| ~] CIR « LATION FOB Circulation Over 5,200 DALE REUNION AT OAK HALL Last Saturday Attended Largest in Centre County. TAG YOUR DOG Held on and Largely ABLE ADDRESSES DELIVERED Historical Sketches Read by Dr. J. Y. Dale, of Lemont, and Clement Dale Esq , of Bellefonte--A Royal Repast Under the Old Apple Trees \I : > 3 a \ Board of Maz The long table fairly screech: | Mes Frank P. Blair its heavy Joad of choice | erick Kugiz and Rev It brought to nind the days at A pientine, trea rs--Mis« Em Miss Harper } re inth 1Af hy - 10D ImMeais, served in t na-fash age y viands HE A. Schmide. J nmiditiee was then chosen D : . * % the old homestead on the Jarm where sarter “and draft a everything was full and plenty After aryl vlaw It was made : {inner the + inn gr y 1! ’ Ww w pare a ny 1a Copperhead Snake ir Barrel AL, : Cory i i passe Or ¢ firat to : : en at Hart Kicking on Price of Electricity ry business men are term exorbitant light on the Ldison company, they meter sy which Followed Precedent opoly of the light business of the ace, a bride including gas, A large number t business men have summond a repre. | Ix sentative of the Westinghouse company and have determined to unite in putting up a plant of their own to light their stores, and which will be enlarged in time and the wires extended as left A week : cause the house he provide A Pennsyivani her hus band's home alle the OBE y moon od was locat ed where copperhead snakes numerous that it was dangerous to stay ithere, It will be recalled that the first | cause of too much snake Fred constit std m were so | designated above was thrown | pair broke up housekeeping in Eden be- | The suit for das ages was settled for the BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, AUGUST ENORMOUS FINEFOR RUA STANDARD OIL G0 ; Sevore Penalty for Accepting Rebales From Rallroads {AWAY COUPLE CAUGHT IS OVER 29 MILLION DOLLARS Will Appea Er ormo Jompar C } Robbed at ying s disapprovs the a f Penna On CXeTCING | Standard have affected slate | : nipul of the oil there, was an industry by the BE all committed. Mr. Dale had with him membered by many wi Sunday S wil . e day t 1 y the pocketbook of the ter century poo 4 con and will be attende wo he vandse Tw Lewisbnrg Pays Dam we Suit, Look At It Now. houg ily remitted wi during the past find proper credit of the date { fra bill of | ONLI ny ill Wf Win { slong at the point : : ; from his | 8% of an error please notify the office killed, the horse having been | at once frightened at a Reading railroad train | : on mbel th while driving week : ana rig lend our moral support than our mon. ey sum named above i Appropriate PPro ‘ In telling how its operations | #ong, composed by Prof, Waning which T his was the poem that re ™ their | Look at it now, and in| : It is easier, and generally safer, to CIRCULATION HE PAST SIX } 19 5190 COPIES Fou oo : [) Vol, 28. No. 3I FACT, FUN AND FANCY, MONEY FOR GRAFT NONE FOR VETERANS Bre: sears How the State Funds Were Politicians r wi! 3 juggled by THE PART PLAYED BY SHEATZ Had No Mond y f Bill-«Now th i A make 11 onOGX such a Stuart was ¢ ming to Bellefonte last Wednesday getting a marriage license, then quietly Wats passed in condition that y volo It This same John ©O. Sheatz presided when th mpelled t Mitowa » # 4 “ war » » $4 th ' : y Dave ¢ 1 soldiers were given a Bear ng before th nmittee an n } ark t r 2 A ey Cotton Ten Cents a Spool ves Ww have | of defeating TH assistance to 8 bill woul and and his { was most needed many an ‘ cents a poo Hag for six year. No tim | raise amily in his last days The resolutions are to the point and Clearly indicate what the old veterans The city of Williamsport | | site for a pew armory and ! tate has | promised $50,000 for the tion of a Ex- Judge Krebs and wife, of Clear | magnificent building to house the four field, have gone to St, Johns, Nova Sco- | companies of the Twelfth Regiment in tia, to enjoy a most needed vacation, that place. will do given a