Pack 4 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., FEBRUARY 14, 1907 The Cent CHAS. R. KURTZ, FRED KURTZ. SR CHAS. R,. KURTZ. W. FRANCIS SPEER, CIRCULATION OVER 4900. EDITORS ASSOCIATE ED TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: SUBSCRIPTION - - $1.50 PER YEAR Persons who send or bring the money to the office. and pay in advance #1 per year OENTRE DEMOCRAT clubs with N.Y.3t.w World for Pittsburg Stockman for... wane 51.8 wa 51.80 The date your subscription expires is plainly printed on the label bearing your name All eredits are given by a change of label the Arat issue of each month. Wateh that. after you remit Wa send no receipts unless by special request Wateh date on your label Subscribers changing postofMee address, and aot notifying us, are liable for same Subsoriptions will be continued otherwise directed We employ no collector. You are expected to send or bring the money to this office unless EDITORIAL. 1attend the be if the Democrats were in the majori- ty there ommitie« then 1 their « ted ex ped i except a certificate the debit,and credit sides of the He cor ( apis accounts 1% name counsel mittee is to dom inate them, mu pertinent evidence the hat the governor gu vestigation will be excln It may be due to perception of ti has radically ¢ with regard t al posi Lion that be finds great difficulty oO accept an in securing compe tent counsel t appointment If he himself had appointed the invest gation committee, as he promised to do, the matter would bear a different aspect If the legislative investigation proves a farce he will have to bear the odium, The world would be better if the peo- | ple were as anxious to get into heaven as they are to get into society, : ve democrat, | « = «= PROPRIETOR | | Fountain of Youth BULLYING THE BACHELOR. While the legislators of tax on bachelors, the proposal of the ed. itor of the North American Review be taxed instead, affords It should have the effect of bringing to their senses the law spinsters stimulating contrast, makers who have come so near doing an | injustice to a most unfortunate class of individuals, According to Col, Harvey, “spinsterhood 1s a purely voluntary con- dition due to reprehensible contrariness dachelorhood, as all unprejudiced per sons will a by no means vol t, is nd el ll untary condition There was never vet a woman who could if editor not marry, as } the she should, would,” declares learned of the North American Review Nobody slightest | experience in the ways the worl +14 111s ls $ iy vould think of asserting ADDITIONAL LOCALS, Miss Ella Musser W. H. Musser ied her as far as \ ter spending a d al Capitol Mrs journey south to Bellefonte o visit [(riends Miss Hele stenographer d . it n horse frightened McCalmon ther day returning the nd while irning was e 1p tow? ness the a sleigh, a When the animal rounding from High to Thomas street it looked as though 1 ben eral smash up and another patient the hospital. Fortunately Miss Hams retained her iron nerve, and a grip of steel guided the inf there woul gen for wil with an Al ounce iriated imal to its destination with out of blood being wasted Friday Daniel 1860 has fesn a prominent resident of Bellefonte, quietly his 89th birth doy at his residence on High street He was surrounded by part of his fam ily and thorougly enjoyed the day, For a man of his age he has remarkable vit ality and his health is better than it was several years ago. He has discarded his cane, and his general appearance in. dicates that he has been drinking atthe It will not be many more weeks until he will be on the street again, greeting his friends, He might | Garman, who since celebrated live to round outa century which is the wish of his many friends, several states are discussing the imposition of a | that | a ¢! | | ~The seven month-old daughter of Mrs. Nellie Green, died on Monday morn ing at her mothers home on Logan St - William Keichling has torn down the i old livery stable on South Water street and on the site will erect an automobile repair shop Wh broker, Sim and Morris Baum received on Friday even- ing two of the finest thorough-bred Ken- tucky horses ever brought here Dr. J. E. Ward, of Car lellefonte looking up a it is desire soon as possible, S. Strawn, the Tuesday lisle, was in dentist office, move back just He found it difficult to procure rooms for his purpose and it 18 altogether probable that the Y. M. C A.. th story of as his to as will com- second High street, occupied by W. Harrison | Walker, Esq The plans have already been drawn, and if finished according to Sed make hne qual plete the the building on x thcations it will ter ra de Party’ week OWS H. Miller MARCH Foho Far ments FRIDAY Horw shout at Dn TURDAY., Manos JAMMER J LinANMLEY ? FO ares wisi K shary LT Are Males. we ) shoals farn MoNpay weal inplements At Hur nn Benner twy H 10 horses and Main 2 Ler f Bellefonte NMREITIEN » wll mares with foa ® mileh cows 21 young eattle, 19 sheep all are owes also farm implements, ote At aut THURSDAY MARCH 9% nm mill the road that CHEPS ments at M0 0 clock AL ThespAY, Main W™ Waddie station. Mas 7 head of horses and ool wo M0 head of hog stoek. and full Hine lements and household goods mm. LF Mayes, auet WRINERDAY, MARDH 27 0m Homie, on the Howard Tip Conran will ns will be fresh & on went of Kneeht pnvilie FM imps eomenee eads 10 Jacks stock, Tarming and household goods Sale MeClintie, anet On Hale farm ne Hessen WAY wi head of of farm im Hale ul 10a will sail ive ar | a Catiie iwi hwest of fn farm, Pui work horses, 1 mileh cows time of sale. 7 short horn bulls, § beef enitie, Berkshire brood sow Chesterwhite boar, 4 shoats, 0 head of fine sheep, some chickens, and lot of farm imple | ments. DP. Wentael suet THURSDAY, Manca #9 18 miles west State College, in Ferguson Twp of | Peter Corl | will sell stock and foll Hoe of farm sharp. | ments, Sale to begin st 10 o'clock sharp Wm. Goheen, Auet, | THURSDAY MARCH #4 In Spring township, 4 | miles east of Bellefonte, G, Perry Gexrzel, | will well: 5 good horses, span of mules 6 ya. | old ; 10mileh cows, 7 bead young cettle, 10 head of sheep, short horn bull regis'd stock, 8 brood sows, 1 boar, b shouts Also a full of implements, Saleat 108. m, A. ( tie, nuet ine MoeClin- | "WIDAY, March, 29 J. WiLsON MANN, 6 miles north of Howard, Curtin Twp., will horse, farm implements, corn. lot hold goods Hayes Schenck, suct 1 o'clock shinrp sell 1} of house Male at Thurs'y, Mar. 7, Jno. Auma one mile East of Wolfs Store In Miles shipat 10a. m Will sell the followir LIVE STOCK. ¢4 nl Ii good 1 fat steer township, ong Crown grain dr 1 WS Dew ing corn cultivators, plows. harrows, harness, rond wagon. cart, ereamsery for ten cows and 8 | lot of farming implements which Is pot men | tioned, Terms will be made known os day of sale. H. Miller, suet Tis. Mar. 28: FH Clemson and Ww Hat bis home farm. between Waddle } the following Bormstown at i mw LIVE STOCK : ack horses, ® ( 0, Ome pair of weight mares, 7 One driving years old, One colt, Ten YERrS OG ay LT) Friday, Mar. 15: Jacob Weaver Mo mile west of following LIVE STOCK Hublerstburg, Pa., will sell the 2 black horses, 8 aod 9 years old, welph Bo I yearling eolt. we fresh by time of id of young cattle, 2 and 2 year-old; 3 Chesterwhite IMVLE" for low wagon, roma Lire La EL farm us I two-horms sprit of Ad 1 bugey | wv nan URL platform uw) recuse th snd MLEOSs if sin ¢ nels Pose and er, 1 Gale pLher ars” lL 30» In oy ind and France Of Tp has Y w hibited VY 1a4aW bec: juriou - id the Alum Baking Powd I istrict » the Sale < €r 1S pro- of Iso prohibits Alur In 100d. You may live where as The enly sure Alum 1n your Say plainly - ROYAL you have no protection against Alum Baking Powder 1s fo BAKING POWDER ROYAL is made from Absolutely pure Cream of Tartar —a pure Grape product Aids digestion—adds to the healthfulness of food. LAST WE TH 1-4 OFF E Suits and Overcoats SALE OF Still plenty for good selection. An opportunity to buy reasonable goods much under value, and still lots of cold weather days ahead. You can't afford to miss these bargains. im, the Clothier, CORRECT DRESS FOR MEN AND BOYS.