Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 07, 1907, Image 2

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of the schools, that stie has sometimes
~~. was I"lles In his statement that the gus. | been called the “vice deputy mayor” REAR ADMIRAL ROUSSEAU. BARONESS VON STERNBURG.
— 5. 4 tice, turning white as a sk begged | She is reputed the power behind the AS f ds
F 1k Wh A ! him in God's name to desist and imme: | { throne In the school board, although Young Naval Officer Now Head of The American Wife of the German Sale an sure
0 A & 0 re n diately set Plies’ client free. not a member of that body. Yards and Docks Bureau. Ambassador to the United States. Cough Cure.
{ i Li li ht : Progress in the United States navy| It js well known that President
‘ t 1C ime 18 . The Alabama legislature paid a high ro" | 10%
Dr, W. E. B. Du Bols, author of “The 18 usually Bow, and it Is a matter of Roosevelt has a ecinl liking for the \
- LT or WN compliment to Senator John Tyler | gouly of Black Iolk,” who made some. | Bote that the new head of the bureau | German ambassador the United PS d Sam
or “wu Morgan a short time ago Ihe Ala-| thing of a sensation by an address in ©f yards and docks, H. H. Rousseau, ftates, the Baron Speck von Sternburg. od
(1a { bama laws provide that a man who 18 | New York recently, Is a colored man WHO ranks as a rear admiral by virtue| That the baron is on such good terms Does not eontain Oplum
EVIE debate In the | chosen to a seat in the United States | ang 4 professor at Atlanta university of his position, Is only thirty-six years gt the White House is partly due to the Morph AP
i house of rej senate 1st ent in the legisla: | y1q spoke in New Yori of ) ny. | Old lew of the amount of lmpor-| fact that he married 5
For Ethieal Culture and in tl} tant wor wis be done In the! man and therefore
course of his addre sforre near future | lepartinent, Admiral
ne, or any otl
an American wo or * habit-formis
has betler reasons
than mo orelgn diplomats for keep
achlevemen Wf memhbe he i toussent occu) a ost to whieh ing In « ‘ v pathy with America N hing of a Pe
ored race, saving great ’ n y atiache There | |deas and way [here is Quite a ro RATAREE S1ar
i i MANCce in conned ith the marriage
ler the direc: | of the baroness, who was Miss Lillian
tion of the bureau of yards and docks, May Ia: |
President Roosevelt l lected the veteran of both war and ellad iro ‘ Fy and other worl in hand of much Lang! ‘IX ries mine owner of Idaho
rad represents Ly 113 ! + i Tm : > exier tl « \ hh viii nvolve the
San Pr
expenditm fi I f dollars,
rought mo his d ]
congre famous as Don’t accept anything else,
ywin as the
i . , A 4 f 1+] f : ; ’ y yh Ale ! ¢ of 1 ire Centueky for etty girls she was a 900000900494 9900000000004
AMiclmick of Chicag E 3 : | | , i 5 nd te i n ti mu splat r | a Khe .
cntuMves over | ture during voting his year when it
tl passage of the | came th vest Senator Morgan
iigration bill, 1 the toga ond pore word that he
ith the Jap ' as I nosed was received from his
ports provisiol VS in ashington, so the legis are su
reed upon In the tors p wded to adopt a Joint reso COU PS
ference between ution spending the old statute and ter of Charles
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Bohoinla and
| Al . i J J LE} ‘ a — a 4 A Wi el i | . " . py 3 a 1
man of Bohemian birt ih be i Went “v4 ny Troy, N. ¥. 1 sill in field sports, and about seven) DCCZETr'S MeatMarket
so of representatives, Rl = | Soh vl i 4 ng | e and a) . . y ich
Yat n the g a ! , : \ ent ’ OF if RL ALL HENY ST, } FONT]
the contes
y his flaver, It being
wis a citizen. Speaking
n bil, GCengreasman
as his epinion tha
wg stick™ had been
nonsons of a teoth
rece events, “Re
Boru T
veltian proposition
“by what law of
phe Waited States
F 4 west, com
ttle pamper
; twenty-six In 1004
en Wo the presen
to have spent
is sel taught,
1, tho
touy }
sped to no low meth
vad talked Mo slur
he wore address
© 9000009000000 00000990 VOOR PPO®
| people. Ile was
per In a precer
te duty ln thee halls
— ‘ s Y mf ‘ oy Noa oh Dee a wu . :
wn, Whe great olectr! avs ' n A Det writ EAR ADMIRAL " t \ 1 A Po
A > y tant d x J e | Kil
he recently rrdoprate “ ko . 1 better an to get 1 a i Dey fact " , ¢ bse ’ : 4
lay, ib a devetad read wis and hear the birds *° aene ' Xe ! ent fare sian me W g : ef .
American Review, “I i
onstant reader of the woods and lave them.” ia continual reading ther « tha tabs vin
: i vious 1 Dis Bp i ) ne
zine for forty years, but it mearly Reriptures histor of thels wn or ent post | was head of ry vands
caused my death ence” he remarked
sing Ye {| was brought up in the Ing th anger vith the 1 He, seme gtrait
. Wh : 2ou mrtmant on the Store 1a.1 Cntr County Banking Co.
the other day to an acqmintamce. “It Some remarkable achievements are foreign nations about us, an vers and docks artment on the Mare | y g 4
. ’ 4 vard > 4 & TREE n . o . oo :
Haley eof writing volumes of their own tran land yard. He was a m wr of the Cerner High and Spring 8ireets
Estimates wn Furnithed
was years ago, when | was a telegraph credited to Miss Margaret " boatd
: Chicago, whe holds a position knows lating of other men's into our Engil Bat Aperiiing @ g ook, Bel efonte d,
gs the business agent of the Teachers 28d Latin tongue™ Also, “many of the les of San Diego harbor as 8 training | Recrive Derosirs; v 1
federation. She recently championed ¢idest sort are skillful in surgery, and Station and was also on the board S—————
the cause of the underpaid lmstrectory there Is In manner none of them but which selected California City, In San JOHN M. SHUGHERT, Cashier
of youth In her city when they be at home can help to sup Francisco bay, as a site for a soning |
and, in order tha! Ply the ordinary want of the kirsis | Statjon
the municipality with a number of delicate dishes of 3
might have more their own devising.” London Saturday Her Way uf Putting I.
funds with which t¢ Review He—Every fiber of my being
for thes
compensate the ed 4
Ara Lg SEINE a ge DION Dull beds dn dis Everything Good to Eat in the Grocery Line
es. st abou ar
witha | The New Zealand Way. Can be Found at
: oe er
smatler western 3 . ’ 3 ” ; true re 11 PT, . te the
tf ready fYery
i . a : hob ; a As ka pd N of all ¥ ~ - ’ -
4, and as my Inry b 5 A FA : . : : ' ’ [9H 4 Y 4 ’
to buy many beok bal I Y / . take A ” J J
y I found a verita . ‘ ” y 4 _ ' ed ( ’ . 4 i lt
Jie stack of old nur = een ed : { : eX a ’
EEE EE Reem memni = | GROCER
i pred
For Nervous, Over-worked
and “Run Down” Women
» to over-work, continuou
H. Pes of the state . Fog, “y dn 5 f health. el nder The Stery of
Porn on NM In
sy the bar he started . in their | i ‘i innot 1 ' ‘
| leonted in the then . ind bares Pd | ; | R EX means
ington While wall : : \ 14 “4 i,
I her I ’ ’ in restore uth to women | xX» combination
2 he warkoed as a laberer ' u I y A . I Rexxar king of
nps. Ome day he was hausted, nerve lit ause it acts directly upon the nerves. all
y defend ' \ We have pros
! j time a Lime agar
arged j that Rexall Rene cs
£ some . %. 7 dies are kings above bd J
articles from a fiat , E all others
4 han
boat on the Snobe For more than
4 3 two years an expert
mish river An oid | / oi travelled all over
oll i
justice of the peace the world in sean.»
I ! = ’ 3 uy ‘a : " rao
be! the od ' he i » ti Elixir of siiraordinary OONKLIN WAGONS with the patented “TRUSS”
) fe ¥ remedies wt ; A
jeged | WE Tigh me ican = ever ha heard of a A xle. 1 he or atest wagon ever hails,
broug t 1 4 od lo wor erful cure of » . > . RR v . “rR IY >
be the easor of ; lin any nature be did AMERICAN WOVEN WIRE FENCING, all sizes
: - he onl its kind in existence As its name implies, it's a not rest until he per hid i. a ’
gE ; ) and heights. Sm oth Ww re, Barbed 0 Ie, Pe oul itry
'nited i hausted nervous conditions resulting from the | somally could wee 2
A IAA . i 4 ; EX sof A ] Th med ; tha effect of the Netting
tens nder w Amencans hive 1S Teme rescription ue . 7% 11 ‘W ay
hie gat aig Ww pp yh h ’ , Where he found the S01 I H BEN D ana l N ] \ ERSAL Plows, Harrows
¥ MATER A WN. 11 Nn Ir 13 tt he & 0 " . hr "
that the u aw aun ) [4 LS the Tine of mecuCine : ’ famally 8 oy ho Potato Pi aniters, Lorn Manters,
nn i xall Americanitis supplies to the body just those elements which | purcha ¥ a Fog rn. 12 tha a.
nn 1 pe 1 Amen ; 1d scription, but it was M2COR MICK Bindors, Mowers, Rikes and Teddera A
“1 the if peacy on the high Nature cannot supply in sufficient quantities to meet the unnatural drain never used asa Rex complete line of Farm Machinery and imple ments.
shment for this heinous all remed y until the Nb B ‘ ‘
i. sad while ia the act upon the nervous system properties had been FERTILIZERS of all kinds, and the prices run ;
i : woe thoroughly anal Parti] 5
that desnd doom young Phosphorus in soluble form is the basis of this splendid nerve food. yaed by the chem Acid Fertilizer, per ton .....cvven suveivine. 81150
“1 the wenn Thousands of women have been saved from nervous prostration by the | les anil Bhylitiang Pp hosph: ate and Potash per ton, Ahi bd 1400
ouly.4 aiiuis 16 ays hat srompt use of Rexall Americanitis, To all conditions of nervous derange- Aad : Many other grades Prices are right
wis neoswany. Amuwming prompt use of A You will do well to look us over before vou buy else
¢ and speaking iu a loud ment, exhaustion and debility it brings permanent relief. . : where \ |
and 1 f gz volos, le told the justice
rh ing 1 A — 76 Cents Per Bottle BUSINESS HOURS FROM 7 A.M. TOO P.M,
oral a! t {nated of under the laws i
ta at & CREEN’S PHARMACY McCalmont & Co.
matter were to come to the attention of |
the federal fudge it would mean the | BELLI EFONTE, PA.
forfellure of the justies’s office If not a The Store
term In the penitentiary. Be emphatic
and the
: hi