JUNE 2 7, 1907, Page 3 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, FRANCIS SPEER'S Breezy “That” Column i * Tuar Bellefonte has a man in it who has become so unpopular with t of this community that he m become a dog THA Dr. J. E position might be tht as well catcher, 4 should hold Ward, 2 highwayman of Bellefonte, that the thief gold, THAT the way some girls in can play on the pi getling an the dentist was fill Bellefonte hours without earache or a sprained wrist, proves that they are expert Ao for perf Tuar when you want to take an accu INET § HINGES, rate census of the working members in | any church in Bellefonte all you have t do is to attend the Wednesday evening prayer meeting, Tuar Paul Sheffer, of Bellefonte, should remember that trying to whip a little man the other day in Olewine's hardware store did his reputation good asa prize fighter, THar there are men in Bellefonte whose consciences are bound within the small circle of the almighty dollar. They stand ready to sacrifice principle and everything else for the filthy lucre. Tuar Orrie Kline, in the Potter hardware store, says that a no Cierx DOO! 5 wt ove can be Howley the young | to change coin. ® THAT a young is a good bread-baker and is making coffee, can get a real band by applying at a certain place on Spring street. She must be able to give a practical demonstration as to her abili- ty to conform to the above conditions Nobody who has seen the snow of 4o winters need apply. cx " Oo Tuar we are glad to know ths are at least two men in annot be Pe fresm their ellet i font atta ment for » ain SLT The reason for this strong votior better be magined Howeve i imagines, for noment the only pebble on the beach whom | up she is very badly mistaken. If to know whether this is true she of the hired girls around fellow laying a great he is doing something loves she wants should ask some town. This game but he sho it without people knowin about his didoes » n " 1334) IN y wn Tuar the other day Ralph Spigelmyer and Willard Hall, were sailing around Bellefonte in the Jenkins: Hall automobile as sleek as a bird soars through space The sensation was so exhilerating that Mr. Spigelmyer suggested they go to the Bullock Swing Factory, at Milesburg Down the pike they went like a streak of greased lightning ; so fast that the tele phone poles, along the way, looked like | i ; | against Sg a high board fence, destination in safety, but when they were ready to return their hopes, in get. ting back to Bellefonte behind the critter, he people i up | (8) g They reached their | were blasted. The perspiration stood | like pearl beads on the brow of Mr, Hall : who worked for an hour to get the ma-| chine started but in vain. Finally Ralph | said that he was in a hurry to get back to Bellefonte, and so he started on : as ten snakes could . g = (the party realized what had happend WIDELY READ Twas on Inst Fri I took my auto And I went ridix I stopped tot 1 8 Dips ni 1 ay, about half past two which ¥ g around the i to Merchan hand i i peanut whit paper ther Fie CENTRE DEMO shin OW OLUMN'] go iH bet my hat THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT 1 rain or I read the news I want to ki hen to the "THAT ( There is no paper, I Just Hike And while I'm talking. by the way Another thing 1 want Lo say That scribe from Unionville, you know Who says his name Is ‘Domino His dreams are of a funny style, He talks of his automobile Things from his pen on this and that Are in THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT ertisement column the thing for men like you rif you want to buy or sell » your house n advert nts if you ton ns well issue free take three beat that RAT and lot “0 one , the men llow was peacefully ti joker t the spring which had been previoasly concealed under the covers, and it rattled as much Before the rest of | um- It] LN “oft, at the stars as this! frightened that he tent with him they were gazing ge tleman de a leap and took the WAS sO JArtman 10, 100 Talk From Corpse. ro fun Samuel ist, “threw ‘here was excitement at a neg near Denton, Md., when Johason, a negro ventriloqu his voice into tl was being lowered, and said “let me down easy.” The mourners thought it the corpse who spoke, and fled, The pallbearers were frightened they dropped the casket, Later, the mystery was explained and Johnson was arrested and held in bail, charged with disorder ly conduct and malicious mischief He | says he will never again give a perform. | ance in a cemetery, eral “0 | “lick” the United States is all bosh, i grave, as the casket |* { plied NO WAR WITH JAPAN, | The talk that}Japan wants to fight and Rei- ziro Wakatsuki, Japanese vice minister of finance, who is in New York on the way to London and Paris, talked about the Japanese troubles in San Francisco, Mr. Wakatsuki, “should rembember three thing That “Americans,” said citizen of Japan can’t forget America which opened the world and western civili Japan of power 1¢ in y a4 nation the have Japanese An have utmost confidence in the ierican peo- i le. They believe they good the United S will ot the people of ates and they value it GROSS NEGLECT. és 1rreon irreg Ku larity wi IATILY ’ VETOED PENSION BILL would want of and cowardy, A story appears in one of the Sterling IL, papers that a farmer in that vicinity three 1 ’ rooster that hatched out has a yy Williams Reunion 2 WaPEbE ¢ A reporter asked rather mah ht of ously wh ough My oy HEe a fine Yes murmer taken back iman, “lots of opponent s senator {was champagne the reporter, rather Yes? said Senator 1 froth and very dry Traveling in the certain peech said the tie od bot north Scotland, far away from anywhere, the tourist ex: claimed to one of the natives: “Why what do you do when you are ill? You can never get a doctor “Nae, sir." re Sandy. “We've justto dee a natural death” ‘We fishermen.” said Haverlock Mor. | | ton, California's famous fly caster, '‘are Preferred The Dog Evidence in the case of May Morgan Morgan, of Marion, Ind for divorce showed the husband prefer | red his dog to his wife for a room-mate, | The pretty plaintiff said she bad object | ed to the presence of the dog, "What did Le do when you objected? was asked, "He kicked me out, and I had to sleep on the floor,” was the reply. The hus band has not denied the hayes. continually being accused of intemper. | The accusation is false, No in- man could ever cast a fly. ance, temperate { Yet a friend of mine had the effrontery to, declare thatjout walking in the country he had met an angler beside a brook and had said to the man: ‘How can vou tell the good places from the bad when you come toa stream?” ‘By the bottle,” the man answered, ‘Wherever the most empty bottles are scattered is the best place." ANIMALS AND POISON, Some Species Are Immune to the | Most Deadly Drugs. MYSTERY OF THE HEDGEHOG. This Bristly Little Creature Can Make a Meal of Arsenic Opium and Wash It Down With a Draft of Prussic Acid Without Discomfort. or one of the Polson Is surely most weird of nature's bizarre « A tiny speck of an innocent white powder on the tip of the instant powder happens to be the deadly drug aconl- tine. A moment's whiff of unseen va- por, and If that vapor rises from pure prussic acid all human ald Is too late. The strangest fact about that curious group of bodles called poisons is that sometimes they are not poisons. Of course every one knows that when kopt under control by the skiliful hand of the physician polsons are most val uable medicines. But few persons aré aware still more curious fact that poisons when taken by certain an- ontrivances, looking tongue f that il aut means death f tl OL ue imals even in large quantities are quite harmless this is ¢, the ar wi ca nally apt . » death deadly ] hog need hay the merest trace of the poison Is sufficient to cause a full grown man to foam at the mouth and lose the power of his mba. Truly the hedgehog is a strange freak, and yet not so inexplical us the poisons by which be refuses to be . 0 poisoned Man is sald to resem in more ways than one; but, characteristics they may have In com- mon, the human being in this respect—he can take with ble the monkey whatever the ape differs from impunity as much strychnine as wo uld kill two men Instantly. The monkey, otriously enough, shares the Immunity to strychuine polsoning with Inverte brate animals. Ar the rat [he nit sold by d other phenomenon is m ber f rat og but there Is _— ’ poisons are sin tain tities of « the poison less It mention tha into the bi ] poisoned thie 4 averted ized | on t ns FILE FETR AY A ERE EDS EREELREFRZIER EE REER® RL & EFrETsYyRs 2 FETE FEE EN ENE RP AXE peer PTE SAREE ERIN S Er GUARANTEE EVERY MOUTHFUL {of the dried Fruits you buy from us Raisins, Currants, or whatever they may be, We know of and therefore we know what we sell and are always glad to show our stock to the | Health Inspectors when they are on the | look-out for infractions of the Pure Food | Laws, [lar as we in inspecting what came into | his store, he would not be at all timid about what he sent out of it, If every grocer were as particu: whom we buy, | Interior whith ‘resists the nurcotie m- fluence of the morphine opium owes its activity. Thore 1s little to connect the Russian peasant with an goat—unless it is beard ~yet nevertheless both have one trait in common--neither is harmed by hem. lock, It was the julce of the hemlock, 80 we have been told until we are tired of hearing it, that killed Socrates, Ever since then It has been on the poison lst as far as clvilized } ed: but, all the same, roots of hemlock are eaten as food by the Ru ants—-and by goats, In respect the pea Austrian Tyrol resembles hog, because he take a8 much arseglc ai would | 1 Americans. This 1s not because peasant is provided with any special means of combating the effects of the drng, but because he habituates him. self to it. The Tyrolean finds that ar senile increases his power of endurance, He commences by taking an eighth part of a grain for a dose, which Is gradually Increased until he can take without any {ll effect five or more grains at a time. eings are concern A "ne ian peas One of the hedge ant +3 0H one dose several ‘nn in Lrg " to which | the ! EXDers auve not been avle to make up thelr minds why these people be- come tolerant to the drug. The most | plausible theory put forward up to the present | by the which ealf | smallpox % that an antitoxin is formed administration of the poison nizes the subject, just as { unizes us against Baltimore Bun. immu ymp ni inn French Misapplied, In the were used wealthy were queathed orate cure of a cles were made fourte fre and 1} BO Kea ‘ in a 1 ’ ry 1. that mark he disposition feudal es specta The different Oil Stove The improbed 0il Stove Gives best results, Reduces fuel ex- pense. A working flame at the touch of the match. “Blue Flame” means the hottest flame produced by any stove. will make your work lighter. Made in three sizes, with heat the kitchen. The New Perfection Will not over- one, two, and three burners. Every stove war- ranted. If not at your dealer’s, write to our nearest agency. Te Rayo Lamp ives a clear, steady light. atest improved burner. Fitted with Made of brass throughout and beautifully nickeled. Everylamp warranted. Suitableforlibrary, dining-room, parlor or bedroom. If not at your ealer’s, write to our nearest agency. ATLANTIO REFINING COMPANY Incorporated rl ll lll ll lh A a tt A Aldi ECGS eas saa a a a Sana sas s AA Aaa ast AAA TIME 10 MT DOWN AND THINK ! St 2 a a a a ll ll ld a a EN A A AN A a A Us A i RN EE Ee ER Aa ted visits, two pairs, handsdOme to wear. suit y0ur purse, : ! about your footwear needed for your coming vacation and your contempla- Oxfords, of course; that is one or We can supply you with all kinds equally pretty to look at and i tt a tt ll A lL Ll i a a a a a a a a Eh AR AR AA i AAS a es EA RE ER Ee ER EEN The prices will ! : YEAGER & DAVIS BELLEFONTE, PA. Last week for numbers: 58497, 57819, 56948, 57268, 59544 Shank’s mare. Hall felt in his pocket and | found that he had money enough to | Some people take so much interest in come up in the train so he chose that other peopie’'s affairs that they have very mode of travel, | Hitle time for their own. A stone from King Solomon's temple, 15x15 inches, will be the corner stone of the Masonic temple to be erected in Sun. bury. FHBPFPBBPHH359 009090000498 E. T. ROAN, GROCER, BISHOP ST, BELLEFONTE S995 55955 595549994 HHH HHA AAVIVRV AAV AWAAAAINVIAAA