Pack 9 'HE tENTRE DEMOCRAT. ¥ LLEFONTE, PA. ~ 28, 1907 cmd Qs cs ceil, Sixtieth # New Paces In Senate and House — Work That Con- fronts Uncle Sam's So- lons In Washington. HE Sixtleth con- gress meets un- der clircum- stances rather unusual. There has been more or less excite- ment over the financial situa- tion In New York and other business cen- ters, and the problem of cur- rency reform will present it- self to congress for speedy con- sideration. As to what ought to be done In the way of re- | form of exist. ing laws per taining to the currency there » agreement, but It is tion that the Six- not adjourn its first some way taking of the conditions for many esent financial sit me the subject of of corporations en the teth [ wonsible n s supposed FJ iin the ideas of t on tl t. Mr 1 the wisdom of both messages and expected that a genera n of the tariff will be attempted t debate on subject ma; ! nectl carrying out the 8 of t trat the re: of th wool ] iN 1 mittee lisher presi 1¢ i tained 1 prom! for 1@ sublee on on ¢ tariff on paper and by the com % which visited the equested oun isla n the The » has the enate greatest vhere the sth of the y large of the members ob wr Gore, gubernatorial g£ the choice by the it meets In January members are Jefferson Robert I. Taylor Dizon of Mon Paynter of Kentucky, n of Delaware, Frank New Jersey, William E Idaho, Jonathan Bourne of Oregon, Norris Brown of Nebraska, Johu H. Bankhead of Alabama, Joseph H. Johnston of Aabama, Simon Gug genhelm of Colorado, Isaac Stephen. | son of Wisconsin, Willlam Alden Smith of Michigan and Charles CC. Cur tis of Kansas The house of representatives in this congress numbers 301, of whom 223 are Hepublicans and 108 Democrats, &iving the Republicans a majority of | 66. The majority party is about twice | as strong as the minority in the sen. ate. Among the new members of the | house Is Charles V. Fornes of New York, who takes the seat formerly oc. cupled by William Randolph Hearst Mr. Fornes was born in the western part of New York state about fifty. nine years ago, iteen fie me the two from 1 ' of Okla ert | : pd Thom who appoint legisiat The « Davis Ard of Tennessee, Joseph M tana, Thomas H H. A Richardso ©. Briggs of Borah of INN TH seats by t nsas RP. HOBSON, men and ln 180 was a nominee congress as a Gold Democrat, being @efented by Lemuel B Quigg. Another Interesting personality among the new members of the house fs the | female weakness, | talns no deleterions or habit-forming Congress J Currency Reform a Problem ) For Lawmakers—Culber- son May Lead the Sen ate Minority. — N——— Wm "NTT Ns hero of the Merrimac, Captain Rich: mond Pearson Hobson, who takes the seat formerly occupied by Senator Bankhead. The gallant young naval officer defeated the veteran politician at the Democratic primaries in his Alabama district, but fate seemed to have decreed that the elder statesman should stay at Washington, for a little later he was chosen as the Inheritor of the toga of the late Senator Morgan. Over a year usually elapses between the time a member of congress is elect | ed and the time he begins his duties at Washington. Ordinarily the congress- man does little during this interval but draw his salary. Captain Hobson de- termined to see what he could do to! earn his wages from Uncle Sam. He knew that most of the people he was | chosen to represent made their living from the soll, which has grown thin and impoverished in many places from constant tilling. He knew, that in the employ the department of agri! cult expert 100, of ire are n an) oached the pl tended his hand to Capta “l congratulate sald. “You are doing paused and added huskils were wise In sending you up to Wash ington. You'll do great things for us yet, and this is one of them.” Joe! Cook, who Is one of the men In the house, was chosen as the representative of the Becond Pennsyl vania district at the recent election He will 4ll the vaconcy-enused- by the resignation of John E. Reyburn, whe gave up his seat to become m Philadelphia. Mr years been identified wit] affalrs of the Quaker City and was for some time wmncial editor of the Pub He Ledge you, new ayor of Cook has for sor bh the financia in the hon y RK n W of Miss vinalp inorit) nse » at the close will a a for eign trip urn to take ent in the sen he away Governor Var The post wratic lead won in the nn senate Is d tare! Is chooslt . tor Charie GC A. CULBERsON bers Texas Mr sen or Q Mi at = 'XASs OON A The Mode {aturally makes them shrin) welicate question the oln A ma, and unpleas which some phys essential in the treatm LAS v women. Yet, If help can be had, It Is better to submit to th than let the disease grow and spread. The trouble is that so often the woman undergoes all nce and shame for nothing. { women who have been | ree's Favorite Preserip- | reciation of the cure | ity of Women from the Lh Sl sminat ant | tr nen oy ont 8 ord i | ng drains, irregularity and | It always hel It almost always cures. It is strictly none aleoholle, non « secret, all Its Ingredients being printed on (ts bottle-wrapper; con. cures de drugs, and every native medicinal root entering Into Its composition has the full endorsement of those most eminent in the soveral schools of medical practice, Some of these numerous and strongest of pro- fessional endorsements of ts ingredien will be found In a pamphlet wra around the battle, 4 also in a booklet free on request, by Dr. R. V. Plerce, of Buffalo, N. Y. esslonal en dorsemonts should have far more weight than any amount of the ordinary lay, or non-professional testimonials, The most Intelligent women now-a-days instst on knowing what they take as med- jens nisaad of gpeding ing Shwit duit tlie a whatever Is Kong in By Pre seription” Is of ham. comrostion, Ib makes women strong and slek 3 Medical Adviser is ont ro “pull off" the Corben Fz mons | fight In the Lone Star State and put a quietus on the movement. He has been | talked of as the Democratic nominee | for the presidency fn 1908. It is related | that when he was attorney general of | Texas there was a certaln criminal statute which had been universally! disregarded The indictment of a well | known man for violation of this law | was secured through the efforts of Mr. ! Culberson, who prosecuted the case! with more than In almost any other case he had ever conducted, sue. ceeding In securing a conviction and! sentence to the penitentisiry. Then he left town, where he had gone until he and the prisoner, who had been taken to the peniten- tlary, returned together. Mr. Culberson had gone to the governor, obtained a pardon and met the convict at the pen {tentiary with it. The law had been vindicated, and there were no more violations of that statute. One of the new senators who are sure | to get their names in print a good dea! is Senator Jefferson Davis of Arkansas He was once criti cised for lHving in a fine house while professing unusua friendship for the plain people. He sa’d in reply in one of his speeches “Of course | have a fine house I got that house to enter tain my friends, the plain people of Ar kansas, I want you {0 come vigor and no one knew WVEFFERBON DAVIS, and see me, If the door isn't « kick it in. When you come in, a-walking. If you don't find my wife In the front part of the house, you'll find her out in the back yard making homemade # as she used to make it all pen, keep Just at home.” O'LEARY AND HIS WALKS. Veteran Pedestr chnievements an's Recent Feat and Days Gone By 10 ended a 1,000 mile fe ( ster, is a vet and in the da heroes in an Olas , wi ti recently ing al JA W hen of He i but under I'S Were me of the best xty-four years ol t him from task of walking a mille at of each hour for 1.000 cons O'Leary is a heel and toe walker. He Is five years young er than Edward Payson Weston, but was a rival of the Iatter In the contests of das One of | reven f ecutive hours nous races with Wes ton was In th 180 exposition bullding, on the shore of Lake Michi gan The conte was for six days O'Leary on, 503 miles against Weston’ of this race attracted wide ad ("hi at walking # 452. As a result attention. Shortly after beer n_episode occurred which wis NOVEMBER Inv regi ny | late AS A Alva Grow's Estate filed with the io Philadelphia apprais. : : of WINDSOR HOTEL ware fr rentories have ter of wills bee tw: Evorswhers the est Al ate an sonal effect Lin va 5, Grow at Lone time a1 Mr, Grow of Bellefonte he became A 20.201 Cari y H therealier PHILADELPHIA 1 & Underwood Photograph by Unde rwoo 10TK N O'LEARY the race Weston went to Eng was asked | fi Col EE an / + a a Tal LAR LR Le YOUNG MAN ATTENTION! Send for a copy of the FREE ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET, Describing hfe as it is, i The United States Navy. It will prove especially in- teresting to young 1 men, 17 to 25 years of desire to secure steady employment, liberal pay, good wholesome food, opportunities for learning a useful trade and gaining pro- motion. Only American citizens of good character accepted. No previous age, who CXpeErience necessary. on " ar ¢ . g Skilled mechani s, 21 to 35 years of age, also invited to mvesligale, Address: NAVY RECRUITING STATION, 417 Fourth Avenue, PITTSBURG. PA Er Lia Or NAVY DEPARTMENT puresy of } LA known O14 him an there were that had shot priate i uth sp tense | It though now « peat the feats Making Home Attrac tive A dl : ’ don drinker why band from the “Why dor look more att “I'm ‘omelike, ma'am.” took up the kied sawdust barrel naam, it ain’ ence madalp~bougit "wh eder an available Wren asset ARE ACCURATE, SURE-FIRE AND HARD~=HITTING MONG | 4 all the diffe No best aT, C i Uniform. Try them and yc Whethe Remington Savage Marlin \5 N, «avak s will fit. White for THE UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE COMPANY, Agency, 28 Broadway, New Yor r » vt “a ura A aiili | vy ial vw ai Win rhacta wiivele ~artrid wai i¥ fre far — — $0000000000000000009%2 The X-MAS PRESENT Girlhood and Scorr's Emulsion are linked together. The giri who sion has ple; easily digested form. : = ? girl's strength. ALL 300000000505 DRUGGC Joes ol rich, red blood; she is plump, active and cnerget It is a food that builds and kecp: Scott's Emul- iC. The reason is that at a period when a girl's digestion is weak, Scorr's Emulsion provides her with powerful nourishment in up a AND $i SOPOPO0OO 00. > A Perfect Understanding Aas ass ass to] NS SESS Ett t ods FEF TERERRR reteset Both Phones. YOUR WIFE WANTS 5% Will You Get It - for Her? & fs The Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets ACHBILL, BELLEFONTE, PA. FOR SALE © W. R. BR n the wa order we take we sell. We are giv all and we treat every amount invested, We » hell Jt Foy and the well knowrt Walk SHOES me Teo Ia" Ta ——— hc Ah coh Seca FPP PIPPPIPPRPRPOPPIOPIIPIPNGON Should exist hetween the seller and the buyer of Shoes. We are anxious that our customers should of puality, fit and comfort, rticular pains to pd ts of everyjSh Pk the bo Von hat can be LY py - ey Tams YEAGER & DAVIS, BELLEFONTE. ddd add ha a BE EE Ae AR EE Ee EE EEE EE know just what they are tting they favor us th an living for giving them full value for the amons shoes for ladies, >» » » * » : : . TEED I Ee. 4 R 5) JOD THINGS 10° EAT At prices within your reach. You are aware of course that the cost of living has somewhat increased during recent years, Why not cut down your table sv pply bills to the utmost by purchasing of this money saving house ? At present we are selling good things to eat at following Prunes, §, 10, 12 and 1 cents; New Full Cream Cheese, 16c; Fine Sugar Cured Hams, 13¢; California Raising, toand 12 cents; Seeded Raisins, 150; Finest Pure Olive Oil at old prices, 30, 45 and 750. Very little advance on retail prices of canned goods and no advance on cakes and crackers. Our soc Coffee is IT. If you want to get real solid satisfaction out of a cup of iced tea, just try some of our sbecial Blend at 40, 60 and Soc AS . LL » » » » * tt od ot 2 i SECHLER & COMPANY § BELLEFONTE, PENNA. s 11 -’ www wwe eee eee eee REE EO EE EE EAA AT AAA ATA NAN,