THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. AUGUST 8, 1907 Pace 7 MOSHANNON, BENNER TWP, ZION, RUNVILLE. Mrs. John O, Comer and yn Joseph 5 thie ests of Correspondents’ Department |i ousted THE NEWS IN CONDENSED FORM FROM ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTY BRUSHVALLEY NITTANY and Pauline Ap Dr tail i Welch's Grape Juice ¢ food properties of the hanged by ’ ' breen’'s Pharmacy Co MILESBURG M . Bellefonte TYLERSVILLE, \ ng Forl e t : H : 8 pl Quy ATIISTS A ey FERETIED — tof b alf brot r. ] tas. | future a oth have oat . Bn % v Buit AE lly TF 43 ——————— N y [4 H Farmers are about through with their | ington harvest and, 1 weather per In Spring Time Housewive are Puzzled! SHORT TALKS BY ke T. COOPER MORE DEBI » CAUuATS pondition ; bad habits ar stomach. By bad habits I mea: irregularly and too fast and not chew ing the food thoroughly. The stom. ach gives out and loss of appetite, In 1sness, constipation, and ge eral debility result First get the stomach In shape and then be more careful in P G O the | are, and the worn out, despond ure 00ds nly pnt, half sick feeling will be a thin PORT MAT of the past LOA The Coopers Hew Dw || at Reasonable sak A covery will put the stomach in shape Common sense will do the rest here . are fifty thousand people in Us Prices country who know this t) be true be- cause they've tried 1 Here's a letter from one of then “I was all run down from overwork, lost ambition and energy and could not sleep It was difficult for me 10 attend to my work owing tothat Lire out feeling 1 secured two botties of the New Discovery medicine and des WADDLE y aL , yee . ; ’ a 4 oan s termined to try it. The result de. " 1 ; > wn / ia lighted me for renewed strength and ret the festival a! ‘ t he f i 4 vy fh ly le | vigor and energy came with the first i Saturday 1 gl ' J : i i » i Bent | atin R anned Good anil ed los ) | tae doats It's effect Was different v yboc hn ¢ 1 iH \t ma wdily packed and carried from anything I had ever taken : : ina sheer. of Lack iia he ) : : ¢ ; " i ; . : : ‘ t | finished the two bottles now and feel hi & | " K. MeDade, ecnier Coss ng h rend enn ' ry H \ ; oy : f ; | i ¢ i ek i tl 3 Aik Ma : ‘ ' ¢ team for GOOD GROCERIES | well and strong again Oo { i Ola v1 : ) ivi team | : \ ha Be ng ”» | B39 Dix Ave., Detroit, Mich. friend. Miss Sayder, of Btate ( ' ) Y hpi aril 3 WW. WN ; ng props from ® ‘ 4 i 4 y ont fn of all kinds, at very low prices, may | ———— Bell § pd Jessie Way, spent Sunday N 11 man and wife are ’ \ . : : Fr ¢ in Snyder cout | We hear favorable reports of these ¢ onte. former's home J E. Clark's always be found at " Alora pki es Air i mous mm ¥ : ere seer ts be lotta Oo Some fellows don't get married because A WO MAD is an i nd is ai of th na Dt rh bd Jo 4 E.T. ROAN, GROCER, ‘bout thew. i his girl's father can't afford it | how and his money BISHOP ST, BELLEFONTE Sidoey Krumrine, Druggist. ; VAN NNSA NW =