Pace 6 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. MARCH 7, 1907. ot. S| Art Treasures Of J. P. Morgan. | — WTS | T has often been sald In joke that it J. Pierpont Morgan could only live long enough he would have every- thing of artistic val- ue in Europe on this the ocean, ans have grown suspicious of the financier and art collect side of Europe great wt be J. P. MORGAN. cnuse of his whole their of art them to the United that the sale purcha of and remo States. They even such « Roman Fo be nailed d¢ not to get them Br the old n come a sort this wiza: such things with that the things be bas given resent quit ge fort selves Mr, Inds of go other philant lionaires, takes a good deal of paius to keep from the public any special knowledge of his benefactions. He gave a million dol lars to Harvard 1 he has giv. en large sums imke sufferers, to hospitals irches: he has games at ses WOrkKSs have 2! feel lassical ant ties as must WgAn is rks of ram and | the o I. Pp ying sem wa tigh M asters and to do fact Away rep une in them is puzzle withstanding the to all ke some Morgan gives liberally xl causes, but, unl hropic multim mmiversity, 8.000 thought you museum.” The gruffness at onc vated tra or 4.000 like curator got over e and, boarding an was in the Wall street trict In short order, and the “gold ings” are now among the most treas- ured possessions of the museum. When years them taht mig mig jon THE ‘BED HAWTHORN" VASE James A. Garland died, it was feared the splendid collection of Chinese por celaing which be had loaned to the Metropolitan museum might be dis persed in the settlement of the estate One day General di Cesnola announced that a friend had bought the entire col lection, worth about a millien dollars, and presented it to the institution. It was not until long afterward that it leaked out that the friemd was this same J. I’. Morgan Mr. Morgan's new private library and museum iu the rear of his residence In New York Is a structure such as kings might have bullt for thelr treasures In days gone by, but which is without precedent, In this country at least, as the possession of a private citizen. A passerby go! into conversation with a man working upon the building last summer. “You wouldn't think,” sald the workman, “that It cost $2.000,000 Why, 1 would be satisfied if 1 could have the mouey that bronze fence cost,” pointing as he spoke to the fence that shut off the library plot from the sidewalk. The bullding cost $300,000 for construction, the land $750,000 and furnishings about §1,000000, It is en- tirely fireproof, and there is a steel vault in which to keep the most val aable of the old manuscripts and books, There are four marble pillars In the N- brary that were brought from Europe by Mr. Morgan and cost about $00,000 aplece, One of the mont beautiful things in the Garland collection, whieh Mr. Mor gan gave to the Metropolitan museum, of which he is now president, Is the fa. mous “red hawthorn" vase, a speci men of Chinese porcelain unrivaled sven In the lmperinl palace at Peking tnd, so far as Is known, unique, £0 MARK TWAIN’ S NEW CLOTHES. Famous Mumerist Fondness For Samuel L. Mark in Has Developed a Suits of White, best known as have to adver- Clemens, Twain, does not the article wpparel by time ago his Fifth avenue, New York, undergoing repairs, and a watch given him by Vice Presi- dent Rogers of the Standard Oll com- pany It bore the legend, Christmas The police, tise newspapers when he loses of acceldent or wearing A short furniture ot theft, sOHIe house on Was disappeared, ted to Mark Twain, 1003 HR. H York commissioner of Theodore A. ingha old friend of Mr. Clemel of theft tives “Preset Da ¥. New by Rogers.” General m, Is an and on put the ndard he at ent the learning the once with Sta the dete on the s result that the gif of MARK TWAIN IN HIS WHITE FLANNEL SUIT, Oll magnate was speedily recovered. Shertly afterward humorist called at police headquarters to thank Com missioner wearing his fa- mous white flannel suit, the same with which he surprised the Washington legislators on a recent visit to Wash ington abeut the copyright law. The loiterers about General Bingham's of fice were as startled as the Washing. ton statesmen were at seeing a man in such summer attire In midwinter. A long gray raincoat hid his tropleal apparel until he started up the steps of the building. Then he unbuttoned the coat. A hoy spaper office » across the st the Hien boar B nguaam, in a new reet velled “oe man going bnllding wit! wa iamas on!” “A erank™ shou “Marbe he's come to kill Bh They nr he and an tleted were wo] tn 1} rist Mr Clemens has recently taken still gnother hack at = bis ta! r to make him ms there's a into the ted the reporters " gham tn narters shed across air fears being Introdn e famons | by ordering me full altri Areas th as white en the buttons POPULAR PRINC of E WILLIAM. Member Roya! House of Sweden Whe W Visit a il 3 : | ’ : “An ted America Pri tries have visit recent Sweden | cont in ly of States fan IreRer d THATS ted In any of it ruational courtesies Americans chance to honor the royal and through It the Swedish na for the government of that country has decided to send the armored crulser Fylga of 4.000 tons to participate in the great naval display Next sur have a house of will Kweden tion PRINCE WILLIAM OF SWEDEN, at Hampton Roads in connection with the Jamestown exposition, and one of her officers will be Prince William, sec: ond son of the Crown Prince Gustave The Fylga will be present at the open ing of the exposition In May. The prince Is a handsome young man and enjoys a high degree of popularity with the people of Sweden. He was born June 17, 1884, and bears the title of Duke of Soederman. He was men: tioned as the probable cholee of his grandfather, King Oscar, for the Nor. weglan throne when the Norwegian | storthing suggested to that monarch the selection of a scion of the house of | Bernadotte for the place. But Kiog Oscar would not approve the sugges tion. Fy a 1 Ing. To Preserve the Home of Key. | IMT WTTTNG F ing national “The Star imnner,” has been dead sixty Years, but he | by no means forgotten veral memorials hone of his haracter and RANCIS SCOTT KEY author of the insplr- words of our anthem Spangled 30 ty ud on ead] being ase] to him at an earlier d Mr movement to buy ite the the of those been prominent in and pr the eff eserve rts house interested In keeping such an ing landmark om being destroyed, there was formed in January last the Francis Sex Key Memorial associa. tion, incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia and empow- Owing to interest: fr it TRE OLD KEY MANS! IN ORORGETOWN, hold a a nira ex Sa in Asliley A Lazy Liver May bo only a tired liver, or & starved liver. It would be & stupid as well as savage thing Ww beat & weary or starved man because he lagged In his work, So in treating the lagging, torpid liver It Is 8 great mistake to lash It with strong drastic drugs. A torpid liver Is but an indication of an li-nourished, enfesbled body whose organs are weary with ever work. Start with the stomach and allied organs of digestion and nulrition. Put them In working order and see how quickly your liver will become active, Dr. Pleros's Golden Medical Discovery has made many marvelous cures of "liver trouble ® by its wonderful control of thy organs of digestion and nutrition. Ib re. stores the normal aetivity of the stomach, increases the secretions f the blood-mak- ing glands, cleanses the system from pel- sonous accumulations, and so relieves the | liver of the burdens imposed upon it by the defection of other organs, 1f you have bitter or bad taste In the mom. ing. poor or Aariable appetite, coated tongue, or Irregular bowels, “small of baci.” in stomach, *risingy" In symptoms perhaps nausea, throat after eating, and kin of weak stomach and torpid 1 will Ls ou JOY Tha Tice I r i pr fort] time and yet point to torpid Nver or biliowsness and weak stomach. Avoid all bot bresd and bisculta, griddle eakes ane other Indigestibls food and take tha "Onde Medical Discovery * regularly and stick to 11 use until you are vigorous sad strong, The "Discovery ® is pon-secret, non-aloo- bola 1s & giyeerio extract of native medicls | pai roots with a full list of Hs Ingredients | printed on each bottle-wrapper snd attested under oath, Its ingredients are endorsed | | and extolled by the most eminent medic) writers of the age and are recommended to | | eure the diseases for which it Is advised, | Don't accept & substitute of unknown composition for this non-secrot MEDICINE | | GF KNOWN COMPOMITION. | i ze M. Gould and oflier meh of high stana. There are numerous descendants of Francis Bcott Key, but it is about half a century since uny of his family lived in the old In the meantime the neighborhood has changed and looks little as It did when the “old families” lived there In Key's day. Formerly there were terraced grounds leading down to the Potomac river. Streets have since been cut through, and the bulldings which have been erected have shut off the view the Key family used to have of the Potomac Bhops and booths have sprung up around the house, and it Is plastered over with the signs of trade. Recently It was wed to tear It down te make for stores, and this led to the movement to buy and preserve it and res it as nearly as poss the condit It was Ir hen lived The be at 160 yea It old For wrote Ie y a4 prisone British shij r visited t Br adn i ; of 1 cure th RE a friend ho had He was de talued after the bombardn thus witnessed be attack from int of vantage He morning to from the ramparts the stars with Joyful mansion prop way tore ble to Key sed to on itish “eo been wiited anxiously until floated he saw ges v hich alors when overcome nes LEGAL ADVERTIS MENTS fows, to wit : On the south by lands of D. W. Rumberger and Harvey Vonada, and the west by land of Harvey Vonada, on Lhe north by lands of Hi sryey and Je and on the east by lunds of John taining BM acres and 108 peroles Thereon erected a good ERTORY FRAME DWELLING more or HOU meph Long L estate eon TE jens SE = SPRING TERM State Normal OPENS APRIL 2 Catalogue Free JE. Ament, LL.D Indians, Pa DO YOU KNOW WHY ---ECKENROTH BROTHERS--- ARE ALWAYS BUSY Because we have the Ww L goods and the right kind of mechanics to » y the finest il WALL PAPER ECKENROTH read ‘BROTHERS, cionte Pa “0-0-0000 0-0 0~0~0~0 0-000-000-0000 0-0-0 3333838833833 33 3333322 LADIES’ DRESS FOOTWEAR. Cl el nd latest from the centre elegance, beauty can desire in Footwear, pS -»_ herse'f injnstice. sole agen's for COUSINS ysl yl Yd Yl yl Ol lO Opel Olle LEA A WE TE of fashion, and grace the most fashionable Woman Women who want the correct and smartest styles Dress Footwear should come here, We have the reputa tion of having the best to be had Our Handsome Dress Sandals and Slippers for the com Ing excell neo, Boots, Oxfords, season are marvels of The styles are the very and possess all the The Woman whe goes elsewhere for Footwear will do We've a size, width and style for every foot. Were a MING L THE SHOE MAN. melee ee eele'se © » ¢ |e € The Principle on Which Ue Do Business . tr ORLEN' PHARMACY (0, (r ANY RAGS ed under vour doors or wv Hee OReLy ILINg The Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. BELLEFONTE. Z, \S RAILROAD SCHEDULE. ELLEFUNTEUENTRAL RAILROAD Te take affect May 2, 10 WESTWARD. H oo I Mh | * = % | Sravions v Ar. Bellefonte... ~Aoleville. ~Morris.. Whitmer Lime Centre 3 0 Hunters 2 2. Fillmore 33 Brialy Waddle Krumrine Mi AM » x 0130 1 $110 » 3 =o 28 313. Wo sl bs J x aROS BNENNREES BREE PN LL i i 4 H 5 L 3 4 Pine Gre Trains from Mer Lock Haver jewisbu Tyrone tandon and ENTERAL Ral densed Lita Ro » 2 TET & ow a A AL ne Krider's Sid's Mackey! BESRCLNEARES oN Mia | am p.m. p.m Ar Lv. ym. pm {New York Oeniral & Hudson River R, He 8 Jersey Shore » 122 $A w flv 2 88 28 NWI WM'SPORT [rim hh i t Philadelphia & row R.R LR +~SHILA AL LE NEW YORK..... (¥ia Phllaaeiphia) pm. Am. Ar. Lr, {Week Days W.H. GEFHART, General Supt. W. H. MUSSER, General Insurance Agent Notary Public and Pension Attorney BELLEFONTE, PA. HARRY FENLON { Frederick K. Foster | Wm Burnside FIRE, LIFE ACCIDENT AND TORNAZO INSURANCE, BONDS of every description Texrie Corny, BELLEFONTE, . nay Jno. F.Gray & Son Successors 0 GRANT HOOVER. Insurance ™is agency represents the largest Fire Insurer ance Companion in the world. We are pre pared to write large lines at any time, wen fy LA Pn Life and Accident Insurance, and Surety Bonds. Call on or address us at 3 ICrider’s Stone Bldg, Bellefonte, R.) Ta re ee» ) Nu» "ie vow Hgoresnor to | ra.