Pace 6. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, B LEFONTE, PA.,, JANUARY 31, 1907. Pe Bact The Stricken | J sand of Jamaica —— WwW LTHOUGH a British posses. sion, the island of Jamaica is so near to the coast of the United States that the of its population from earthquake and fire have aroused much sympathy in this ADMIRAL Sountry Its imity made it uat- aral for the American government to extend ald to the atllicted people of the d and of the navy were dispatched t fs soon as the character the « known Admiral Evans, who commands fleet EVANS island, and officers vessels here ol lisaster became D Atlantic Robley the deed himself durir 1494 were descs er until extinct. 1 A Spanish color til 1665 and in the latter vear had a population of | ) then that an English fleet captured the was nnd ana too ADMIRAL “HH ROUNEY, SPAN mi being passed about thirty years prior to the tion of the slaves in the 1 Although the island has to hurricanes and sometimes to slight volcanic d thought that emancipa nited States heen subject sturbances it was not t was in any grave dan ger from visitation and when the British insurance companies some months insur ance by earthquake those having no such the merchants deemed the of disaster from this source were not suffice necessitate a change an earthquake oc od up tl of this kind igo offered to Issue covering fire n place of policies caused clauses that Jamaican chances ent to 1602, ch awallow f the old town of Port Roya once 8 po +» of much wealth and nportance that was 1d for two moun island been ac of the illedd the Black Antonio of nets On June 7 urre«] wh greater part 80 ong ni nat most people | gotten abo are tains of voleanu but heretofore tive since two extinct voleanoes mountain Port ed to be showin Near celebrated na British AQ ney defeats in the . not {ne nent 4 report ty Jamaica 1782 the the Rod under De fiercely sion for nearly twelve ey's victory saved Jamaica in occurred il battle in which Hrydges French contest ral George the Grasse HT without hours. HR to England and ruined the naval power of France and Spain, As a reward for his services was raised to the peer age as Baron Rodney and given a pen slon of £2,000 per annum. An imposing monument was erected In his honor at Bpanish Tow, which was formerly the capital of Jamaica Unjust to Judy. There Is an innate sense of Justice in human beings which rebels at seeing one person punished for another's fault. A little girl, who made too much noise in the early morning In her tick mother's room, was put out lute the ball, and soon after a miserable rag doll, of which she was very fond, was tossed out to her. This was the last straw. Snatching up her beloved and hugging It tightly in her arms, with streaming eyes she sobbed out to ber grandmother: “I wouldn't ‘a’ tared for mywelf, but what bas Judy done?’~London Mail, —— raged fe sufferings | prox- | DELPHIN M. DELMAS. Lawyer Who Is Chief Counsel Harry K. Thaw. Delphin Michael Delmas, counsel for Harry K markable record for clearing persons accused of homicide, and he has con- ducted many in which the de fense was based on “the unwritten law.” He was known in San Francis co, where he practiced for many years, as the Napoleon of the bar, and he won this title not alone of his re sourcefuiness, his courage and his read. Iness to meet in the pur suit of his profession, but also on ac count of his strong facial resemblance to the first consul. Unlike the latter, he is cold in his demeanor, how ever, and has a smile of rare sweetness Fa leading CARES because emergencies not that has great power on a jury He is sixty three years of native ize and Is 1 of graduated from France, : : Vi in ae he IRS. POTTER PALMER. d Her E inter Puri Mrs Pal eve on § siint of be : chairman of the board and equal de of ads nn 2% f the fair while she has gree of publicity nes «he means nloyed an has by ne She been in seclusion iI" A SO ciety leader, whose influence in social matters is based both on her personal charms and on her progr activity in eusiveness and movements for the general good at her residence a short time ago was in many respects the most remarkable ever {hic Ago The gathering witnessed In In the art gallery of her mar a, i rT he EON Vy AORN . ONO "®, at MES. FOTTER PALMER, ble palace on Lake Shore drive, amid | rare paintings and sculpture and the | elegance conferred by the combination of wealth and taste, captains of Indus. try chatted with horny handed sons of toll, Stereopticon views of employees at work under deplorable conditions were contrasted with those showing men and women working where means ble and contented while at thelr labor It In sald that the welfare department of the Civile federation has accomplish od much by urging employers to better the surroundings of those who labor for them. Mm. Palmer was Bertha Honore of Louisville and married the great mer chant whose name she now bears Is 1871. He died In 1902. She has been much In Europe the past few years. ! had been used to make them comforta. | aig Enns Thaw, has a re | Wer foll dann Ulled ftud fot lefe, Thre hortiateis pernanne wn! Hiv ufem Feld gebt mit, wie Kinner ete belfe fenne, bleime gefund derbei un ben en quier Abbedit. So war ed {dun, fidder ad ih mid b'finne fann un id den! fun lang porber. dh roeeh felimert, dak ih, mie ich mol jioelf Jobr alt war, in dr Hoiet fun TMorgeds um dret br bad mife n Erie uffteh un mid reddy triege fort mit d'c | Gael uf's Weld nous. Bifdubr is mer dann ab mit die Hinfel in'd Vek, net exfcht um elf ober atvelf Uhr Nakita, oie die Rinner in die Stadt dbun. G3 geht ab Baure alleweil, wad mebner aud ihre Rinner made welle, wie anner Leit ihre fen, Alfemol Gener madht fei Mert, Annere ob wieder net, un id fenn Baure, wad {dun en ganze Ane jabl Rib an en eenziger Odd qebingt ben, bid ibne bie U ufaange fen, bafy Ded Stubdiere eve ab fo en Ding is, Ted gemabnt mid an en Pauer in Mt Shivets. Set Sobn Hot ftudlert in ere Stadt, wad Frauenfeld beefit un bot erve alle Reqedag heemaei Grieve for Cpendaeld. Gemol hot er recht fpahia fei elle un bat feim Doty den do Reime qelfdhidt: Berto! dee Kalb, verfabf die Mud, Un {did ded Geld nach Rrauenteld pu fae Mt D'r Alt bot ded Dina aelefe un ages meent, er toot dod febne, fo en Meime mache tennt, dann aednfert: Berlabf net Rub, iid ab tee Geld Det Nath ded 18 in Frouenield, So bot er Seller arfernt Mann fdreidt ab dun | | ble arme tieene Bure, wad in die | | 3% globb | | net, Daf er felle Buwe {dun gefehne | | Bot an d'r Grivet ober ann fe ant tbr | | Roblemeind fdaffe miffe. | rivet gene ober Heemfumme, fnft | mifst er wiffe, bafy ¢8 en fweraus fuftie | ©et Bure 18. Un wann er dent, dah Jo Suto bum bumme Rerls fen, nn fublt er ih. Se made [dhiex all fhe Merl. G8 gebt in dr Noble Rifde fGen net jufdt didtige Bienislelf, as mol ©dlehtpider ware, fonder ab Lover un {wend Didudide. Wann ¢bbes im Menfdie fredt, dann tummit eb pre un wann nig in {Hm 18, fang mer nix ne D'r andibelg. i there are things she must de. | First, to hold up your head; second, to | high as possible. | gowns | women make a mistake if they wear | tight | sleeves | and rest on the right knee | osed In an atomizer. | scattered ln the THE LITTLE WOMAN. Exercise and Tricks of Dress That Will Make Her Seem Taller, | The woman who wants to seem tall er must see how slender she can be. | The thinner she is the taller she will | look, other things being equal. But It will then be poets are pleased to cali “faint, inde- finable waftings.” If you place your handkerchief at the top of the bottle and swash the contents aguinst the fabric, you will waft anything but an “Indefinable” perfume. Atomigers are to be had In «ll sorts of charming de- signs, both expensive and inexpensive, ~~ hicago News, These are the things to be learned: dress In long skirts, and, third, to dress your neck longer and wear the hair as You wust wear your broader on the shoulders and must dress wider, so to speak. Little LEGAL ADVERTISMENTS. APMINISTRATOR'S Oni [outers of having NOTICE of Joux Bassey, late of Walker twy fitting shoulders and They minke look wizened The following is a good exercise to practice: Lift the Then stoop Rising, re- verse the motion aud rest on the other thin themselves long, viministration in th only arms knee Then run down the ¢ ing from { room, Jutng oot 10 foot, Then « till 11 mLiEE JUL feet as thoug! ng and t Bhi nove PERFUMED CAPS. Dainty Method of Imparting a Faint Scent to the Har, IF You had a NECK As long as this foilow and had h. RHOADA COALS Wood, Grain, Hay, Straw and Sand. Superior Screenings for lime burning, Builders’ and plas. terers’ Sand WOULD QUICKLY CURE IT, TLINE Go the greatest throat remned 5 on serth Tonelline corms Bore Throste of all Kinds very quachiy and io 8 positive, never failing and spread cure fur Som Mouth, Hoareeness snd Quine A small bottle of Tonsil ne lasts longer than moet any case of SORE THROAT Bh and 50 rents at ull druggies TOR JOE MER £0 LAKLLE SRIQ { Commercial, No. 6¢ Triernose Carrs ¢b er net ab | | Central, No, 1121 INSPECTION PROOF VERY single shoe that goes through the great "Queen Quality” factory must pass through the hands of no fewer than six different inspectors. A premium is paid for every imperfection detected. No shoe with any imperfection however alight is allowed to bear the “Queen Quality” stamp. It must be rejected and sold as damaged. Five expert shoemakers superintend the inspection squad and coach the foremen and workmen to keep every shoe up to the “Queen Quality” stand. ard. As an extra precaution, before packing they get three more inspections — from the inspection squad, the foreman and the packer. Yet this is only indicative of the methods tha make the sales of "Queen Quality” Shoes much the largest in the world. Let us show you the new styles at $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00, Mingle’s Shots Store, Bellefonte. 14qQia perfume should always be | minutest quantities | und will reach those near you in what | Jno. F. Gray i APMINISTRATOR 8 NOTICE | pro | Estate of Catherine Haag, ate of Bellefoste, Penna Latiers of administration in the shove estate having been granted to the undersigned, al persons indebied 1o the sald estate are requesy od 10 make payment. and those having claims 10 present Lhe sane without delay. wo HAKRY HAAG, Adm Bellefonte, Ps ”" Gurric, Bowen & Zenesy Asorneys NNUAL STATEMENT A i The Farmers’ Mut. Fire Insur. Co. of Centre Cout Pa 40 400 21 vL00.% 9.08 RAILROAD SCHEDULE LLLEFONTS ENTHRAL take efMeg 4 RATLROAL May 3 J BASTW ARI Al BELLEFONTY Nigh Lion Hecla Pars Dunk les Hublersburg & Boydertowr x Nittany Huston * Lamar - Clintondale i £2 Krider's Sid's | ¥ 8 Mackeyville {114 42 Omdar Spring: | La lona {T4300 Mn Hata pm. pm Ar Lv » FT TLR TL 4 hd nb i 1 [Ne be Ba | » arth lh ellie a Tm - a" fo sEEmAEesOYeYLvYOeRwe wuss ZIN a bE a a I Ee ne 1 » Be Oh LE We Le Le Le Be Se TA A New York Oentral & Hudson River BR, R.) He 8 Jersey Khore 15 8 122 $0 Ar} y . {lvl 1D 2 13 irs WM'SPORT IATL 0 Philadelphia & Reading R. R 6 5 PHILA "Hx ey NEW YORK (Via Philadelphia am. Ar t Week Days W.H GEFHARY pm iv, am. pam fieneral Sap W. H. MUSSER, General Insurance Agent Notary Pablic and Pension Attorney BELLEFONTE, PA. HARRY FENLON § Frederick K. Foster Rye NCCAstor 10 | Wm. Burnside FIRE, LIFE ACCIDENT AND TORNADO INSURANCE, BONDS of every description. Tewrin Qovnry, TE, - Pa. naa ly si & Son PI Successors to OG HOOVER. : Insurance : ERATE