Paor 8 { THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT,’ BELLEFONTE, PA. JANUARY 30, 1908 RECENT DEATHS. Iva Gummo daughter of John Gum. mo, a veteran of the Civil War and one of the best known farmers residiag in Beech Creek Twp, died Monday, Jan, 20th, at her home, Miss Gummo had been a sufferer from Bright's disease for nigh unto two years. She was aged about j0 years, KRNeQeReINERNOIRIIRRRRRRORY . The Racket. - The coldest part of the Winter is to come; we have plenty of Cotion and Wool Blankets at prices that will make Joux Kane :—died " Wednesday, of last week, at his home at Axeman after an illness of a week with pneumonia. He was about 70 years of age, and a man who commanded the respect of his neighbors, He was a member of the Catholic church and strict in the erformance of his religious duties, le is survived by a wife and one daugh- ter, Mrs, Herbert Hull, both of whom re. side at Axeman. The fnneral took place you want to buy them, Friday morning, Cotton blankets— as low as 6o cents, and a large Fannie S. Kennepy :--sister of the late Thomas Kennedy, of Filmore, but better known as “Aunt Fannie,” died at noon Wednesday of last week. She had been well as usual up to Friday when she was seized with a slight pain about the heart which gradually grew worse until death came to her relief, She was born. in Moglass, Donegal county, Ire- land and had she lived until June 6th next, would have been seventy. five years old. Heronly survivors are Robert, Mar- 11x4 size at $1—either white or grey. Haps, full size- $1 and upwards, al was held Friday; interment was made You do better in Meyers’ temetery. u | Racket—they sell for cash. can " - *® # ® ~ ¥ $ at Patrick Tongs died in the Belle. { fonte hospital, Sunday morning cancer pw dropsy, from which been a sufferer for several years ceased was well known in this where he spent most of his life, the fact that h several had De- nity Ow " he ie wi Vic BEES 0E58040060800000n 34 A % hile ¢ \ rl Was unadie oo work, ani e YEars When workman as in i and SPRING MILLS. Feb. 1st, encouragements | good always h On : m t} 4 monin « one Ing Very | eral the Catholic took and was insp which makes Emanuel St three bar- saur kraut for sale. He 1s also agent for Stark Nursery company and is selling a large ber of trees, Wm. attended the Modern Mrs. CorpELIA STRAVER Woodmen nquet at Johnstown, one | John Strayer, formerly of Bellef e | died Thursday afternoon at 1:30 landlord | at the home of her mother, Mrs, W Hevner, of Lock Haven, after sufferi {a stroke of apoplexy. Deceased was | years of age, and is survived by her hus. D. Koch, gave an address in our high | band, mother, ister, Mrs. A. R school, | Wendt, of Williamsport. and three broth. The following officers were nominated | ers—Edward W., of Mt. Jewett; Archie, for our township by the democratic cau. | of Kane; and Jaced located somewhere cus on Saturday: Constable. W. O. |in the west. The deceased was born at Graden; school directors, John Iigen and | Queen's Run, and when a small child, | Robt. Finkle; overseer, [. P. Heckman: | the family moved to Lock Haven where | supervisor, Israel Spayd; auditor, E. P she lived until a number of years ago Shook; town clerk, M. FP. Duck. when they moved to Bellefonte They remained here for a number of years BOGGS TWP til Lock Haven HOLTS J 'w held Harry Johnston transacted bus in | Interment p this morn t at Sprucets - a & Smith of wer Sunday thter ig spent la Coburn, ds } with fri The »ol inspector, Prof. C. ere. one s ) “re tWO Year at two o tery Mxs. Puon: a Jelphia on fa her sons, Harry 11. and she had gor Was The wh Milesburg " were, H wife and others Mal at his place, Musser, »ssie Johnston and New Hit 3 : at ora al " ¢ } IX Der business rille, Sat urday Mrs. F r Vv {at the home o “dwar nfer’'s at roell last w Lucinda Kline, « and her Maudella of this place, spent Saturday ni nd part of Sunday in Runville, at the home of Claude Poor- man’s years ago, she lived after that time she daughter, Mrs Centre Hall. Th namely: Harry H of Philadelphia; and | K son, Edgar, died in Bellefonte, while a Luev I) { Yarnell snk Sata student at law with the firm of Stitzer & + 5 ’ LP Arnel spent Saiur- M thir ; < ’ McGee, thirty ear age On day with her friend Maudella Poorman pag h ’ &o . AD leairin to tak | brother, George Gross, and two sitters, CRUISE atics. v ‘ v o UPIMrs. Laura Schoure and Mrs. Lizzie A Ss Fmatics, zoology or phy " : J eCOROMS wl H Pll | Dechant, the former of New Berlin, and conomics Fi J by Pr ‘ MMP By . the latter Norristown, also survive ros ). bh. ( . r. wil a Ory learned | JTS Yearick was a lady quite active . at earned | for one of ber age, and greatly enjoy 14 1 " ‘ yh : nm 3 i the social chats around the fireside : as - Unity r h commu y AT€ | remains were taken to Aaronsburg death of Stanley K : at E Vasnall. aka interment of Yarnell who passed to the beyond on Saturday afternoon Miss Hate Wins the Also of the death of Mrs, Walker, which | Bellefonte hospital on Saturday evening occurred on Monday shortly after 7 o'clock. She was a com. _M. M. Poorman called at “Wild Cat | positor isf this office and after complet Centre” on Tuesday, to visit the Messrs. | ing her work on Satdrday afternoon, John Watson and Fleming Poorman. | Januaty 38, to the surprise of all she ~ Raymond Fetzer called to see his| went to the hospital with the object friend, Clyde Poorman, Sunday after-|undergaing an operation which place on the following Tuesday, Ww children and P. Gross, Mrs Mingle fee su four pers in ms ome a of 0 ¥N led in noon Joseph liamsport who were called here on ac count of the death of 8. K spending a few Fleming Poorman T. 1. Fetzer pa ised t on Monday the home of | when a sudden change came for worse F'wo years and a balf ago rough our town | had an operaticn performed which a tendency of weakening constitution Hattie Wilson was born {in Bellefonte and had she lived until {April 11th, she would have been 31 years of age. When quite young her father died and she became a compositor Mr. Shirk finished husking corn and | SUriiag her life she was employed in sawing wood for D. LL. Bartges the printing offices 1n town, and Pomona grange had quite an interest. | AP0UL ten years past was one of ing meeting ow hh ir ; it was largely) Most reliable and attended; nine members took the sth de. °P¢ Wi was served by the A owe Gays at she EARLYSTOWN Here we ave again! Madisonburg scribe let us hear f) you We have snow, but not enough for sleighing om vome for our efficient employees ose fidelity to her employment was unusual, always rendered her best eiforts willingly and ly. Al | though not physically strong, the aim of her life was and provide { for the comfort of her aged mother, to {whom she was truly devoted, and in this sacrifice, against protests, she unfortu. gree, A fine dinner ladies of the grange, Mrs, D. L. Bartges was on the sick list with a bad cold is improv ng Rev. W. D, Donat and wife took supe per at L, E. Rossman's, on Sunday eve, ‘The Rev, was suddenly taken quite ill and had to postpone the services at Mill. heim on account of his illness. Hope “it is not serious cheerin : : cheer a fall on the ice, but ' give ah 80 that there was not vitality sufficient to | withstand the ordeal. “Her emulation, In her humble way to these she gave her meager mite-