THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., JUNE 27, 1907 Paor Correspondents’ Department NITTANY, (vobble. Ol many friends S.C her Mrs visited days. Bertha Webner, wi Altoona, 1 many Ifrien Mrs. Ch Haven, several visiting Brant The rainy kept ag but ther SNOW SHOE HUBLERSBURG ve for Perry Hinds Deckeris s caused by fering ver it y ith n being burned w went to Centre there Mr. Car go to to visit friends yd Nevin Y . last % ermon deli Sunday ard, of Lancaster preciated by a large Mrs, Shamp, of last Thursday Jacksonville tow UNION TWP, RUSH HOLLOW D. P. Shirely and wife spent Saturday and Sunday with their daughter, Auna, at Clearfield Mr. and Mrs. Beringer, of Tyrone, are visiting her parents, W. M. Spotts Miss Hannah and Ivy Gardoer, of Loveville, are spending some time with their many friends here. The warm showers and bright sun. shine are movin almost at a stand still, Rev, Kiffer will preach here, Sunday, th. ul J rd Titans and wife spent Sunday at G, | %. Spott’s. Miss Bess Fetzer spent Sunday at unville, things along that were | THE NEWS IN CONDENSED FORM FROM ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTY RUNVILLE Jingham and also daughter Mrs and Earl sons (re wge po after a MACKEYVILLE rop will be promises a fair in many yield eat is in ondition and more promising than for many years conditions injure the wheat a fine crop will be harvested this year is an medium ne wi fine « is Unless later ay ! A total faliure are dead the ground I'he pea rop is in this of and In being mmunit e being removed ases ira fines are the yet appear i the trees out by roots » doing well As oot pu 14] As in the rops have been replanted this nstanges whole fields have been twice re. : CTR spring f : ol oats planted and com WINGATE. James Davidson, who got badly hurt last week, is slowly recovering Mr. Conard, of Pittsburg, is visiting his friend, Sue McLaughlin Mrs. Clara Iddings, Torterly of Belle- fonte, spent Sunday with her father, Mr, Harnish Rev. Fry took dinner on Sunday with Mr. Murry and wife Mrs. Stiner, of Unionville, was seen in | our town on Sunday, | Boys, did you see anyting of Jim Me. { Mullen, along the creek last week ? Frank Fisher, of Loveville, is visiting | relatives at this place, | Mary Fisher spent Sunday | with her friend Dora Stere afternoon { AARONSBURG Miss Nellie Mingle spent a few days with friends at Potters Mills, returning home on Monday Mrs, has come to pay her age d Mona Stambach, a visit, Mr. Whitmer and pent ays at the residence of H. Philips E. A. Bower and wife returned from a pleasant trip wit! Michae ] took supper at G } Victoria Cassler of Hols opple, mother, Mrs Salem, Ww. wife, of afew d friends at Seanor Evere and wife, of Coburn, , Sunday Bellefonte , atter a Isenhower' Mer MILESBURG MILES TWP, CENTRE MI Harry Limbert and family day with the march Wilamet, of Altoona at the home of Mrs Kline and dau burg, visited |. A. Kline Mr, Miller and wife. v at Spring Mills, Sunday Ern Decker and Mills, visited at the home Adam Neese, Sunday The venerable Chas broken his leg last #0 much that he is neighbors Mrs. Wallace Deebler, nee Barbra Hoy, visited |]. A, Kline's one day last week, her former home ® Emanuel Harter and wife, who were both on the sick list, are again able to be about spent Hun. pear Year. former's uncle iek's « Mrs week Mr spent one Flora Limbert hter, of Ebens- here friends won wife Spring who had winter, has improved able walk to the rrimes 10 Working the Birds, i Farmers at Pa.Low hill have devised a | plan to make & robin earn his feed, and make himself useful, They have caught | many of the birds and are training them | == When cherries are ripe they | | to retrieve. | propose to have the robins pick the fine | | ones from the ‘topmost twigs of trees, | | The birds are expected to neatly i | the cherries at the storage houses, | will receive some of the poorer fruit as | compensation for their services. SPRING MILLS We think the grumblers a! weather, thisSspr P od A - if the thermometer keep i rate it has been th Prof papa of a | and child are getting along fir Meyer, our of ha ing, butcher fence die it wa to purchase anoti The M dren’ ery SNOW SHOE Twp un by bis fs a good fan S ialiure in ie get 1 ch est to because he is to hor Don't judge a man by in, for the lizard andj the habit the grander structure. When a man dies they who survive him ask what property there is left behind, the angel who bends over the dying man asks what good deed she has sent before him, the house he lives rat often In Grease ARIE 130 ek ee off 108d. ght mibe BE - | appetite and digestion improved | those dreadiul headaches, | and am gaining flesh." C, H. Powell, 13 Real Revolutionary Daughter Jaugnters of lellefonte chapter | . ha American Revolution 1s iy was d a member of the Bellefonte 1d at the pen. received as chapter at a iecting he pecial n country club recen and a ny sea tion There are SHORT TALKS BY L. T. COOPER., THE S My fot of but troubl dbl ; peoples ed on me say, they had 10 agree with me. They heard people come in and tell me that for years they had been near the grave with Bright's disease, or lung trouble, or kidney complaint and all man ner of di cases and that the New Discovery bad cyred them. OM course these people were nistaken, it was nothing but their stom hs. As a matter of fact when the stomy 1 fives out most everything else is htt out of order too, Whi « a person feels tired and dull and despondent, is loosing flesh and don't sleep well, has a poor memory, a bad taste in the mouth, a coated tongue, and other troubles he's liable to believe a lot of things are the matter with him. Nine chances to one it's his stomach. I've seen Cooper's New Discovery bring back health to too many people in just this shape to believe anything else. Here's a letter about it: “I suffered for a long time without knowing just what was the matter with me. | seldom felt like eating. 1 lost greatly in weight, My digestion was ex- extremely poor and when | did eat | invariably suffered afterward, | was con stipated and frequently suffered from nerve racking, violent headaches, When | heard for others | resolved to try them." “Relief came with the first bottle, My iy. I am no longer constipated nor do | have I sleep well Harrison Addition. Duluth, Mian. We are selling immense quantities of these medicines and our customers express satisfaction reat . Sidney Kyumrine, Druggist. 11 Wd fo ae Centre Count od Corner High and Spring Streets. Receive Derostrs; Discount Notes JOMN M, SHUGHERT, Casher, BOGGS TWP nt Satur. 3 place, Miles. hat for? always Is It Your Own Hair? yers EE En a ER QO00 L* : : 2 : e : : 3 3 2 2 5 | of what the Cooper remedies were doing | As a Summer Requis- . Taleum Powder In Spring Time Housewives are Puzzled! and aly © y & ORG Bellefonte The (firm name Means Pure Goods Only at Reasonable Prices Pare foods are not only the best, but the cheapest, and you always get that at Sechler& Co.s’ Bellefonte,