i fev Circulation Over 4,800.--L KACHIK AND WATSON tin Centre County. ARE DISCHARGED pecree of The Court as Flled on Tues- day Afternoon. EDIVENCE WAS NOT SUFFICIENT Commonwealth Makes Out Case o Strong Suspicion--No [ Evidence Connecting Them With the Crime-- A Difference of Sentiment ns mouy ol K lo ber, hn Kachi testimony w 3 dence to on he opinion } pin 1 a bitter feelin That Andrew on the third n ehoked John t the latter's death so bitter that Andrew jing 6B the "HIgh made thr Au IK Was to treat deaths, and refused te wt cals : Al crime life or death, we deem the conduct of some of our « ontemporar 8 exoe edingly mpru opine. men der rial of gravity When men are formally arrested by the Commonwealth or its in pul guil charged with a crime of ishing e« ons on the Lt OF innocence such officers, due re. spect should be paid them in their efforts to run down wrongdoers. The guilt or | innocense of the accused are not deter. | taxpayer DOW SHERMAN MARTIN KILLED He was struck by Central train Salona Station, Aly Juite lage William Kessinger he had taken one ot and fell, ; as the hus ody plang h which in = His Inti train was IK in root sme Ma AlIacks, passing of the ust him Bar inert L Cua xets Named Hospital News : MV (34 PR iT) Bellefonters at Williamsport ie Fark Penn over parts of the state from Bellefonte Rev, R the Episcopal Rector, Sidney Krumrine Russel R. Blair, H. Robb, Charles Lukenbaca, ! M. Bullock and Henry i» Quigley, Esq ar chardeon | teacher be so TEACHERS’ PENSION MEETS OPPOSITION New Argument Advanced In Behalf of “Old Malds'' Being Pensioned, cholar A CLEVER LITTLE POEM Trials of Touching Describes the Vexations' and Our School Marms--A Appeal For Sympathy and Support «=*“Citizen's’’' Final Reply near A TRAPPER'S OPINION had fore I can't see it Il tnicts of which | have personal knowledge have the same material and eguipmen: i a8 teachers now, thal they when ‘sy 3 v : d a wed to § wages averaged $as » are as S MRR ID a greal mo pS Fort LB A Cet Ce poor love their sp wise who can We ia XK IL Just 4s mu vy and Bt had pay. and if they are Wis me tt 1ADY ; wether nother ( ; ANG Lhe { deer Appointment At State College. e Al ment of | ) "WN E : Ww where eed we know 1 would letter only neh will ourses | | n Ag ' rat COUrses, LE] begin offer Ave Creamery ( Agr Husba Decemby.s and co Mr Agree is to these short courses and will Septem Det have been bet our op Dairy Hu Horticult These irse ol age hat jet (seneral cultire ire Poultry courses be gin weeks ered an insult to the grants the license the ntinue twelve re the if in Tairs existed any for a change i in the school ren to be better git) of to appoint o teach other children teacher i, pr 4 pal of ers be avadable to lecture without charge before Farmer's Clubs, Granges and other organizations designed to promote ' ire in Penosylvania. My. Agee is already well and favorably known in Pennsylvania as an Agricultural writer and as a farmer's teens, etc, but we think, | institute speaker, The announcement that this man was just afraid | of his appointment at State College was there would be a “lull ” in this column received with great enthusiasm by mem he did not mean what he said if he ever | bers of the various State Agricultural was inside of a school room. Could a) meetings in session at Harrisburg this indolent ? who hears all | week cu ér olhicers to be better however IMPORTANT EVENTS AT HARRISBURG Legislation That Is for Our Being Stale WHITEWASHING Democrats Will Have Oq ly Two Qut Seven Members Conduct Committee Mm on Investigation--Qther ters Attracting Atter ion ple des I'he tiresled A me: iterature the | MW Is Lhe stale goveramemt wn een has _ ma ' Again the Bald Eagle Postoffice 2 1 A Grange Bank \ eo Was Rite the report of « national bank able discus pated in on Dy ) ' mem The re port was adopted ery miltee tffer pros x v WAS empowered to confer as to ! int roposed in the national bankin of Brad Was A J spec al representative to explain the method of organising banks A Warning In sounding a = Arping note to those who may be thinking of joining the vast procession who are now puttin good money into mining stocks, one of the wisest mining experts in the country | says that the proportion of good to bad | mines is 1 to joo. Can you pick out the | one THE CAPITO Vol. 28. No. 5. FACT, FUN AND FANCY. Bright, Sparkling Paragraphs--Selected and Original, Considered TRIAL LIST Witmer vs | ~e ers arab Trevesseck vs, Bore, of Philips rga -t Had Mar " y Ancestors Living. Lincoln's Ant Iversary A Men Story 4 Ken berg 1 HB IHYes abou ) mie a farmer : who wes iheim has go b eR horn Year 1g of eggs hens nam ng the month IArY March, ol; June.4t7; July ) 0 to 619 >eplem Der, 471 ember, 74; December, sgh the your, s.604 An aver 142 gE per hen 10 One Yur, oS A Correction, " An item was printed in many of our exchanges stating that clergymen, under law, were obliged to have marriages performed by them, recorded within twenty four hours, to head off secret marriages. There is a miss [take as to the time, it should read 30 {days, instead of 24 hours, for baviag | same recorded