Page 2 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, B EFONTE, PA JANUARY #1 1901. Names on the Tip of the Tongue b Vom 4 am ENATOR E. CARMACK Tennessee, in a speech in the on the affair senate Brownsville Southdown sheep, his hogs, his poultry and even his dogs are all provided with shelter of uniform architecture. | ency of his opinions, Ww. | of | who! { { took the side of the | president, is the prominent sena Demo of the but will re tire on March 4. In his recent speech he tors on the cratic side chamber swwiticised Senator de the lat upon iker of Ohio, ! nt CARMACK Roos schary President the d made course in roops wus 4 iy in spire yy host y h resident on ind by a ation of a account desire to pre man of his ty Senator his his person ce after he at Co The his and the rising for stories rding Hirst fo call on had received his lav oma fumbia, Tenn elder of his wife to get a divo husband had yonog ation “If a elder all's house wdvisin yo wife I'r to t divor what 'd you do? Take : shotgun and | him most gro 5 ised TA roun’ you likel i what de law do? “On. 1 er R lent. The: fis ident The pre re ther eation, one of Representative Champ Clark of Mls. | gourl is very pronounced in his advo ist who pletures him as jumping on Republican principles conveys the ex- act idea that the public has It was because of his well known vigor in championing the of his party that Congressman Clark was mentioned for the of minerity leader In the house when was talk of choosing some other Democrat to the position In place of John Sharp Williams of Mississippi. Mr. Clark de clined to be in connection with the post, The Mi the orators ers like to doctrines post there considered one of lawmak has of stories wourl congressman the Washington hear, he to arks with usually ns something entertaining gny and ten interiards his rem CHAMP CLARK AND A CARTOONIST'S SKETCH OF HIM He once told of making Missourl and the house and eg ]f ¢ stopping overn at ith When Mr. Clark arose the next morn ing he ol ved the the house on the bar a deep, swift stre fact, t flowed the back ¥ y f the b place, On the tor { of an blacksn it stood im-in through Rena Eh ROCKS as ere at least and re he 4 1 eviven], bool he has and learned goietieon to which he belongs makes a very | It or New written ¥ One ition + to rduons The ro wratie : Dorn 1 when £ years old his father died, k ch (:inOmo had 8 iren be Hin only ing five ul dea mother small annuity which to the family with diffienity he was able ob tain a musical ede but he show sport It was that to od wo much ability gi. 000 PUCCINL | that friends eame to Copyright by Purdy. | his assistance. When he began com | posing operas, success did net come to ATTORNEY OENERAL | PONAPAERTE AND A ARTOONIAT'S 7 3 W : BRET HOF HIN ~~ more It was his custom every morning | and evening during seven months of the year to drive the RNiteen miles which separated his offi from his | country home. At Bella Vista, as the | place 1s named, the present attorney | genera] surrounded himself with every | young men” sald the spinster who was | up to date | beginning tp carry weight for age. convenience for His residence modern farming with enttle, is supplied | Sis horses, his fine flock of | unning water and gas, and his | pretty widow him all at once, but he now stands so high that he is by many considered the Jegitimate successor to the honors of Verdi. [lis “Madam Butterfly” has | made a big hit in this country, and his other best known works are “La Be. heme.” “La Tosea” and “Manon Les | aut” An Inmsinuation, “1 have no earthly use for swift “No, 1 suppose not.” rejoined the | “They are awfully hard | to catch." Plek-Me-Up, of him. | i rant Auntie, | some young man over at the other ta | ble drumming on his plate with Oke Latest Is the Wireless Auto Va HE very and the cartoon: | latest in wireless de vices the wireless automo bile, The perhaps somewhat misleading to the av. age reader. Of course the ordinary au- tomobile i not run by an electric cur rent obtained from a trolley wire, and the term “wireless” does not have ref. erence to the means of This par ticular vehicle is used for the alr without wireless in phrase is nbsence of such a conveying motive power of MOKNN ZS of Ww form motor sending thie through electricity and I'o send a 118 to there mu the by recourse ires message st be a and wireless autome such a yo Jos station on wheels, with which may be extended lofty ght just as an ordinary wireless of ire department m of and the result is t oa he fare at sin ts of I'he principle the ext is wireless comm he portable wireless station, used sending messages either for tract poses or for his is rapidly becoming of n nae the streets any wred and ities are still 1m telephone, telegraph hting wires, so It would » possible to drive the so called wire bus th ded bh the Hertzian waves ile or rough he poles exter fis A = ar or the rd mm for use elween o ) where ' t 4 Dreakdows or 1 sit re Though Mar plished such ore m4 already hie and expert on has COM wonderful ne tht on vements, he keeps ri gtnddying menting and making new inventions and lmproved apparatus just as if his name and fame were still to be made His birth Wiogna, Italy, occurred thirty three years next April, and it was seventeen years ago that he be gan experiments to test the theory that the electric current is capable of pass Ing through any substance and if start ed In any given direction will follow an undeviating course without need for a wire or other conductor. It was In 1800 that he made his first success ful experiment In telegraphing with. out wires, and it was in the latter part of 1001 that he sent the first wireless message ncross the ocean in ngo With a Slight Correction, Miss Peachley (dining at a restan. do you see that hand. fork? those ticktarks to attract eur atten. tion? Chaperon—Yes, dear, but such tae | tiew fire rude and boorish, Don't notice | Bim «Chicago Tribune, | of { from Kansns, i tain not LS Do you suppose he is making | i 3m wil mal A) ONLY INDIAN SENATOR. Charles Curtis, Nowly Elected Member From Kansas, Is Part Kaw. There Is a strong strain of Indian blood tn Charles Curtis, senator elect and he has many of the churacteristios found in the aborigines { of America He was born forty-seven | years ago Topekn, and his mother was part Kaw Indian and part French His father was a white man and a cap- in the Fifteenth cavalry The senator elect tralght black hair of the and, lke the traditional faithful to friends njury Years ng Kansas City Inte there wis a horse nnd one of in Kansas has thes typical red man Indian, Is but slow to forgive my Aan in the of the race one day, SENATOR ELECT CHARLES CURTIS. ne & rney was sent to the house of ere is serving and now receives an- in his choice for the wmerly held by held nted to representatives, wh he his fourth term other promotion | sent f Ralph senatoria Jo seph A.W by #11 ui K®* A Man » has 8 vYaeanecy . heart of thest from the What Tommy Dropped The Farmer's Wife Is vory care stomach Is not alone mouth and the foul it the corruption of wd and the dissem- wiion of disease throughout the body. Dr. Plerea’s Golden Medical Discovery makes the sour and foul stomach sweet, It does for the stomach what the washing and sun bath do for the churn—abtsolutely removes avery tainting or corrupting ele ment. In this way It cures blotches, pimples, eruptions, scrofulous swellings, sores, or open eating uleers and all humors or diseasss arising from bad blood, If you have bitter, nasty, foul taste in your mouth, coated tongue, foul breath, are weak and easily tired, feel depressed and despondent, have frequent headaches, dizzy attacks, gnawing or distress in stom- ach, constipated or irregular bowels, sour ot bitter risings after eating and poor tite, these symptoms, or any consider. SHUM of them, Indicate that you are ng from billousness, torpld or lazy Sg) the usual accompanying indi- Eire and their attendant sod] by IL} irrent of |} reath on the pure aH Ive 2x Ratio th) an Ho AT “a ar im M0 DU LARLE TH 1 LU ~ i Rate Tf TTR AIMIC eT I ALHRME JAN | NAD TT ETT soidan. Malic alt ily rid Reid tal nest | alo, AAT no of 4 booklet of extracts from | standard medical authorities, giving | Aes of it all the ingrodienta - ering | | amed medicines a OW fnto his wetle: most eminent medical men aie say of them, REAR ADMIRAL DAVIS. | THE Wome pocToR American Naval Officer Who Was Dis. | AS 800n as 8 cold sore appears wet patched to the Island of Jamaica. | the spot with camphor and eover with Rear Admiral Charles Henry Davis, | powdered subnitrate of bismuth. Cam- who was dispatched to the island of phor by itself will also lessen thie in- Jamalea by Rear Admiral Evans te! flammation render ald to the sufferers from earth- quake and fire, is second In command of the Atlantic fleet, Admiral Evans being in chief command. He has dis charged Important in various capacities He the surrea- Certain kinds of toothache ean be re lHeved by painting the gums with a so. lution of one-half lodine and enehalf glycerin. If there is a cavity in the tooth, saturate a small plece of ab sorbent cotton in ofl of cloves, tinettire of myrrh or laudanum and place BK In the cavity Auties received Beezer's Meat Market ALLEGHENY ST, BELLEFONTE ity of HAM $ * ILIV BEELER — Centrz County Banking Co., Corner High and Boring eb Worn JOHN M. BHT JTGHERT, Cashinr SCHAL Born Tm JEPHONES. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished Bellefonte, Pa Everything Good to Eat in the Grocery Line Can be Found at SECHLER’S, THE GROCER. i he de NEW YEAR BARGAIN SALE In wishing yon al mppy and prosperous New Year to onr customers of Skates, Boys’ Sleds, one and two horse Bobs and Bob Sleds, Sleighs, Horse Blankets, Sleigh Bells, ete., The reduction is at tractive and the goods must be seen to be appreciated. Oar line of Anthracite and Bituminous Coal and Stove Wood, is the best we can buy. | we take this opportunity to announce our annual bargain sale for quick sale. The quality of our line of Agricultural Implements is the usual high standard and the line is complete. We are making a specialty of Wheelwright and Blacksmith work and Shoeing BUSINESS HOURS FROM 7 A.M. TO GB P.M, McCalmont & Co. BELLEFONTE, PA.