Ye Foo TWO ARRESTS FOR THE DALE MURDER Jacob From and Son James Arrested on Last Friday. PRISONERS ISSUE STATEMENT Insist They are Innocent and Can Ac- count for Themselves When Josiah Dale Was Killed--Hearing on Satur day, March 16th. | has a wife and one son JOSIAH DALE ] The man who was killed by a gunshot wound in | his back. while erossin Monday evening. Nittany Mountains every plausible clue. The tenant farmer, Andy Meer. on the mountain, was generally suspected by the public, but nn Seidence appears Ye Have been ob | with Mr. Dale, and it is alleged made! threats. Other parties in that commun. ity also were under suspicion During the past t months little was heard of the imagined that it i that re NO ase, and 14 butcher bo ww to Mi him select his but started off was sitting and i when he came back From was with me all the time came home a half hour before to to bed, and were not house until she next nu; ring “James and | started the next morn. ing to Mr, William Homan's to cover a ditch as the weather was too bad to husk corn When we drove down to Mever's store | told James to go in and get me a | pair of canvass gloves; he did so, and] then we went on to Homan's. i “As to the killing of Mr, Dale, I don't know a thing about it. This 1s the Mever's OT CRY Al wits ere lames we started we out of the ovember 12th | Juokeof all trades, can do most any kind | uf labor, and always was sober and in- Circulatior ver 4,900.—~Largest in Centre County. God's truth, if I'hey would | I had to dic Ls wore that we the NT 12th I was working for Dave P evaporator and at quit vent Dome sl clothes e¢ when | I must V1 tO $2 years, and He has resided at Cente Hall most of his life, where he owns a nige home, and has some other property. dustrious. He has been accused of in that community, and no doubt has a § Dot known as a vi. ths Syl pg? wr rh 0% nounced eflemies | would indicate malice and a motive It is said that the'young From talked a le t with a detective who mle LO freely ame there to bunt, and Presbyteri | Evar gelist 0 k Freeman wesbytery of H . Al wtingdon, lison Platt, Ph.. D.. t ¢ he closing ad. Samuel LL Rev. Boston relis e Dy the ' Boston, the new evangel will reside in Bellefonte Always on Time y LEIETY m, at en he VRS sick the wi tack of appen regards good health Able than all John D Mr. Hoy is a stet is the best, Hoy we val Rockefellers ik IX Man an 8 dairy Meeting of U. Ev. Conference The Ceatral Pennsylvania Conference of the United Evangelical church will meet in Carlisle, this Thursday, the 7th of March, There will also be four pres ding elders elected, Rev, UU. F. Swen gel and Rev, 8. P. Reamer served eight years and are « sequent iy eligible for re- election It's just as well to remember that it's always well to be just, hls i a "handy man, oA | eral approval, and under the evidence | could not have been different. and tue y Were prot 0 cofsequence, which | the removal of some have each | iadmr. of ete, of George Peters late of | Millheim Borough, deceased, being an BELLEFONTE, PA, THURSDAY, MARCH 7.1907. PETER RIDER FOUND NOT GUILTY The Trial Concluded last Saturday, the Verdict Generally Approved THE SECOND WEEK OF COURT List of Commonwealth Cases Disposed Other Cases Continued or Settled «Civil Cases Tried Second Week Reported by S.D. Gettig Was e of the testimony Ver : oy hers. The defence proved had defective eyesight able testimony was offered to bat the tree had dense foliage 1s was contradicted by others. The losed on Saturday ing, Mr. by arguing for the commonwealth, and N. B. Spangler for the defense After av hour's deliberation the jury returned a verdict of not guilty and Peter Rider became a free man. The verdict appears to meet with gen. man ww mort COURT NOTES. Other criminal Bright Mitder. cha a prosecutor |. H, Detwiller, Defendant waived the finding of the grand jury and Nelson Wert plead guilty to larceny by Bitoer pl : : plead pers filed. Zerby and pay Walter Ste Schoonover merv filed The following cases on the md week's list were disposed of on Monday A. W. Hafler, trustee, vs. L.. C. Rear being an open judgment. Continued John 5. Walker jane R. Met i vive McCalmont ing as McCalmont & Can Lin action In tresspass ens, exe deceased, vs He Judgment confessed by paper ig i nf i paper EE x an “ Ig a R (ve ’ . Fa mer ana Hone Lt An Witmer vs. Edward Sellars Trevessic ve Borough of tresspass X Lhe ah action In Gardner ve. Burdine Butler, an 100 In tresspass Continued I'he first case called for trial was trans ferred from last week's list to this. name ly, Henry T. Irvin vs, overseers of the pour of Union 1 ownship I'he action is brought to recover for the keeping and maintenance of two sons of the plaintiff Franklin Bowersox va J. Arthur Fort- ney, an action in replevin brought for Bay from the farm at of the plaintiff Margaret Peters va. Jonathan Harter, action of revival of Jung mont. Verdict in favor of the plaintiff for $2210.23 and Concluded bottom next column, RECENT DEATHS Called nephe { § Het Y ats jen Matti Minti and | SERm county grand chtldrer still liv this ox | Mrs y | Hugh, Reube | Samuel Long rick hus ! Ju and {| which she remained a consi juntil her death. The fu: on Tuesday February 19t} Mas. C. Winian Groxoce well known in Philipsburg night at her home in Freeport, Pa., { pneumonia Her maiden Miss Lillie Heory. The deceased, 18 years on December 17, last, was Neg only a few weeks ago January er name LIRA Were y - oo the Roue of My. G sorge's mother where the faseral took place. Mus. Mary Stiver Swrirzex one of ! »{ Phil pshurg, passed ® | Poi from tae oldest res ie Dis ¥ altlernoon at 4.9% HACK WEDDINGS we Usrove parsonage Jitheran chu reday ca First ! Lo on Thu k Haven Strike Threatened. A strike of the trainmen on the Pen: sylvania railroad east of Pitt 374 il Erie appears to be mmider at the radroa thik system % : I d company seeks to have that n Wrong, in the contention from the tone of offic : that the men have for the deny; believe itis right men 18 al stale ons demands aut a hat i settle the be resorted to is a matter for pu t Even in appears to be that this end the moment whe a almost at hand. Jet may yet be avoid an attys, com. of $49 Harry Krape ve. The Howard Brick {CO a corporation, being an action in tresspass, On trial Wednesday morning and grows out of an taking place at the works of Company near H yward on the m swning of the 15th of December, 1908. Verdict on Wednesday afternoon in favor of the defendant Lauderbach Barber Company, form erly trading as Platt-Barber Company, | . M. Foster, Trustee. This + an | action brought to recover on a check | | given early in 1898 by Mr, Foster, who | | was named as Trustee in judgment note i | against a man by the name of Hessinger | of Houtadale ! Mollie Miller vs. the Insurance Com- | pany of North America (a corporation) | on trial, 0 accident r | risburg ¢ A NEW INDUSTRY FOR BELLEFONTE The Chemical Lime Company was Or ganized this week OPERATIONS BEGIN AT ONCE Purchased C Property along the t the Whitey Limestone 3uffalo Run RR, Ten or ~-Will open Quarries Kilns--Grinding Dep ind Erec artment Dest Dusiness their product will Lhe enlerprise can- pot fail to be a success. The name of the new firm will be the Chemical Lime Experienced superintendents have been engaged 0 cond and the ft be Ereal de mand in manda, iuet the work. OLD AND NEW COUNCILS 26th and with her young husband went | 0 Freeport, where he is engaged iam | faliroading, to make their home. The | fonte councilmen Monday was a busy day for the Belle- In the morning the { the year bef ve turtiag them over 16 the { pew organization. james Seibert, chair. i man of the Water committee, reported that the new shaft was placed at the mp .ng stat working mE : AUR IS ID primey : exten ma super BP sor for the IS Was nted ApDoi “Vi ensuing year WwW. A walter A salary of $30 00 Was appointed water collector for the ensuing year, Wm. Dawson, Thomas Shaughensey and Samuel Showers were appl ants for Street C and Fommy” had the he knocked the P al Ishler AASNOS A Year n on imissioner longest pole Beerer were Thomas J the Yi ager Mm to erect ARAID chosen Eq M Ig Company asked permis an addi bullding at Pumping Station heir b has outgrown the present ding The the permission, provided M08 _ Sexton beball of on n Ona we Phoenix IRI Ness council granted ie company makes a satisfactory agree. ment in writing with Col. Reynolds. a copy of which agreement to be filed with ouncil and also permission to pile lum per on land not ocx upied by the Borough Water r Ishier submitted his report for the year, showing he had col lected over $¢ still to be Collecto 000.00 and $1100.00 was collected Edward Bailey, president of the Har. rust Company, and George W Reiley, vice president of the Pennsylva nia Surety Company, have resigned from the directorate of the American Union Telephone Company The girl who want's to make a name | for herself can seldom make a loaf of ) bread, Many aman who merely the hat gets the reputation for ph athropy, Vol. 20. No. 10, FACT, FUN AND FANCY. ht, Sparkling Paragraphs--Selected and Original, Brig COLLEGE STUDENTS SCRAP Howard the Scene of a Live y Rumpus Wednesday Morning ule the wir He declared Freshmen coach which purpose i brakeman stood guard on the platform between the two rearcars. The conduc- tor declared he would have officers at Lock Haven to arrest the offenders a i taken Saturday to Philips | old council met to square ap accounts of | { Corporal D. H. Harter, of Ohio, was accompanied by a daughter, to attend the funeral of his mother at Aaronsburg. On examination of the names the Monument he discovered that ut He was An A the n Va on or + QOwT le WT {f Co D aS a priva 14% For Ridicule D us nt that of age Marvin, hav. ! given a pen- was that , An an Ing taugt 70 years sion Another amen male teachers be reti 6s and ed that no female coul mit she was 60 er ers L over females at 60 Worthy of Imitation, The Chester ported that the iy Times says It wdges of is re- Chester coun with men with car Weapons, them to 1 example wort! f imitation b judges for Hisnotoniyab mint bul a danger ous one. Many a man has got himself and others into y the fact that he carried a revolver on his person. It Is against the law, and violaters guilty of it should be dealt with severely aeal wiore them c! decided to sever brought 1} rying and the first man on that ch concealed deadly brought before year rouble Deer to Stock Park One box car loaded with 30 live deer, in Cage crates, two to the crate, were held on a suding at Lewistown for sever. al hours the other day, while making the enterchange from the Philadelphia & | Erie to the mam line of the Pennsylvania railroad. The deer Werefaautifn speci- mens of the yearling, and were enroute from Springtield, Mass., consigned to William F. Mosser at Westover, Pa. They are to be used in stocking a park at that point. The animals were injex- cellent condition, except that three been slightly injured in a small wreck.