! THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT BELLEFONTE, PA, JANUARY 30 1908, J emer en / Correspondents’ Department | THE NEWS IN CONDENSED FORM FROM ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTY NITTANY. G. W. Young, who has been housed up the past few weeks, has improved so | much that he was to Lock Haven, Sat. urday, on business, Charles Mauck, who holds a good sosition at Howard, spent Sunday with his parents and many friends here : Ed. Emert, of Salona, visited friends here, on Sunday. Quite a number of our young people attended the oyster supper at Lamar Hall, Saturday night and report having a good time, Sunday was a rm day, with snow, rain and high William Brant moved his family Coburn one day last week. : William Kauffman and family ar Parvin, visited Harry Baker and family, on Sunday The Democrat ere out Saturday night, and held their cal the school house a The republicans held their oN INR very stormy, blustery winds, to vy, of ne 11 loom § were out in fall bloom ICUs 10 the bar-room of the hotel a good turn oul, 3oth y i men good men i Clyde Le Hublers! in our town the past week, sa with his circular ’ gine. He does g are right te On Mc meeting | plac Cc e. of near r wood joyed went mornin jolly g¢ » Charley Emerick, a visitor to took dinner On last ° a life-long z the home of his daugh Dorman ia Hartleton, were brought to this placeon Fri ening; interment at Snydertown on 2 day. Mr. Robb had been health the past year, and be and his wife closed up their house in the fall and | went to Hartleton and Berwick, to visit | their children. Thinking it might bene- | “fit his health, but he kept getting worse, till he died at the above named date. He is survived by his wife, three daugh- ters and two sons Ph 1 #1 yori and nn ia MILESBURG. terian chur vas well attend The birthday surprise given AKohlbecker, it being 1s sisters proved him, they out generaled h point, planked him on surrounded him prisoner of war; he little man, because he fell i sisters had laid for 1! better his condition taken the oath of him free, then gave him a square day meal, with a few of his f The orchestra gave some excelien to help the good cause along. Another surprise, McMullen and wife. number of relatives Geo. McMullen wife Bronsel, of Tyrone, Mrs, Jennie Kiser, ltoona, Robt. McMullen and son, of ite, entered me of Heary ullen and taking them by storm at their residence at Met oy Linn) iron works. After spending the day | socially and pleasantly, the relatives departed for their homes i “entral Supply Company of Milesburg, | on Friday 24th, purchased the goods of | E. D. Johnson & Co's. store, on the cor. ner of Water and Mill streets; the grand | opening on Monday, The new com pany has repainted a portion of the room, in a few days will branch out | with a different line of merchandise, all su ered . ne Henry tSth, a from a distance, | and son, Mrs given Un the h wife, | is the guest of her friend, Mrs GREGG Twp 0 | HOY'S SCHOOL HOUSE. | We have still some snow on the ground and ice also. The revival meetings at Madisonburg are well attended; we wish them a suc. cessful time. Wm, Pressler and family were visitors at Millheim, at Wm, Kern's on Sunday. Mrs. Israel Spayde and Minnie Ream; of Aaronsburg, were callers at John Ream's over Sunday. Irvin Miller, of Colorado, will come to stay with bis sister, Mrs. Wm. Bress. ler. Israel Spayd and his daughter Della, and Minnie Ream spent Friday at Wm, Bressler's, : Thomas Taylor is employed at work | at Murry school, on a saw mill WINGATE D. W. McCloskey and wife returned | on Friday evening after spending a few | weeks in Tyrone, report having a nice | time. Albert Miller, of Julian, spent Sunday with bis friend Cyrus Stere, Irvin Lucas, who is employed at| Lewistown, is spending a few weeks | with his lady friend, Olie Summers, Thomas Summers, of Lewistown, is spending a few weeks at home, John Sheckler, wife and son, of Belle. foute, Sundayed at the home of her father, George Hoover, Miss Nancy Celly, of Renova, spent Sunday, eve with her friend, Anna Shank, . after spending sever. ts at Lancaster, | correction made in RUNVILLE. Nellie Rathmell was the guest of her parents at Hublersburg, Sunday. Mrs. John Furl, of Philipsburg, is vis- " - |iting her parents, Elias Hancock's. Mrs. C. B. Freil visited at Bellefonte recently. I **scribe No. 2,” beg to have a little the last two are all aware written any WO now 1SSUOS that news vou Dear reader, scribe No, 2 has not for a month of Sunday's, fully understand that the responsibility of No. 2 rests on No. 1, and that he is kept quite busy ating over the county gathering news of interest that happens to fall off the telephone once in a while and is picked up by the **Pri ters Devils.’ Walter Wentzel and Toner F Maudelle Poorman and Yarnell, Poorman | Dever you circu BRUSHVALLEY 1¢ Kk. 9s and brother Elmer, St ay at Ducks Nicholas Graden and son, An Sunday at Henry Mowery's Wm. Bressler and family spent Sunday Coburn, Benjamin Limbert transacted business at Mowery's. Mrs. B. F. Jackson is on the sick D. C. Rach f his business B. F the sick ist ens ind hy 1 dy, spent at » al au r fruil agen 8 Grenobl UNION TWP BE F RO (eo Bruger farm Willie and their grand-parents, Mr Albert Miller was a Spotts’ on Sunday V.T Wagner seems with his props, ties and mill Leo Spotts visitor at to be awful busy work Ouite a merry crowd of young x ) . attended the p party at B Wednesday evening James Fetzer, Joseph Flick, G. Burd and R. Hipple, attended meeting Runville Hal ay WADDEL. The protracted meeting at the U church has been quite a success. Amanda Bheres is spending time at her sister's, Mrs, J sock. Easter Pennington, of State College, some Hart Evey George Gray would like to have some | good. responsible person to accompany sm to Columbus, Ohio, just for a com- panion; he is willing to pay good wages. Curtis Jones 1s spending a few weeks at his parental home J, Jones. Mrs. Jones and daughter Elizabeth, are taking quite an extended trip, visit. ing relatives at Sayre and other parts of the country. LEMONT. Mrs. Jacob Klinger is spending a few weeks in Williamsport with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Hoy spent a few days last | week at Rock View, at the home of Ira | Benner, Mrs. John Thompson is visiting her daughter in Altoona, Mrs, Dr, Shaffer, John Glenn is spending a few days in Harrisburg this week, Mrs. Ellen Dreese, who has been sick since the holidays, is improving slow. ly. ¥ Jared Mayes, of Watsontown, is sperrding a few days with his parents, J. B. Mayes, Grant Houser and family spent Wed. nesday at the home of H, N. Kern, OAK MALL. Mrs. B. E. Stam, and daughter, are visiting Mrs, Sue Peters, Helen Burns, of Baileyville, relatives here last week, Clayton Etters transacted business, in Bellefonte, Saturday. Grace Stover, of Centre Hall, visited friends here last week. Mrs. J. C. McKernan, spent a few dats at Hin, h ward and wife spent Sunday, visited B. | {| Mary | home | mines at Hayes R : | ] | from Lock Haven hospital, where she | list. | Was operated on f sl at | H. H_ | attended the spelling school at | BOALSBURG, L. Mothersbaugh and wife spent | Thursday in Centre Hall, Anna Sweeney returned home from | Altoona where she had been visiting | friends. | Mrs, Marion Houtz and Cora McClin. | tic were visitors at Dr. Kidder's, | John Woomer returned to his home in | Ashland, Ohio, after visiting his aged | mother, Mrs. Hannah Woomer. | Wm, Mothersbaugh spent a tew days | in Altoona, | We are sorry to note the serious illness | of Mrs. Katherine Riley, Mrs. Margaret Lytle and daughter spent Tuesday at her mother's i Isabel Miller enjoved a few days visit with her sister, Mrs. Lynn Woomer, al State College : We are glad to able to be out again, Tussey Rebekah Lodge, expects to hold an oyster 14th 15th. proce ny Mary 1 and d, hiro ¥ $7114 HOLOeT Samuct WOODWARD HOWARD, George Heverly met ious accid with quite a ser working in the clay on Friday. They were blasting; a piece of dirt hit him on the back, knocking him on his face. Mrs. Ed. Welsh bas while un, returned home for cancer, She is get nt Bowse YOOX locter I Henry Weaver i POTTERS MILLS DK, of \ Lola Str it i day with Mrs, Frank Carson Potters Mills lead sl Sn entrehil sent S ug hant tl pending a week brother Luther, at Johnstown Chas. Workinger, of Milroy. spent Sat- urday and Sunday in town John Curry, wife of Milroy, are spending ho Curry on of mer Eman- with his 5 h. iss 1 little daughter, some time at the E » misfortune « 1s foo ward Sweetwood, f cutting an ugly chopping wood t while BOGGS Twp FAIRVIEW, Mrs. Jacob Heaton and children, of Gorton, visited friends here last week, Sara Lucas has returned home after spending sometime at Tyrone. Nancy Kelley attended local institute at Milesburg, on Saturday. Quite a number of our young " Valley, Friday evening. Wilson Miller, of Summit Hill, Sun dayed at J. P. Lucas. people easant About nue man in a million dies from overwork, U.S. SEPARATOR If you keep cows you need a U. 8. Separator to make them yield the biggest profit. It will make the most money for you be. cause It skims cleaner than any other separator. It will save you more than any other because Jt needs less time, labor and to run it. Look a U, 8, over for yoursell. For sale by W. 5. Waite, Bsllefoate, R.'FID. 2, POTTER TWP, POLE CAT CITY. The democratic caucus, which was held at Colyer, Saturday, Jan, 25, was | largely attended by the democrats of West precinct; you could see the candis| dates walking around in every direction with the cigar boxes. William and Charley. Those who are on the sick list Helen and Nellie Moyer, Blanch Reiber and Charles Fye; hope for their speedy recovery Jacob Reyer, of Fruittown, was drawn | a8 juryman for March court, wife, of Potters Mills, | Spent Sunday with the former's parents, | his Jonas Be al and Peter Boal's Arthur of vith | iderman Altoona, ral we riends 11 locate P, C. City, VO former issues f Possum Ridge anda EAGLE tz, Fle AARONSBURG. M nte tran u ADS a8 ngle afew EG sin Bellefc sl week Regina Gable, of ohnstown, Earnest : » - is ia 1 ’ yin SL0- is ing at the residence ver Frank Philips and wife, of Akron, O fare spending a few weeks wi his | betpther, Henry, here. rs. R. U. Wassous, of Pleasant Gap, bas been visiting here for the past few weeks Mrs. Belle Mingle spent Monday wit Maz e Hosterman, at Eimer | wa th and her daughter, Woodwar 1 and sper : the Henry Mrs son nhert Sabbath with WARM AND DRY T0 STAY WELL Noted Authority Gives a Simple Pres ription. ALSO TELLS HOW TO TAKE Tells The Readers of This Paper How To Prepare The Mixture at Home And Other Advice Now is the time when the do busy, and the patent medicine manu. facturers reap the harvest, unless great care is taken to dress warm and | the feet dry. This is the advice of an old eminent authority, who says that | Rheumatism and Kidney trouble weath er is here, and also tells what to do in | case of an attack. Get from any good prescription phar. macy one-half ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kar. gon, three ounces Compound Syrup Sar- saparilla. Mix by shaking in a Bottle and take a teaspoonful after meals and at bedtime, Just try this simple home-made mix. ture at the first sign of Rheumatism, or if your back aches or you feel that the kidneys are not acting just right, This is said to be a splendid ki regulator, and almost certain remed for all forms of Rheumatism which fs caused by uric acid in the blood, which the kidneys fail to filter out, Any ove can easil this at home and at small nT upare Dr ts in this town and vicinit when Shen the prescription, stated that they can either supply these in dients, or, if our Ar 10] efer, they will compound the mixture for them. Three cheers for | are, | tor gets! keep | ZION, Lloyd White, Ward and Fred Yarnell, | of Beech Creek, spent Sunday here Edgar Lutz, who had a very sore hand, | | | is able to be about again. Harry Smith, of Hublersburg, spent | Sunday with his parents | Just ask Pat who stole the chicken {and he will tell you all about it, Bickle Bro's, saw mill has | sumed operation, Lloyd Homan, of Williamsport, is spending a week with his parents Christ Decker and Horace Kauffman have men at work getting out timber for their barns, Henry and is bu again re-| eid 5 : while AT OTICK has sawed ] expect to remodel It ther seems LIVONIA w Ver or How It Worked of the Selis OVS tes oO : : ' He lone 3d not | compelled t hard as he had « We how the experiment had suc he said the boys had already learned smoke cigars, swear, shake dice and make fun of their father and refer to other retired farmers as ‘old hayseeds.” “reubens.” etc, and from recent indi- cations he had po idea that they would ever bh themselves at work Well mers hopefuls are graduates sis of some of Bellefonte's a 0 Work asked hin +] ceded ’ vO red e men 1 When You Take Cold One way is to pay no attention to it; at least not until it de- velops into pneumonia, or bronchitis, or pleurisy. An- other way is to ask your doc- tor about Ayer’s Cherry Pec- toral. If he says, *‘ The best thing for colds,” then take it. Do as he says, anyway. We publish our formulas J When the bowels are constipated, poi- sonous substances are absorbed into the blood instead of being daily removed from the body as nature intended. Knowing this danger, doctors always inquire about t yndition of the bowels. Ayer’s Pills. weifade by the 3. C. Aver Co,, Lowell, Mass ~~ FOR SALE! We banish slechol from our medicines We urge you to oonsult your dogtor ¥ Good Hou: € , Orchard and Well I ET SEEDS : BUCKBEL'S SEEDS SLCCLEN L./ SPECIAL OFFER gy Made te Build New Business. A | make YOU our permanesi ous ’ | Prize Collection ils Foals BE Sot, Turslp, 7 splendid; On 3 » t ring Bywering Belbe— 65 wwrictior in all GUARANTEED TO PLEASE Write to-day) Mention this Papers wr vr . SEND 10 CENTS we wower povinge and packing and reowive this valuntie 3 Hection of postpald, oe, “i wapether wi "ey and Plant took, rin J astructive, Bexutiful hood wie ul) avout She Best varieties BOCEYORD, ILL 4 THAT a certain young man in Belle- | fonte who climbed on the water wagon at the opening of the year should stay there He shouldn't ask the driver to stop and let him on tie band wagon The cat has a hs Plenty of light end no eye strain. Just a big, round, smooth, bright flame. Removes all lamp troubles Your dealer will supply you right from refineries. Oils for All Purposes Family Favorite Oil Gives the cheapest and best-for-the-eyes light known. 00 smoke, no soot, no dirt, no charred wicks. Burns up full and bright to the last drop. Steadier than ges or incandescent. Not so sharp as the are light. The Best for Illuminating. the original barrel-—direct from our WAVERLY OIL WORKS Independent Refiners PITTSBURG, PA. Booklet sent Free Help down a hot gnddle cake i | ! on a cold morning ‘with CORN SYRUP The health-giving essence of golden corn. —does good. In air-tight tins, 10c., 25¢., Soc. Tastes good 3 We make Cuts of any description. THE BEY ENGRAVING CO, WILLIAMSPORT, PA.