Pace 4 a —— THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, ” [I 1907 The Centre Democrat, CHAS. 1, KURTZ, - - - PROPRIETOR FRED KURTZ, SR CHAS. R. KURTZ, W. FRANCIS SPEER, CIRCULATION OVER 4900, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION SUBSCRIPTION Persons who send the office, and pay In advance, §] per year CENTRE DEMOCRAT clubs with N.Y. 3t-w World for ? Pittsburg Stockman for The date vour subseription expires Is plain} printed on the label bearing your A aredits are given by a ¢h frat Issue of each month you remit We send special request. Wateh Bubseribers ch not notifyl Rahs arty otherw! Wa er to send name of Ia h that Ange Wate no receipts date on ¥ 1 HE ago sary of to that « land dailie late you, ne Knox, | vania pectiv nominat ing to who Smoot, Th Mr. Ki his boor 1S year tween tween and £0,000 tween 75,000 and tween 10 3,000 An tween 125,000 and 1% over 150,000 at $300 bia, levying a tax of capital stock and ei gross receipts of artificial gas 1e8, Tux railroad corporation and trusts are making dire threats how they will raise rates if the proposed legisiation, to head off their vilations of law and the Constitution, yrices and v o i pass ey are at the purses of the public and unless they are permitted to continue their and bleeding they will do some awfull things stringent Bry fF WOrse w most threats ar e mon. stors w lic and never prote A by the i pulled bosse s and - of dist alarn the r threats School Appropriations. Are ave a sree cren e f 4 i Jetter have the treasu the countie for poses than to lie in stolen by the | fore, of which steal is a sample ols 100l the treasury Clans nine million 9 SCi ana ad : OR( 1% roa | to De olit as hereto the capitol LIVONIA also attended the Esterline at R. S. Stoverand T. N. Stover M. W. Adams and wife, funeral of Mrs. Emanuel Carroll last Wednesday Four of our young people attended a party at Z Kabl's in Sugar Valley, and they report having a fine time, though we are sorry to say, Mr. Adams did not get home until daylight George Stover sprained his back quite geverely last week in lifting some heavy pieces of ice. but is much better Mr. Strahan is busily engaged in hauling apples to Lewisburg where he finds a ready market for them We are informed that J. G intends shortly to join army Co. Supt. D. O. Etters paid a our schools last week Adams the regular visit to PINE GLENN, A number of people finished filling their ice houses during the past week Mrs. Minnie Owerdorf and som, of qereey Shore, are visiting her parents, r. and Mrs. Edw, Lewis Loyd Daugherty, of Corning, N visited his prents here over Sunday Mrs. Essie 1 hompson and daughter Talma, returned home from visiting friends in Clearfleld Mrs. Platt Moore, of Williamsport, was a guest of Mrs. 8. Boak during the week, Y, James Alexander, who resider just north of Bellefonte, 18 said to be so ill that it is only a question of time when the end will come. He 1s one of the oldest residents in this vicinity and a brother of Hon, C.L. Alexander, dec eased, EDITORS. ASSOCIATE ED $1.50 PER YEAR or bring the money to #1. $1.5 | GREGG, TWP OVER THE COUNTY, FARMER'S MILLS Quite stormy over Sunday. Paul Leitzel, of Spring Mills, spent Sunday with his lady friend Rena Rish el. Miss Eliza Puff died on Friday at home of Thomas Bandage; : years; death due to old age wilde a tower Sylvia and Zubler called on their | Jolter's resid oh trier H friend Lodie Rishel, , Ti ne y ed: |” Harry of Miflinbure. E. M. Griest, of Philipsburg, has bee | Sunday wife 4 appointed administrator of the estate « Hagans his fathe s A. J. st is busy le ne viiie John H. Deihl, of Howard, is now work building a new house, It will alright when finished J. 8. Rowe, of Centre Hall, went t New York where he is puttihg into pos ton a mamoth stone cru The Bald Ea pany 18 1 the RO her, i aged y . Bh rle Valley Railroad Con Ida yi} Howard, is Ream with his and son i home of John Griest, of Unis Pa Swabb poles Christ tended Mot (xeon been s¢ \ 1 MT. EAGLE Dietz visited friends ¢ and Howard. and their remaining days at many friend M Cors «fon' » s » to part with them. W. E. Kessing i jellefonte Wm. Peters, of a few days here Milesburg. Mrs. E ing pending with Hicklen War : : ere ew Buck had fifteen years ex f 1 ness and 1De OF what can be called an up-to date miller E. B. Rhine, a representative of A. G DRer. Spalding, New York, was in State Col die newman with | lege taking measurements Jropsy; his death is expected any day. for the 1907 baseball team The mate John Smith, daughter and grandson, | rial selected is of the best light gray. passed through our town on Sunday There will be a slight change in the Ruth Smith spent Sunday with Ha caps. A mew feature this year will be eel Landis the individual bat bags, large enough Dave Bohn is moving down to Beaver | for two bats Dam, John Blausser is moving on his fatherinlaw's farm, vacated by Bohn Jt Durst will move to Mifflin county; foward Ripkey will move on the McCoy farm, Edward Boob on the Sti ver farm vacated by Ripkey. Mrs. H § Aland instructed by days in Mifflin county Crawford, closed on Tuesday eve. AVE Arg { the Mr. Holder: perien an Da of a young n that start far pring, he now has a som and © a ler he will is very poorly week 1 > MARS Among the young men from Potter twp. who are holding good and fast to their positions is Gilbert H. Dietzel About four and one-half years ago Mr, Dietzel went from Tusseyville to Oak | or spent a few Grove, now Avis, and engaged with the New York Central Railroad Company, Prof and worked his way up until at present he is assisting the foreman car inspector, | mostly in the office work, but sometimes he looks over freight cars in the Avis Yards, The oldest house in Aaronsburg is probably considerably over 100 years, it 4 an O00 Ou ie OF Ti Our neighbors, Martin Fleck's, are on a2 venatalds) Sing of fury ol § Danse i the hy - nt Mill house, one and half stories high, It was Abert : iller, our coal dealer, has long occupied by a Mr. Strohm and fam roeived seven car oad of coal thin wit | 1h waa the progenitor of the pre Julian ps gut amg 1a t's JSounty futons rg *1 114 oA wing about the oldest town on the sout (Out rend Elmer Willams is movin | deo the county. this og structure ' J RAIN, | looks as though it might have been the Elmer ) : Our teacher, Frank W. Dillen, is hav ot built there, certainly among ing a very good school--nota word of complaint | Miles Alexander had a very sick horse, but glad to say it is better What has become of scribe Singing class, JULIAN NO, 2 Willie Spotts was a pleasant caller at the home of Wm. S§. Miller, his grand father | Lewistown Gazette has this to say; our Bellgrove | tre county, a former Reedsville bay, ] We the Stereoptican Co, T of SanFran Saturday evening Seiwell in the old school house on depot hill, cisco, Cal , will give an'exhibition in the | where Dr. Garver, our teacher, asked | Y. M.C. A. hall at Milesburg, These | him to apologize before the school for views were taken during the earthquake | washing Ariminta Wherry's face with and fire at San Francisco and gives all | snow, when he absolutely refused. The who go a good idea of this dire calamity, | doctor being A muscular man made | Besides that there will be many comic | Howard shed his coat and though he | moving pictures that will interest the | was almost as tall as the teacher he was | spectators; price of admission 1gets. | given a sound thrashing. BELLEFONTE, PA, MARCH be near John B s in this section weie styryad the The Reedswille correspondent to the | | "Howard Slabig, of Sprucetown, Cens ! has spent the past week in the village, | remember vears ago when How. | Franklin | ard was a stalwart boy attending school | | Capt. S. H. Bennison, of Walker, who | | had been seriously ill for the past month | is on a sure way of recovery which will rs, be good news to his friends | ws has Tord visiting her the county and Mrs, J. W. Howard home in Harrisburg itter has a brother in while here vi Morris Glease town, on Saturday evening MOSHANNON, Hospital For Danville. A big surprise was given the people of le Monday when the fact became anvil a hospit- f philanthropic i ne to be toy it Ritter, who for the parents past Mr returned to her Mrs, i EF ana throughout oe ie to have oO George Dubbs has taken the contract begins i- lof firing the H stave mill on ntain of th y 0 not w boiler at Robinson's | KR ¢ J \ "» 4 Nittany mo and hat sited him the ys moved his family into one small wn. while been houses at the mill Lou etylene W. I «I Bullock, of . Milesburg received a ras n A § nee of rnousiy ord has | at Aaror 0 Was emt office at Da nd fever a COBURN Te ns Lave hem us BTR arrange with - be allowed al day of Lhe rospeos LANDS AL OfMoe ? Peis Ww be nears r Whe peveral Ferg nes. Mie Harris Marion and Potser Walker t Gregg :. Ha i wen fay 20d. IL Half M herty f Patton, Cx Howard eFe and Boggs of Benner g! a Hoox 1 he fis course Thursday and Ww wnak May Worth secCrelary joe wd Craudy es Hust w Shoe. Burnside. Rush Spring 1ownsh He : JOHN L. DUNLAP : C. A WEAVER Comm rs { Loew J he L74) a, cond AN “ BAILEY. | clas Tari Ass absence Lizzie nyo has charge of the parsonage On Wednesday Robert Rider and | Jobn Mullen started for Harter, W, Va haw id so— SPRING 07. Raincoats, Overcoats, Cop Coats. A light weight coat of some sort---every man should have. a person should have one. tu and was one of best in special work that ever graduated | from the Pennsylvania State College. the ri ww " There's so many times and places There's more actual- s much oftner you wear a Of the pleasure ly wearing tim light weigh coau than a heavy garment. two we think there's mare comfort, more from a light coat than a heavy one, Our Spring showing comprises ; Form Fitting Rain Coats. Loose Back Rain Coats. Mediun length form fitting Overcoats Medium length Box Ovzrcoats Short Top Coats. Each garment a fine example of what good tailor- ing coupled with crafty designers skill can produce. In anendlsss variety of the wanted fabrics, you'll find our Spring Coats to be extremely stylish. SPRING HATS NOW ON SALE. JUST SHOWING MANHATTAN SHIRTS. im, the Clothier, CORRECT DRESS FOR MEN AND BOYS. : i - |. “TTI ne LLL LL EREEDENGENENUND