LAGE 2 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. MAY 21, 1908 Snapshots Governor John 1. Cox of Tennessee and His Night In a Barn—John W. Kern se 8 8 | | of Indiana. OHN LL. COX, gov- J ernor Ten Bossee, who was one of the state ex ecutives in attend ance at the recent White House con- ference, was a farm hand in early days, was born near Bris tol, Tenn. in 1855, and his father, a Confederate soldier, | was killed in the | fighting in Virginia. | The young Cox got his first job when | of JOUN 1. COX. he worked for a neighbor at 25 cents a | week. Later in his career he carried | mail. His pluck won, and he was en abled to enter the bar and rise in the | world. After he had been elected gov ernor he was traveling one time in the | Cumberlan He applied | at a farmh about dusk for accom- | modations. The farmer was desirous | of obliging hi but afraid the quarters he could were too small, Gover: d mountains use Wis 1 pro vide serving a barn near narking as he t to ght in your barn?” I couldn't ' sald the farme it, re: 1 wouldn't obled thin HH crowd 1 as comfort the eo 11 1 the Hoosier Stat JOHN W. KERN his father having been a who removed to In a one of tl A part physica liana from Yirginia of How Kern's child where his re was about ploneers f Mr lowa time, but they "ro Tw y attended t hit he state nor in Howard county high honors He su ed with ty of Mi “Doris } higan r of the nd from 182 of the state sed nan a 1 he was city ind he was the e of his p 1 1904 He ote of senator rv his Io Inquire into 40 called paper Is a member f a bonding, lia nd fire insur ° chusetts fo 156) His parents remo ed to Buffalo when BiX yuoars and he was eduented In the % public schools, } graduating from high school Ie married In 1887 Miss Ellen T. Cos groves Mr, Ryan began his politieal career about four years ago, when he was cho WILLIAM IL RYAN. gon to represent his ward in the board of supervisors of Erle county, Not long afterward a somination for congress came his way, He is now serving his fifth term. Mr. Ryan was once talking about business and professional signs, “Some. times,” sald he, “they are exceedingly appropriate, and then again they go he was old, feon | torial { named Booze Of { Jail, { had ! LJ a ial | trusty | Nampa | Borah sald crowd gave atl | get him pe | to cope with you arty for | | and firm in Buffalo | | | | | at People William E. Borah of Idaho and His Rescue of a Negro From a Mob -— Others In the News. #&# & & & | have | to the It is speaking instance, 1 my by contraries I'or frequently noticed on capitol the sign of a tobacconlist, Plugge There another sign over a store in the National the ater building, where Sam Needle Is ready as a theatrical or civilian tallor, | Daly & Knightly are plumbers on New York avenue, and yet in spite of the implied willingness of the firm to at tend to the wants of thelr customers | at all hours 1 understand that thelr es-| tablishment promptly at ¢ o'clock evening There n tallor on a side street named Makover, way is Is closed every | and yet 1 am advised that he does very little in the way of repairing his to the creations A florist devoting energies vers iNntest sar gentieman is A Grarden uptown of a saloon In East one told m 5 ington coi d in Buffalo is condi man named could underst {| stituents, name | wine and Mumm, for: and opened a tons f a sample man Steele ¢ | for re-els told that he for a gentler Dre na Nan i rival te town and to a on the the course of a colored was “rooting” the 4 ’ the 1 vhich n who Boise nb was | attacked and in self defense shot a white man. He was lock ed up In the Nampa and at mid- night a mob gathered Borah was ca WILLIAM E. BORAR outside ed up by telephone Boi infor: returned to train, ned the govern f what was about to hap of the state « pen and decla “I'm going to get that the f the mol when | reach Nampa The govern decided to a red hands "w it and With two thes reac his sir him deputy od and the had battered down ready for the « “We've ’ ns he ust mob ad was task negro » doors mole : f it ompietion of i to Lad come get this in tones so Hn th We've poss tion ceably if at any have a for him we wi special train we and unless be this negro The determl your desire you must ned men made the Do You Think For Yourself ? you open your mouth like a young gulp down whatever food or medi be offered you? + + * n intelligent thinking woman, sun that ther d ¢ The makers of Dr. Plerce's Favorite Pres scription, for the cure of weak, nervous, run | down, over-worked, debilitated, pain-racked women, knowing tuls medicine to be made up of ingredients, every one of which Jhias the strongest possible Indorsement of the leading standard authorities of the several schools of practice, are perfectly willing, and in fact, are only too glad 10 print, as they do, | the formulas, or list of Ingredients, of which it Is compreed, in plain English, on every bottle-wrapper, * + + + * The formulas of Dr. Plerce's Favorite Pre | seription will bear the most critical examing tion of medical experts, for It contains no | aleohol, narcotics, harmful, or habit-forming drugs, and no agent enters into it that is not | highly recommended by the most advanced pf Dr. PieTte’s Favorite Prescription fe 1 re of exactly the | a ne aliments | for | thie] hig world-Tamed medicine Is advised. | er | road's sto into the jall, brought out and with revolvers threateniugly ex posed made for the train, In a twin toward Boise, | the negro, | music; but, then, that's only natural, i | for her grandfather had his skull frac- | | tured with n cornet at a plente.” kling they were aboard and speeding | . | Conducting by llustration. The appearance of a new uovel by Winston Churchill of New Hampshire is an event in the literary world, Mr | ChurchilTs latest story is entitled “Mr Crewe's Career,’ and one of the erftics terms It “a tract on political condi tions’ in the Granite State, This writ thinks it is a fallure as a novel It is chiefly about a young man named Vane, a Hercules of a lawyer who breaks with his father, the chief counsel for the rail road which lutely controls young the Once Dr. Hans Richter, the famons London orchestral conductor, not satls- fled with the rendering of a scene from “Tristan and Isolde,” stopped Lhe re | hearsal and asked for more dignity in 1 abso | politic 8 of the state, | The old is a highly man in his way, but the the corrupt which It gentleman moral become he has head of machine has to organize In order to protect the divi dends of the rall ckholders and which has dis } the been ne CSsary WINSTON CHURCHILL yt i the 1 and ide ranchised the people an ad nretense \ p { Vane ree Her Denomination, t. but 1 cannot be yu "1 WOT y, fe.” sald Bridget after Heredity, “Your sald to th “She does it's no wonder, no and never tires great taste for f the playing, adding that Isolde was the daughter of a king, not of a cook, On another occasion, while rehearsing Tschaikowsky's “Romeo and Juliet” music, Richter was by no means satis. fled that the needful warmth of ex pression had been obtained “Gentle men, gentlemen,” sald he, “you all play like married men, not like lovers.” The day, while rehearsing a Mozart symphony In which the first violins had a number of delicate trills and turns to perform, these were play- ed too heavily for Richter, and he ex- claimed: “Please, gentlemen, planissi- mo! Queen Mab—-not suffragettes.” other What Else Could Be Expected? A Known American moblled through Scotland and tel In inclvility by Accordingly manager walter, a lander “Dugald.” visitor Insolence “It's no' well writer auto at a ho the highlands was treated with 1 walter he to the The manager sought out the raw boned, red haired h complained igh he sa “The you of : What have to be « Xpeck could sna CUSsCs mien it it it Easy Money. A vender cafe and » jaded r a vender pers 3 nnld iat ¥ IL | vered to his wife a ance away ae Was B re the hush went home, heard of he trick wife and him an that ha 'n played on his up his but- ler, said furiously “Go down the cafe at A —— SPECIAL SALE! SATURDAY, MAY 23 Ladies’ Kimonas and 19¢ kind at Lit Ailiu vy Ladies’ fC Kind at £1.00 kind at . £1.25 and $1.50 kind at hite Lawn Sacques 8c Wists 50¢ T9¢ Us THESE PRICES ARE FOR SATURDAY ONLY Workmen's Bargain Store, CORNER ALLEGHENY & BISHOP STS. ESSE Ett tts tsstssassssdss Subba san bf fo Sas Sodas ass aa dds SHOES FOR REAL BOYS DOOT Good Shoes We've specially ma le Shoes for our Boys’ trade sort Box calf and kid, solid oak tanned soles, inside and outside stays to prevent rip ping. Sold but not clumsy Nothing omitted in the making that would add to their goodness, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 according to size. We've Shoes for the stylish fellow as well as for the Boy who thinks that Shoes were made to kick holes in MINGLE’S SHOE STORE, BELLEFONTE, PA. 2 I A A A AR A RR A A A] +44 bring up the find there.” The butler. found the vender busy with a customer and delivered his mes sage. But the vender, handing out an other calendar, sald “Oh, I know what your boss wants He wants a calendar. Have you got a quarter? It will save me the trip up.” Taking the calendar with one hand and extending a quarter with the oth- er, he hurried back home, calendar vender you'll | yu Served Him Right. Two Irishmen, were discussing local news “Do Jim Pat. “Faith,” said Mike, an’ 1 do.” “Well, he has had his appendix taken away from “Ye don't sa) Well, it serves him right, He should have had it in his wife's name." Everybody's meeting day, one ~ y7' asked you know Suelly him." 807 In order to keep your Ifrespect neces it 127 Ts t oite: sary to pay your Dis p Curb or Splint loans Liniment iS unsurpassed It penetrates and relieves pain very Quickly. needs very little rubbing - and oes nol leave a scar or blemish. An antiseptic remedy for thrush, fistula and any abscess. PRICE 25¢.50¢ & $1.00 Slogans” Treatise on Horses, Cattle. Hogs and Poultry” Sent Free Address Dr Ear! S Soon, Boston, Moss US A Look in Our Windows And see the finest line of framed pic- tures ever brought into our city, rang- ing in price from 10c to $1.25 Then a glimpse inside and you will see very pretty pastals, water colors, plain and colored, etc. Slaughter sale of other people's Piclures left over 30 days. These pictures are suited for any room in the house or club. le A oa GIVE US A CALL AND BE CONVINCED. E. J. ECKENROTH. BUSH ARCADE, BELLEFONTE, PA. B Y -», BREEBE RORY BRE RIL LRLTS - Bunions Bunions BUNION SHOES FOR LADIES I cannot cure your bunions, but can give you more comfort in a pair of Bunion Shoes than vou have ever had since vou have had your bunion. | have a new line of ladies’ shoes that are made for the relief of women suffering from bunions. Come and be relieved of your pain from bunions. YEAGER'S SHOE STORE, BELLEFONTE, PA. TIT IT I I IT II II I I I III, Jno. F.Gray & Son HARRY FENLON Bucesssors to GRANT HOOVER. Redaick Ki Foster m. Burns Insurance: | uc ug ser wo Thi 1nsur NADO agency o anee fos in the world, We are pre pared In write lags Hints 4% any me, Life and Accident insurance, LAD) UR. ANC E, Terie CoUnr, | Ol on or address us at | i rider's Stone Bldg, Bellefonte. | Successor to} ra. | Bay