q ranger | #9 wion Twp ‘ Meyer. John J E Horn & Co ‘ . 1
Hall Washing ¥ YAN. Samu« | ne to _ R y N v . "y 18 Miller. Jane A P Morrison Ft } A Ly Morrison
Lon in 8 Beck Ww A ' hb... Fizabeth Hamilton 15 71 A 63 Madson, EdwardHarris & Gray 2 : John. 8S Warren Woomer
Hall. Charles W. Harrison Walker Beck H : sd orge Homan Miller. Jacob { J W C Heinle
Holt & Ox ] ‘ Ron 40h Homan. Miller, John bh, James. A PP Morrisor
t A. P. Morrison - ohn " f 0 ' worge F. Milier Masser. Christ Reynolds Lod ! \
Nathanield. F. Torbet 193 ] : yrone M. & Mfg. Co en b \ Johnson ' . Furst & Beaver wing y Pittsburg Sale &
Michael Miller & Sexton 1 8 17 ] yd " 008 a A + Hoy "4 of 4x 152 Morgan. B B Ed M Leiter Est : : Dey t Co
Jer A. P. Morrison 10 ¢ } ry John B. Isett i Kubes: Peter... W “A i4 of 33 153 Musser, John Te - AL Josh A F* Morrison
libelm. SarahA PP. Mogrison Is Harpster, Isanc. Isaac Harpster | 1 Kubes. 801. mas Xa 4 Of 433 153 Morgan, BR... W A Christ 2" al os. WC Heinle
omas, James J. F. Torbett 1 King William. G. Wood Miller TH - Me) Robt ETH M #4 of 4 ” Musser. John 2 \ ‘ En
Vaughn. Joho... W. D, Zerbs 1? Melk ssi kK. ThosTyrone M, & Mfg. Co.22 9 ehtan HB amiiton 4 152 Meyer. Jacob . Jno H Orvis Est Y N A P Morrisor
Wheeler, Henry John Hoy Moore, Thomas John HB. Isett LB) , Penn Twp Rn Meyer. John Atherton & Barnes {
Wallace, James Rosanna C. Rogers... 19 %0 116 Pyle. Jacob Tyrone M. & Mig. Col # * 4 . 1 % eyer, John Stratton Bros i Brown W {» MN
Wallace, Joseph VF. M. P. Choate Sharrer, Issac Wm C. Heinle ™ Kreamer, Peter J K.&J. W Reifsn'der 1 a 48 15 Pinkerton H Christ Sharer B : hy J m Ae Morrison
Wallaer Jessi PP. Morrison 10 N ] Thompson, JobnJohn T. Thompson. . 14 (8 Swineford, Geo Stover & Alexander. § 84 3M of 13 158 Peters, Richard. BA M Leifer Est 4 RA Deal. A Heinle
Curtin Twp Unknown Harry Keller 2 Potter Tw #4 of 433 153 Peters, Richard W A Christ ’ Kubha P R Win Thomas K
wm Unknowg Ads Hutchinson. .... 1 #7 Shad wp Sip .. Philips, Hard... David M E) # ® K hos. David. Mitch inal list
Atwood N. L. . Rosanna C. Rogers Whitehear. R. Tyrone M. & Mfg. Cod) 28 Anderson. John. Linden Hall Lam Co. 11 18 301 4 Philips, Hard. A P Morrison ws Kuhns SE he 0) ranger
Atwood, NL H.C. Beanett & Co Harris Twp Brady, Wom, T. Mary M. Frank 3M Jo " Pim George Kuh ”
Atwood N. LL... Wm C. Helnle RAE Barger, Adam. . Linden Hall Lum Co. 11 18 Passmore, Bry Robo 4
Brooks. Jesse... A FP. Morrison Andrew, Abs AP. Morrison § Brown, John 017 a . Son & Hartel. W C Heinle ahs
Brooks, Jesse. .. Rosanna CC. Rogers Brown, Wm 1 we CRILETON «3 IS Ress, Thomas . Mrs A J Steinman
Brooks, Jesse A. PP. Morrison Harrison. Wm. Mary M. Prank Cameron, Alex. John D. Decker an Reighart. A Harris & Gray
Carseadden, D Irwin. John «0 Dewart, Wm Linden Hall Lum.Co. 1 2 Rohrer, Christ
Curtin, Roland. H. C. Bennett Irwin, John “'** ! Ewing. Jasper 5 “oe Rainy, Robert... Wm OC Heinle
Carseadden Unknown Irwin, John Jullas H Seymour 7 Emerick. John 33 Snyder, Barbara hrist Sharer
DeHaven, PeterJohn Bowden Irwin, John Lydia Leech ! Forbes, James. A, P. Morrison wo Slough, Jacob Eve Sharer
Evans, Cad Patterson, Rob tAFP. Morrison Fulmer, H. BB . Linden Hall Lom Oo " WI Shenck, AndrewHarris & Gray
Eady. Esther... J. F. Torbett Patterson Rob'tCharies BE Allen A Gettig, Christ'n | — SM Shenck, Christ
Godfrey, MarthaWm. C. Heinle Reed, James... Mary M. Frank ) i Goben. Charles © Shetek. Mike
Godfrey, Martha Howard Twp Harrison, Wm. W. C. Heinle ne Scoot. Andrew
Irvin, Robert... A. PP. Morrison ' eo Hunter, Alex... Linden Hall Lum. Co 7 . Steck, Jacob
Irvin. James J. F. Torbest Honham. SarabhRosands C. Rogers Hoffman, Wm. John C. Rowe 167 i Slough, George
Kelso, Joseph. HP. Erkin Meyer Bonham, Sarah Harrison, Wm... W. C. Heinle Stoner, John Joo P Harris
Kelso, Joseph ima Martin. Bonham, SarahA. FP. Morrison Leavy, Daniel Slough, George David M Ellis
Long. J. 4. y Brady, John MeChai) Geo NDB Spangler Siotgh, George Oalvin Sharer
Long. J. 2 Roms ! Godfrey, Marthall. C. Bennet & Co Moreen os... Linden Hall Lum.Oo Smith. John > Gray Meek
Lane, Sarah. Shins Graysburg. Jas John CC. Rowe Peck. James... A P Morrison Spear, John C Neobett & Co
Lane, Mary Godfrey. MarthaWm. CC. Heinle Shires & PulmerLinden Hall Lum.Co Turner, James Jullus H Seymour
Leech. Mathew 1 * Martiu ‘ Grayaburg. dan ohn O. Iho Sawyer Wm Horasr, Haonand BP River
Ong V. C. Helnle alter, Jaco ohn © we Saw Wm r. James Newport .
Long. J. Z . White & Nestle Shires John Toner, James. .. WC Heinle Pres: Pearusisy 4 J Xoaver,
Myers, Philly J. ¥. Torbet.. 4 rode Jerry L. Cress Telley, Ferrell Unksown SR Pringle & Eve Thomas Wm. AR Valentine Reise
Myres, Simon ‘ ops Un Sharre
Miron. Michae) " Huston 7 wp. yond Unknown SR Pringle . Worth Twp,
Clymer Henry. Joo 1
Gray. PRD You Serta
in .
3 T Niche)
"rank P Rial
Philips Samuel WV C Heinle "
Unknown A P Morrison
Walker Tw
Baker, John Linden Hall L 0
Baker, Elizabeth a Mad,
Margaret W E Morris
Evans, Jesse Insane Markle
Glibery, Wm A P Morrison
Ma je. J.J Xipia D Shope
Mel ah Mary, A 4 Morrison
ummings nent
Miles, James " Heim
Yuin or Be
an Capt ATF Mo
‘arker, Richard A
aa al A]
BP RNs. 79:
Su fo
tb |
- -—
wee ®,
a al
Myres, Val’ tine . ro Baxter, James. Harris & Gray Young, Samuel Geo H Benkbart A nab. 4 P Morrison
Myres, Re Kuhn, Adam... W, A. Thomas Est ed Twp, :
! Harris & Gray Gray, J RB,
Backer jo W Geo y Marshall Juba, J¥tHiam Witmer. H Ba
noker, Job, W.. uhn, Androw Allison. AndrewJames A Beaver y A enry. Fdwand
ro. nd White & Parson W C Hetole
8C A. P. Morrison. . Kuhn, Danie)
Packer, Job. W. Rosanna C. Rogers 1 Kuhn, Charles PT] Wilson, Wm Fraok I* Bair
# A. Harris & Gray LE) 5 ring 7 we
Packer, J, W_. _Jullas H, Seymour Kuhn, Jacob Armstron. Ha
Atherton, Ri vid M Ellis 8 Kurtz, John 1 Pont Hel Geo Do.
N 4 nl . nad RB Cagfiald
Morrisam, AF. Ta LA ML | he, yt
Packer, Job wae A.B. Miller Moon John CC. Rowe
Tunis, Richard William Harvey. rice, John Haris & Gray
. Allison, AB rev h Pr Morrison.,.... 1% 0 ¥ p
Arthur, Anda. HO Bennett, "0 os Unknow Win C Heinle. » Mien ohn, .
Ross, John
Wall, James... Charles E. Allon. .... ilington. John
AIDES. | pon Snow Shee
baie ! Kuhn, Soloman od r 8 Faom $B A Swanswiek Jno
Will hiosaenas ep : Hruntem Mrs A J Steinman.
hy Literty p. 30 Chortaman om Christ Sharer Wiknowh. .... Chaney
a EE
1 -
: shag
xi. James, / Williams ~==Wm. C. Heinle
Kubn, Peter on 84 Ganysoe.. Bana ius 1 Bg 1 Singer,
TP Torbes., sibs Kuhn, Robert Centre Lumber Co
| | LE
Geo. 1. Hews & Co... Unknown. Branper, DABIEIChFist Sharer Pa oY dha...
EA Allee 8 itu -
Sam. .
oa Ss
bed |
AA P Morrison... ... }
he men Ty NTR Brace a fay 1 hh ry
rguson Twp, en
John Tyrone M, & Mtg Co. 41 Si i, Withee C Helle Wiser,
Buckbee, [sane Mor'son-CassPap Co. 7 brit 1%. BG . en
PRANK K. Wikre,
County Treasurer.