THE © ' INTRE DEMOCRAT BELLEFONTE, PA., JANUARY 30 1908, Page < NNN hain dd BELLEFONTE AND VICINITY THE LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS A —Mrs- A. O. Furst, of Bellefonte, left Friday to visit friends in Milton, —Wallace Markle, of Bellefonte, cut a | deep gash in his foot on Thursday. —Miss Belle Lowry, of Bellefonte, | left Friday for Tyrone to visit friends, —The weather has been more of the changeable sort and nothing long so far, —Jack Norris, wife and interesting little son Samuel, of Altoona, have been visiting at the Ryan home, S. L.Fulton is back on duty again as car inspector in the Bellefonte yards, af- ter a short visit out near Pittsburg. —Don't forget Dr. VanTries’ lecture | in the Court house Friday evening, as it | will be for the benefit of the hospital. —Mrs. Murray Andrews, who is spending the winter in Philadelphia, spent several days in Bellefonte recent ly. Out of 633 scholars enrolled in the Bellefonte public schools 343 were neither absent nor tardy during the month of December. — -Harry Fitzgerald, of Ohio, was a recent visitor in Bellefonte at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs Wm. Fitzgerald —Dr. J. Jones, the veterinary surgeon, is ill with stomach trouble at the Belle fonte hospital. His condition is such as to make his recovery very doubtful, —Mrs, Herbert Bellringer, after leasant visit with her parents, Mr. and | rs. John Sourbeck, returned to ! home in New York Friday morning. —Michael Lamb has be contract for painting the about Bellefonte, and will work just as soon as the governme get the material here ~—Last Thursday even: o'clock a saucy y St howling and raging f mat half hqur, then passed « an inch of snow with —Mr. and Mrs. N. Hanscom, former residents of Bellefonte, are now located at Long Beach, Ca Ned familiarly cal ; wrchased an Columbus, ur Qa ar nid letter boxes begin sry t nt « “4 nt thi LIS an 4344 about four ] ; set an nigh hed, aS De Was tere Ohio, wher mapently loca —Dr. ]. Finle J Was ca consult w permanent re — Howard Woodring, who had been in charge of the Western ion telegraph office here the past month became so sick recently that be could not work and was taken to his home in Delaware, Whiteman, of Osceola Mills, is now | charge. —Thomas Mayes, train dispatcher at the of the Central Railroad of Penna pe Sunday in Lock Haven Tommy has been making f visits down to that and his friends suspicious as — The public since last sprit hundred sales be Democrat's sale re ister would count no less than So, the arger number being within the last five months The average of these would likely not be under $1000 each Arthur of Bellefont other evening } ulting from missed hi loss of a t« He now with his be n | 414) n § n at are to what it coming all means r this c« sale | ! show over one wauld 5 sales Brown wa e, Edwar the West A Most ex entered upor vice and in all this time has late one time in rej the poste fhee In lecting the mail he quickly as possit 1% fourteent! never been for duty and « iis route riven up his Bosh Arcade located to tule effect Apnl first, Though he very likely has a place in view he has not yet made public where he intends locating. In t} connection it might be stated that the Are rumors of two mors KATrages opened up in Bellefonte in the spring -Colonel Hugh 8 tain Robert F. Hunter. of the Fift) regiment G. P., held a preliminary inspection of company E of Altoona on Friday evening. They feel that E company will make a good show ing at the regular inspection next Friday evening. Captain M resign and the first orting vering wers deli le Lye the rooms | John Porter lease on where his g mn DAS nthe Arage 1s now re 10 be Tavior and Cap a Is | vas asked to nt placed in day Heiter command Dr { Al Beaver, Wm and Charles elected d Platts, Gen, James A ! James Harris Gilmore w recently resent the Helle fonte Presbyterian church the Men's Missionary convention held in Philadelphia Feb, 11thto 13th, Itis ex pected that this will be one of the largest gatherings in the interest of ever held in this country re eclegates to reg to*He missions 10 in christianity in rch d Somebody ought interest take enough Bellefoate to change the ch i tory in the of fice of the lush House An { is, is a He on the very face of it, because the only man on it who is still preaching in Hellefonte is Father McArdle, pastor 2 of the Catholic church, Some of churches have changed pastors four or ' "He it there five times since a change has been made | in this directory. Rev, C. N. Woodaoh, a former pastor of the A. M, E. church has been dead several years, and still his name appears on the calendar, As it stands now it is an object for ridicule instead of being a true guide to the places of public worship, | siness caller in the Democrat | street, is able | her friends in the house. | Arr. | Bud er | Mr. | fering { which 4 confident the | -J, Ed. Royer, of the Fort hotel, gave our sanctum a call, Horace Kaufman, of Zion, was a bu- sanctum, At the Rothrock sale, Mar, 18, one horse and three cows will be included, Rev, Fleck, of Nittany, an able Lu. theran minister, was a welcome caller, W. H. Geary, of Spring Mills, and D. W. Geary, ofTusseyville, were pleas- ant callers. ’ — Everybody will turn outon Friday evening to hear Dr. VanTries lecture. | It will be worth hearing. — Mrs. Barr, both of Gatesburg, Blair Gates, and Mrs, Howard favored the | Democrat sanctum with a call, Miss Margaret Burnett, who had been seriously ill at her home on High to around 1 greet be and Miss Rebecca Hughes, daughter of Charles P. Hughes, Esq Erie, the pleasant guest of the Hutchinson home, on Howard street, d Mr. and Mrs, Thomas McClel parted for their home at Altoona pleasant visit with the former's and Mrs. Wm. McClellan, Taylor, with his parents, Mr, and who at the | Jishop streets. Kr of 18 de- er yd paren lan t 5 at ue of *hiladelphia, ent day 8s. Henry Taylor, ner of Sprit t Sur reside 1g and - John k, Sidney ine and " Harpe accompanied by Rev, Colston, attended the Episcopal church he Park Hotel at W rame Julio ums }! r Villiams awarded the | Vv a hh imine ed 1Prov -For the { month or dwar K. Rhoads, from an his right leg has been him consider- able pain and anxiet ‘or the last t weeks he has been confined his dence "as the coal dealer, has been su ’ il abscess on n wo res 1g} frie H least nt | PiCaAsSanl 5 all Penn ame A day from Snook, ship who 5 placed his 1 date | sheriff or the gra think started rat When had al Now what ns “ : wt reet te 2 was handed will Manag of a vote catcher when ouncil in the South the caught the ferret his heck Fred Mu he comes to ru ward Nelson who h 8 elected purchasing agent for Tele phone Co vill move hi Harn burg where he his home known here, is a man and his City is not the happen the town hoped t most in > t been th Union we family t make he is young Capitol id 5 0 to ‘ Xx pects future ‘Nelse, "as progressive removal to the best thing that However it is to Il eventually Co be hat mean even x Tu Mr. Robb's the « ny ri pecement of tere lellefonte boys might serving before w! y ol yy pre th 4) ven e advice here g m some IT Daovs 1 cone Hart | boys, ot he observe He a Street and ents by en | Ameport WwW ever SLAY yanday to are then 1 attend hut these Oh er Pp i iowed boy . certainly paths to pow character Hut the Democrat would do parents perform their duties in { this matter ask At the regular meeting of Washing ton Camp No 7459 Patriotic Order Sons of America held 10 there newly furnish ed rooms in the McClain Block the fol {lowing office were installed for the pext six mont! president H J. Hart | ranft; vice president, Wm. A master {of arms, |. Ellis Stine: recording secre | tary, Homer McGinley, | recording secretary, H. W 4 0, assistant Bowersox conductor, Nevan Corman; inspector, | Geo, A. Bush; guard, Joseph 5 Tressler; trustees, Wm and Calvic Lambert he jostalling was conducted by Shite vice president, J. Calvin Strayer, of York, York county, and the newly appointed district dent Wilbur Leathers from Howard, - | gloves, | Calder Ray. | called | been prepared, and t | dle Allen, Joseph 8. Pressler | ~Seveu-inch 1ce is being housed now. | Miss Helen Hull, who has been ser- iously ill with remittent fever, is some what better J. ‘A. Hoy, of Zion, gave us a call; also J. D, Wm, Hampton of Bellefonte, —J]. Kennedy Johnston, Esq. transact. ed business in his old home at Mt Eagle on Tuesday. He didn't go after bear this time. —Mid-year examinations are now being held at the Bellefonte Academy which are proving very satisfactory” to both teachers and students, -S. D. Ray, of Bellefonte, the shirt and suspender manufacturer, has added another branch to his already prosper- ous industry in shape of making canvass | charge of his son, | It will be in -Saturday evening the Bellefonte Academy basketball team defeated the Juniata College preps by a score of 41 to 24 The game was played inthe Y. M C. A. gymnasium and each good forth loud applause from spectitors Bush, assi Williamsport George T, tant secert the ary of Consistory of the Mayes of Watsontown, and | play | the | PORT MATILDA. Rankin McMonigal has his new d well | ing house completed and ready for occu | pasicy, Dan Hardy, the expert plaster. jer, of Tyrone, put the finishing touch { to it on Saturday, | Sam Homan has closed up the R. R, {tie and bark prop making, and accepted a position with Nason brothers, of Lo i { cust Mills, *with whom he has worked for | | several years, | The oil and gas company now wnder | organizat of in Centre county will if | formed properly, prove an enterprise of | much value to Bald Eagle valley. On Saturday evening last, a cotillion | party was given for the enjoyment of | the young people in Reese Hollow; all yas harmonious and the party wasa social success. Near the end a drama was introduced which caused much ex. citement and laughter. One of the | dancers havipg grown tired dancing, sat down on the end of a board seat in a {hurried manner, causing it to tip up, which in some manner struck and dis- lodged a large crock of applebutter which came down mouth first splashing on the dancing fl the wreck was cleared away the party went on gaily tot 00r; and he end Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Ma- | sons of the for that city vocation of this historic I 1 that a class of receive the degree 32nd inclusive 12nd degree, loft i a three order one hun from the 4th Tuesday lav ( to attend ays 18 ex will the pected 1red To morrow nte ni (Friday) 1 dellefo Academy foot hold its annual banquet at the hoff Hou An elaborate program has fie occasion 1s considerable interest a ts. The Academy team n record this season deserve to sit down to a feast le they y good Ing a strange colored and neanor on the street was such as ise Policegpan ] sD Ll ” to jellefonte yr 131 IOUS." 1 "Hoy a « Jisslon ¢ into the mental condition of several weeks bas | for her strange and Mrs Hezeki . " Miss ns nnn wh who fur toward $4 ons aiming She sti man bas employed ¢ sassinatefier in She gave other was unbalanced g the Baby Act stately Re bed! Yas a Playin . ’ efeate nevi the “Little 4 ne but they Ss that ot Big Five but if sy basket ball let them play ' \ ork ey had a big tir do- eCIsons int the a 1 all is rather hu ting : ! ty to have it sm it they ake hem so often AD be as crooked as a Missionary Day be Mission Methodist B Rs sunday will Bellefonte i. Rev, | Ri Sermu ary Day church, Stem, preached Sabbath so that be the One of day are Jennie M. Japanese tions for this object this occa he Sabbath hool the nn : h sak both and alternoon the greal PIS an i greeted { rch school in ne Fie lone 1 Japan H ers Speaker ar ee Republican Conventi n April 20. R. Andrews has called can Sate convention to meet n Harrisburg on Wednesday, April 29 in the Majestic theatre A justice of the Superior court and a delegation to the National Republican convention will be selected Chairman the Kepub An order issued by Third Vice Presis nt Potter of the Baltimore and Ohio Rallrond Lall use of intoxicants is prohi bited to employees of the road engaged financial secretary, Tracy G. Lambert; | in’ any capacity in the digection or run. | ning of trans, It applies to all men whether on or off duty, In drinking liquor some men complain that it goes to the head and others that it Jou to the feet; which would seem to in. icate that it goes where there is the most room for it. _ e TR —— con- | CURTIN Alice Neff attend | Milesburg, Florence Spea tertained a few of her friends Thursday evening. All report a good time, / Pearl Dukeman was visiting her broth- er Harry, of Bellefonte : Hon. H, R. Curtin and wife, 1 business at Reading, party of young folks visited Joseph t's Thursday evening Mrs. Jor es, Mile friends here Earle Bathu his parents Ed said ed local 8, Gf thie roi transact. A of visit siled ‘ y rst, of Altoona, is Bru Joe h traps alone We and ad bette and wife sekeeping, as Cheap cloths 1 ’ irooks haere CENTRE HALL a MARRIAGE LICENSE es Mart Be TAKE NOTICE. fT nD of ihe Centre Hi, RITEArs NH SUDs we ef a Remittance Blank, th week Look at the date on your label it will tell from what date you are due You calculate the 3 As the new Postal Order, hibits us fr CiaAs AD easily mount No onl papers pro % ym mailing at rate to all persons over one year due, you will realize that we are compel! ed to strike all such names from in the future NOW, paper Please attend to this as it nsure you getting the regularly Den't Depend Entirely on God. A Colorado bx in New Eng! tirse and observed the elaborate prepa rude ta being made for Thanksgiving ‘hey had Thanksgiving In Colorado. but not on #0 grand a scale, and he In quired of his New En object of it all Why thank % of our crops t you don’t thank God for your do you asked the Colorado y was visiting a cousin xl about we God for the bless : in I~ hu crops hd oy “You, of course we do. Don't you?” “No; we don't depend entitely on God for our crops. We Irrigate.” A bunch of keys was found 1a front of John W. Hubler's pig pen near State College, and the same will be cheerfully refunded if the owner calls for morning Jan { key ring and two keys " | With a Democrat among its Commis | sioners Lebanon County has cut its debt $10,000, reduced taxes to 1% mills and has $25,000 in its treasury. Thete are men w ‘for a living than go into politics. md our list will Thanksgiving ginnd cousin the | Lucas has stopped | them | personally ; they were found on Sunday | 19th; consists of a large | SNOW SHOE TWP, GORTON, Since the mines have shut will come out and give the Cer ocrat readers a few items, Mrs, Arthur Yeager made a business trip to Snow Shoe one day last week, Ira Packer spent Sunday at his home at Yarnell, Since the mines have shut down John mule driving and has taken up the carpenter trade. America Confer and Myrtel Heaton spent Thursday afternoon at Peale, Mrs. Jennie Confer, of Curtin, spent afew days with her sisters here. Blane Rox key and wife, of Avis, are visiting their parents here, Clayton Yarnell has returned after a few days with his fam at Yarnell, Bill Nyman has retired from hunting and is getting up subscribers for the Centre Democrat. Good for you, Billie. Mrs Heaton, of Gorton, visited Mrs. Henry Confer one day last week, Arthur Yeager did some shopping in Peal, Saturday. Jacob Heaton week's visit at Yarnell Henry Confers dog -has returned to his old home at Yarnell, because they do not receive the Centre Democrat, : France Poorman w seen recently Jacob Heaton made Snow Shoe, Saturday Master Walter Heat very pleasantly here REBERSBURG ity, of Miflinburg, is down we itre Dem lv ny, uw ARIE has returned after a as on our reels trip ww n «t Rind m spent Sunday Nora Dot pend relatives and James Frank ing here, Roland Royer and wife spent sometime with Mr er, Mrs. Polly Royer. Ida Douty, of this place, Harbach, of Eastville rimony in RASS th of Harrisburg, is visit. of Alt Royer’ OOnAa, moth and James were joined in ited Evangelical B mat 5 Was ¥ ~ : 5 wr dh and Martha, with hard words to pronos nol prooounce goup (go fore had to take the foot The ' i inee M3 OD there- INFORMATION WANTED The get lng places glist of subscribers have beer Centre Demoera' at different moved without potifvieg us of Lhe caving directions i the post doubt the ng why o% Dol rea the ar iy Any regaroit | i F OO ad Wied if w y re Won 5 rd Yeamu Na Ww r We J. ( TMER, Mt ¥ Kueganen te Becnoe SE. Parks! Mar.J H Roxx: R.P Louk, Altoona. No F.8 Bina Mires Osean, Vilas, Fa Mongax Toomas, Holl Mis Joux Huson, Lake Clty, Minn Eowin Hazel, Loraine, Ohlo J. W_Huosrrox Altoona, Ma L.C. KLixg, Beliclonte, Pa DW. Beauv, Banebard, Pa Hanns Haxsri, Johnsonburg 6G. BB Brusaant, Franklin, Fa SAMUBRL Reve, Hosterman, W.Va WR Forres, Winbarae, Pa BF Batnunar, fF Swmithiield Wt burg. Pa Mus. Jaws: Mangie, Fraaklinville Pa Jomx Gririrtaxp, Sparrows Point, Md Lizzie Suikk Beneadict, Pa Mus, Davis Lavey, Gree burr Mas, Cora Dixon, Jersey Onty, N 13 Borgen BR 1 Manny Mies, Tyrone, Va HK. Bann, SanFraneisco, ( street Pe Aar MM re. Fa 2, Woodward Sami RRpox Fa Giron MF Fa 70 Seventh ave Snow Shine daysburg. Fa Fits st Fa J al -¥2T Bryant Fraxtz, Tyrone Mas. Winim DaviDsos Oro. Frantz Huis Nery Hanny 8 Hoy Eowann C1 Mus. E HH. Swantz Mus, Jesnie Cunny Cuan NToNpRaken. Bayer ELwoon Beooks, Alb ona W PF Burenr Freeport 11 E T.lrwin, Sheridanvilie, Pa Divid Braver, " Geo, Pechtol, Renova E MM. Wagner, Bucknell, a Lloyd O, Biddle, West Decatur, Pa Heary Cropister. 37 fad street, Altoona Frank G. Fry Fa FPuroaoe Edward Jonson Clear field J A Gramiey, Plainfield, 11 C, North, Phillipsburg C.K Henry, Rebersbure. 0 Sarvey, Horton Helshis, Eilzabeth MeCartney Richmond Va SA Rothermel 518 Penn St. Norristowd n Riggleman, Tyrone ames Dull, Winburne Pa. ply us Brogger. Bellefonte, formerly Am A Ammerman, Bellefonte, formerly Pon. "tealrn Port Matilda Fort Coline, ole Rellefonte Auk, Warriorsmark £10 igh Ave Fetersbhore, Cansds W.Va Altoona Remember This. During the past week ceived po less than a dozen inqui complaints from patrons who tances during January their label was not changed, The right on that point, but YY OVE matter that we have specially hundreds of times, above the “Editorial” correct our mailing | onNLy all subscription January are Ast” at the end print enougtl ary. Therefore, if during January on s not find your | ISSUE OF FEBRUARY we and a in credited of the 1 lists to la abe] Hospital Benefit Dr. Thos. C. VanTrie recital in the Friday evening, Ja: | Subject—** Anecd oe | of Eminent Men have seen and heard be free, but there wi and tion taken up for the fonte Hospital, av reserved seats Mr. Barcia | trict Cen | McKean | C andidacy | papers of ( tre counties tor renomi ameron | | 8am RODAY, MAH 14 | ner Twp Frederick Horses, 3 cows | | | At Rox pr Hammerer buggy, wagons ; 1o'choek. LL. ¥. May AFPLK ATION FOR CHA | In the Court of ( | of Centre | Notice is hereby | be made to the Hor | of sald Cours M | A.D 1908 atten | provide for the ine | CETLAIN corporat | 1574, and ius sug man. J. Wells Stover, Benjan in | | and Wm. Neese for ibs | OGrporation Ww Ix | FORMED CHUR county, I the chs is for tb or H the od acoordin and uv Wa SL gt ages of Ll ares of VE, DOBBOS d privileges pp) ener : in the the ot @¢ hundredth a dependence of the FEN Any subs ment RB ihis ¢ BOL e200 3 orl a word oh Cents vi that No this adver Mee | WANTED CADET Of fonts FOR SALY ant R22 box 1M ) SALLY SLore REMOVED ™ bave been removed f Omptire Coumty Bank Building on the North FOR SALLY Severs Homers, Fanialls. 7 Sd several other © Sell as ow as 75 cents por Pigeon Lofts, Bellefonte ar Risck Per Weight Will Ada Be FOR SALE years old and all right of good horses Ueary, Tusseyville AUCTIONEER L. Frank offers his serviees Lo 1} eer. farm and stock = tion guaranteed H phones adress 1 mont, Pa Lath six mensions r Gimeno or WANTED not, Ye of cart 3 forme Bellefonte a a AUVCTIONEFR I Mere ¥ farm ¥ On en mont, Mn TE SA RISE ahd stow 5 ~~ aranlevd AGOress BERSUPPLIFS of W K Willams & Danesn beer brood Rives supersection by tion eves. comb w uptodate bed ravers have “M re- res and wit remit. that the date on Were rlook “a tioned week We month during {ailing then ¥F ¢bru t Dale f Ab Brick House goons utters, wi Kevystone bars MABKIT QUOTATIONS, PRODUCE paid bs RELLEFONTY The following prices are Oo tor produce Eggs. per dosen Lard, per pound Tallow, per pound Putter, per pound Side. per pourd, Shoulder. per pound —— BELLEFONTE: GRAIN ner, for grain | aaa ea Ceeh uh ee The following prices are paid by © Sechler & Y. Wage see Rade