Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 31, 1907, Image 5

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» Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garman, of |= Mrs. John Ardell, of New York, RECENT DEATHS Huan K
Tyrone, spent Sunday in Bellefonte tvisiting friends in Bellefonte u angeville,
BELLEFON | E AND VICINI | Y | Miss Mary Blanchard left Monday | mi visiting Mus. Sakai LoxNG nes Move wife | brief illne
morning for Bryn Mawr and Philadel: | friends in Philadelphia and Baltin of Henry Long ‘innetoon, Knox! RR Nall
! phia f. D. Zerby, E iq , ide. 1 Co.. Neb . on : \ y x. 1} is family
Miss Helen Smovyer, of Jersey Shore irned Sunday evening from their 1. | 19th, while not v OVere where he en
is visiting Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Murphy ul
& ® | on Lamb street Miss Mamie Strunk
Mrs. James R. Hughes and Miss p
Emma (ireen were passengers East
: . . p | ; lreatment
Misses Sue and Christine Curry Mrs. Teats, formerly of Belletonte :
spent Sunday in Altoona as guests of | hut now of Syracuse, N. Y.. is visitin
{ IX | Monday morning
their sister, Mrs fJacob Lose, friends in this vicinity ) 5 : :
J \ : Miss Blanch McGarvey ha
joying herself this week among
Friday evening Miss Emma Aikens ~The Misses Bernice,
attended a party given by Mr. and Mrs | Laura Faxon are becoming
George C, Butts at State College entertainers and they do it up in queen
Mrs. Hickok, who has been visiting | taste
Mrs. D. H. Hastings on Allegl t Friday evening the or clas Yi itv and other
kas returned to her home in Harrisburg. | State College bat quete ; :
» Henry Beeczer pu L5e m Mrs
TW ruin fF Al ' shen hott use 5 US | Lay d r
Mrs. Samuel Irvin, of Altoona spent | hob House ‘ hd, Harriet Kurtz the ¢
on Penn street } rice id was
several hours in Bellefonte at the home | gave them a f, Stead
of Mr and Mrs. Samuel Irvin on Satur . 'B. Shearer.
day. 1 Sting friend
Al Garman, one i ive y
citizens ol ['vrone
om our
ouse, on Ea
he wagon to fix s
kK Cowen adie try fur
home ROR NX 1 NoMa ar FARM FOR REN
! : i fires
WES . : months “ , el “gr
r frst
nscopal n- | furn d rit y vd Kg Mo
f hy
y 11 : . { 4 . !
Rindiy « : y these : 4) { ) . water
MIS pertaining i office ’ at
he y .
Appropriate musi u and ras in (eb - ii ih va wit of aiatmp ; p : 0) Y FOR SAL
hese meetit Ce "ns : : 0 Ke ne i
y \ Eh x ey their | 'm. Fat ant Si , B. I i : § Pleas on of tw
house on i : tre ntil spring | } rtle Frie unvill t ati on | alter
I them t _ rw " A “abe ‘ when th y f { their house ( ‘ an Hiness of about three weeks. of grip
ckerhoff House Belle Y hold heir future \ : | She was about 40 yuars of age and had And
lay morning of last week nome In 3 own lamaxine House been keeping house for her father, Amos | Reason
rmometers ranging from 1s A boar ' ) fle. | Lane, wife of the le | es B. Lane. loyd Duck \ His | Gill, who has also been sick in bed ’ hem shit Daley. Howard. Pa
1 the differ
agent for the “ia
. De A ser
Any, with Deadquar
below zero, in company ‘ ’ ' a | has rented the house at . take pos { zie R, Philips neral takes place this
an DeHaas, drove from the mivi d , ’ session on April first WW. 1! George brilips bus Hock Interment
ation to Beech Creek. The | February i ne 3 1 Within the last t new Billie He nry
: s da baa Beliefonte. Produce
Dis hands was a | be suct rat thi het “ ticl { furniture were t | in Cou igonel Walke en lady
: : : he followh UIE] ™ ™
ves re ] sank + - ed at Wolls Store early San ‘ " i EJ ‘ H valled hursday
IOVS He put his | special A Oui ay ! ionioner off the court wa Poorman Yarnell i it of ] 2 au ' ny THOT | morning
bint Fr. afte t lines od 08 re
veld them from | anothe i i" loing all he os hon ' . y lames Corl . = ‘+ W /KKPU yen The following pi id by &
to ake 1 : f 1 k samen LOrLS (othony Ifkoria Bellefonte | 10 months, and 18 day interment in 100 for produce CARTE PRIA LY SrCHLER &
; . ' a ef 24 | GOS o X or
lesthe ; : rotate nail mamie wil Oe t : he } ke a0, [1 Alning many : prbara Gretchen the Lutheran cemetery at Rebs raburyg | KEgs, per dozen
f i \ it UF mu : ; : vill Comparime I Hag books and S| LATE, per po
frozen his hand ana fingers, In Ing sO band, a i rel f will : + papers that are stantly n : Taliow per
i 14} could t oret i t n i a y ’ ’ . . . " : A and Tutt 3 W
old that he I not get his gloves off ke gra il take woe | the vault, connected wit) ¢ same of F8day eve ning Misses Violet Irvin john H.. of Millbein Be or ¥
: : y 8 Mi im oh
arrived at his
o wesday, Sh 8 survived Ww two
tise In A Delightful Sleighing party or rw Jonathan at W olfs A. i
Alter holding his hands in the snow fot Peutitjly ats ) © lock instead of gq. | fice, is another steel wid for plac- | and JCatura Rider invited a crowd of |” Shoulder, per pound
sometime and receiving some treatment ersons « miemplating going in masque | ing papers that are frequently used by yous Indies and gentlemen to go with Mes. J. Invin Kusesi—of Blanchard Foliefonte- Gra:
from Dr. H. H. Mothersbaugh, he felt | should notify Manager Taylor a few | the attorne ys. It also contains rolls used | ther] to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Diehl | died at her home in that place Saturda The following prices are pa *y CY.Ww
relieved. Fis ears were also touched by | days in advance so that he can reserve | for holding books The top covering is | at Linden Hall. The ba py crowd left | morning, from paralysis. a ved ¢ 2 Yoh, ¥En for grain a vhs ug
the frost but not near as much as his | skates, All persons in masque will have | of antique oak which acts as a table or | BeilMonte about 5:10 od returned home | Deceased had been ill to about two | Wheat, old
hands. He is now going to ask the | to reveal their identity before being ad- | desk It was something that was need: | aboft § o'clock Saturday morning, They | years. She is survived by her husband | Syhians, now
company to supply him with a pocket | mitted Prizes for both the lady and ed, and appreciated by all those who | werq 10 pally entertained and everyone | and one sister, Mrs Charles P. Smith Jf | Rartey
stove and some ginger oil to make such gentleman will be a pair of Henley's | have business in the appartment of the repofts having had a most excellent | Beech Creek township Funeral Tues (Rye.
trips. ail bearing skates, Skates 1s cents, | temple of justice, bra | day afternoon | ers aied