¢ Centre Democrat, v Circulation Over 5,000--Large Centre County. Aad — ANOTHER OPINION ~~ ° serine ON THE ORPHANAGE i = M. if nilra } by Sallie OURS, / ouid Ve them by her at power i ¢ from ither any borough has ntract with her by way Should Enlighten Our Councilmen They Have a Doubt. — Can: of TYRONE IS NOT SHIRKING poor pe They Insist That Bellefonte Should Act : «Want Col. Pruner's Wish Carried Qut--Will Take the Matter into Our Court Soon y Hh - nm * ssistt Dn y oy web Bout y 3 5 er f « following y al } att . : ; $ it ™ trustees 4 cs ¢. to wit : trusiees y (HIVESL IS : ney both rescind as trustees, LAMB HEWIT'S OPINION. vi vista amd the but the prope truss i I rphians'Courts take delight'in pro the helpless As to the Establishment of the Pruner Home for Friendless Children / ro ¢ From Tyrone Herald 3 A ' . OUR O techie fatheriess and pir judg pe of secur K y they have no moral or "y commitiee duty and will make evening at the i It 8s given at all backward lapse. That municipal corporat power LE v ¢ charitable ¥ ther whalest di and if | in stating it to the effect that both the boroughs had declined to accept | they in favor of this institution the property, and carry trust, being established at once, and are wait. the courts would have appointed trustees | ing on Bellefonte to go ahead and do its for the purpose. In view of the fact that | duty If we delay much longer they both the boroughs have adopted ordin- | threaten to apply to the courts for the ances specifically ace epting the trust, appointment of other trustees to act in # is a litle short of LUDICROUS | the place of Bellefonte If that is cor FOR ONE of the boroughs to attempt | rect, it does not agree with the reports to rescind its acceptance in hope and | sent out by those in town who are so belief that the trust will lapse industrionsly opposing this orphanage. “Fourth, Neither the borough of Ty. | “ - rone, nor the borough of Bellefonte, has | From this, it will appear that the visi one dollar of interest in this churity, so | to Tyrone was more than "only return that neither borough bas anything to|ing the compliment,” as intimated by sell, nor can a declination to accept the | the Gazette last week, whose editor at trust by either of the boroughs, affect | one time posed as a hero in behalf of the the vesting of it; therefore the accept: | orphanage. Since then Tom. has had a ance of money by either borough, or | relapse, and there is much talk of send. both boroughs, from Sallie M, Hayes, in | ing Pim to the hospital to be treated in consideration of declining to act as trus | midsvmmer for another ajtack of “cold tee, would be, as we lawyers say, a' foot.” Have bee juests out that Fyre He Was ie wl ha. were out the of and of the orgasization, » - HS EXEC Hwa 18 OUl of NUR Unpoitauce, | | Mr» | Meyer | Rich. Miss Grace Rioh, Mr, and Mrs. I. MH . Ee BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1907. CENTRE GOUNTIANS HOLD REUNION Plenlc Gathering at Philadelphia Large Held In Attendance of Over 260 Loyal Sons and Daugthers «Interesting Addresses by Noted Citizens-- A Royal "Feed" «Names of Mar f arge, is the founder To his enthusiasm Bliss lalate wiih 8 i 5 Hership of more than terday’s picnic in ch } ) Mal a 490 great ma are heads of of this ex: s well as great gainers K % tar to tl Centre 5 Are YEAR has two re N Magee is and General he Civil Libby inne, t Fis} War prison throug! vice president MY A EA i reteran i 1 who n is The wered to the first eral roll-calls were made names of those who ans follows Dr. Roland GG. Curtin Hew kKinson, Gen BF, Fisher, Mrs, Jennie Brock erboff. Miss Lulu Hertzler. Mrs. RB WW. Glimore Miss Eliza Gilmore, Mr. and Mrs. A MM. Hoover Mrs. John W. Toner, Will Toner, Miss Curtin Mrs Mary M. Peters, Miss Aba T PF. Shafter The Misses Shafter Benner Graham, Mr and Mra, DC Keller Bev. Dr. LL K. Evans. Mr and Mrs. irs D. Gar man. John I Renkin, RL. Ardell, Mr apd 0G, W. Amiell, Mrs. Annle © Rich, Miss Eva J Rich Miss Mabel Sensor. Prof W Dr. and Mrs, 8 OG, Mattern, Mi Dr. Robert Har by, L.A Hoover, Isase PP Miller, W. 1 Un derwood. Anos L. Underwood. Badith. A a den, William 8 Ay Dr. Mt Ad y , M Butis, M ta Putts. Mr ‘ MM . Boyd Mary Graham Max y Mim Miriam A Heber adic. thf Peters, B. | Mr, and Mrs. | , John VP, b rey, Mrs, 8. 4 8 om te Sra Mal wr lors, Miss Kathryn over N : MM Taylor. Mis ra Rw ol 1 I’. Righel Northrop H. A. Qlark Moore, Adolf Ste Graham, Miss ner, Col. J. L. § rs. J 5. OG BOAR VANQUISHED BEAR, A desperate battle betweer Gar Of one s ¢ And a yw \ 1 Mounta With tter t oling ina lown 4! i ecized, ) one of 4 4 queals shed Before s ter had i ils pa Brain much se The sow 1Neral a y ' rel te 5 » ES TR then helped To diminish the size £ turkey aie 1 of a ‘ tear g of Honors for Prof, Bright ole ate Of the and repre Central State Normal sented John Hopkins ity at the 7sth anniversary b Lafayette Prof. Brigh a native of Sava father, died man hi College Aaronsbur boy hood where San YEAS nom age i son reached his § college world Lightning Struck a Tree Saturday evening a tremendous ¢le ire storm fur nent the residents of Bellefonte for about one hour The thunder and the Lightning flashed, playing various freaks through the heavens. During the storm lightning struck a maple tree in front of the residence, of W Harrison Walker, on East Linn street. The cur rent wound around the tree like a mons. ter firey serpent, pealing the bark from the tree and when it struck the ground | the sod was thrown hall way into the street. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Richards | wore enjoying the comforts of their | niahe enteria ie roared | large porch, but when they saw the py- | rotechnic display they came to the con- | clusion that it would be safer inside, and | there's where they went in pretty quick order, We heard of no other damage. Meehan To Succeed Himself, Fish Commissioner William E. Meehan a nated to succeed himself gf term of four oy by Gov. r. Meehan is the first Penn. sylvania commissioner of Fisheries, hav. LL li li a ay ing been nted as the head of the 1903. CHARLEY KOONTZ BECOMES BLIND A serious Affliction Suddenly comes a Young man over PARALYSIS OF THE NERVES Will be Taken t For Conditior fonte Public School Finar aries Have Been I Ite ms of the Wills Eve Hospital Treatment. of Belle. ces--Sal creased«-Other Interest SCHOOL BOARD SF 3 we po Vol. 20. No. 28 FACT, FUN AND FANCY. Bright, and Original, 8 Separate an pas . p iid When he has Sparkling Paragraphs--Selected ah mined after they e That 1h Making An Investigatio : Dut atl ar tiny | 200 00 Hotel principal cre Pittsburg rete nt ” Pi ade are the Harry Thaw family of The Beeszer Brot} haveing been Spring CUmeek w : all ph a Me fit ersare Centre a coun . tian born and about Lady Struck By Lightning. Mrs, L. J. Schw of known painter, of Ha struck by a bolt of Lighten heavy morning of 19 were in the kit the bolt of HT ining and it is fortunate that she was not killed instantly As itis her right arm and side were paralized and she is not yet able to use the right arm ars, wife the well ofl. WAS ring the ly SChwars storm that over the « 1 Mrs er ased AD nen at ul h home and ¥ entered through an open door Dancing At Hecla Park The concerts and dances at Hecla Park, that in for mer seasons have proven sO ere oe yl YT m plete } v . + , Next week i from thi when all a wh sue July printers take and fresh air, all the year round in ) n the have enough store DuY A pw k of fire oh h week week off {or D MARY pe briskly ] HBROES ie Ki i nd to be ’ I'he 5 i OE esamdom recreation ple enjoy it subscriptior § come mean time, we in our exchequer to crackers and set them or of America’s great holiday may The Democrat keeps) busy all the year round, and a week off will not be be grudged by we study to "CAT viease fifty honored readers whom weeks Please lend us your indulgence in the he office will be open for job work and 10 receive next week subscriptions, etc attractive to our people, will be resumed | next Friday, June Smith in charge of the music, Trains leave Bellefonte for the Park at 2.20 and 6.55 p.m. and returnin leave Hecla for Bellefonte at 4 41 - 9.15 p. m,, fare for the round trip being the same as heretofore, viz, 25 cents for adults and 15 cents for children. Pine Campmesting. Pine campmeeting will begin Friday, August and and continue over August ~~three Sundays, is ‘about com. one is planned, special days, but on an en- tirely different plan from other years. eSth, with Christy | A Methodist Rooster. | A few weeks ago when Rev, | Stine was hetling his | many noble and upliftin during James B. people ol g characteris | ties there was in the Methodist religion, {and every time he would brin Presbyterian rooster out a strong point in favor of the church a n