THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT BELLEFONTE, PA. MAY 21,1908, Page D ER — fl BELLEFONTE AND VICINITY THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS 4 | —Editor Fred Dunham, of Howard, was in Bellefonte on Saturday . ~The Electric Theatre is drawing large crowds. [tis getting more popular every day. —John H. Woomer and family are now located at Greensburg, near Pitts- burg,| where they will make their fu. ture home. —Zion's tallest man, M. A. Brungart, smiled in upon our sanctum. Nittany valley has more tall men to the square rod than any other valley in the county, by over 100 per cent. . ~—Eber J. Walizer, who holds a respon- sible position with the Pennsylvania railroad at Houtzdale, was a visitor in| He was Bellefonte, Saturday evening. his aged on his way to Howard to visit parents, ~Thursday, while cleaning house, Mrs James Weaigley, of Bellefonte, fell and ruptured a blood vessel. For a short time she was ina serious condition but she is now out of danger, and getting along all right. —Rev. Richard S, Holmes, D. D., of New York city, preached a very able and eloquent sermon in the Presby- terian church on Sunday morning and in the evening Rev. S. L. Boston delivered a powerful discourse. ~Mrs. Sabra Garman left on Monday noon for Scranton, Pa., where she will visit at the home her g¢brother, Campbell, who holds a g A position the telephone business, in She will be gone for severel weeks. ~A. L. Shaffer, of Z call, and it may be int Democrat readers to le ed us he paid seventy cents of seedcorn, and was ing price through Nittany article, Dr. Thos an invitation f or Society, of Jackson, Presbyteria six miles west of New Ca liver his recital befo ] evenipg, May 20th OL that a, Ave eres nm arn, ths C 1 Penna. Furnas employed by are ere i ‘ He will "yer : ti be with , assisting ur He (80 d position TY 3 h p- has been Senator work 18 a compet g£ the people during As usual Christy will De rie trio who are delightip the illustrated songs Smith's owchestra Saturday night. ~Charles Barues, who r 0 had been collector tor the Pean ania telepi has resi Long Island rood 0b with lis b his position as Express contpany and -taken of collecting for th ) phone Company Syd < v vy in Bellefonte ne cermpan i gone to 3 gue 5% Pe ere 1as secured ¢ aArge tracting hrm e¢ Barnes, has : : wi 1 con rother, iriver for ti — Pierce next record Bellefonte, ) his many friends. ‘He i mam physically, and possesses a heart al most As large. Being a genial fellow he will make the right ma place office. The gong Ww give Jum usser 15 : gO00 5 n to in that in are 3 ana people YEOWw The Knights asse marched to the were imitorm preached by the pastor, imnger. It was an ele ing discourse and ful members of th Ti Sermon Was at organization lam Gibb past r ch at Irvona, Cleat was in Bellefonte Monday on a short business trip. He is a pleas 14 yt held county ant sociable gentlemen and stands high | He | in the Presbytery of Huntingdon is acousin of Dr. D. K. Musser, the dentist, and was married to Miss Hoy sister of the late Dr. H. K. Hoy, wh formerly lived on what is now kaown as the Harrison Kline farm near Bell fonte. - Richard Dutling, the mason, made an excellent job of rebuilding th stone wall, on south Water street which was torn out by the spring flied the wall is good and solid, Universal Cement being used which was furnished by the Bellefonte Lumber Company, This is a superior article, aod thus will add strength and durability to the wall, A great convenience to the people of that end of town, +h » ~A., A. Pletcher, of Howard, was in Bellefonte on Monddy when he lifted his commission as justice of the peace, of that borough, Mr. Pletcher is a dem- ocrat but he was elected to this office in a strongly republican town which speaks very favorably of Lis popularity, and the high esteem in which he is held b the voters and the people in general, He is well fitted tor the position, in every way, and the man who goes to him for justice will get it. He will be no respec. tor of persons, Monday morning we had a pleasant call from Hon, John A. Daley, of Curtin Twp.. who recently was treated for cancer and had the growth removed from his left cheek. He is confident of a complete recovery, something his many friedds over the county will be pleased to hear, During the war he re. ceived a gunshot wound in the face, which never completely healed and final- ly a cancerous growth formed, causing him considerable annoyance of late, Mr, Daley also carries a minnie ball inj his left thigh, and bad a bad wound in his | side, showing that he once was on the “firing line, present on | Barsh- | The repairing of the pavement is | —Ladies having trouble with Bun- !ions, read Yeager's ad. —Mr., and Mrs, Milton Kerns were visitors in Lock Haven on Sunday. — Miss Marjorie Knowls, of Richmond, Va., has been a visitor in Bellefonte at the home of Mrs, Flora Dale, on Linn street. | —Henry Wilson, David Rice and Jobs Lambert, residents of Quaker Hill, have had their properties-improved by having them repainted. — William Jennings Bryan for a speech in Altoona this evening number of Centre county will go up to hear him, ~Mrs Witmer Smith has returned home from White Haven greatly im- | proved in health by the treatment re- ceived at the sanitarium at that place. --Milton Kerns, the barber, is nature. ally a pretty big man but since that young son arrived at his home the.other day his breast has expanded consider- ably. —Mr. and Mrs, Edward Harper have moved their household goods to Roland where they stored them until next spring They would have gone to housekeeping but were unable to secure a house. —Mrs, Mary Ann Johnston returned to Bellefonte, after spending tne winter in Beaver Falls with her daughter, Mrs, | Kelley. Mrs. Johnson was accompanied | here by her son Harry and his wife. is ‘booked A Miss Kate Shugert and Miss Anna McCoy, Bellefonte, expect to take.a trip to Europe in the early part of | They will remain on the other { the deep, blue ocean abe six weeks — Leland Struble, of +» Mil Hall the WEAr une, side of et at Bellefonte, base bal Centre.C the great thiogs may be expected of h hnton mask and —-Drayman Jacob Barlett had an ex- citing runaway on Water andWillowbank ts Friday but fortunately he got the ened horses stopped before lamage was done to the team or wagon On Su Rev, W W the any ouck wi delle h more comfertat breaking accompa Peter Philadelphia, and Mrs. Thomas A, Shoe Mmaxer, and was taken to her new on Curtin street, the house recent cated by Nelson E. Robb and {gmily. uropean methods of fighti city fire at midnight will Howe's moving pictures opera house, Monday night enacted from the moment the sounded, is graphically r as the lire fiend grows t audience 1s WARS here Mi: via —F i be shown in aarm roduced iry the est of the intesified many tims are placed and the brave firen place themselves. A fi ] reached the most dramatic mother and child from the tall apartment : max reine ‘MDE in How Hollanders live, and play; their manners, custom industries, are singularly well in the new program of moving p to be shown in Garman s opera house next Monday evening by ) Howe, This series has a charm own because of the simplicity of ti depicted—a simplicity that is really ful compared to the strenuous life Americans. Still another feature of the program shows wild animals assembled from every corner of the earth depicted r of — Last week we stated that M. C. Gep hart, of Bellefonte, lost a pair © 1 the train. The fact that an old of shoes turned up instead of the i indication that TIE had converted the new pair to h use and left the old It has developed that the car sweeper at Haven found the missing shoes “nd they | were at once returned to Bellefonte | andgiven to Mr. Gephart, wi | been wearing a smile, and his belief in the integrity of railroad men has been strengthened just about fifty per cent When you come to think of it railroad men are not such bad fellows after all | They often help you out in a pinch { shoes paar new air Was an ne ne 5 Ow ones Lock : ang 10 stance has ol ) Wednesday evening, of last week W. Huater, the popular State Highway Commissioner, accompanied by his effi cient assistant, C. W, Bosler, of Harris burg, arrived io Bellefonte and on Thurs day morning made an inspection of the proposed new State road through Belle. foute. They were accompanied by the | members of the Street committee who gave the State officials an outline as to what they would like to have done. Mr, | Hunter thought the idea of bricking | Allegheny street, from Linn to Bishop street, was a very feasible one, e | stated he thought the road would be | granted but was not certain as to wheth- | er the contract would be given this year, {or next year, as the demand for state | roads was greater than the movey set aside by the legislature for that purpose, | would Ander, pat ppons TAKE A GOOD BATH | { «This week Dr. who for a number of { of th David 8. Monroe, YEArs was pastor Bellefonte Methodist church, is {ple of WORE at New Cumberland, i aig Among the nitaries of the church | Genet are Bishop Luther B, Wilson, of “hattanooga, Tenn. ; Bishop David H, | Moore, of Portland, Oregon; Bishop | Mallalieu, of Boston, and J. B. Hingly, | secretary of the General Conference | The Rev. D. 5. Monroe, pastor of th | congregation, was for twenty-four yor | secretary of the General Conference { He also filled the same office in the Cen- | tral Pennsylvania Conference for twenty. | five years, Dri fifty-five years to { the ministry, the ev. Mr. Monroe has built seventeen churches. He pro nounices the New Cumberland edifice the finest of them all. This event will rank among the most important in the | History of the Methodist church fn Cum. | berland county, democrats | Collins, of aome Dg a big band in Every scene 8 imminent dangers im which fire | dedicating a magnificent and costly tem. | with bun. J ~4iLadies having ‘trouble [{ong'read Yeaget's ad. | ~~Some exceptionally good [are being shown at the Electric this week. ictures ['heatre | ~=Miss Pearle Stickler, of Beaver Falls, | tis visiting her brother, James Stickler, on | Bishop street. | ~~Miss Rebecca Rhoads left on Sun. day for Chambersburg, where she is { visiting friends. — John Tompson and two children, ‘of Pittsburg, are spending a few days with his parents in Bellefonte, | --Mrs. Earle Tuten and little son {spent Monday at the home of A. B. Sloteman in Lock ‘Haven, —Miss-Sadie Lambert, of Waterbury, Conn,, is visiting at the home of John Lambert, on South Spring street, —Mrs, Samuel ‘Osman arrived home Sunday evening from Punxsutawney, after | tives, | | | ’ | —Dr.M, A, Kirk is attending a med- | ical convention in Harrisburg this week The doctor always tries to keep abreast with his profession Prof. C. L. Gramley, of Rebersburg, was in Bellefonte, Tuesday. He wason his way to Siate College to attend the Sunday Scheol convention, ~Curb market will open in Bellefonte on Saturday morning, May 23rd, and continue during the summer months; open on Tuesday and Saturday morning of each week, “Domino,” our correspondent, has another clever arti cle in this issue giving a detailed de- scription see * view nt ni and inter. " 1 niowed, Teddy, t fo an importa James B. Stein, pastor of the hurch, left on Monday for where is attending the of the al Conference of now being held there, R city about Methodist Balt ession imore he (rener the church in that days ~Harvey umber of ] been a drayman in Be ! hou at State otline, FA 1 wio fo llefonte College me H wiho ill make hi cts to work for Hen ontracted for i there summer Beezer re reo. ¥ Were riven t e residence of Mr. and Mrs Mart Garman, on Linn street, where they were greeted by a large number of friends, The calathumpians and the ve them a royal serenade A brick smoke stack is now built at the Pennsylvania Match Facto which, when completed, will feet high, This will be thirty er than the one recently erected Bellefonte Lumber Company ? Ainoke arises out of the two stacks strangers will begin to imag that this is a great manufac { tre m © ih o ~ be feet high vy fey vin ‘arin i) Neil Bean and Victor spent Sunday and Bellefonte, and they had the tir their lives. So congenial was their com. pany that they found it difficult to break This being leap year they were Cream and ake, and tramped all over the hills until their corns gave them considerable ible and then they departed ternoon train for home Miller arrived i morning : Mr on East High street ed to Philadelphia leaving his little dav spend summer here w Morris Miller. Edward Miller i in the shops of the 1 Laird, of rone we his Daren ins parents Mr the 4 8 v “ar Fl Lt | 3 pany, Phila elphia, at a ni Fred Chambers has accepted tion with a large cigarette n f company and will travel Before going on the road, take a two week's vacation which he will spend with his parents, Col. and Mr. Ed ward R, Chambers, in thie place. He will then leave for the Pacific coast where he will spend four or five months intro ducing his line of cigarettes. The position not only carries with it a good salary but will enable him to see a large part of the United States as well «The 17th anniversary of the Belle. fonte Ep worth League was fitly celebrat. | ed in the Methodist church on | The services of the day Sunday morning sermon to the young people in the morn ing, and ip the evening the regular an. niversary services took place when the officers for the ensuing year were in! stalled, the part taken by the young eople was of an interesting character ‘he church was prettily decorated for the occasion GET THE ~~ Allen Fountain Brush and Bath System, | : PORTABLE AND BATHROOM outers | The Allen Fountain Brush is the only bath | brush possessing the Three in One’ essential | functions of the perfect bath, namely Friction, Shower and Massage. It is the only bath brush which at one opera | tion opens the pores and thoroughly cleanses | the skin. Only clean, sweet wator touches the [body from start to finish of the bath. With the Portable outfit any room Is a bath room | Prices Five to Seven Dollars. | Bold only through agents. For further infor | mation or an oust apply to L. T. EDDY, General Agent for Centre County, ninety commenced | with an Early Watch at g o'clock in the! Rev. Stein preached a special Local agents wanted MILESBURG, PA. Pine Grove Mills, but now of | was in Bellefonte on Wednesday, —Ladies having trouble with Bun. inos, read Yeager's ad, ~=John Campbell, formerly, of near Tyrone, ~The Apple Blossom Club, of Tyrone and Altoona, spent Sunday at the Coun- ty Club where they had a pleasant time. Sunday, May 24. Rev. Barry will | administer the Holy Communion in the ‘Lutheran church of this place, mporn- | ing and evening. | — Bellefonte has a base ball team com- posed of colored young men who put the cleaner 10 the Bellefonte Scrubs on Monday afternoon, the score being 77 to 4. ~The Central Synod of the Lutheran church is in session this week at New Berlin, Clement Dale, Esq., is a| delegate representing the Bellefonte spending a few days with rela- | Charge. ~—Among those who are Sundsy School Convention lege this week are Rev attending the at State Col. Ambrose M, | Schmidt, Dr, J. Allison Platts and Mrs. | Ellen E. Bower, versatile Unionville | b . {this evening at the ho of a visit to Washington, to | | Ana offering will right man N. McVeigh, General Sales Manager, Cant —Rev. W. B, Cox, formerly pastor of the United Evangelical church at this place, but now located in Altoona, visit. | ed his former parishoners and friends ic Bellefonte. 4 ~The chart for the Declamatory Contest for the Reynolds’ prize, which will take place in Petrikin Hall, Monday night, will be opened at Shaffers grocery store, Saturday. " a The Presbyterians will [ me of at Harris, on llegheny street. Ice cream | ’ cake will be served free ut a silver be greatf y A. Luckenbach York, Pa., where will (zeneral Synod of the Ref in the U. S, ne representing ASSIS AS One of representing reg : » an® a Miron ge ; always remem bx ok one week the thimty 0 : on of the Centre Ce day school Association was the Meshodist church at State College The attendance was large considering the inclemency of the weather, there were quite number of interesting speakers present who did educate the people as to portance of this branch y he wddress of Rev MN iy nty beld in convent a r Dest the great of the (Ci welcome iy was Suave pastor aurca. ~The pictures at the Theator ght will be of interest all “The Animated Statue Episode in the French Revoiuti Henry D. Brown will sing, ‘I'm the leaves so they won't come d Friday and Saturday nights Fren jtalian pictures will be shown ay night Christy Smith's ve pieces will render sele The Yankee Prince Base every night Watch date for ne of Shakespear's best | to are, orci AVS POTTER TWP wn, Frank Phil attended the Rir H Al Lewistown Fred Bro Sorith ers dlow WANTED AD 1 with several @ Charge o efonte for a cOnCeTn Rep y ’ mapufacturing remunerat reference for the ross | n Add ng RECENT DEATHS. F. P. COBURN, se davzbter of The heavy rains Tuesday evening and i wa Natoma T | night have raised Penns Creek to over. hoi McGovern, of Belletonte, died in pg si en ver New York City on Saturday. Her re [Rowing Kale at maias were brought here for interment, | Glas aler moved last week into J, {| Ww. Glasgow's property, on South ave,: WiLriams Hinksoni— died Thursday fend David Bowersox, of Aaronsburg, morning at the home of Andrew Moy- | moved to his mother's home, where Mr. er, in Woodward, of general debility. | Kaler vacated, Age about v4. Interment Saturday| Miss Myra morning at Woodward. Meyer attended the Samuel Havvock :— resident of choo! Sonyeation at Shoe, died at home in that place we al, sedid Mrs. on May 14th, from the effects of a par- | 5. J. D. Mark and alytic stroke, aged 006 years, 4 months | p ; and 19 days. Twelve children were | ? pha 4 number of our people v born to them, eight of which preceded legca convention at Centre Hall him to the grave. He survived by | Vo his wife, one ter, Mrs. John Carrof, J. ¢ Toronto hio, and four daughters, as ward Spent 4 few day! follows: Mrs. Hugh Collins, Oshantef; |; ™- Stover, of Fiedler Mrs. Charles Casher, Braddock Mrs | De With relatives Robert Dixon, Snow Shoe, and Mrs, | © 2H€ on his way to the Thomas Hancock, formerly of Philips- | Mus Mons ION Stover and Miss Mary district Sunday Rebersburg, last e Kerstetter Cora Hoster- Snow his 8 " oi R. Corman snd fan here sabbath y convention at State Col d ) ATEN hy he - ff +43. 4 w burg but now of Altoona, | : or tie size of the town ‘ hardly be beat for the nt Mus. Emma Evpexs ed *hila. it has. The latest purchases delphia Sunday morning at 1.30 o'clock, | Musical instruments are Lewis Her remains were brought to Bellefonte, (and T. A. Meyer, With t anos on Wednesday morning. The funeral | 978208, and a good corn took place in the afternoon from the Lu. | Prepared to furnish mu theran church, Rev. Barry officiating. | desire to hear it was made in the ion ceme- | Elbert was b in Belle. Cloyd Dinges has a continuous sr was aged z1 She had cancer Coburn imber of p— in a more we are A vho yand for ¢ POT aii v and e on account of the little at his home rec ently. of » stomach following ch and Cromwell her Mrs. sisters and one 1} ' Detling, Mollie Hass and Rot of Roop bu Hazny per - ny ’ PENNY A WoO Any subscriber can insert ment in this column one not exooed words. Cha cent a word, first 5 than 25 cents; 2 ues 40 cent No advertisemefivs w n this office A Ej n ionenry bh ! WANTED BRD ADV mother two want adve $d ¢ fro rother Richard of fae re KE fs who res ir H. A at the FOR SALE (x practically ney Bellefonte EGGS 1 wi ’ tAvorat we ar WANTED AL ODOC, & FOURS as iw horwe farm; aiso a gir WO POUMC Lake charge of the houses work Ueulars address Box No. ¢ ¢ Pa ‘ } y. For years she has been a consistent member of the Pres- byterian arch, and life was filled’ with noble deeds, and her death was a r tei ¥ wn € COU "ie or ca irs ot » as one WANTED A house keeper recommended as to ¢ of k “eping house N am Man of the hous 63 Appiy M. CW SETVIONS ts. Interment cemetery APMINISTRATOR'S NOTICH hb Largest ’ Ww Ww R = & dec ane) ters of administra a t Estas JENKINS immer Profess ir * ophy Brar Branches CBS CAL Schoo ™ riy-eight and ol Nat Sw Sobex Pedagogy Stet 0 Lhe Dove estat n ist "IY stats D008 nied 1 indersigoed 5 0 egia the xe o p mamereia) Wo rapt mm ahvy wm rR « DECOMMGTY CX penses Pa ver Girove ( MARKET QUOTATIONS. HRELLEFONT? - ny 100 omen per pound Per pound per pound per pound OF. Per pou fc prices r prod ’ Te BRELLEFPONTY wing prioes are » Warken (COMMIRRIONERS SALE OF UNSEATED LANDS By virtue of the several Acts of Assembly unseated lands in the county of Centre County Commissioners will offer the following t the Oourt House. Bellefonte, Pa THURSDAY, JUNF The sale will be adjourned from have boon sold Teams or Kale paid when the land at an adjourned sale Per Is, AT time Ww The purchase price and 8 stricken off. otherwise {eres Warrantee Nuppoeed BENNER TWP W OC Helnle BOGGS TWP Julius H Seymu George Bee BURNSIDE Twp John J Bower JD Harris Frank MeCoy Unknown Sof 4d} John Beyer ‘s of 411 188 John Reyer John J Bower % Of 430 Wt Hannah Ewing W C Heinle CURTIN TWP Charles Bruoe A P Morrison D Carseadden John J Bower John W Godfrey. W C Heinle John Palmer W OC Hein FERGUSON TW) Unknown UREGG TWP Alex MeDowell Julius A Seymo HAINES TWP Charles Steele HOC Hyant Henry Antis Jacob Pees 0% John Hartman Samuel Decker I William Moshy Grove & Smith HALFMOON TWh Josiah Lamburn. FP Biair HOWARD TWP WC Heinle LIBERTY TWP WC Heinle Martha Leach WC Heinle Job W Packer George Nee MARION TWP David Harter 61 John Nrady Robert Irvin 190 David Lamb Unknown Unknown BC THghman, MILES TWH William Brady S50 of 408 134 William Miles 738 of 408 134 William Miles. bh] Heinle. 51% of Michael we 31s Daniel Williams... W © Heinle, PATTON TWP, -_— Robert Gover, W G Runkle John J Bower for tages Jue atx Ww time tw (hrwner WwW PF Stevenson Wm Johnston baogh LF Hieronimer John J Dower, Wer Suppored PENN TWP am Cook AP Morrison Thomas Hamilton Adam) GotsCha Andrew Kennedy. Adam J Guiscona POTTER TWP, George Bee WC Heinle sH Twp Frank P Bias relative acts at § AM until Wu ail the tracts x Unknown Unknown ost of deed] must Ie be put up and sold RU Isaar Britches John Copenhaver. Charles KE Allen Thomas Grant Thomas G MeCausiand Grove and M' Kean Charles E Allen Richard Malone FP Bar Robert Miller Thomas G MeCaosiand Pasgmore, Bryan & Hartel W © Heinle Kearney Wharton F P Blair SPRING TWP John Johnson Grove and Smith Henry Toole Grove and Smith SNOW SHOE TWP D Carscadden WC Heinle Joseph Deviing FP Blair Peter Hall EL Orvis Sarah Mclanahan W C Heinle George Parker John C Rowe Jeremiah Parker. John G Love George Parker WC Heinle TAYLOR TWP Jullus H Seymour Julians H Seymour Julius H Seymour AP Morrison, WC Heinle Kamuoel MeCassinont WL Heinle WC Heinle JC Meyer... William Wilson WC Heinle Polly Williams WC Heinle Thomas Walinee... W CO Heinle , » UNION TWP William Brown Julius H Seymour Samuel Philips Julins H Seymour William Clark Fr Bair William Wister. FP Blair WALKER TWP Ly Daugherty. W OC Heinle Willlam Swanzey. WC Heinle, . Rovert Wilson. Zimmerman & Rob Jon BRA. JOMN GO. ALRY. i Attest © James H Com, Clerk. Commissioners’ Helietonte ® May oth, 1008 OX nr ur Jacob Beek Daniel Beck John Bechdel William Bell James Carr John Hoover Charies Lowden Marion Norris E J Pruner th 4 329 Jr . won - House 2 3858s Commissioners, *